The lost

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She was beauty
She was grace
She will punch you in the face

The lost

Milana Aspen Carys





What is it to be complete and utterly lost? How would you survive without a home? Without a place to be? Would you be cruel? Cold? Would you shut people out and act like everyone is your enemy? Would you be kind and thoughtful instead? Or would you become just as lost as you seem to be. Alone, silent and always watching from the shadows? It's hard to be who you want to be with no one to rely on. A heart broken, not by a lover but by family. What is worse? Knowing what you had and losing it? Or never knowing it at all? Or maybe you will be like many, to hide it under lairs of fake smiles and snarky remarks. Maybe you will be like Milana and will you act like nothing happened, will you be as Bold and strong as you used to be. Maybe you will hide all the broken places away and act like everything is alright. It's such a shame you have lost so much in the useless war. The game between the power of the nations. The greed of kings and queens has destroyed so much. Will it break you too? No. It won't. Or at least, you will never show it on your beautiful face.

Milana is often described to outsiders as an Adventurous girl who never backs down. Weaponed with her bright smile and big brown eyes she has no trouble Charming people. Usually a simple smile is enough. It's hard to believe how many have fallen for something as useless as a smile. So many love stories stared with a smile, most of those ended with tears. Milana is determinate  that her story will not end in any tears. She has shed enough of those for the rest of her life time. The story that was given to her but a greedy queen. It has ruined her life, or at least she she wanted to believe that it was. And that it wasn't her own stupid arrogance that landed her in this situation. Milana is a Clever girl with a sharp mind. She easily outwits many. She might not know as much facts and books as you do but she's street smart. Words are easily twisted and people easily tricked. It's to think of life as one big game. Some sets can set you forward and others back. If you make a stupid move it will be game over, but a smart one will give you rewards. She imagines what other people will do, how will they react? Will they feel sympathetic or not? It's all just one big game. One she wants to win on whatever cost. Losing is never an option. Not after already losing to much.

Milana however isn't truly manipulative and cold. She is actually rather Enthusiastic and cheerful. She does not push people away but rather welcome them with open arms and a wide smile. She enjoys the company of people and is almost always in for a good laugh. It's true that sometimes she has the habit to overthink people and their actions, or that she sees many things as a game. But she's truly a compassionate girl with a big heart. She isn't immature or even childish but sometimes it seems like she is still a child. Not in the way that she needs someone to take care of her or to protect her but rather that she heads into things with a child like enthusiasm and optimism. She does not like to talk about the negative things in life and pushes most of the pain and fear away when she can. Milana is a Blubby girl who tends to be much more openminded and friendly than most people suspect at the first moment. So friendly even that some people might get suspicious that she has other plans. That is  correct. Though she has no ill intentions. Her plans are merely to get information from you, the more the better. She would like some secrets but most people aren't that naive so she set on the information. That information is used for one goal only, decided if you can be trusted or not. Milana is guarded and a little manipulative.

Milana might sound like a sweet little angel, which she likes to pretend she is, but she definitely isn't the one you want to cross. She's full of Witty comebacks and not afraid to show you who is the boss when needed. She will not let people walk over her like she's a doormat just because she tends to be friendly. People can be friendly and strong at the same time you know? She is often Sarcastic and her sense of humour is very dry. However don't be shocked or intimidated at her snarky remarks. It's nothing personal, she treats everyone that way. It's just the way she is. If she notices you are really hurt she will probably apologise, or not. It really depends on who you are. If you shot back with a witty comeback she will probably smile at you and view you as a friend. She likes to have those kind of sparring battles when she talks with people, as long there are no real ill intentions in the game of course. She has absolutely no problem with absolutely destroying people when they are crossing her. Remember when I said she likes to gather information about everyone? Well that information is fully used when you cross her. She doesn't like to use it but when you really push her she will not hesitate. Think carefully before you cross this woman, she will not be afraid to strike back. And she will strike back 10 times harder.

Milana isn't fake but she definitely has walls. She nasty habit to hide the pain she's feeling behind a big smile. This is often not even an active action. She would rather not let people see that she really feels defeated. She has no one. No one to love. No one to trust. Everything was taken from her. One stupid mistake made her loose everything. She doesn't know what to do with herself. Sometimes she looks around a room to tell everything she has seen to her friend, to gossip and smile. Then she remembers it again, she doesn't have anyone to talk with. She's alone. She has walked off the path and can't seem to find her way back home. There are so many emotions and so little ways to handle then. They keep building up inside her and there is no one to share them with. The heaviness of her loneliness is weighting her down. So is the guilt she feels. She just wished that she wasn't so stupid. That she didn't mess with an immortal creature and brought herself in this situation. She wished that she could feel her father's arms around her once again. She just wants to belong. She doesn't want to be the outsider anymore. There is no moment that she forgets how alone she is. Milana is utterly and completely lost. She needs someone to keep her together to she will fall apart. And she doesn't think there is anything that will make her whole again.

Milana is fairly witty like was stated before. She knows solutions in many situations, not afraid to think out of the box. Her cleverness has saved her many times. She isn't very strong, mainly because of her fragile build and small frame, so she has to be smart. Milana is also a charming individual. It isn't hard for the woman to make people like her. Her charms, just as her wit, have saved her in times of desperate need. To her it's like a second nature to talk with people, wrapping them around her fingers. Not everyone would view it as a valuable strength but Milana's friendliness is definitely very important. She had a good heart. Everyone should be treated with a little kindness. What is a world without kindness? Without mercy? Worthless, or that is what she believes. Milana is an talented archer. Her arrows almost never miss. She learned to hunt when she was very little. It was not only to defend herself but also the way to get food. In the woods where she was born hunting was almost the only way to survive. Archery was not a choice but a way to survive

Milana has many strengths but against those many strengths stand many weaknesses. No human is free of those. Milana is a snarky and sometimes too blunt girl. Her remarks can often be viewed as hurtful or even plain rude. She doesn't really intend to e mean but people who can't take her sarcasm simply shouldn't talk to her. If they can't handle it is their problem, or at least that is what she believes. This is a reason why some people tend to avoid her. This woman isn't afraid to destroy you with her sharp tongue when she feels like you deserve it. Milana can also be very cold to people. She ignores them, turns away from them so they can't see her tears. She hates to show her weak side to people, it makes her feel unsafe. She would rather have that they don't get to know her at all. So when people try to see that side of her she often pushes them away and treats they very coldly. Unforgivable is something she definitely is. It's maybe one of her greatest flaws. She holds a strong grudge against anyone who has hurt her. When you break her trust it's close to impossible to gain it again. Think carefully before ever crossing her, Milana will not forgive neither will she forget. Prepare for a war because she will not let this go. Another and maybe the most fatal flaw of Milana is her disadvantage when it comes to hand to hand combat. As was mentioned earlier, Milana is talented with her bow but because of her fragile build she is not able to fight hand to hand with most people. She simple does not have the strength for it. When it comes to a face to face encounter with an enemy Milana's only choice is to run. Something she despises. She really needs to become stronger, or she might get herself killed.

•Milana hates wolves from the bottom of her heart
•She used to be deathly afraid of the dark and refused to do anything at night without her father
•She wants to train to become stronger physically but has yet to find someone who would be willing to teach her
•She tends to steal small things from people when they aren't looking. She always returns them. The kick of stealing something and returning without them noticing is the best feeling in the world.
•The cook kicked her out of the kitchen more than once because she wouldn't stop stealing their food before it was served.

I see you
You see me
But I can't seem
To find you

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