you're lucky

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Haru's POV

I smiled at Kyo and mom called up here saying it was time for dinner so I turned around "let's go" I ran down the stairs and he quickly followed, and his sister quickly followed after him. After we all sat down I was smiling at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as Kyo, but I also thought of me promising not to touch him, well maybe if I make it romantic first and he gets in the mood.

"what are you thinking about Haru?" mom asked probably thinking it was weird for me to smile like this

"um, nothing mom" I said and stuck a fork full of food in my mouth. "um, what do you want to talk about? How about you guys running away?"

"well, there's nothing really to tell, mom is a drunk and dad left and now we left because we couldn't take being around mom anymore" Kyo said with an intense face that also looked sad.

"I see, I'm sorry" I said looking down at my food "OK, different topic, how are you doing in school?"

"OK" he said and I just finished my food and he finished his food, but mom and Anne were still eating.

"may we be excused?" I asked and mom nodded so I took mine and Haru's plate to wash them and signaled him to go upstairs to the room.

He took my signal and went upstairs to my room and waited for me.

Kyo's POV

I just sat on the bed waiting for him and he came up the stairs and into the room "Hey" he said as he walked in the room and sat on the bed facing towards me.

"Hi" I replied quietly, I didn't feel right being in the same room as him, I felt kind of nervous and shaky but I didn't know why I felt that way, maybe it's because he's in love with me and I have to sleep in the same room as him, in the same bed no less.

"why are you shaking, and you're kind of red too" he put his hand on my face and I backed up to where I fell off the bed but he tried to grab my arm but just wound up falling on top of me. My face was even more red now and he looked down at me. He laughed a little bit and said

"your face is even more red now, you're so cute"

I blushed even more "p-please get off of me" I said

"I don't want to" he said smirking at me

"you promised you wouldn't touch me!" I screamed but quietly so no one could hear

"if you really wanted me off you then you would either scream louder or push me off" he had a smile on him face, a devilish smile, what was going to happen? Maybe I really did want something to happen, no, that cannot be true, I just looked away and he turned my head back so I was looking at him and he kissed me. "you're lucky, you can get away with that for tonight but who knows what will happen next time? I might lose control next time this happens so be careful"

Now I was really scared sleeping in the same room as him "alright" I said, my voice was shaking a bit and I got up and sat on the bed again. I guess I was lucky, or not, either way, I'm not going to lie, I was scared.

thank you for reading! I love you all, I hope you liked this chapter

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