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I WAS busy trying on picking what vegetable should I bought when I hear a faint laugh from afar. I turned my gaze on them and I can't help but smile when I saw our daughter and Natsu talking about something. Little pumpkin was laughing while he, on the other hand, is serious on whatever he was saying.

"Little pumpkin! Natsu!" I called them out. Both of their gaze went to me and they both immediately smile "Come here. What are you guys talking?" I asked him.

Natsu pouted his lips while Nashi clapped her hand and smile "I'm just reminding her about ..."

"About? What?" I ask curiously.

"Having a boyfriend. She wasn't allowed to have one until she reach thirty" Natsu said.

I stare on his face for a few second "What?" I ask trying to stop myself from laughing "Don't you think it's too early for that"

"No! Our Princess is too beautiful because she looks like you." He reason out "Beside I saw a small kid staring at her. Like he was claiming our daughter"

I burst into laugh and it followed by our daughter's laugh – Natsu's frowned went deep as he waited for me to calm my nerve. I clear my throat "Natsu, I love you" I say which makes him blush "And please stop reminding our daughter like that. She's too young for that"

"But—"he didn't finished his words because I instantly kiss him on his cheeks "Damn..." I felt his hand snake in my waist "You should've kiss me on my lips, baby" he said as he buried his face on my neck. I chuckle – I open my mouth to say something but I heard someone calling out my name and when I look for the source I saw him again.


"How have you been?" Larcade asked me as soon as he reach me. 

My eyes got widen when all of a sudden he gently touched my cheeks and smile softly, "You look happy" 

I yelp when I felt Natsu's arms snaked on my waist pulling me closer to his "Stop touching my woman, Larcade" he growls. Larcade let out a soft chuckle before he reach Natsu's shoulder and tapped it - like he was saying something to him. 

Larcade eyes went immediately to my daughter who's also looking on him curiously. Larcade eyes wide open as if he realize something "Is this... Is this your daughter, Lucy" 

I open my mouth to say something but Natsu say it before I even utter a word "It's our daughter!" he possessively said. 

Larcade smile before he gently carries my daughter's face which Nashi immediately chuckle "She doesn't look like you, Couz" he says. Obviously, he is just messing around with his cousin because let's face it, Nashi is a female version of Natsu minus the color of her hair. "Hi there, Princess! I am your uncle Larcade. It is so nice to finally see you" 

"Lar...Larkid?" Nashi mumble like she was trying to say Larcade's name. Nashi look at me for a second before looking to his father before smiling "Papa... can uncle Lar...Larkid carry me?" 

I can see that Natsu was hesitant but since it was Nashi who asked for it - and it was really hard to refuse to my daughter. Natsu gently passed my daughter to his cousin "Don't you ever hurt my daughter!" 

Larcade pouted his lips "Why would I hurt my niece?" 

"I'm warning you!" he possessively said.

Larcade sigh before looking to my daughter "Your father is so possessive" Nashi chuckle before she looks to her father and wave her small hands like she was saying that she will be okay, "So I will just tour around your daughter. Just have some moment" he says before he turns his body away on us. 

I snake my arms around Natsu's arms - making him look at me "Stop worrying about our daughter, Larcade will take care of her." I whisper.

"I just... I just don't want our daughter get hurt" he murmurs.

"Pain, hurt and regrets" I say which makes him frown "Will help our daughter learn her lesson. If you keep on protecting her like that, little pumpkin will surely feed up. She will hate you" I gently caress his cheeks and smile softly "And I don't want that to happen" 

Natsu sigh but instead of saying anything he just pulls me and kissed me on my temple. He was about to say something when I heard that voice again, "Natsu?"

I almost stop from breathing the moment I saw her again. The woman that shattered the bubble I created with Natsu when she burst it so I can return into reality. But now... I won't let her do that again. 

Just like the before, whenever I saw her it like, she was silently saying that the center of her life was Natsu. She completely ignore my existence like I was nothing important even though she saw that my arms are around Natsu's arm.

"Jane," I almost  smiled when I heard Natsu's voice. It sounded flat... and dead. "I'm sorry but Lucy and I need to go"

I can see clearly now. Before she looks like a battered angel to me. She was begging for me so that Natsu could talk with her. But I think, I was blind before... Because I couldn't see on her eyes that truth... the truth... that she was just playing a game that she knew too well. I can see it behind her eyes, how she's manipulating me... and Natsu to do what she want through her pitiful eyes. 

"Can I talk with him? It's too important."

"Why don't you ask him if he wants to talk to you? Why me?" I say as I shrugged my shoulder "How many times do you have to talk with him before you put on your thick head that you are over" 

Anger flashes on her eyes as she look at me. Why I didn't notice it before? Is it because of my past? But there's no way I will let her fool me again and there's no way in hell that I will let her mess with Natsu's head again. 

"This is about our child--"

"Your child" I said emphasizing it. Natsu gently remove my arms around his arms before he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer "Don't you have enough decency to be embarrassed that you're using your child, an innocent child who became your pawn in your game, to play a man who's decent enough to care? You are using a child who's dead"

For a moment, her pretense suddenly disappeared and was replaced by her true identity. A bitch. A bitch who's willing to destroy everything just to get whatever she wants. Is just that, I won't let her to destroy me again. 

"You don't know anything about us" she almost shout but I just smile on her which made her anger blaze even more "You are just nothing but a toy, Lucy!" 

I sigh "Looks who's showing her bitch side? Don't  you think I will believe on that shit, Jane?" She raised her hand like she was trying to hit me but instead, I slapped her which makes her fall on her knees - her eyes wide open as she look at me and smile sweetly "That's what you get, Jane and I'm telling you. It's not enough!" 

Her eyes went to Natsu like she was begging for him to help her "Natsu, are you sure that you are going to replace me with her? She doesn't even measure up near where I was in your life."

"You're right. Because she's off the scales while you're at bottom so deep that it's almost dry" Natsu said matter - of- fact "I don't want to see you ever again, Jane. And please, stop looking at my woman like you're doing right now. You can't compare to her because with you I though I had something good. Now I know what it's like to have better"

"You almost married me!" 

"Almost." he pause "But with Lucy, I know for a fact that she will have my ring on her finger," I look at him when I heard him say that - my heart was beating so fast and I could tell that my checks are turning into red. Natsu look at me lovingly, "After all I fixed everything, you're going to marry me" 

I bit my lower lips when I saw how serious he was, but I still thank God for letting me speak right this moment "Why you didn't ask me?"

Natsu chuckle before kissing me on my temple "Don't worry. I'll ask you again when I have the ring." 

I heard a loud laugh echo and I turned my head to see that she was already glaring me, or us? "Disgusting!" she hissed "You really ignore my presence, Natsu" she said. 

I open my mouth to say something but Natsu cover my mouth with his hand before "I don't even know or understand why you keep on pushing yourself to me. Nathalie is dead, Jane. She was dead. Stop using her" 

Tears started to fall into her eyes as she stare blankly with us. I can see the pain and anger on her eyes but she remained herself mute. She open her mouth to say something but a little voice coming from our behind calls our attention "Mama, Papa" Nashi said as she wave her hand with us. 

Before I even utter my daughter's name I heard her say "Nathalie" she murmurs.

I don't know why but hearing her say that name makes me feel fear... fear for my daughter's safety. 

I BIT my lower lips to stop myself for shouting. I stood up and went to the kitchen and drink some water. I could feel that my body is getting excited and it's not really helping me to get some rest. It's almost eleven thirty midnight and I can't find myself sleeping especially after what Natsu has declared on the mall. 

Marriage. He actually brought up marriage. I think its too early for that -  especially that we just  got back together. I went straight to the garden that connected on my kitchen. I could see the bright moon shining beautifully in the sky. 

"Marriage, huh" I murmurs under my breathe. What if Natsu get tired of loving me? Is he going to leave me? 

"I think you should sleep, baby" I yelp when I heard someone talk behind me - and when I turned my body I saw him there standing "Why are you still awake?" 

"I just... I just can't find myself sleeping" I murmurs "You? Why are you still awake?" he didn't say anything as he hug me behind my back and buried his face on my neck, "Natsu?" 

"I'm thinking about what happened today" he murmurs "About Jane... and about what she said to you"

"It doesn't matter, Natsu" I say as I continue staring at the moon "I know that you love me, you love Nashi and I don't want to believe anyone but you. If the day has come that you don't love me. Then tell me... is not that I can accept it right away. But I think I deserve to know how you feel" 

"I love you" he murmurs before kissing me on my neck softly which makes me blush "I love you so much"

I smile "I know." As I heard him say those three words, its instantly remove the anxiety that I'm having right now, "And I love you too" 

I AM CURRENTLY busy doing some paper works when I heard a commotion outside. Fear starting to eat my system as I remember that my daughter is currently playing on the play ground inside the cafe. I immediately went out on my office and I saw her there - holding my daughter. 


My daughter look at me as her tears keep on streaming down her eyes "Mama!" she cry as her small hands are trying to remove Jane's arms. On her other hand she was holding a gun that she was pointing on my crew. 

"Jane, please! Put my daughter's down" I say. My throbbing heart was reaching up to my throat as I look at her "Jane, put Nashi down" 

"Nashi?" she look at me confused "She's Nathalie, my daughter" 

"Please" I say, taking a step closer "Please, put her down" 

"You're going to get her to me" She hissed "You can't get my daughter to me" she said as she pointed her gun towards me "She's not your daughter! A toy like you don't deserve to have a daughter!" she yell. 

I felt a heat then followed by the pain. My body bucked with the impact when the pullet penetrate my body. I lost count... two... or three. I can't hear anything anymore. I can barely see my daughter's crying out for me. 

"Natsu..." I mumble before everything turns black.


a/n: I think I'm gonna extend this book until chapter #35 or maybe not. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter. And please do take note, that I didn't proofread this chapter. 

p.s I will update when I can. Thank you for understanding. 

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