Hollow Mind

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This was not Hunter's Day, he tried to stop an attempt for some rebels to enter the emperor's mind but instead he got ambushed by Luz. The rebels got away but not before Luz and Hunter ended up getting trapped in the emperor's mind. He woke up and found himself inside a gallery filled with paintings of Belos's accomplishments and memories. The second he saw Luz, his face turned into an angry hulk. She turned around when she saw Hunter glaring at her. "You got us trapped in the emperor's mind!" Hunter shouted.

Luz was shocked but she figured that since she was now in his mind, she could find out the truth about Belos being evil. Hunter let out a loud laugh at how Luz wanted to prove that his uncle was evil and how she thought he would help her. But she looked a little confused. "I've been in Willow's mind once, and it had more, uh, trees." Luz stated.

"Eh. Makes sense. Mindscapes reflect the individual. I've read a lot about this subject." Hunter bragged.

Hunter began to look around at some of the memories and explained his uncle's good deeds to Luz. There was one memory that he stopped at, the day that he had become the new Golden Guard. He remembered the ceremony from that day, all the coven heads gathered to watch him be knighted by his uncle. No one knew what happened to the previous Golden Guard or why his uncle even allowed him to become the Golden Guard. He took a closer look at the painting and saw that Darius was looking so sad on that day. Hunter then turned to another painting but this one was something that he didn't want Luz to see.

It was a painting of Belos without his mask but in his arms was Hunter as a baby. The two were smiling; Hunter didn't want to let Luz know about the emperor being his loving uncle. He noticed Luz coming his way and he tried to block Luz from seeing the painting, but it was too late. She saw it "Hunter, is that you?" she asked, pointing to the baby.

Before he could answer, Luz suddenly heard someone crying then she found a kid with a wooden mask. It didn't take long for her to figure out who that was, it was Belos as a kid. She heard Hunter say Belos's name too; she turned to see him facing the adult version of Belos. Hunter kneeled down then he asked for the inner Belos to help return them to the physical world but only so he could capture the people that tried to enter his mind before. "And so, she can ruin someone else's day." Hunter said while looking at Luz.

Kid Belos appeared behind the other Belos, shaking his head no. That was when the other Belos growled, and a number of glowing eyes covered the other Belos's body. Luz sprang into action by using her fire glyphs to repel the monster. But the blast made them crash through the wall which ripped and both Luz and Hunter began to fall fast. Suddenly, red light swarmed around both Luz and Hunter which helped bring them down safe and sound on the ground. Except, they were in what looked like an abandoned forest with portraits all around, some of them were ripped. Luz figured that this was the emperor's real mind but Hunter refused to believe it.

"That gallery..."

"Was made up from all the lies he tells. He's not who you think he is." Luz argued.

"You don't even know him!"

"Then what was that back there? That painting with Belos and that baby? Was that you? Is he your dad?"

"What do you want me to say?! That my parents abandoned me?! That the Emperor is my uncle?! My only family?! If people ever found out that the Golden Guard was the emperor's nephew, I would be used as a ransom or worse. You might think he's this tyrant who hates wild witches, but to me. He's my uncle who loves me so much. Put yourself in my shoes, if your mom was the ruler of the Boiling Isles and you were her Golden Guard, wouldn't you keep it a secret to protect your only family." Tears began to fall from Hunter's face after he finished his rant.

Luz was taken aback when Hunter shouted at her. She tried to reach out to Hunter, but he shoved her off and ran from her. She called out to him, but he kept running away from her, Luz chased after him. Suddenly, he crashed into something face first, he looked up to see that it was his uncle, the real Inner Belos. He hugged his uncle tight, apologizing over and over about how sorry he was for invading his mind. Belos started to calm Hunter down and that was when Luz showed up seeing the two together. She almost charged at Belos but he stopped her and explained that he was only here to help them.

Just then Eda called Luz on the Walkie Talkie that she had in her pocket. She pulled it out and told Eda that she and Hunter were trapped inside the emperor's mind. Eda freaked out but it was only for a bit until she told Hunter that Flapjack wanted to talk to him. The second he heard Flapjack, he snatched the Walkie Talkie from Luz and started asking Flapjack if he was ok. Luz snatched it back to talk to Eda. She did ask about the Inner Belos and Luz told her that they weren't sure. "Can there be one than one inner self? We ran into two different Belos and we have a third one here with us." Luz explained.

"That shouldn't be possible. I have heard of strong emotions materializing but three Inner selves. It's just not possible unless..."

"Unless what?" Luz asked.

"There have been tales of an old curse that can combine two minds into one body. But it was banned for years." Eda explained.

Eda also told Luz to keep the walkie talkie on her and to be careful not to be devoured in the emperor's mindscape or else they would be trapped forever. Hunter took the walkie talkie from Luz to let Flapjack know that he'll be back, and he whispered 'I love you' to him. Eda, King, and Luz heard him say it and they gushed over it. He just ignored Luz and asked his uncle if he could help them. But Belos suddenly saw someone else watching them, he grabbed both Hunter and Luz's hand and pulled them into one of the paintings. They ended up in a memory where Belos had shown up in a village to tell them that he had spoken to the Titan.

Luz figured that Belos was just lying to the villagers about how he can speak to the Titan. He told the villagers about how wild witches had attacked him and how the Titan had shown him the healing light in nine hues. Suddenly, explosions were heard then Luz and Hunter had run into a back alley where the emperor was with a Golden Guard. They saw explosives in crates which showed Luz that Belos was just lying to everyone. But the Inner Belos told her to keep watching to see who really caused it.

A shadow formed on the wall where Belos was "This has to stop. Those people were innocent." The shadow spoke.

"I don't remember asking for your option, Philip. We are doing this whether you like it or not! Now, keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you." 'Belos' harshly answered.

The Inner Belos took Luz and Hunter out of the memory once he saw that the coast was clear. "That shadow was Philip Wittebane? How is that possible? And what was Belos talking about?" Luz questioned.

Belos took a deep breath then spoke, "Luz, I'm the real Philip Wittebane. Belos was just a name I had changed after 'he' caused the death of many innocent witches. Look, I'm not the bad guy. I was only trying to help but it was always the same, people were killed because of me."

"Wait, that curse Eda was talking about, you were one of the victims. But that still doesn't change the fact that you lied to everyone."

Belos decided to show Luz the real him, so he took Luz and Hunter into another memory. The memory had taken them to a room in the castle that looked like a little kids' nursery. "What memory is this?" Luz asked.

"This is my old room from when I was a little kid. This was... the day I saw my uncle's curse for the first time." Hunter answered.

Five-year-old Hunter came running into the bedroom, crying in pain with blood dripping from his cheek. He clutched onto his old stuffed frog trying to forget what he had seen in the throne room. There was a knock at the door; little Hunter jumped back in fright. "Owlet, it's me. Please open the door." Belos spoke, gently.

Little Hunter didn't even move; he was just so scared that his uncle would hurt him again. His uncle opened the door and apologized for what had happened earlier. He explained his curse to Hunter and how he couldn't control it sometimes, but he would never hurt his nephew on purpose. He sat down on the bed near Hunter then he started taking care of Hunter's wound. He told Hunter that it was going to leave a scar, but Hunter didn't really care, he wrapped his arms around Belos's neck. Belos then hugged Hunter tight, rubbing the back of his head gently.

Luz couldn't stop gushing over how cute Hunter looked at a little kid which made him blush like crazy. "Did you have to show her that memory?" Hunter asked his uncle.

"Would you rather I show Luz my personal favorite memory of you? The one with why I call you 'Owlet?"

"Ok, ok, I get it. Please don't show her!"

"Now I'm interested. Please show me!"

Hunter groaned in defeat; Belos saw the hidden figure watching them again and he pulled them into the memory.

The memory was of Hunter's room now as a baby nursery. Inside was a small crib and in it was Hunter as a baby who was crying loud enough to wake the dead. The door suddenly opened and Belos walked in without his mask on, wearing pajamas. He picked up baby Hunter from the crib and he instantly stopped crying. He looked up at his uncle, he then smiled and grabbed his uncle's hair and began pulling it. Instead of Belos getting mad, he just laughed and gently kissed Hunter on the forehead. He released the strand of hair from his tiny little hands.

"Curious little thing, aren't you?" Belos spoke, softly.

Baby Hunter then started making this little cooing sound that almost sounded like an owl. "Make that a curious little Owlet." Belos stated.

The second they left the memory, Hunter's face and ears turned red. Luz however was loving the adorable baby Hunter was. They all suddenly heard a loud roar echo through the mindscape. Panicking, Luz grabbed Hunter's hand then they ran into a different memory. Both Luz and Hunter let out a sigh of relief. Not far away, Luz is shocked to see the portal she destroyed before has been restored and Hunter confesses to helping rebuild it.

"I can hear you..." Belos announced.

Luz and Hunter appear surprised at what Belos just said. Not far away, he walks towards the portal, but then stops and looks back. From somewhere behind Luz and Hunter, someone starts laughing maniacally, prompting them to turn around and look up at a tree behind them. A pair of glowing eyes then appear from the darkness within the tree branches.

"You found me!" A strange shadow in an abstract form emerges from behind a tree branch. "To you who stray so far from home. To me who's trapped beneath these bones. We'll play forever, me and you, when you paint the land in nine bright hues!"

As they speak, the shadow moves around the room and transforms into multiple abstract picture forms. Eventually, after reaching the portal, the shadow transforms to depict 9 people lifting their hands in a worshiping position. They then transform again to depict a screaming Titan and people being shattered into pieces. After that, they revert to their original form and start cackling.

"What can I do for you, Collector?" Belos ask them.

The Collector moves towards a statue and lies down between its arms. "I'm bored! Is the Draining Spell ready yet? I wanna play and see everything go all..." The Collector transforms themselves to wrap around the statue and then screams, eventually shattering into multiple pieces.

"You'll have your fun on the Day of Unity. After the beast is gone." As he speaks, Belos turns around and walks away from the portal. The Collector appears at the door.

"Betrayed, beguiled, alone, deceived! We'll have our agreement on... Ugh, 'unity' is so hard to rhyme."

Luz and Hunter are bewildered by everything they have witnessed. Luz looks back at Hunter, and he can only shrug and looks confused. He thought his uncle was going to cancel the Day of Unity. Suddenly, a projection of Kikimora coming into the room and hoping Belos had seen her worth. But instead, he grabbed Kikimora by the neck while his curse flared up.

"You think I wouldn't know?!" Belos screamed. "You left my nephew out there to die!"

"Oh please. It's not my fault the brat was so spoiled. He's just the weak link." Kikimora spoke, not even feeling guilty.

Belos gripped Kikimora tighter in rage "Never speak about my child again! You will be dealt with once I get Hunter home. And if I ever see you blackmail or try to murder him again, I won't be so generous."

He finally released Kikimora who then ran away like a scared little bunny. The Collector reappeared from behind the door. "Ooh! You were mad! I thought you were gonna go all..." The Collector transforms into an image depicting Belos with multiple tentacles, then screams and waves the tentacles around. "On her."

"That might be something the other me might have done but I just wanted to find my nephew." Belos answered.

"And are you going to tell him? About your brother? What he really is?

"You know I can't. Just like I can't cancel the Day of Unity. He'll kill Hunter just like he did with all the others. As painful as it is hiding all this from Hunter, I want to protect him from the real monster. The monster that murdered Jasper."

"What about our deal?"

"I'll free you just as long as you keep your end of the deal."

Hunter and Luz left the memory; shocked and terrified about what the Day of Unity was truly about. The real Inner Belos found Hunter and Luz, she told Belos what they saw. Just before Belos could explain, the monster showed up, but it ended up getting trapped in a tight rope, screaming in pain. Luz got a closer look at the monster; it was made from palismen souls. Belos confessed that it was his curse, but he had used it to stop someone worse. That was when an older man who looked exactly like Hunter appeared. "Hello Grimwalker, human, brother." he spoke.

"Brother?" Luz questioned.

"My older brother, Caleb Wittebane." Phillip confessed.

Caleb grinned wicked seeing Hunter who was now paralyzed with fear. "I was finally able to catch it. This thing's been keeping me from completely taking over Pip's body. All these weepy Palismen souls. Their voices nagging at me."

"You caused their deaths. You use them to fuel the curse."

"And yet, you use it. But I believe we owe the human and grimwalker an explanation for our little curse."

"What's he talking about? What's a Grimwalker?" Hunter asked.

Phillip took a deep breath and explained that both he and Caleb were attacked by evil wild witches that killed Caleb's lover, Evelyn. They placed a curse on them that made them like this. Caleb grew bitter and vengeful that he wanted to wipe out all life on the Boiling Isles. He couldn't be happy without Evelyn. But he wanted his own body too so he had been making Grimwalkers as Golden Guards, but they would always betray him, or Phillip would get too attached to them. The last Grimwalker, Jasper, had been the reason why the monster had kept Caleb from fully taking control over Phillips mind.

He created a potion that could help Phillip keep Caleb away for a while. But Caleb caught onto their plan so Phillip sent Jasper away to protect him, but it wasn't enough. Caleb had taken control then ordered the scouts to find and kill Jasper. When Phillip took back control, he found out about Jasper and his wife's death. He then discovers a little baby hiding in the wreck of their home. He took the baby and raised it as his own; that baby was Hunter.

"I'm so sorry Hunter. I wanted to tell you but..."

"But I threatened him to keep his mouth shut. No one said being a witch hunter was easy." Caleb announced.

"Witch hunter?" Luz asked, "So, all this time people have been mindlessly helping a witch hunter? How could they be tricked so easily?"

"I wouldn't be so judgmental if I were you. After all, you were the one that helped us meet the Collector." Caleb stated as he showed them the memory of when Luz and Lilith had shown up in their timeline.

The memory cut to him awakening the Collector but that was when Phillip took control over the body then Caleb appeared on the wall in his shadow form. "You took control?!" He shouted.

"I won't just stand by and let you put more witches in danger. You almost got a child killed!"

"Their sacrifice was meant in order for us to complete our plan."

"It's only your plan."

Luz started getting a panic attack, she was so lost in it that she didn't see Caleb raise his makeshift arm which went now a blade and charged straight at her. Phillip jumped into action and used glyphs to repel his brother back. He then turned to Hunter who helped Luz up. "Hunter, listen to me. Don't return to the castle. Caleb will have taken control over me. Stay with Luz and stay hidden. I can't lose you." Phillip begged.

"No! There has to be another way! I'm not leaving you!"

But it was too late, Eda had already pulled them out of the mindscape and Caleb had chained his brother, taking complete control over the body. 

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