Living in the moment

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Kara's pov

"You're gonna have to teach me your cape tricks some other time" I tell Mon-El, we just finished up with training, so I'm about to head to Alex's apartment just to make sure she's okay, I couldn't even get a word out of her before she left last night.

"Okay, where are you going?" Mon-El ask panting softly, as he moves towards me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm just going to check on Alex, she seems kinda down lately, so I just want to know what's going on with her" I state, not noticing how my arms spontaneously wrapped around his neck.

"Mm, well that's very nice of you" Mon-El hums, smiling gingerly, as he sways us side to side.

"Why don't you come with me?" I ask, mimicking his genuine, soft smile.

"I wouldn't wanna intrude on your personal quality time with your sister"

"You wouldn't be intruding Mon. Plus if she is in-fact upset about something we could both cheer her up" I state, smiling even wider as Mon-El begins to ponder, about with I just said. "You could even bring her the leftover lasagna you made earlier, if words won't cheer her up than that certainly will" I add causing to Mon-El chuckle softly.

"Well okay than. Just give me second" Mon-El remarks before speeding off, and returning with a plate of lasagna, and freshly changed clothes. "I brought extra just for you"

"Aww, you shouldn't have" I remark playfully as I lean in to give a quick peck. Inhaling the smell of my honeysuckle shampoo as I pull away. "But I'm really glad you did" I add, causing the both of us to laugh lightheartedly. "I'll be right back" I mumble still smiling as I speed over to my apartment to take a quick shower and change out of my suit. Not two seconds later I was back in the training room. "Now, come on, we've got some cheering up to do" I declare as I lead him out of the room.


"Hey guys!" Alex remarks enthusiastically, as she opens her front door. The dark lines under her eyes are ever so noticeable in this current lighting.

"Hey!" Mon-El and I remark siamotainously, before making our way into her apartment.

"How are you guys?"Alex ask, after giving the both of us brief hugs, and directing us over to her dining room table. I'm sitting horizontally sitting next to Alex, while Mon-El is sitting across from us.

"We're great, how are you?" I ask, hoping that she'll open up.

"I'm good" Alex remarks. She might not crinkle like I do, but she's obviously not feeling that great. Not knowing what to say next I direct my gaze towards Mon-El, silently asking him to say something.

"How's-how's Maggie?" Mon-El ask, causing Alex to face him.

Why didn't I think of that?

"She's fine" Alex remarks plainly as if she doesn't want to say anything else. Which is weird because when it comes to Maggie, she's never short of words.

"Um why don't I grab us some drinks" I quietly suggest after a brief moment of silence.

"Thanks" Alex and Mon-El mumble quietly as I head over to where Alex keeps her colorful assortment of alcohol.

"Hey, what's this?" I ask from the kitchen. My eyes are seat on two wedding bands set on the counter. When I look up from the rings my eyes land directly on Alex's already teary-eyed ones.

"Alex...what happened between you and Maggie?" I ask as I make my way back over to the dining room table, leaving the whiskey behind —something tells me she's had plenty of that stuff to drink over the last couple of days—.

"I...I broke of the engagement" Alex mummers, her voice barely above a whisper. My eyes immediately connect with Mon-Els, his expression just as shocked as mine. "We-we wanted different things" Alex adds, causing both of us to look back at her.

"...what do you mean by different things?" I ask, not even knowing I asked the question until she answers.

"...she didn't want kids...and do, Kara, more than anything" Alex remarks, finally letting go of the tears she was holding in.

"Oh Alex" I mummer, as tears of my own begin to well up in my eyes. "Come here" I remark as I pull the both of us out of our chairs so that I could give her a hug.

I always knew Alex adored children. She always knew what to say to them, how to make them laugh, how to make them stop crying, and how to comfort them, and I guess that kind of kicked in when I first landed her. Alex practically raised me, she thought me almost everything there was to learn about being a normal teenage girl, and it seemed like she enjoyed getting to teach me all that, so why wouldn't she want to do it again with a kid of her own? God, I'm so proud of her, she knew that being with Maggie would mean that she'd have to be at odds everyday with her heart, and although it might have been a very hard decision to make, she choose being happy over being content, and I'll forever be proud of her for that.

"You're gonna be an amazing mother" I remark truthfully as I pull away to wipe both of our faces.

"You think so?" Alex questions smiling a-bit —the first time it actually reached her eyes since we arrived—.

"Of course, just look at the way I turned out" I state causing all three of us to laugh.

"I now I should be glad with my decision, but apart of me can't help but think that I made such a huge decision too soon" Alex declares as we both move back to our seats.

"You didn't" Mon-El states, no hint of debate in his voice. "Would you have been happy if you'd stayed with Maggie knowing that she wouldn't have changed her mind about wanting kids? Would you have been able to just forget about what you truly wanted, just to keep her happy?" Mon-El asked Alex causing her to shake her head no. "Than that's how you know you made the right decision" Mon-El affirms, smiling softly.

"Then why do I feel like...this?" Alex ask.

"Because when you decided to break away from
Maggie, you broke off the part of yourself that got so used to waking up with her, laughing at her jokes, working alongside her, smiling at her from across the room, and looking at her like she's worth everything...because she was, and that's something that doesn't just go away over night. But it will go away, whether it's when your holding a child of your own in your arms, or when you find another women who wants to  go down this terrifying and new path with you" Mon-El states, causing both me and Alex to look at him with profound disbelief.

"Seven year's really has changed you" Alex remarks wiping away the tears the feel during Mon-Els heart touching ted-talk. "Thank you Mon-El, I think that might have been the best advice I ever heard"

"You're welcome" Mon-El replies, with his genuine dimple showing smile.

When did I get so lucky?

"I see you guys brought comfort food, which I'm always thankful for" Alex remarks letting out a genuine laugh.

"I'll go heat it up" Mon-El remarks, as makes his way to the kitchen.

"He was mentioning you, you know?" Alex states turning her gaze towards me, after Mon-El makes it out of our hearing range.


"The things he said...he was mentioning you, they were about you" Alex states again now that shes caught my attention.

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Um I don't know maybe it's the way he was staring at you the entire time, and you and I both now that Maggie didn't make jokes, for me to laugh at" Alex states a matter of factly. "He loves you" Alex remarks, " can see it in his eyes Kara!" Alex mumbles, tone soft, but her voice stern. "I saw that same look the day where parasite left both you and J'onn clinging to life. I saw that same look that day we sent him up onto that daxamite ship for the first time, he looked at you like you were the only person in the room! Like you were the only person he saw! That's an unforgettable look Kara, because he only has it when he looks at you, and clearly it's still there!"

"I know..." I start , glancing at Mon-El to make sure he wasn't paying, but he wasn't so I continue. "What if he tells me he loves me again, and I freeze like I always do?" I ask, feeling a tear roll down my check. All the times he said those words, I'd tense up, and than we'd manage to move on like nothing happened, and I think that broke him. I think that made him thank that I didn't love him, didn't believe he loved me, or that maybe that we weren't on the same page but we were, and we still are, I just hope that he knows that.

"You already told him once"

"He doesn't remember that"

"But he could any day now" Alex affirms. "So what are you going to do are you just gonna wait until then?"

"No of course not, I couldn't live with myself if I did that!"

"So why can't you just say it? When it comes to dying for him you'd do it in a heartbeat, but when it comes to three simple words you clam up!" Alex states, keeping her her voice below a whisper.

"They aren't just 'three simple words' when it comes to him...they're everything" I remark.

For the longest time I've always worried about people leaving, and I guess that came with the loss I felt after the destruction of krypton, and ever since than I've worried about people coming and going, and with the overwhelming strong feelings I had—and still have—for Mon-El when we started dating made the idea of losing him one day unthinkable...unbearable. But ultimately he ended up leaving anyways, so thinking that was gonna be the last time I was ever gonna be able to see him again I finally caved and told him I loved him. And now that he's back I'm worried that he'll just end up leaving again, causing me to fall into the same broken cycle of being scared of eventually feeling broken and vulnerable once again. So I guess that's why I never told him I loved him because what's more vulnerable, and terrifying than saying I love you to someone who you fear could just be leaving at any minute?

"Kara, I know you have a problem with people coming and going into your life, but you can't let that fear stop you from living in the moment, and I'm not trying to force you into telling him that you love him. I'm just trying to tell you that you worry about the future way more than the present, and that isn't healthy...just look at what you have Kara" Alex states, directing my gaze towards Mon-El who was currently grabbing plates from the cabinet. "After months of thinking you'd never see him again, you got him back...and it wasn't so you could just live in fear of losing him again"

"You're right. I know you're right, but—" Alex interrupts before I can finish.

"There's no but's Kara. Fear is just a product of our imaginations, whatever bad thing you think is going to come between the both of you is nothing but fear, and fear can always be over come by courage, and you have more than enough of that" Alex remarks, moving her hand on top of my mine on the table reassuringly. She's right, I can't let my fear of the future ruin my present, I've already made that mistake before.

"Thank you, Alex" I remark, as I look up at her. "Why are we even talking about me and my relationship right now? You just ended yours" I remark causing Alex to smile a-bit.

"Seeing you happy makes me happy, and I'd rather be talking about anything else than Maggie right now so...that's that" Alex remarks chuckling weakly.

"Well, do you want to adopt a girl or a boy?" I ask hoping that'll lift her spirits, and apparently it does when a smile comes dross her face.

"A girl" Alex states grinning ear to ear.

"Ah, of course you have to keep the legacy of the Danvers women running" Mon-El remarks as he moves back towards us causing both me and Alex to chuckle softly.

"What can I say the Danvers women are a forced to be reckoned with" Alex remarks, smiling softly.

"Yes they are" Mon-El replies, as he glances at me with a small genuine smile, before handing Alex and I our plates.


"Just call me whenever you want to talk, okay?" I remark, as I give Alex a brief hug.

"Yeah of course" Alex replies as she pulls away. "Thanks for dinner and the advice" Alex, says as she pulls Mon-El in for a hug too.

"Anytime" Mon-El responds, smiling softly before making his way out the door. Me following in suit before I feel Alex's arm wrap around my wrist.

"Remember to live in the moment, okay?" Alex mumbles softly, as she gives me one last hug.

"Okay" I reply, smiling softly, as I squeeze Alex's hand, before making my way out the door.


"I'm so glad we checked on her" Mon-El mummers softly, as we make our way inside the loft.

"Me too" as I make my way over to the couch. Sighing as I settle down on the couch.

"Hey. You okay?" Mon-El ask as he moves to sit next to me.

"No, but I will be" I remark truthfully. Causing Mon-El to smile lightheartedly.

"Come here" Mon-El request gingerly, and I comply moving so my head was over his heart as the rest of my body is resting against the cushions.

"Do you want kids?" Because after today how could I not ask that question? I ask looking up at Mon-El after a brief moment of comfortable silence.

"I feel like I should be the one asking you that" Mon-El replies smiling softly.

"Mon-El there's two people in a relationship, I can't be the only one who has a say in this" I retort smiling  softly, as I move my chin up to look at him.

"I've never really seen myself as a father" Mon-El starts sighing softly as he continues. "but if I ever was one I'd make sure that my kid knew she was loved, protected, and cared for, because I never felt that way back on daxam" Mon-El states softly, his eyes never leavening mine as he spoke.

"You said 'she'" I state causing Mon-El eyes to light up as he chuckles .

"I guess that just kind of slipped out. But be honest I'd be happy either way" Mon-El states, still chuckling a-bit. "What about you Miss. Zor-El, do you want kids?" Mon-El ask his smile still implanted on his face.

"Maybe one day, when my life's not on the line everyday" I remark smiling softly as I imagine a future with Mon-El. I've never seen myself as a parent either, but the idea of watching a kid of our own running around a place of our own, brings a smile to my face.

"Well kid or not, I'm more than happy with you, because you're more than enough" Mon-El exclaims, his smile growing bigger per second.

"I love you" I announce, before I even know the words were forming in my mouth. The words have been hanging at the edge of my tongue ever since he came back, and it wasn't until today that I realized that if I  keep on worrying about the future, I would've have been missing out on the present, and I don't wanna be that way anymore. I don't want to let my anxiety ridden thoughts get the best of me. I've let them do that on several occasions, and it's caused nothing but pain and regret, and not just for me, but for my friends, family...Mon-El. He's been through just as much trauma as I have. When he came back from the future it was clear to see that he changed, not just physically but mentally. He's become more mature, more wise, more burden. He lost the innocence he first had when he landed here a year and a half ago. Now he's more wary, and restrained, and who am I to add to that hurt, that pain? He doesn't deserve it, no one does. So if I can set aside my fears, to benefit the both of us that why shouldn't I?

"...I love you too" Mon-El remarks bashfully, his smile still remains as a few tears stream down his face. "More than you'll ever know" Mon-El adds as he leans down to gracefully capture my lips in his. It was one of those deep yet gentle types of kisses that made my heart skip a beat every time. A rush of sensations sparked across my body, as he ran his hand through my hair, before eventually resting in my back. My hands rested in their usual positions on the side of his face and in his silky brown hair. It's so easy to get lost in him. It's almost like time stops whenever my lips brushed against his. And I'd always melted at his touch. Which were always gentle, lingering and toe-curling.

Remembering that breathing is a vital part in living, I slowly pulled away. Dopey grins spread across our tear stained faces as we just take a second to look at each other —when did I end up on top of him?— "I used to be so terrified of telling you that" I declare breathlessly as I struggle to catch my breath.

"...I probably already knew. Love isn't just a word Kara, it could be something just as simple as a look, a gesture, or a kiss" Mon-El states smiling softly, as he tucks a loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"Are you just saying that so that'll I'll give you another kiss?" I ask jokingly, causing Mon-El to laugh.

"What can I say? You're are my kryptonite" Mon-El mumbles smiling softly, as his gaze moves between my eyes and my lips.

"Now where have I heard that before?" I ask teasingly, chuckling a-bit myself, before lowering my lips back down to his.

I think I'm gonna enjoy living in the moment.

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