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A FROWNED embedded into my face before I glance back to his face. I open my mouth to say something, but he just grabbed my hand and pulled me until we entered the place. Larcade made me sit on the couch before he went to talk to someone. I can't hear what they're talking but time to time Larcade and his friend look on my direction before continuing their discussion.

"Lucy," Larcade call me "come here, allow me to introduce my friend to you" I stare on his friend then give him a tight smile "Hermes, Hermes, Lucy"

A frowned embedded into Hermes face as he looked at him "Is that how you introduced your girlfriend to me?" Disbelief is really visible on his voice then his eyes went back to mine "I'm pretty sure you are having hard time to deal with this crazy boyfriend of yours"

"Well… ummm"

He's eyes immediately went to my ring and he's eyes wide open the same time with his mouth before he look at his friend "I never knew that you already propose to her" he say "Congratulation man"

Larcade look at me confused but I just gave him a tight smile "Just please, attend what she needs, Hermes"

"Sure, Sure" he said before he guided me on the chair.

"ARE YOU sure about it?" Hermes asked me for a ninth time, "Maybe we can just rebond your hair"

I shook my head "I just want to cut my hair" I say as I put my finger until my ear "Until here"

Hermes look at Larcade helplessly "Are you sure about not stopping your fiancee, Larcade?"

I open my mouth to correct him my relationship with Larcade but Larcade just wink on me before he smile to his friend "Lucy will be Lucy, whatever her hairstyle" Larcade cock his head on the other side "Besides, she's always beautiful in my eyes"

Hermes rolled his eyes to him "Whatever, stop saying something like that it never suit you"

Larcade laugh as Hermes did what I asked him to do. After few minutes, I hear Larcade phone rings so he just look at me "Umm.. Lucy I just need to answer this call for a minute" he say "Are you okay here?"

I nodded "Yeah" I gave him a tight smile "Sorry for taking so much of your 'me' time. You can leave me here if you want I can handle it"

Larcade look at me like he was trying to read my mind before he eventually went to my place and kneel in front of me "I can't leave my fiancee here" he say emphasizing the word 'fiancee' like he wants to make sure that Hermes heard it.

When Larcade went out, Hermes look at me using the mirror in front of us "I can't believe that Larcade can say those unbelievable words to you. I felt like he is not the Larcade I used to know. Anyway, back to your hair. Are you sure that you don't want me to rebond your hair? Its just a waste if you cut your hair short"

"I don't want to rebond my hair I just want it short"

Hermes pouted his lips and didn't say anything. It looks like he finally accepted that I don't like what he wants to do with my hair. He pick up his scissors and once again he look at me through the mirror "Are you sure?"


I didn't even blink when he finally cut my hair into what I want. I just stared myself as he cut my hair - I don't feel anything as I look at my hair. I don't feel regret in my decision, maybe because I never was been attached in my hair. Attachment… I closed my eyes when I remember something I don't want to remember. It feels like I was being attached with that painful memories of mine.

"Lucy?" I look at my side and I was surprised to see that Larcade is back. I don't even know how long I was been thinking "Are you alright?"

I gave him a confused look "Yeah"

He didn't say anything in me instead he just lean down and beforw I can even utter a word he gently wipe my tears away "Yeah? Then what's the meaning of this tears?"

"Acceptance… maybe" I murmur.

I QUIETLY seated in my chair as I listen to him. He's been talking about himself after we graduate in college - he even told me about what happened to our classmates. I'd learned that some of our classmates has a successful and happy life. I wasn't able to get in touch with them because I was busy trying to forget the pain… but now here I am…

"Actually I want to buy a dog but unfortunately I am too busy and I'm sure I can't take good care of it so I just set a side on that plan"

I smile a little before I tucked my hair behind my ear "Well having a pet will give you a responsibility too"

"True," he said. He continue telling me a story about himself. And all I did was listen to him. Besides, for once I just want to be anyone but me. Because this past few days everything that happened was all about me. I just want to hear other stories that is not all about me.

To be honest, being with Larcade who knows nothing about me really help me to feel at ease just for a moment. And to be honest, I did found a lot of him. I was even shock to know that he is now a CEO of his own company that focus in Digital arts.

"Are you sure that you'll commute?" He asked me for ninth time.

I nodded "Thank you for this day, Larcade" I sincerely say "I'm sorry for disturbing your 'me time'."

"You didn't disturb my 'me' time, Lucy" he cock his head on the other side "I did enjoy your company" he said.

"I know I'm not that great as a companion, Larcade. I'm sorry if I bore you"

He frowned "Bore me?" He laughs beforw he gently pat my head "You such a over thinker, Lucy."

I open my mouth to say something "Life doesn't make that way, Lucy. If you keep on thinking everything then you'll just killing your own happiness," He continued with a smile "Remember, over thinking can kill your happiness and it only brings you sorrow."

"Then what should I do? Let myself get hurt? Let him hurt me because he didn't chose me?" He open his mouth to say something but I just continue "I think I also deserve to be happy"

"Of couse you deserve to be happy and that will happened if you let everything go with in the flow. Life is full of surprises. One moment you are happy and the next moment you are not" he inhale before he pulls me into a tight hug "Whatever happened in the future, whatever you had been through, I hope that someday you'll find your answers. I can give you the answers that you need but I can give you my numbers so if anything happens, if you need someone to talk, if you need someone to spend your time just to forget your problem to call me. I can give up my 'me' time to you."

"Larcade…" I murmur.

"Who ever the man you love," he said before he push me a little and look directly in my eyes "He is so lucky. I hope that he stop being an asshole"

"I'm not in love with him... not yet--"

"Lucy I'm gonna stop you right there," he said before he tucks my hair behind my ear "When you fall in love you just love. You don't know how or when will you fall. You just fall because that how it should be"

I open my mouth to say something but I just close it when I realize that my own words vanished inside my throat "That's one of the reason why relationship nowadays fails. We shouldn't force ourselves to love, to forget and to forgive. We should let ourselves heal first before anything else" 

"Then when will you know if you are heal?"

He shrugged his shoulder "I don't know" he pauses "Only you can answer that" he said before he reach for my hands.


"It's okay to lose people that we love, Lucy but it's not okay for us to lose ourselves. Yeah I know that being alone is hard" he said and for the second time he tucks my hair behind my ears.

"How about stop touching my wife, Larcade" someone growls from my back

And when I turned my body to his face. I know instantly, that lots of emotion suddenly came up inside me - creating chaos.

"Natsu..." I murmur.

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