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Female selected

Calista Dagmar Hadi




Amelia Zandro

Calista is the most confident girl you will ever meet. She is gorgeous and she knows it. Insult her? She will give you the finger or ignore you, your words don't matter to her. She believes she's perfect, just the way she is and anyone who disagrees can fûck off. She loves who she is, and your opinion can't change that. Not only is she confident, she also has a good way with words. The girl is charming and knows how to wrap people around her fingers. One of her sweet smile and they all fall for her. This charm makes it easily for her to manipulate people, something she fully uses to reach her goals. Calista is an ambitious girl who will stop at nothing to reach her goal, she might be all pretty smiles and sweet words, the moment you are in her way, she will immediately eliminate you. Anyone who truly knows her knows that she is used to being the best and doesn't like when someone is better than her. She isn't the kind of person who will directly try to hurt you, she's more the type to make others do it. Manipulating everyone until they are against you and no one will stop her from crushing you. Castila is capable of showing kindness, deep inside she does care about a lot of things, she just doesn't show it. Castila has been pushes to be the best, always. She had to be perfect. Everything less than perfect was a disaster. So she hides her kindness in favour of her ambition. She can't be kind and the queen. She can't be kind and the best. She needs to chose and sadly she choose for the second option, only because her father had pressured into it. If she truly  had the chose, she would rather spend her time with her loved ones than plotting to become Queen. Unfortunately she doesn't have a chose in this matter.

Castila is a skilled manipulator. Many would few this as something bad, but she sees it as s strength. It gives her possibilities she wouldn't have any other way. Another strength of Castila is her reputation. She's the daughter of a powerful couple, her parents have more money than they can ever spend and it gives her a high place along the society. She's respected by many people and can even buy people's silence if she wishes to. 

Castila has more flaws than she had strengths, that is for sure. She's envious, cruel and manipulative. She is ambitious to the point she will do anything to get her goal, even if it hurts others. Castila is envious of those who see better than her and will do whatever she can to bring them down. The girl can be slightly cruel and very selfish. She always goes first, even over her family or the royal family. Castila is manipulative and will manipulate anyone into her bidding. She can't be trusted as she always tries to take advantage of everyone


Male selected

Winter Rhys Drakkon




Jamie Campbell Bower

Image the most outgoing person you have ever meet, then image the most caring person you have ever meet. Multiply that by 10 and you come close to Winter. He's a very outgoing male who hates to be alone. Winter can be friends with anyone. He has just such a cheerful personality that you immediately want to be friends with him. Unlike most people who are really talkative, he isn't very cocky and is more of a humble guy who would rather have other people have the fame. Though he loves to be in the spotlight and can be very dramatic when he wants to be. Winter is the kind of person who doesn't stop with talking till someone tells him too. He rambles a lot and doesn't even notice it. He gets excited very quickly, almost as easily as he gets disappointed. Winter is a charming male who knows how to flirt and wrap girls around his fingers. Although he isn't a player, he is know to flirt with girls but when he's in a relationship he's loyal and he doesn't suddenly dumps his girlfriends. He usually cares deeply about them and that is another thing about him, he will do anything for the people he loves. Winter is slightly over protective over his loved ones and would go through hell and cal for them. He is a very caring Male, not only towards his family. He will try to help those in need, hoping that they will do the same to him when he is in troubles. Winter can be a little arrogant when it comes to his athletic skills, believing he can win with ease from the most people. He is also a little obvious off people's feelings, not knowing when he has heard them with his straight forward words. That is probably one of his most annoying habits. Winter always says what he thinks. His filter is broken and this makes him very honest, even when his words can hurt people. It isn't his intention but if you can't handle the truth, than you shouldn't be friends with him. Leo loves to play around, have fun and tease people a little. He can be slightly sarcastic sometimes but most of the time his humour is more in a teasing way and will include splashing people wet in the pool, stealing your food and that kind of stuff

Winter has a few strengths. To start with, he is well in shape. Winter is great in almost everything physically, including fighting, running and football. He has trained most of his life to keep his body in shape so it's natural that he's good in most of those things. Another strength of Winter is his charming personality. Most people find it easily to like Winter because of this. He's easy to talk with and has a pretty face so many people feel comfortable around him, this makes it not every hard to make friends or get information from someone.

Winter has at least as many flaws as he has strengths. To start with, Winter has absolutely no filter. You might find this not a flaw, but believe me, it is. He says what he thinks, even when it pushes people away or hurts them. He can't control it. Another flaw of him is his arrogance, sometimes he will be overly arrogant about his abilities and this has caused him more than 1 time to fail. Winter has the annoying habit to  keep talking till someone cuts him off. Some people might find him annoying and think he tries too hard. He also often underestimated the evilness of people. He tries to see the best of everyone, even when they don't have a good in them

>He can play piano very well

>Addicted to sweets

>Has a twin brother named Summer. Ironic, we now

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