Road To Recovery Pt 2

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Hunter hated being stuck in bed almost as much as he hated being coddled by his uncle. He was still sick but not as bad as he was a few days ago. But his uncle still refused to let him go on missions or patrol. Every morning, Belos would be by his side, feeding Hunter his breakfast and giving him his medicine. Even though Hunter kept telling Belos that he can do it himself, Belos would just shush him and tell him that he just needed him. Belos would return late at night to make sure Hunter ate his dinner and took his second dose of medicine. When Belos would leave for meetings, he would have Darius or Raine watch over Hunter.

When Raine was with Hunter, they didn't try to coddle Hunter. But since they were watching him, they started doing small therapy sessions just to help Hunter. They even would teach Hunter a little bit of bard magic, just for fun since Hunter was really big on learning. Darius was different than Raine, it was like he knew when Hunter would try to escape his room. Darius would also make sure that Hunter was eating since he sometimes skips meals. But there were some softer moments between the two like how Hunter would explain some wild magic spell he had found to Darius. 

As much as Hunter loved that his uncle was being more parental with him, he needed some space. So this time he waited til everyone was asleep in the castle then he quietly opened his bedroom door and walked down the hall. Flapjack followed Hunter just in case something goes wrong. Hunter was just passing by Belos's room when he saw the door open just a crack. He peeked inside and found his uncle was still up and he had the portal key in his hand, it looked all fixed. The guilt started coming back to Hunter, he lied to his uncle about Eclipse Lake. He was gonna tell him the truth.

Hunter knocked on the door with a few tears in his eyes. Belos turned to face Hunter, he saw the tears and his parental instincts kicked in. He took Hunter inside the room, sat him on the bed, and hugged him tight. "Hunter, sweetheart, what's wrong? Was it another nightmare?" Belos asked.

"I lied. I lied about not remembering what happened at the Knee. Kikimora didn't kidnap me, I stole a scout uniform and snuck out of the castle." Hunter spoke, tears still pouring, and his voice cracked. "I-I-I wanted to find the Titan's Blood at Eclipse Lake. The lake was dr-dr-dry. Kikimora stole the key from the youngest Blight then left me to die in the storm. I'm so sorry. I know I disobeyed you and I'm not fit to be the Golden Guard. I failed you and you are replacing me, that's why you had me stay in bed. You couldn't have me failing you again."

But Belos wasn't angry; he was shocked and stunned that Hunter would even think that he was being replaced. Belos pulled his nephew into his lap and started rocking him to calm him down. Hunter cried more hysterically and hyperventilating, begging his uncle not to replace him. He tried to calm Hunter down so he wouldn't make himself sicker. "Sweetheart, calm down. You are not being replaced." Belos said in a soft tone.

Hunter finally stopped crying then looked up at his uncle. "But I disobeyed you and I lied. Aren't you mad?" Hunter asked.

"No, Owlet. I'm not mad. I was just scared of losing you. To everyone else, you're just the Golden Guard. But to me, you're my baby boy, my sunshine."

"But the Day of Unity..."

"I'm canceling it. It's not worth it. Hunter, look at what all this preparation has done to you. You hardly eat, you hardly sleep, your deadly pale, and the worst part is that you started to fear me. Well, I'm stopping all that. I want my little boy back."

Belos then kissed Hunter on the forehead and wiped away the tear streaks on his face. Belos then kissed Hunter on the forehead and wiped away the tear streaks on his face. Belos told Hunter that he was thinking that he should take some time off from being the Golden Guard. Hunter looked like he was about to have a panic attack but his uncle told him that it was so he and Hunter can spend time together. Belos pulled back the covers then tucked Hunter in the bed. He figured that Hunter might want to spend the night with his uncle again.

Belos went to the bathroom to change into a clean shirt. That was when he heard someone in his head that he hadn't heard from in years. "You pathetic weakling!" It shouted, "We spent the last fifty years preparing for the Day of Unity and now you're throwing it away for that creature?!"

Belos's heart pounded hearing that voice again. "You? But I got rid of you. And don't talk about Hunter like that!"

"You? Get rid of me? Ha! You wish! I was always there. You just never noticed until it was too late."

"It was all you. You're the reason for my blackouts. You're the reason why my child is afraid of me. I won't let you get away with this!"

The voice laughed like a maniac. "You can never get rid of me Philip. I'll destroy everything you hold dear to. Including the boy. The Day of Unity will be continued if you don't want me to kill him just like I did to the one you loved the most."

He had no choice; he wasn't going to lose Hunter. So, he agreed to keep the Day of Unity then the voice backed off.

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