I'm sorry

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It got later and I couldn't keep my mind off of what happened earlier, it was time to go to sleep, tomorrow was the last day before winter break, I got up and was about to leave the room, I couldn't sleep in the same room as him after he said something like that to me but he grabbed my arm and said "where ya going?"

I shivered at his touch "I'm going to the guest room with my sister" I said and tried to get out of his grasp but it was too tight and I couldn't break lose.

"I don't want you to go Kyo" he said in a sorrow filled voice and I looked back at him "please stay, I won't do anything, I promise"

"I don't know if I can believe that again" I said, looking at his face, I gave up and decided to stay, he smiled at me and sat on the bed, something about seeing him smile makes me happy and make me smile too.

"I understand if you don't want to sleep in the same bed as me" he said and started to pull out another bed from the wall that I didn't know was there.

"It's fine" I said, he just looked at me and put the bed back up, then I realized, he could probably do anything to me when I'm sleeping, then I started to get scared again but I couldn't take back what I said now, oh well. I looked down as we got in bed and covered up, I almost immediately fell asleep but still, I could feel his eyes watching me while I was sleeping but by that point I didn't care, I had a long exhausting day and I was tired.

In the morning by the time I woke up Haru was already up, dressed and downstairs, I got up and dressed and downstairs as well, Anne stayed home from school that day, then I realized, it must be kind of awkward being in someones house, especially when it's just the mom that's there, the dad works all day. Haru and I walked to school and parted ways once we got there because we don't have homeroom together, but for some reason we have every other class together "bye" he said as we parted, I waved and went to my locker.

After homeroom was over I headed over to my locker and Haru met me there. He smiled at me as I got my stuff for the next two classes, English is next and we have a vocab test, I wonder why we have a test the last day before break, I think it's stupid "did you study?" Haru asked

"uh, I was kind of busy so not really" I replied thinking about my family situation and how I had no time at all to study. I sighed and we walked into class, and I studied for the 5 minutes before the teacher passed out the quiz, but she gave us a little surprise, since it's the last day before break, we can work in partners so of course Haru came to me and we worked together.

After that was lunch, finally, even though it was only two classes, I'm hungry, I don't eat much of a breakfast, "I'm sorry I didn't help much on the test" I said kind of sad that I couldn't help, today is a short day, we get to go home after math, so it came and passed quickly and I put my stuff in my locker and walked out of the school.

"I'm sorry" Haru said and I looked at him confused "what I did yesterday, even though I promised I wouldn't touch you, I really couldn't help myself, the way you looked, it was just so" he paused for a minute then finished with "kissable." I blushed a bit and looked down, he brought back that memory that I was trying so hard to forget today so I could act normal around him.

"It's ok" I said "as you said, if I really didn't want you too then I could have pushed you away, but I didn't"  I blushed more, I could feel his eyes on me, I felt nervous again but tried not to show it as we walked home. When we arrived to his home, his mother was there to greet us at the door.

I looked up at her and she asked "are you alright? Your face is red" I nodded and went upstairs to put my stuff on the floor.

Hello, I feel like this chapter was probably really boring so sorry about that, and sorry I couldn't update sooner this week but I'm super busy with homework and stupid stuff like that but in about a month is winter break so I'm excited for that, yes, this semester of college is almost done! Thank you for reading, and please comment, your comments make me happy and make my day, I love you all so much, you're awesome, thanks for reading, bye for now

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