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A/N: I am very sorry it took me so long to update. I was diagnosed of having tonsillitis and its really hurt especially I can't eat all the chocolate I bought for myself. Anyway, I just want to remind you that the choices on my author's note is a little bit tricky. 

For those readers who chose the number [1] Lucy will be dead and Natsu will stay alive with his daughter Nashi. They will just have their happy ending if Natsu died. 

number [2] I'm just messing you with this one. But for those readers who chose this. Well... I don't know what to say. 

number [3] I might perform - I mean my keyboard a miracle. If you want to have an happy ending. 

So please do choose wisely. 

Signing off, 



"CHECK the fucking perimeter!" I heard her say. I can't hear anything from my surroundings. It feels like everything become so quiet and all I can hear is my heart rapidly beating. Her face flashes before my eyes and fear started to eat my whole system.

I can feel that my entire body started to tremble, I slowly crossed the distance and slowly pick the blanket that used to be cover her body. It still warm and I can still smell her scent. My eyes went back to the person who's currently talking to someone - she look desperate and when our eyes had met – I know that she will say something that will surely break my hope.

"Sir—" Agent Strike.

"Please" I beg as I started to cross the distance between us. My eyes clouded with my own tears as I slowly knelt in front of her "I will pay any amount. Just please bring her back to me." I plea tears stream down on my eyes "I-If you want to used me as a bait then I will do it. I will fucking do it just bring her back to me" my own voice sound shaky.

"You don't need to do this," she mumble as she help me to get up with my own feet – still sobbing like a kid "But I want you to know, that I'll bring them back" she said but I can feel that she was hiding something from me "Just please... be strong" her fist clench and her jaw tightened.

I open my mouth to say something but she just continue "Because of Lucy Heartfilia's condition," she started "Removing those machine—" she said pointing the machine on my back with her finger "Those machine are Miss Heartfilia's life support"

My eyes got widen as my mouth parted "So I need you to be strong... I promise you to bring her back but I can't promise you to bring her back alive" she mumble.

"Lucy is alive" I say. I know she's fine. I know that she is alive. She won't leave us... I know it... I can feel it.

I feel pain rushes through my system – I open my mouth to say something but I can't find my own words as I feel darkness embrace me.

SHE smile sweetly on me as I gently sway our body – her eyes wide in shock but I can see on her eyes that she was happy "Just go with the flow" I murmur "You asked for this remember" I whisper – her cheeks blush slightly and I can help but amuse on her reaction.

"How can I do that? We are dancing without music" she said sarcastically.

I chuckle - Lucy acting like this towards me was really new for me. When I met her before she wasn't like this. She was always shy and blush especially when talking to me. Without even thinking, I kiss her on her temple pulling her closer to me as if our body is not close enough.

I leaned over until my chin was rested on her shoulder – inhaling her sweet scent that makes my heart beat crazy "I found a love, for me... baby, just dive right in and follow my lead"

I can't see her reaction but I continue sway our body. For unknown reason, Lucy thought that my voice is out of tune. I smile when I remembered how she make me stopped from singing "I found a girl... beautiful and sweet. I never knew you are that someone waiting for me"

After what happened to me and Jane – I never knew that I will feel this kind of emotion again. I still don't know if my feelings for her is because of the guilt I felt. But, one thing is for sure – I can't bear to hurt her again. I can't because it will surely hurt me too.

"Cause we were just kids when we fell in love. Not know what it was. I will not give you up this time. But baby, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own... and in your eyes, you're holding mine" 

I look at her face and she was closing her eyes like she was feeling the song that I'm singing. Her lips formed into a smile which I really love to see, "Baby, I'm... dancing in the dark. With you, between my arms. Barefoot on the grass... listening to our favorite song. When you said... you looked at the mess, I whispered underneath my breath. But you heard it... baby you... look... perfect tonight"

The sight of her walking down the aisle wearing a long gown with her smile flashed before my eyes. I open my mouth to continue the song but I was caught off guard when Lucy beamed at me – singing and answering the song.

Her angelic voice rung around the room, vibrating around us and hitting me with force immediately awaken my heart from its slumber. She looks confused when I stop moving and just stared on her face.

"You can sing," I said barely almost like a whisper. She open her mouth to say something but I continue "That's the most beautiful thing I have ever heard"

She gaped at me – her mouth parted slightly as her cheeks blush furiously. A smile formed into my lips and bite my lower lips. She looks so adorable blushing like this.

"NATSU!" I jolt awake from my slumber – I gasped as my chest heaved with pain. I tried to hold on to the dream that I though was my reality but I failed. I slowly open my eyes and I saw I'm in the hospital room – Erza and Jellal was setting on the right corner of my room. 

I looked at my side where I can see my mother holding my hands as my father stand on her eyes, "Natsu... we're here" my mother worriedly said.

"Mother" I mumble, "Papa" 

"Your cousin told us everything" my mother started and I curse Larcade for being an asshole "Why you didn't tell us about you having a family?"

My own vision clouded with tears as I heard my friends and my parent get alarmed with my reaction. But I tried to smile in front of them even though the pain is killing me "I have a family? Can't you see mother... I failed to protect my family." Tears started to fall down with my cheeks as I stare with my parents "I let Jane get my daughter. And then afterwards I let her again, to get the woman I love. I was so useless mother."

"Natsu—" Erza started "It wasn't your fault"

"Then who I am going to blame, Erza?" I said "If I didn't returned to her side. This fucking shit won't happened. Jane won't get my daughter and she won't shoot Lucy."

"It wasn't your fault that you fall in love with her, Natsu" Erza hissed "It wasn't your fault that bitch can't move on!" she growl.

I remained myself mute and then I remember Agent Strike. I look at my cousin "What happened to that woman?"

"Woman?" he frowned "Are you cheating with Lucy?" he said dramatically.

I shot him a bitter glare "I mean that woman named Agent Strike!" I hissed "She was here before I passed out"

"Aah! The girl that knocked you down" Larcade said amuse is visible on his eyes, I scowl "She said that she was going to save them and you have to wait here"

My eyes got widen "What?" I shout "She can't save them without me!" I said as I remove the IV that attached with my body. I felt my mother stop me from leaving the bed but I gave her a pleading eye "Please, mother"

"I can't let my son to go knowing that it will be dangerous" she said angrily.

"Mother please" I plea

"Please, Natsu" she beg "I can't stand it if something happen to you. I can't!"

I brush my fingers through my hair "Mother, I can't stay here. I need to see her"

"Then wait here!"

"You don't understand" I said frustrated "I need to make sure that Lucy is still alive." I heard my friends gape at me but I ignore them "I need to see it to myself. Please mother" I beg.

"I'm sorry, Son"

I knelt in front of my mother "Lucy was in coma when they took her without her life support." My mother eyes wide open "Please, I need to see her"

"She's dead, Natsu" my mother said emphasizing her words.

"Stop saying that she's dead!" I hissed "She's alive and I'm sure of that. That's why please let me go."

My mother open her mouth to say something but my father just covered her mouth which makes my mother eyes wide open. My father sigh "Stop saying those words, Marie. You just hurting our son," my father look at me and gave me a reassuring smile "Go with her. Lucy is waiting for you"

My tears started to form with my eyes once again but this time I manage to smile as I nodded to my father. Turning my body with them and follow what my heart is telling me to do.

I'm coming...  




Wait for me. 

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