The New Kid

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Soon was new years, then school started back up again, we walked to school together and when we got to school I went to my locker and he went to his, then we met up again "aww we don't have have any classes together other than lunch this semester" Haru said and I looked down.

"yea, I guess we don't" I sighed "well I guess I'll see you at lunch then" I said and he waved and patted my head. I felt my face turn red as we walked away from each other. I went to my class, there was someone I've never met before, I went up to him and waved and said "hi, I'm Kyo"

"I'm Akio" he said I smiled at him

Akio's POV

'he's cute, maybe it's him I shall pray on next' I thought as I was trying to be nice so he wouldn't get any suspicions. "Do you want to sit by me?" I asked.

"sure, until the teacher makes us choose new seats" he said and sat down next to me, he smiled politely at me as he sat down

Kyo's POV

He seemed nice, a person I would like as a friend, I just noticed something about myself, I seem to be more open or whatever it's called since Haru and I have started dating. I smiled "So you're new?" I asked

"yep, well actually I just came back from studying abroad in America" I was surprised, he doesn't act like he just came back to Japan from America.

"ah, it must be nice to see America" I said kind of wanting to go there myself, I want to travel the world one day.

"it wasn't that nice, it was weird, they drove on the wrong side of the road and everything was the opposite" What, that's weird. "and there food was weird too, like they get there food from all over the world" he said and the teacher walked into the room.

"Alright class it's time to get assigned seats, row by row come up here and pick a ballot" the teacher said and we followed her directions and it ended up, I sat in the back, left corner by the windows and Akio sat right in front of me. After class I got up and Akio and I walked out the door.

"you should meet my friend Akio, he's awesome" I said just saying friend because I don't know how he would react to boyfriend.

"Alright" he smiled and we went to our next class, after that finished it was lunch time and Akio, Haru and I all met up.

"who is this Kyo?" Haru asked questioning Akio, he looked all around him to make sure he isn't a suspicious person.

"His name is Akio, he's a new person at this school" I said and he sighed and nodded and we all went to get some food.

Hey! I wrote this on finals week last semester so this chapter is a little short, oh well. Also I did tell you to head over to quotev if you want faster updates because I update pretty often there, this story is actually already finished there, though it kinda does have an annoying ending, my friend wanted me to continue because he...he didn't want me to start on a new story, he wanted me to continue this one. Well whatever, thanks for reading, please comment, vote, and follow if you haven't already, it means allot. Thanks, well bye now, love you!

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