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A/n: This chapter might be a boring chapter with you but just bare in mind that... nothing HAHAHA I just can't sleep right now and I decided to update instead of counting sheeps.

But seriously, this chapter might be a boring chapter.


I TRIED to fight the urge not to sleep in my chair as I waited for it to be finished. I'm too sleepy and I really wanted to sleep but then I can't do it since I'm with my friends right now. I looked at them, and I can't help but let out a deep sigh when I saw them super relax on their chairs and they even have this kind of fruit or it was a vegetable that they put in their eyes.

According to Erza who just barged in one hour ago - for our 'spa day'.  Frankly, I'm not really in the mood to do this relax or 'spa day'. But all of them barged in and Virgo can't do anything because let's face it, Erza is really intimidating and aside from that they do whatever they wanted to do.

or maybe it's one of their ways so I wouldn't think about what happened between us... between Natsu and I.

I let out a deep sigh before I removed my earphones and look to Levy who's been reading a magazine since we start doing this "Aren't we done?" I asked her.

She look at me for a moment before returning her eyes on the magazine "I don't know about Erza. She will be the one who will decide about it."

A frowned embedded upon my face before I turned my head on my side. Juvia and the others are now sleeping like a baby while Erza who was sitting at the center of this room was shaking her head like she was following the beat of the music. She raised one hand to remove one of the cucumber that place above her eyes before looking at me "Done?"

I just shrugged. I don't even know if this spa day really make me relax "Can I wash my hair now, Erza?" I asked her, Erza put a hot oil in my hair before she put some face mask and cucumber in my face. Erza nodded to me and that's my cue to go near at the bathroom.

After I finished washing my hair - I went back to them but before I entered in the living room - I heard Erza's voice while talking to Juvia and Levy "How stupid can he be? I can't believe what just heard about Mira yesterday. Why he needs to return to that bitch side? Is he that stupid?" I can feel that Erza's trying to minimize her voice so I wouldn't hear it.

I feel like another knife just wound my heart as I heard Erza said. I know what are they talking about. I know who's that bitch she'd been talking. Even though, they're trying not to say the name of people involve "Maybe Natsu has a reason" Juvia said.

"We both know how Jane can be manipulative. Natsu once loved that woman. We can't be so sure about what she will do to Natsu this time to make him believe on whatever she will say" Erza said emphasizing her own point.

"Can you guys stop talking about him and that bitch? What if Lu-chan heard it. It will surely break her heart again" Levy chan said

I just want a moment to myself. I want to be alone. Because this past months - I don't have time to be with myself. I was living where I was contented of what I have before then the next morning I found myself being dragged in the kind of life that I wasn't used to. Everything is too fast for me. Even our marriage  and our divorce. 

I wasn't even prepared of the sudden changes. I wasn't prepared that I will be in this kind of situation were all I can do is to accept it. I wasn't prepared of this kind of pain... I wasn't prepared that after I become happy with him... he will give me this so much pain. 

I quietly made my way to staircase and then came back to my bedroom to get my wallet. I also set my phone on the bed side table before I got out of the bedroom again.

I took a deep breath and even though all I wanted was to get out of my bedroom I forced myself to step down in the staircase. Erza and the others immediately stop on their topic. I tried to smile to them despite that I heard them talking about him "Come here Lucy... I'll dry your hair for you," Juvia offered.

I nodded "But I'll just go to the kitchen to get some snack for us."

"Okay" Juvia smile. Erza just nodded to me but as I look at her eyes - I can see regrets and pity the way she looked at me. I tried to ignore those emotion that I can see in hers and just smile before I excuse myself.

THE moment I entered the kitchen I asked my maids to delivered to my friends the food that they prepared for us. They all did it - and when I'm all alone - I open the door and went out the house.

I don't know where to go but right now... what I want to do is to be alone. I immediately hopped in the moment I saw a taxi "Where to go Ma'am?" The taxi driver asked me.

"Just drive"

"Ma'am" he was about to protest when I continue

"Just drive please" I tried my best not to break down in front of the taxi driver "Just not here please. Just drive I don't have a specific place to go but I'll tell you when I made up my mind" I say.

The taxi driver didn't say anything and just did what I asked him to do.   To tell you honestly, what I'm doing right now is really a foolish action of mind. I know from myself that running away from my problem will never help me to solve it. Is just that… I just want to be with myself… to think everything on my own.

Because right now, all I can feel to myself is pity and I don't deserve it. I really don't care about where I will go? Is I'm safe… all I wanted right now is to make this pain disappeared. I just want to gain back some control of my life were I don't pretend that I'm fine. I don't want to fake myself anymore.

"Sir, in Yokohama Landmark plaza please" I say.

"Ma'am it will cost fortune"

"Yokohama landmark please," I whispered.

The taxi driver nodded. I let out a deep sigh before closing my eyes and dream on having my life back to normal. It was so good to be true… that if someone would ask me if I'm going to stay in my dream - I would've gladly say yes.

In my dreams… he didn't hurt me instead he love me. In my dreams… he stayed with me no matter how I asked him to let me. It was so good but when I open my eyes again… all the pain that felt returned like a tidal wave - hurting me all over again.

I LET out a deep sigh, I don't know why I went in a mall when all I wanted on this day is to be alone. I don't know where to go in this place or what to do. Or rather, I really don't want to go out, I wanted to stay home but I have friends in there. I don't need my friends right now. Not that I'm mad at them. I just don't want to be in a place were they know what I feel. I'm too tired to see their pity on me because honestly speaking I really don't need it.

I continue to explore the place even though I'm not sure what to do or where to go. I didnt bother to look at those persons whose looking at me probably because my hair is really a mess. I was forced to stop when I felt someone hit my arm. I open my mouth to say something, but a gently hand touched my arms - helping me to stood up on my own feet.

"Bro, please take a look on where you will go" the man said.

I looked at the man who just talked and a frowned embedded into my face when I saw his face. He looked familiar but I just can't figure it out where I saw him. I didn't listen to them and just continue figuring out where I saw this man - when he finally look at me "Are you alright?" He ask me gently.

Instead of answering him "I think I saw you before" I murmured almost like a whisper.

The man nodded in embarrassment as he smiled at me "It looks like you don't remember me anymore, Lucy" he says which makes my frown deeper "I'm Larcade, your classmate and Natsu's cousin in college"

I was reluctant to remember where I had met him but instead of remembering the moments that I have with this guy. The person I wanted to forget trying to come to my mind.

"Larcade" I says he smile towards me "Are you alone?"

He nodded "I'm done talking with my friends right now. I just want to be alone to have some 'me' time" he says "You? What are you doing here alone?" He asked me curiously.

"I-I just want to be alone too" I say before I flustered my fake smile.

"Cool" he say "I have to go now. I think I'll be a hindrance for you to enjoy your 'me' time"

"Wait" I say. He stopped the moment I called him. He looked at me again trying to figuring out if I'm going to say something important.

"Are you okay?" He asked and looked at my hand that is now unconsciously rubbing my arms "did you get hurt a while ago?"

I bit my lower lips "I'm fine. I just wanted to asked you if… if you are… if you are free"


"I just.. I know you want to have some 'me' time but… I just… " I bit my lower lips when I realize that I can't explain myself to him properly.

I felt Larcade hands gently patting my head "Where do you wanna go?"


"I can cancel my 'me' time just for you" He smile towards me before he continue "I can't say 'no' to a beautiful woman like you, Lucy"

"Where do broken hearted go, Larcade?" I asked him making caught off guard "I wanna go there"

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