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A/N: We are almost in the end so I will get this opportunity to say my gratitude to everyone who's been supporting me on this book. I really do appreciate everything from you guys. Thank you for being there through up's and down. I know that this book is not the same like the story I've create before. But I'm still hoping that you 'did' enjoy this book until very last.

Anyway, I'm also get this opportunity to tell you guys the next story that I'll be doing after this story. It's entitled "Six letters, two words". Please do support it just like how you supported me in BWMB, Maybe This time, He's my boss and I'm his Slave and lastly, Ex – boyfriend to Husband.

Once again, thank you so much.



I DON'T know what to feel right now. It feels like – if I started to assess my own feelings I might explode because of it. I continue staring at my hand "Here, coffee. You look like you're going to pass out" it was Kimmy who said it.

"Are you mad at me?" I mumble before I get the cup of coffee on her hand.

I heard her sigh before she sat down right next to me "I am," she mumble "But not because of what happened to Lucy. I am mad at you for hurting her before. I know that you love my friend and your daughter more than anything. So please stop blaming yourself on what happened"

I remain myself mute as I stare on the coffee "Drink that coffee, Natsu" she ordered me "Why are you here by the way? It's too cold here"

"Cold?" I mumble "I don't know"

I felt like every strength that I have in my body left me. I can't think properly anymore. I don't know what to feel. It's like I'm in a world that was flashing fast while I'm walking slowly alone.

"Damn it, Natsu. Why are you acting like that? If Lucy saw you right now she will probably freak out! You don't sleep, you don't eat and most especially don't want talked to your family and friends. I'm not your family member and a friend that is why I really don't care if you hate me. Now, drink your coffee and answer my goddamned question because I don't want to fucking guess. Gets!"

I let out another sigh. After a week of treating me like a glass that easily break this is the very first time that someone says this to me. Everyone's treating me with care. Like they don't want to step on my boundary because they might break what's left of me.

I did what she asked me to do "I don't want to stay inside," I mumble – I just can looked at her face. I just can't bear to see her on that state "I just can't stay there"

"Natsu its freaking winter. It's too cold here"

"I don't feel it"

"You conceal it, don't let it show~~" she say rolling her eyes on me "Stop idolizing Elsa! She might file a copyright infringement on you when you start freezing everything here" she exaggeratedly wave her hand.


"An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart, according to Olaf" if my eyes can form an icicle it probably stabbed Kimmy right about now. But she just brush off my death stare and continue "But for now, drink that coffee it will save your 'frozen heart' or should I say your 'frozen body'. Because even if I am full of love, I don't like pink hair. And Elsa won't a file a case on you."

"Kimmy, can you just go away or rather just go back where you came from!"

"Back to my mother's womb, dear? I don't think she'll be happy about that. I'm too big to go back in there"

"Kimmy!" I said with a warning.

She laughed "What?" she gave me an innocent look before she smile sweetly on me "Don't worry, Natsu. Every things going to be alright. Not now, but probably tomorrow" she said before she wink "And Lucy needs you too. You have to check her inside, please"

"I just can't" I mumble "I don't want to see her in that state. It's my fault... everything is my fault. My daughter get kidnapped by my ex. And my ex shot her. Everything is my fault, Kimmy." 

From the very start... I failed to take care of them. All I do is hurt her. But I need her. I need her on my side because if I let go of her... I know that my life will never be the same. 

I want to make her happy. I wanted to show to her how much I love her. I just want to be with her... to love her... to stay by her side as long as she want me to. She doesn't deserve this. She deserve a happy family... a man who will take care of both of them. A man who will love and protect them. Someone that won't fail her... 

Someone who can make her happy... and that someone...



is not me. 

I failed her many times. I took away her dreams and crushed it. I broke her heart not just once but twice or more than that... and now I put her to this kind of situation.

"Stop thinking about leaving them!" Kimmy rolled her eyes in annoyance like she can read what's on my mind, "You are not responsible of your ex decision, Natsu. It is not your fault that she was a crazy aff!"

"Aff?" I gave her a disbelieve look. 

"Aff? A bitch, duh" she answer in a shrug "Do I have to drag you inside her room, Natsu? Because I'm telling you, I really hate cold weather and me staying here with you right now is a big deal."

"I thought you are saving me from being a frozen." 

"And that too" she said pouting her lips. 

For the first time since this happened - I found myself laughing "Thank you, Kimmy" 

"No problem" she said "Just go see her, Natsu" she said and I nodded. 

THE MOMENT I entered her room, I immediately saw her there - looking so peaceful. The only think that I can hear inside her room is the machine that attached on her body. I immediately went to her side and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, before I held her hand, "Lucy... baby" my eyes clouded with my own tears and I haven't say anything aside from her name. 

I sat down as I kiss the back of her hand and gently brush some strand that covers her face "I'm sorry... I just don't know if I can handle seeing you like this. I'm sorry if Nashi was taken because of me. I'm sorry for everything, Lucy. But... But even though I caused so much damage on your life..." tears started to fall in my eyes that cue the others to follow "I just can't let you go. I just can't." 

I kiss the back of her hand again, "I need you here with me, Lucy. Don't leave me. I promise you that I will bring Nashi back. Don't leave us. She needs you too. Our daughter needs you. Do you hear me?" 

I squeeze her hand once again "I love you, Lucy Heartfilia." I say before planting another kiss on her forehead and the next thing I heard...


the sound of machine



her pulse stop. 

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