I promise I won't judge

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Kara's pov

"The EEG scanner picked up new traces of old neurons!" Alex remarks, eyeing the EEG monitor. Mon-El and I—mostly me—decided to go to the DEO, just to make sure his brain is reacting to the treatment correctly.

"So the formulas working?" I ask, standing on the edge of the DEO stretcher which Mon-El is currently seated on.

"Yeah, and faster than I would've ever expected" Alex confirms, turning around to remove the EEG scanners from Mon-EL's temple. "Are your headaches getting any better?" Alex ask Mon-El.

"No, they actually increase profoundly when a memory back" Mon-El declares, causing me to squint my eyes with confusion. He hasn't mentioned any headaches.

"Well, I'll see what I can do about that" Alex states, smiling softly.

"Thanks" Mon-El replies, returning a smile of his own. Wow things really have changed since he first  crash-landed here.

"Well I think this momentous occasion, calls for a celebration!" Winn remarks enthusiastically, from the corner of the medbay. "What do say bud? You feel like grabbing a drink?" Winn ask, in his usual upbeat singsong tone.

"I'd live too, but alcohol doesn't really affect me, and I can never find a decent bar that can actually live up to my standards" Mon-El states, moving his gaze to me in an confused manner before turning back to me.

"I have a feeling this one will" Winn declares, moving towards Mon-El and basically shoving him out the door.

"You guys coming?" Winn ask, directing his attention to me and Alex.

"Um, I think I'll just get started on that headache remedy for Mon-El" Alex states, causing Winn to pout.

"And what about you girl of steel?" Winn ask.

"Um yeah, I'll be right there in a sec, don't wait up on me" I say, causing Winn's smile to return, before he has exits the medbay and directs Mon-El towards the main exit.

"What is it?" Alex ask, as she removes her stethoscope from collar of her neck, before moving to the stretcher to sit.

"Nothing" I affirm.

"If it was nothing than why'd to stay behind?" Alex ask, dragging her gaze up to me to me, giving me her knowing look.

"It's just..." I start as I cave in, and try to piece together the words swirling in my mind.

"Sit" Alex orders, patting the empty space beside her. Since there's no debate in her tone I do ask she says. "What's wrong?"

"I thought I'd be more prepared..."

"Do you wanna elaborate on that?" Alex ask, a confused look spread across her face.

"...when I got off from work, I found Mon-El on the floor, just balling his eyes out...and—I didn't know what to do" I state recalling the events that happened less the an hour ago. "—and it's not like I haven't seen him like that before, because I have...but it doesn't get any easier" I add remembering all the times I've seen Mon-El in a similar state. The first being when he told me he loved me. The second time being when I faced a near death encounter after getting shot in a fantasy musical world, and the third being the day I had to seed led in the air causing him to have to leave. And in all three of these situations I felt powerless to help...powerless to stop his pain, and if I couldn't help him in those situations what am I supposed to do when he his to relive them?

"I take it that it wasn't a good memory that he got back" Alex affirms.

"No it wasn't..." I declare sighing, not wanting to get into those upsetting details.

"Let me guess, watching him in that emotional state makes you feel, helpless, and powerless, because you don't know what to do in that type of situation" Alex states, with a knowing look.

"You had the same problem with Maggie, didn't you?"

"Yeah...ever since her family reacted badly the her coming out, she just became used to building a wall around people closest to her, so she doesn't get hurt again, and while I do understand why she's doing this, it isn't healthy, but she's slowly getting better at expressing her emotions, and I'm really proud of her for it" Alex states smiling softly.

"That's great.I'm glad she's working on that" I remark genuinely happy for her.

"Me too, but I'm guessing that's not the case for Mon-El" Alex affirms.

"In someways yes, but I think this has something to do with the neglect he received from his parents, and the stigma around men being vulnerable"

"Ugh! It's honestly so stupid that some of society believes that if a man cries that he should be classified as weak!"

"Right! That's such a stupid thing to believe! A man should be able to show emotion and not be labeled weak!" I exclaim frustration present in my tone.


"This country is so unjust"

"Mm, don't get me started" Alex remarks chuckling softly. "But it's a good thing that we have you to inspire us to be better" Alex states, grinning softly, and I can't help but mimic the action. "Okay now on to the second reason of why your alien boyfriend doesn't like expressing his emotions"

"...he just never—he never had anyone to talk to...I don't even think he knew talking about your mental health existed" I remark, losing the smile on my face.
It's not just dawning on me that Daxam wasn't an ideal place to be born, or raised, but sometimes I still manage to be surprised about the harsh conditions that most of those daxamites have to go threw on a regular basis. Not being able to speak their political views! Numbing themselves so they can't feel anything! Being oppressed! That's just not a way to live, and it took me a while to realize that Mon-El was treated no differently. Prince or no prince, his family treated him like garbage, and I should've have kept that in mind when Mon-El first arrived, but instead I yelled at him for the mistakes he made, instead of calmly explaining the rights and wrongs of doing things on earth, I should have been easier on him. The loss of Daxam was still fresh for him, but I didn't treat like the guy who just lost his entire planet. I treated him like he was this stubborn insensitive guy, who enjoyed nothing but drinking and sleeping with random women, but as I got to know him and spend more time with him, he became a new and different person, and I began to see him as this—still stubborn—charming, adorable, funny, brave, guy. Who didn't know how to adapt to these new strange feelings he began to receive ever since landing here...I saw him as someone who had a huge heart, but didn't quite know how to use it.

"...yeah he did mention being used to numbing himself of complicated feelings...so talking about his mental health must be...unnatural for him" Alex, states, shifting slightly so her bodies facing me. "Did he open up to you?" Alex ask, causing me to scrunch my eyebrows together in a confused manner. "When he got his memory back?" Alex adds.

"On um yeah" I answer, now understanding what she meant. "I was actually surprised when he did"

"Do you think he'd ever open up to you again?" Alex ask.

"No not really, he seemed pretty uncomfortable the entire we were talking, and I don't really blame him for it" I remark toying with my fingers, trying to avoid her gaze.

"You should encourage him to talk to you about his feelings more"

"And how exactly do I do that?" I ask, turning back towards her.

"Just be there. Listen to what he has to say, and if he doesn't wanna talk give him space, he'll come to you when he's ready" Alex says, before moving her hand over my knee.

"Thanks Alex" I say, before moving to engulf her into gentle hug.

"You're welcome" Alex replies before pulling away to place her hands on my shoulders. "And do me a favor" Alex says, smirking a bit.

"Yeah of course" I reply, confused with her sudden change of facial expression.

"Open up to him. Both of you need to open open up to each other" Alex says, now smiling gingerly.

"Oh like you're one to talk!" I remark chuckling lightly. Alex quickly following in suit.

"Okay, okay. We all have some mental trauma that we don't wanna talk about, but seriously a relationship only grows when both people are open and honest with themselves and with each other" Alex says in a serious tone, but her eyes are sparkling with sadness.

"What's wrong?" I ask, noticing the look in her eye.

"Nothings wrong, I'm just thinking of something that'll help Mon-Els headaches.

"Alex..." I start not believing her.

"Kara I'm fine" Alex affirms softly.

"Okay, okay" I mumble not completely believing her. So much for being open. "Come by my place when you're leave done here, okay?" Maybe I can talk to her about this later.

"Okay" Alex responds, nodding.

"I love you" I say, before giving her a quick peck on the forehead, and moving to get up.

"You too"


"So you're telling me that I used to work at an alien dive bar?" Mon-El ask, as I open the door to the loft. We just dropped off a very drunk Winn back to his place, and we've made it back 30 minutes before Alex is supposed to be coming over. Mon-El suggested warming up the meal he was making earlier, so that we could all have dinner together. "No wonder some people there recognized me"

"Yep. You made a pretty mean club soda" I remark chuckling softly.

"What's club soda?" Mon-El ask, taking me back a bit, do they not have club soda in the 31st?

"Uh, it's basically carbonated water. I ordered a glass from the bar today" I answer, not feeling that down, because he'd remember all of this sooner or later.

"Oh okay" Mon-El replies smiling softly. "Well I'm gonna go prepare the pasta, and warm up the sauce" Mon-El says, before moving towards the kitchen.

"Uh okay I'll be in the shower" I mumble quietly as I head to the bathroom. It's gonna be hard to get him to open up, but I'll be patient with him, just like he's always been patient with me.


"Where is she? She said she would be here in 15 minutes!" I remark impatiently looking at my watch. "That was 15 minutes ago!" I whine, causing Mon-Els calming laugh to ring from the kitchen.

"She's probably stuck in traffic" Mon-El suggest. He's just about done with dinner and Alex is a no show.

"She would've called" I declare, seated at the already set dining table.

"Well I'm sure she's on h—" Mon-El starts, only to get interrupted by five knocks at the door. "—I'm sure she's currently at the door"

"Finally, I'm starving" I remark, as I quickly make my way to the door. I can practically feel Mon-Els grin from behind me. It amazes me how he's not falling apart right now.

"Hey!" I exclaim excitedly to the sight of my sister on the other side of the door.

"Hi" Alex replies moving forward to give me a hug. "I brought the wine" she adds smiling a little, although it didn't quite meet her eyes. I'll question her about that later.

"Of course you did" I reply smiling softly. "Now come in I'm starving"

"Of course you are" Alex remarks as she makes her way inside.

"Hey!" Mon-El exclaims excitedly as he makes his way towards us.

"Hi!" Alex replies with the same tone, as she moves in for a hug. —Okay, but when did this happen?— "I've got something for you" Alex says, as she pulls away and grabs a small glass vile tube which contains a purple liquid. "For your headaches" Alex adds as she hands Mon-El the vile.

"Thank you" Mon-El responds with a genuine dimple showing smile. The memorable moment, was ruined by the grumbling of my stomach. "I guess that means it's time to eat" Mon-El remarks chuckling gingerly.


"What movie would you ladies like to watch?" Mon-El ask, as he moves back onto the couch with a bowl of steamy fresh popcorn.

"Anything but terminator one or two" I remark looking my gaze directly onto Alex.

"Uh fine, um what about The boy in the stripped pajamas?" Alex suggest.

"You know that movie always makes me cry!" I exclaim.

"All the good movies are supposed to make you cry" Alex retorts, as she reaches for the remote and proceeds to play the movie.


Well at least I'm not the only one who balled their eyes out. I find it very weird the Mon-El doesn't mind crying over a movie, but when it comes to crying over his emotions he choices to keep it to himself.

"Well this has been fun, but I'm gonna head out before I drown in tears" Alex states, as she gets up, gives us quick hugs, and makes her way out the door.  Before I can even protest. I guess I'll be talking to her later than I expected.

"How wasn't she crying?" Mon-El ask wiping away the strays tears from his face.

"That's just Alex. She projects this strong guarded persona, but she's a real softie inside" I state, causing Mon-El to nod in understanding standing.

"I'm gonna go get cleaned up" Mon-El declares sniffling softly, as he begins to get up from the couch.

"Mon-El" I call out before he even took two steps away from the couch. "Sit, please" Mon-El complies."Can we talk about what happened earlier?" Right as I finish my sentence Mon-Els shoulders stiffen immediately.

"Kara...I'm fine. I promise" Mon-El starts, moving his gaze down.

"If you were truly fine you'd be making eye contact" I state, as I lean towards him and bring my hands down to cup his cheeks gracefully, and slowly bring his gaze back up to mine. "...you're allowed to be a mess. I promise I won't judge" I whisper soothingly.

"Kara...I can't" Mon-El whispers, shutting his eyes, in an attempt to contain the tears already beginning to glisten in his eyes again .

"Yes you can" I remark reassuring. As I begin to stroke the side of his face.

"Kara...I don't need you looking at me like I'm some kind of charity case" Mon-El states mumbling softly. "That's all she ever looked at me like" Mon-El adds, his voice stammering, as the worlds fall out his mouth.

"How could you possibly ever think that I'd look at you like that?" I ask not believing what I just heard.

"This is why" Mon-El states as he reaches for my wrists. "This" Mon-El affirms again his voice cracking slightly. "You're treating me like a child Kara, you're treating me like I'm broken, and...I hate it" Mon-El states, tears beginning to stream down his face, as he removes my hands from his face. Tears of my own begin to flow down my face, as the words fall out his mouth. Does he really think I'm treating him this way because of sympathy and pity?

"I'm treating you this way because I'm your girlfriend Mon-El! And that means I comfort you when you feel low, that means I'll listen to you whenever you wanna talk...that means you have to let me in" I state,  gradually moving my hands back onto the sides of his face , and this time he doesn't move them.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have reacted like that, I'm so sor—" Mon-El starts, but loses his words mid sentence, as more tears slide down his face.

"Shh, come here" I utter softly, before pulling him in for a hug. "You're allowed to be a mess...I promise I won't judge"

He sobbed quietly into my shoulder for minutes, his entire body shoke as he cried, the only thing for me to do was hold him as let go of the pain he struggled to release. How long has he been holding this in? Not just the news of his mother, but all of it? How has he been able to maintain such a strong demeanor for so long and not burst into pieces? Even when I broke the news to him of his planet dying during one of our first encounters, he didn't cry, he just frowned and moved on. I was an emotional wreck for months, as I was dealing with the after math of the destruction of my plant, and he—he just brushed it off like it never happened.

"Do you wanna talk?" I ask him, as his breathing settles to a steady pace.

Mon-El pulls away slowly, revealing his puffy eyes, tear stained face, and his red cheeks. "Not yet" Mon-El whispers not looking directly at me, as if he thinks I'll be upset by his answer.

"Okay, that's perfectly fine. I'll be here when you're ready" I remark, a small genuine smile spreads across my face, as I move to wipe his cheeks. He might've not made it to home base today, but he made it to first, and that's more than enough. "Now let's go get cleaned up" I remark, pulling the both of us off the couch and into the bathroom.


"Thank you" Mon-El whispers filling the silence in the dark lit bedroom .

"There's no need to thank me Mon-El, that was all you" I mumble softly, as I continue to run my hand threw his soft brown locks.

"But I couldn't have ever done it if it weren't for you, you encouraged me to talk about my feelings, no ones ever done that for me before, not from the past or the future, just you, so thank you" Mon-El whispers locking his eyes onto mine.

"You're welcome" I mumble, sighing contently while smiling like a doofus at the man in front of me.

"What are you smiling about?" Mon-El ask, a smile of his own gracing his lips.

"Mm, I'm just happy" I remark.



"Well, I'm happy your happy" Mon-El states, his smile grow even bigger as the words come out of his mouth.

"You remembered?" I asked him although I already know the answer.

"Yeah" Mon-El answers, smiling just as wide as I am. "And I also remembered doing this" Mon-El states before moving forward and capturing his lips between mine, and fortunately for us this time there wasn't a nationwide broadcast of his mother ordering us to return him to her custody to stop us.

"Goodnight Kara" Mon-El mumbles a bit short of breath before, wrapping his arms around my middle and leaving a tender kiss on my temple.

"Goodnight Mon" I reply back, smiling contently as I drift off to sleep.

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