Any Sport in a Storm

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Belos and Hunter's relationship started to get better over the coming weeks. The two started spending more time together outside of their jobs. Belos let Hunter read more books on wild magic and even let him ride Flapjack in his staff form. He started hearing the voice almost every night but thankfully, he had a special potion stash to help silence the voice. This was something that he didn't want Hunter to know about, the last thing Belos wanted was to lose his nephew. He continued the preparations for the Day of Unity without telling Hunter, he didn't want him to know that he went back on his word.

He comes into Hunter's room a few minutes later with a cup of tea for Hunter. He saw Hunter on his bed, sewing something onto his cloak and Flapjack was perched on his shoulder just watching. "What are you doing, Owlet?" Belos asked.

Hunter looked startled then he tried to hide his cloak since he was a little embarrassed to show his uncle. Belos handed Hunter the cup then he pulled out the cloak and saw that the old Golden Guard sigil was poorly sewed on the back of it. "You know I could help with that." Belos stated.

"Yeah. But I wanted to try sewing. I know, it's terrible." Hunter explained.

Belos told him that it wasn't terrible, it was a good try, and he could get some sewing lessons from Darius if he wanted to. But he told Hunter that he wanted Hunter to get out of the castle for a bit. Darius had told Belos about Hexside's club fair happening today and he figured that it would be the perfect opportunity for Hunter to make some friends around his age. Hunter didn't feel like this was important, but his uncle thought it would be good for him to have connections outside the castle. Hunter agreed to give it a try, Belos even told him that if he likes being there then he can enroll Hunter at Hexside.

Before Hunter left the castle, Belos made sure that Hunter was escorted to Hexside by Darius. Darius was not happy that he was being an escort to Hunter. After he dropped Hunter off at Hexside, Hunter walked around the booths looking at some of the clubs. He's never been around witches his age but there was a first for everything. As Hunter was walking around the booths, he accidentally bumped into a griffin which got angry and chased after Hunter as he flew off on his staff. The griffin tried to bite him, but it took one of Hunter's boots, exposing one of his red cardinal socks. Hunter zoomed around then charged at the griffin, grabbing the boot from its mouth.

He put his boot back on, but he got grabbed by vines and he was being pulled towards the ground in front of Willow Park who was trying to get witches on her Flyer Derby team. Hunter got free from the vines. "This is Gus Porter and I'm Willow Park, future captain of Hexside's first Flyer Derby team." Willow stated as she firmly shook Hunter's hand.

"Nice to, uh, meet you." Hunter said, feeling a little confused.

Willow figured that Hunter was a new student and she was impressed with his flying too. Although Gus seemed a little too suspicious of Hunter, he asked what his name was, and Hunter had to come up with a fake name. Flapjack chirped a name that Hunter could use which was his old partner's name. "Caleb! Uh, Jasper Bloodwilliams. I just transferred from... uh... The Toes? Never mind. I'm not here to play Fly Dooby, or whatever that is. I have my own mission." Hunter stated.

Willow looked a little disappointed, but she handed Hunter a pamphlet to look at. He took it but he immediately changed his mind about joining Willow's team when he saw the words "best" and 'brightest". So, he told Willow that he was willing to give it a try. "How do we evaluate others? A Witch's Duel? A maze full of traps?" Hunter asked.

"Um, we might not have time for all that, but you can help by attracting people with your sick sky skills." Willow stated.

Willow left to gather everyone up, Gus told Hunter that Willow's had a rough year and she was really looking forward to making the team a thing. He walked away while Hunter just stood there wondering what Gus meant by that. A few moments later, Willow had Hunter perform a few tricks to get the students excited and they managed to get a team together. At first, Hunter thought that the team was pathetic, but Willow proved him wrong. Gus was the speed demon of the team due to his unique way of flying, Skara was the team's strategic wizard, and Viney's the best healer in the school. And like Willow, they were all misjudged, and Hunter took back his comment on them being pathetic.

They had a few minutes before the match, so Willow had them run a few practice sessions. Hunter took the chance to ask Willow about why this team was so important to her. She explained that her whole life she was called half-a-witch Willow because she wasn't good with magic and it made her a target for bullies, both students and teachers. She used to be on the abomination track with Professor Hermonculus but she switched to the plant track. And now, Hermonculus believed that she wasn't fit to be captain of the team unless she beats his Flyer Derby team in a match to get the team approved. Hunter actually understood what it was like to a half a witch since he was one too. So, he told Willow that they were going to prove the professor wrong.

The time came for the big game, Hermonculus's team was on the right of the field wearing purple and Willow's team was on the left wearing all green including face paint. The whistle blew then the game began, each team member splitting up to grab their opponent's flag. Hunter had grabbed the first flag for his team then handed it to Gus who placed it on their goal. Skara got blasted by Hermonculus's team which gave them a point. Viney and Jerbo both crashed into each other trying to grab the flag. Hunter snagged a flag off Hermonculus then Willow used her vines to grab the last two. But Hermonculus used his powers to knock Willow off her Palisman. "Oops. My hand slipped." He stated, innocently.

Willow managed to hand Hunter the other flags before creating a flower for her to land on. Hunter put the rest of the flags on their goal and Willow's team had won. "May I please have your team name?" Hermonculus asked.

"Shoot. We never thought of a name." Willow said.

"The Emerald Entrails." Hunter blurted out, "You know, because we're green, and there's more to us than you think."

The team agreed with the name even Willow snapped a picture with her scroll for their team photo. Hunter confessed that today was amazing and he was glad that he made a few new friends. Gus apologized for being so suspicious and Hunter accepted it. The team continued practicing for the next few minutes until it was time for them to leave. Willow thanked Hunter for believing in her and for helping them make the team, she even gave him a peek on the cheek before leaving. He was blushing the whole way back to the castle and Darius even gave him a scroll so he can talk to Willow and the other Entrails.

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