The runaways

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After he finally let go, he put his hand out and I grabbed it and he walked me home. I was happier than I have been for a long time, finally I felt like there was someone in my life that will never leave me. When I got home I felt awkward and he hugged me good bye. I smiled at him, probably for the first time. He then kissed me, it was pretty short, like 5 seconds but it was nice. I hoped I could stay this happy forever. But everything good must come to an end, right? I will be sad when it does but I will also be ready for it. Though I really don't want this happiness to come to an end. I watched as he left my house in the opposite way we were walking, after he was out of sight, I went inside.

"I'm home!" I yelled as I was walking in my my little sister came running to hug me, she was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked her with concern.

"daddy left us, he got fed up with mommy's behavior he says and mommy is in a bad mood" she held my leg. She is 6 years old.

I sighed and picked her up "let's go Anne" I said staring into the living room, mom was probably in the kitchen drinking again like she always is.

"huh? Where?" she asked.

"I don't know right now, but I don't want to be here either with dad gone" I said and walked out of the door, mom spotted us as we were leaving and I ran away holding Anne in my arms.

"I'm cold Kyo" she said and I tried to cover her as much as I could. I took off my shirt and put it around her.

"I know we will find a place to spend the night and tomorrow we will sneak in and grab blankets" I said and I started walking where I usually go to calm down, the beach. Though as I was walking to the beach I saw Haru was still outside.

"hey Kyo, what are you doing here?" he yelled across the street and ran across.

"we ran away" I said looking down, "what happened, we used to have such a good and happy family, but now it's all torn up and it's all mom's fault!" I almost started crying "I just couldn't stay there anymore, even dad left us"

"you guys can come over to my place, I'm sure my parents won't mind" he smiled and I nodded.

"I guess we can come" I said so we followed him to his house.

We all walked in "mom, this is my boyfriend and his little sister, can they stay here for at least tonight?" Haru asked.

I looked at him shocked "what!?" I said and looked down blushing.

"Are you gay brother?" Anne asked "if you are, that's ok" I just looked at her and smiled.

"So can they mom, please?" he asked again.

"OK Haru but can I ask why they aren't with their family" she asked.

"Family troubles" I said and looked down.

"Alright, there is an extra room upstairs, can you show them to it honey?"  his mom said.

"OK, but Haru, you can sleep in the same room as me" Haru said.

I blushed and said "n-no, that's alright"

"it will be ok, I won't do anything, alright, it's settled, Anne get's her own room and Kyo get's to sleep in the same room with me!" he smiled and showed us upstairs. "Anne, here is extra blankets for you and mom said she will bring us all shopping for clothes tomorrow" and then he opened the door to his room and said "this is where we will be sleeping Kyo" I looked at the room, it was pretty big, though, I'm still not very sure if I want to sleep in the same room as a pervert like Haru, but oh well, I will have to take what I can get for now.

Thank you all for reading, haha will Haru keep on his word and not do anything to Haru? Find out next time, I'm really enjoying writing this story so far, yay! That's good, I love you all, thank you, and comment, vote, if you want to, bye for now

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