Catching up

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                                    Mon-El's pov

The blinding lights of the suns yellow rays are more vibrant than ever things morning, but that's alright because I love the way it shines across Kara's hair and face making her seem like an angel sent straight down from heaven.

It takes about ten seconds before my eyes completely adjust to the brightness of the room, but when they do I'm met by nothing but empty sheets, and a note on top of the pillow where Kara's head usually is at this time of day.

'I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up this morning. There was a situation at work, and James wanted me to handle it. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll try to make it back before dinner. Love you'~ Kara.

"I love you too" I groggily mutter to myself, smiling at her simple yet sweet note. I still can't believe that I  told her I loved her (well maybe I've told her before). I haven't said those words to anyone, but my parents, and it's not like they said it back, or even cared for that matter. But she did, and I could tell, by the tears in her beautiful cerulean eyes that she meant it, and that—that's just everything.

Now I've never been the type of person that felt lonely when they were alone, but ever since meeting Kara—again— I always find myself wanting to be alone with her. Everything just reals right when I'm around her, and now that I have to spend an entire day without her, I don't know what to do with myself. Well I guess I could hang around the DEO to pass sometime, and maybe I could even head to the bar afterwords. "Yep that sounds like a plan" I mumble to myself as I get up from the mattress, and walk into the bathroom to start off my day.


"Hey Winn!" I remark enthusiastically as I make my way into the training room, surprised to see Winn standing there.

"Hey!" Winn exclaims as he turns around to face me. "Could you lend me a hand? Your super strength could be very useful right about now"

"Sure" I respond as I make my way over to Winn to pick up a large chunk of concrete. "What happened here?" I ask as I carry the concrete to the corner of the training so that it could stand next to the door, before making my way back over to Winn.

"Look up" Winn states simply.

"Wow" I remark, the roof of the training room has a large gaping hole in it. How did I not notice that when I walked in?

"Yeah...a White Martian managed to escape from its cell, and disguise itself as a DEO agent, but it's plan failed when the very same DEO agent it turned into, turned the corner, saw him or her, I'm not really sure, and began pulling out his cuffs to arrest the Martin" Winn explains all in one breath. "So the Martin fled to the nearest room which happened to be this one, and jumped through the roof in an attempt to escape" Winn continues causing me to nod I understanding "But luckily a certain skirt wearing kryptonian managed to capture and detain it" Winn finishes with a small smile.

"Well that's explains it" I remark, resting my hands on my hips as my eyes continue to look through the hole, which revealed a cloudy gray sky.

"Mhm" Winn hums softly, before making his way over to the bench. "I'm really hoping it doesn't rain soon" Winn mumbles causing me to chuckle light heartedly, as I also make my over to the bench.

"Fingers crossed" I mumble, still laughing a-bit.

"Have you heard from Alex lately? I've barely seen her all week" Winn ask, after a brief moment of silence.

"Yeah, she's just going through something. I'm sure she'll tell you about when she's ready" I remark, not wanting to go into depths about Alex's personal life.

"Okay, than I guess I'll just have wait until than" Winn nods understandably. "Well anyways how are you doing?" Winn ask, smiling softly.

"I'm great" I remark honestly. "You?" I ask him in return.

"I'm also great" Winn responds. "I finally found the controller to my Xbox, so that's about the highlight of my week" Winn adds chuckling.

"Really? That's the highlight of your week?" I ask joining in with his laughter.

"Well yeah! I've been looking for that damn thing for a month!" Wins adds, causing me to shake my head in disbelief as I continue laughing. "You should come over to place sometime. I never get tired of beating your ass in Super Mario Odyssey" Winn exclaims.

"I have no idea what that is" I remark still chuckling.

"You will sooner or later" Winn states, smiling sadly.

"What?" I remark confusedly at his sudden change in mood.

"I just never thought I'd get to see you again" Winn remarks clenching his lips together after he spook. "And I know I'm not Kara or anything, but we were like two pea's in a pod" Winn continues smiling softly to himself.

"Well I'm back now, and I'd like nothing more than to get to know you again" I state honestly, with a sincere smile on my face.

"Same here" Winn mummers, his smile now beginning to reach his eyes again.


"Oh shoot, I was supposed to call the to guy who was supposed to fix the roof back an hour ago" Winn exclaims looking at his watch with wide eyes.

Oh okay, we should do this again sometime" I remark, as I watch Winn make his to the door.

"Yeah of course. We still have a lot of things to talk about, but hopefully you'll remember it all soon" Winn states before making his way out the door.

What's that supposed to mean? I think to myself before making my way out the door.

I could use a drink.


"Alex?" I call out from the stool I'm currently seated at. I've been here for about 45 minutes know, getting rekindled with to a guy named Al. When I spot Alex from the corner of my eye. "It was nice getting to re— it was nice being able to catchup with you again Al" I stammer. I just made up a story about me moving to a different city, but later decided that I'd rather be back here again. Which to my surprise he already 'knew' what happened to me, so I guess Kara already made up a cover for my sudden departure.

"Same here" Al nods grinning softly, before moving to attend to another customer.

"Hey" I greet softly, as I move to sit next to Alex.

"Hey!" Alex remarks, obviously shocked to see me here. "What brings you by?" Alex ask.

"Same reason as you" I state pointing at the drink in her hand.

"Ah of course. You always did like your alcoholic
breavages....I mean not as much as I did, and still do, but you were a contender" Alex remarks, as she takes another swing of what I think is vodka.

"I always had a problem to drink away back than, but know I'm just here to pass time" I remark truthfully. "You okay?" I ask after a brief moment of silence.

"Yep. Nothing a drink can't fix" Alex states as she moves to take another swing, but I quickly stop her, by grabbing her drink.


Sighing Alex responds "I will be" Alex says as she takes her drink back.

"Talk to me" I suggest calmly, but by her reaction she doesn't want to. "It doesn't even need to be about Maggie, it could be about anything" I add, which causes her to consider my offer.

"Fine. But I'd be more comfortable it we weren't sitting so close to all these people." Alex exclaims giving in to my offer, causing me to smile a little.

"There's a booth right there if that'll make you more comfortable" I state causing Alex to nod, before we move to the open booth. "Have you eaten anything today?" I ask Alex, as we get seated, to which she shakes her head no. "I'll be right back." I mumble before making my way back over to the bar to order something for her. "Here." I remark quietly,
as I make my way back to the booth with a basket of pretzels and a glass of water. "I know it isn't much, but it's the only edible thing that have at the moment."

"Thank you Mon-El" Alex remarks quietly, causing me to nod nonchalantly. "You said you were here to pass time?" Alex ask after a minute, as she grabs one of the pretzels form the basket and slowly brings it up to her mouth.

"Yeah. Kara's at work, and didn't really feel like spending a day at home alone, so I thought I'd spend my time doing something...anything more time consuming."

"Yeah I get it...I wasn't even comfortable sleeping in my own bed last night" Alex remarks sadly, as she taps her fingers along the side of the glass cup. Which already reached its dew point leaving water droplets on the outside of the cup, but Alex didn't seem to care because she kept running her fingers along the glass.


"Before you try to invite me over to stay with you and Kara. I'd like to tell you that I already denied that offer last night when Kara asked me" Alex states quickly. "....I wouldn't wanna intrude on anything you guys might be doing behind closed doors"

"You wouldn't be intruding on anything Al—"

"Says the guy with the hickey on his neck" Alex states, simply as she points a pretzel to the side of my neck"...I'm pretty sure that wasn't there yesterday" Alex adds, smirking, as she plops another pretzel into her mouth. "And knowing that my sister left that there is traumatizing enough" Alex remarks grimacing.

I'm never gonna live this down.

"You've made your point" I mummer awkwardly, clearing my throat.

"I'll be fine on my own. I just need to get used to not..."

"Being with her everyday?" I ask, although I know that's what she was gonna say.

"Yeah..." Alex nods slowly. "Uh, could we please talk about something else now?"

"Yeah, yeah of course" I replay quickly. "Um, what's your favorite part about working at the DEO?" That's a good question, right?

"Definitely this puppy" she remarks before pulling out a gun from under the table. Thankfully no ones watching. "She's was the 1st love of my life, I don't go anywhere without her"

Taken back my her response, I just nod, eyebrows clenched together in disbelief. I thought she was gonna say working alongside aliens, or all the cool technological devices there, or even getting to bug Winn daily...but I wouldn't have guessed her gun was her favorite part about the job. I'm still taken back a little until she starts laughing hysterically.

"Geez Mon-El I'm just kidding" Alex remarks still laughing. "...I've always wanted to be a scientist, but uh while studying at college I realized, that wasn't really my cup of tea anymore...well anyways a couple months later I was stumbling out of a bar, just drinking away my problems, and mind you I was drunk off my ass" Alex remarks still chuckling. "So I tripped as I was making my way to my car, and while was struggling to find my keys. I got pulled over and arrested. While in a holding cell a man named Hank Henshaw came to see me—"

"J'onn?" I ask. As soon as the word Hank fell out her mouth, this vague memory of Kara describing a man J'onn chose the transform into when he first got here implanted itself into my brain.

"The one and only" Alex confirms. "And the man that I did not know was J'onn at the time, recruited me to work for the DEO. He said 'that I could be the person that he thought I could be' and being desperate for a stable job at the time I took it...but soon after it stopped becoming a job, it became a purpose, so I stayed and became the person he knew I could be...and the person I wanted to be" Alex remarks smiling lightly as she finished.

"Well I'm glad you stayed, the DEO would not be the same without you" I remark honestly.

"Well what about you? What's your favorite part about being a hero?" Alex questions still smiling.

"Just being able to help people, seeing the look of relief on there faces when they know they're not in harms way anymore. It makes me feel like I actually have a purpose in makes me feel useful, and I just love doing it" I declare smiling bashfully, as I take another sip of my drink. As I glance back up, Alex's awed expression does not go unnoticed. "What?" I remark chuckling lightly.

"It's just the person you were a year and a half ago and the person you are know" Alex starts off, laying her forearms on the table, while she held her drink in the middle of her hands. "—I don't see the best in people like Kara does, but I was wrong about you." Alex states simply. "...I started seeing you differently, that day you helped Kara defeat parasite. You might not remember it just yet, but that day I marched into this very bar, and called you a coward." Alex adds after a couple of seconds filled with silence. "But as the days went on, you kept proving me wrong in fact you kept proving all of us wrong."

"Thanks Alex" I mummer smiling at her words, they mean a lot.

"You don't need to thank me Mon-El, I'm just telling the truth." Alex states, smiling gingerly. After a moment she breaks the comfortable silence once again. "And if anything I should be the thanking you"

"For what?" I ask, creasing my eyebrows back together in confusion.

"Um I don't know, maybe for the fact that you're sitting here with me right now to keep me company, or the fact that you saved my sisters life on several occasions, hell if it wasn't for you we'd probably all be dead!" Alex exclaims. "You saved our lives eight months ago when you insisted that Kara press that button, that would ultimately force you to saved a planet that wasn't even your I guess I'd be thanking you for all of that" Alex finishes, looking up at me with an sincere look. "And for keeping my sister happy of course." Alex adds with toothy grin.

"You make her just as happy as I do." I state, smiling bashfully at her statement.

"Well yeah that might be true, but you can offer her more than just happiness, you offer her comfort that she can feel, and—and make her feel more human...more normal, only you can give her that." Alex remarks, still smiling as grabs another pretzel from the basket.

"For someone who once thought as me as a coward, you sure do know how to make a guy blush" I remark enlightening laughter from both of us.

"Have you gotten any new memories lately?" Alex ask after a while of a comfortable silence.

"Yeah. And the more they do the more I feel...whole" I state simply.  And it's true, as the day goes on the stronger my recollection of old memories get. "At this rate all my memories will probably be back in a month or two." I add chuckling lightly.

"I hope so...there's somethings you'll really want to remember soon" Alex remarks as she takes another sip of her water.

Why does everyone keep saying that?

"Yeah, hopefully sooner than later" I remark, still chuckling, although a bit thrown off. What exactly am I supposed to remember soon?

"So what's it like living in the future?" Alex ask, breaking me away from my thoughts.



Who knew Alex Danvers could be so funny? We've been sitting here for Rao knows how long, just  listening to each other tell stories about anything and everything.

"Oh and there was this one time where I got food poisoning during prom, and threw up all over my date." Alex remarks, grinning whilst I'm over here dying of laughter. "And later on when Kara and I got home, we noticed that our mom Eliza, shared the same symptoms as I did. And the only thing that we both ate that day were the cookies Kara made" Alex adds, oh god my cheeks are still hurting from laughing too much.

"Oh come on it couldn't have been that bad" I state trying to sound serious, but failing as another laugh escapes my mouth.

"Have you even tried eating anything she's cooked yet?" Alex ask, causing me to shake my head no. "Try to keep it that way" Alex states, now laughing herself.

"She can't be that bad" I protest still chuckling, as I take a quick glance at my watch. Have I really been here for this long?! "It was really nice chatting with you Alex, but I have to get going, it's 6:30 and I haven't even started on dinner"

"You might just wanna pick up some potstickers. Here I'll send you the address." Alex states as she pulls out her phone. Mine dings only a few seconds later.

"Thanks Alex. It was fun being able to catch up with you." I state, as I move to get up from the booth.

"Same here." Alex remarks, as she waves goodbye.


"Hey Kara, I'm sorry I'm la—" My words cut off abruptly as I spot a sleeping Kara curled up on the couch, her light snores filling up the silence of the loft. the red blanket she always like to use covering her from her chest to her calves. She didn't even bother to take her boots off when she walked in, she must be exhausted. Not wanting to wake her I quietly place the bag of fresh potstickers on the kitchen island. As I move closer to the couch I also note that's she didn't bother taking off her glasses either, and that her hair is cover a portion of her face. She seems so stress-less and at peace whenever she's asleep and I can't bring myself to wake her up so I just stand there admiring her for a short while before deciding that it'll probably be best if I moved her to the rather more comfortable sleeping place.

So I slip gently slip her shoes off, and remove her glasses, before slowly bending down to lift her from off the couch, and into the bedroom. As I set her down on the mattress she automatically sinks in to it and gives a content sigh, which leaves a small smile on my face. I take a few more seconds to admire the miraculous woman in front of me.

I don't deserve her. I think to myself as I lean down to plant a chaste kiss on her forehead and move the strain of her off her face, before moving to exit the room, but when I feel her featherlight grip grab ahold of my hand I turn back around to face her.

"Stay" Kara mummers, eyes still closed, voice heavy with sleep. Smiling at her request I slowly peel off  my own shoes and climb into bed with her.
Her head automatically finding my chest, and my hands slowly wrapping around her middle. She gives another content sigh as she finally gets comfortable enough to drift off to sleep. Me following in suit not long after.

             Kara's pov

I've been awake for some time now, but here I am eyes closed, listening to Mon-Els calming steady heartbeat. I can feel the intensity of his gaze running along my features.

"How come you always wake up first?" I ask eyes still slipped closed, but a lose smile hangs on my lips.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just automatically tuned to wake up before you so that I can stare at you without you thinking of me as a creep" Mon-El replies, his chest moving up and down as he laughs at his own words.

"I'm always gonna think of you as a creep" I remark sarcastically, trying to hide the blush that was trying to invading my face.

"How was work?" Mon-El ask, the vibration of his voice resonating through my ears as he speaks.

"Mm, tiring." I mumble softly, finally opening my eyes, which automatically met his grayish-blue eyes.

"Yeah?" Mon-El ask as he plays with the ends of my hair.

"Yeah." I confirm sighing softly, as I reach for down to toy with the necklace my mother gave me.

"Do you want it back?" Mon-El ask, his voice a little drowned out since I was focusing on the consistent thumping of his heart.

"What?" I ask not knowing if I heard him correctly.

"Your necklace, do you want it back?" Mon-El repeats again, as he reaches for the chain around his neck, but my hand abruptly stops him.

"No. It's yours now" I exclaim, bringing his hand back on to his stomach where it laid before. Mon-El gives a small genuine smile in response.

"How was your day?" I ask after a while.

"Great. I caught up with Winn at the DEO, and I even ran into Alex at the bar" He states causing me to move my gaze from the necklace and back to him worriedly. "She seemed fine when I got there." Mon-El remarks  reassuringly, but that doesn't really help calm me down. "She wasn't even drunk." He adds, which makes me take a breath of relief. I guess she's handling things better than I thought she would be.

"Well I'm glad you were there to keep her company" I mumble into his chest. It's calming to know that if I can't always be there for Alex, Mon-El can be.

"Me too" He remarks softly, with one of those adorkable, dimple showing smiles. Out of all of the things that has changed about him over seven years. I'm glad to see that his smile hasn't. "Now who's the one staring like a creep?" Mon-El ask chuckling softly "What's on you mind?"

"Nothing everything's just absolutely...perfect" I remark truthfully. And as if he were a Christmas tree his smile lights up even more.

"I brought potstickers" Mon-El mumbles after a while of laying in a comfortable silence.

And as if I were also a Christmas tree my smile lights up even more too, which concurs up a laugh from Mon-El.

"I'll go warm them up" Mon-El whispers softly, as he plants a kiss on my forehead before slowly moving off the mattress.

"Mon-El?" I hesitantly call out before he can completely make it out the room. He turns around immediately with a patient look in his eyes, as he waits for me to speak. "I love you" I mumble bashfully, as if the words are a new language on my tongue, and I'm not used to the way it sounds yet.

"I love you too...and I know you mean it, but you don't have to keep telling me it if you're aren't comfortable saying it..." Mon-El remarks with a hint of a small smile tracing his lips.

"No, no, it's not that—I just...I'm just getting used to saying it" I counter quickly, as I also move to get up from the mattress. My bare feet implanting itself on the wooden floor.

"Are you sure, because I don't—" His words fade as my intense gaze falls on his as finally make it in front of him.

"I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't ready Mon-El." I state, as I lay my hands on the sides of his face, my thumb stroking his cheeks gently. His eyes stay locked on mine, as if he's trying to determine on whether or not I'm being serious. "Mon-El..."

"Okay. I believe you."He remarks, this time it's me looking into his eyes to see if he's being honest, and thankfully he is.

"Good." I declare sighing contently as I let my hands slip down from his face to his hands. "Now let's go eat I'm starving." I add grinning, enlightening another laugh from Mon-El as I lead him into the kitchen.

                                   Mon-Els pov

"Alex mentioned your cooking/baking skills while I was talking to her earlier, did you really give her and your earth-mom food poisoning?" I ask chuckling a little, as a scowl grows on Kara's face.

"Okay maybe I did give them food poisoning, but I'm not that bad of a cook!" Kara retorts, shifting from her her seat on the couch so that her back was turned towards the tv.

"Oh yeah? What exactly can you make without giving anyone food poisoning?" I ask teasingly, earning a pillow to my face.

"I'll have you know that I make a mean batch of pancakes" Kara replies crossing her arms over her chests.

"From scratch or the kind that comes out of the box?" I ask. Even thousands of years into the future boxed pancake mix stays relevant. I take Kara silence as my answer. She isn't the slightest bit amused as I start laughing again.

"Oh shut up, you used to love that stuff" Kara mumbles, her lips cracking open showing off a small smile.

"Maybe I could teach you how to cook sometime?" I suggest as my laughter dies down.

"We've already tried that didn't work out that well" Kara remarks chuckling softly. "And what's the point of that when I have you to make it for me?"

"I guess you make a good point, but it still wouldn't hurt to try again"

"Okay fine, I have the next two days off" Kara states grinning.

"So you're telling me that I get to spend two entire days with the Girl of Steel?" I ask mimicking her grin.

"If things go according to plan, than I guess so" Kara replies now beaming.

"Well let's hope things go according to plan than" I remark, leaning forward to give Kara a kiss on the lips.

"Can I tell you something?" Kara ask, as we pull away.

"Of course"

"I'm really glad you landed here" Kara mummers softly, as dopey grin spreads across her face.

"And I'm really glad you found me" I remark just as quietly, with a dopey grin of my own.
"Come here" I mumble, as I open my arms to her, after a while of staring at each other contently, Kara complies happily, as she moves from the opposite end of the couch, to me. "I love you" I mummer smiling softly into her into her hair.

"I know" Kara mumbles. I can practically hear her grinning from here.

"Touché, Kara Zor-El, touché" I remark, chuckling lightly.

"...I love you too" Kara mumbles, before she looks up at me with a warm genuine smile.

"Yeah?" I ask, repeating my playful tone for earlier.

"Yeah" Kara answers.

"I'm glad" I whisper graciously, as I slowly lean to plant my lips on the soft smile adorning her face.


Who else is convinced that Taylor Swift is secretly a Karamel shipper, and that her new album Folklore about them? 🙋‍♀️

Sorry this took a while my cousin was in town and I was speaking a majority of my time with her. 😊💖

I hope you guys have a great day/night/evening.

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