A Fight

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After getting some food we all sat down at one of the empty tables and Haru asked "So, who are you?" He was kind of blunt and rude, I stared at him like I'm telling him not to be so rude.

"I'm just a new kid that just came back from America" Akio said, I was just silent.

"why are you with Kyo?"

"hey, he came to talk to me first"

"can I not have friends Haru?" I interrupted "we don't have any classes together so I need someone to be able to talk to since you're off in another class probably making friends of your own" I could see Haru get kind of irritated at my response. He got up and grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the hallway, leaving Akio in the dust.

"why do you need friends when you got me?" I was getting annoyed at how possessive he was getting.

"Why can I not have friends Haru! You have no class with me other than lunch and that is shorter than any of the other classes!" I flip out, what happened? Why are you so jealous anyways!?"

He let go of me "I'm sorry, it's just that, I love you, can't you see? I'm afraid that he will take you away from me" I was shocked by his words.

"That won't happen Haru, because, I love you too" I said, he smiled and we walked back into the lunchroom and back where we left Akio "sorry about that" I said.

"It's fine" he said and lunch ended without Haru and I being able to eat much, "I'll see you after school Haru, just you and me" I smiled and we said our goodbyes and went to class. Next was English, this class was hard for me but it was probably easy for Akio since he just came back from America.

Akio's POV

So he has a boyfriend already huh? I smiled, then this will be even more fun, I will take him away from Haru, just like any of my pray before him if they had a boyfriend. It's more challenging that way, it's pretty easy if they don't have a boyfriend, even if they are straight because most of them are curious anyways.

Kyo's POV

After English there was one more class, and that was wood shop, that class went by pretty fast and I met Haru at his locker. We went outside to walk home and Akio sneaked up behind us and grabbed my arm. I was surprised and tried to shake him off but he just wouldn't let go. He pulled me away from Haru but Haru saw and he chased after us and grabbed my hand. He pulled me off of Akio, he just sighed and walked away giving up for now. "I feel like he's trying to take you away from me" Haru said and I nodded.

"Maybe I shouldn't be friends with him" I sighed and we walked the rest of the way home in peace.

So yea...that happened, anyways, thank you for reading, love you, please vote, comment, follow and all of that xD So yep! Bye for now

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