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A/N: So since its my day off and I have nothing to. I just update this story. Please leave some comment about this chapter okay. And also I want you to know that we're getting near at the end.


"Let's just stop this, Natsu" I beg.

I just want to go back in time were I can't feel this kind of emotions. I'm too tired of this shits. I'm too tired.

"Lucy, no. I just need a moment," he hurriedly said and took my hand and enclosed it with his. "I just need to think about what's happening here. But I can assure that were over. Jane is not part of my life anymore."

"Then what about me?"

"Lucy" he begs.

"You said it to yourself... this relationship is not what you expect, neither do I. Right now Natsu... I'm asking you what about me?" I said emphasizing my question.

He open his mouth to say something but I didn't wait for his, "Can you say to me that you don't love her? Can you say to me, that if I ask you to choose between me and them, you're going to choose me? Can you say to me, that if someone ask you to choose between the future with me or with them, you're going to choose me? Can you assure me that you will always choose me?" I questioned him "I know I don't have the rights to ask you those questions but... but why it feels like I'm just an option for you?"

"But you know what, Natsu. Even though I'm your wife... I don't have the rights to say this things on you. Let's face it, you don't love me as much as you love her. Were just happened to be trap in this situation called 'marriage'. But its not fair for me, Natsu. It's not fair for me to wonder about her, about you, about our future because in the first place you should assured me that I'll be with you in the future because that's how I did it," my eyes clouded with tears as I confessed to him what I feel as I held his hand tightly like it will help him to choose me over and over again.

"I imagine my future with you but it feels like its not the case on you. I wonder if your gonna leave me or your gonna stay with me... or if staying with me is the right choice for you. You should know how it feels like, if someone snatch your future from you, you should know how it feels, if someone leave you. So don't let it happen to me. Because I don't want to get hurt even more. So please... let's just stop this, Natsu if you can't be so sure about the future with me."

"Lucy don't asked me to choose... I know that you're mad because of what happened tonight. Please..." he beg.

"I'm not mad..." I say and even my tears are flowing in my eyes I still manage to smile in front of him "I'm not mad at you just because you have past, everyone has past. I'm not mad at you because I understand you"

My heart is being tortured but I need to do this for our own good, "I'm not mad at you but I'm in pain. The person who supposed to make me feel happy put me here. You put me here, Natsu."

He didn't say anything and just keep on staring in my eyes - and there I can see different emotions... and the things that he can't say with his mouth. I can see it but I wanted to hear it from him...

But he didn't. He didn't say anything. He didn't so anything aside from letting my hands go.

I close my eyes as rivers of tears run down on my cheeks. And the next thing I knew, I felt his warm lips brushed my forehead. This is what I wanted and this is his answer. This is the only thing he can do for me.

I SLOWLY open my eyes when I felt the light painfully stroking the back of my eyelids. I inhale sharply when I felt that familiar feeling in my heart torturing me all over again as I remembered what happened last night.

I laid there not moving as I continued looking at the ceiling as if it can give me the cure from the pain I'm feeling.

But this will pass right? Because he let me go right? I should be okay right? Maybe this is the end between us...

Or maybe... I should go back on not caring... I should go back in putting a shield around me. I should... I should... I should stop myself from thinking my future with him. Because, maybe the Lucy and Natsu love story is not really a love story. Maybe what we had is just a journey on how we will meet our true happiness.

"WHERE is he?" I said I can't even recognize my own voice as I say those words "Mira, where is he?" I asked her once again but instead of answering me she just handed me a piece of paper. 

"Saving you."

I can't even hide the fact that I was surprised by her words. I open my mouth to say something to her - but I can't find my own words. Mira inhale before she lean on her sit "Natsu asked me this favor last night, Lucy. At first, I don't want to do this... but looking at you right now... and him."

"Is he going to leave?"

"And your life," she said as an answer "I looked away from her to hide the pain that his words have caused me, "I think... its our fault too for making you and him trapped in this situation but I'm here to correct all those things. To make your life back to normal"

I nodded and flustered a small tight smile "I understand."

"I'm sorry, Lucy," Mira said sincerely "If we didn't play like cupid that time. Things might never happened... you will not get hurt again."

"It's okay Mira."

Mira didn't say anything in return - she just stare on my face like she's trying to read my mind. I don't why but what she's doing right now is like making me remember him... The final moment with him when he made chose between staying with me or leaving me.

"You're right."

I tried to focus on the woman in front of me and held on to stop myself from getting carried by the rapid waves of emotions that is trying to take me with it, "W-What?"

"You're right. He should let you go. You don't deserve to be trapped between a choice that you have no control over but to wait for his decision"

"I don't... let's just stop talking"

"You're right. You're right to let him go to her."

I looked at my side as I stop myself from crying again. It feels like Mira confirmed that Natsu went back to Jane.  But this is what I asked him to do. I want him to go back to them. I didn't made him choose... I let him go. But, why it feels like the same? I know to myself that I don't love him. I'm just starting to love him. But why does it feel like I just got my heart torn away from my chest?

"You're right on your decision, Lucy. Because when the right moment happened - if he come back to you one day - you both had your answers."

"He won't be back." I whispered.

"He will."

A sob escaped from my lips that cue my tears to fall down in my cheeks, "Mira don't give me hope. I know Natsu since college. I heard him before confessing to her and he confessed to me last night that he was in love with her. He even proposed to her. It almost feel like Jane become his light to lighted up his world. How can I even compete with that?"

Mira open her mouth but I just continue "Please don't say to me that I'm his wife. Because we both know that were just happened to be trapped in this situation," I picked up the piece of paper that she handed me "And this paper will be reason why were going to be freed in this situation."

"If I signed this paper," I inhale sharply before I continue "I'm no longer his wife."

Yes, this paper is a divorce paper that Natsu filed. Mira let out a deep sigh before she get something on her bag and handed it to me. A frowned embedded into my face as I get it.

I look at her confused before I return my eyes back to the picture she had given me. It was our picture during our honeymoon. It was a picture with me and Natsu. It was the moment when Kimmy was fooling around. Both Natsu and I were sitting on the sofa. I was... I was laughing on whatever Kimmy said but... but Natsu... Natsu was looking at me as if... as if...

"You become his world without the both of you knowing."

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