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A/N: Please don't hate me after this chapter. I really tried my best to give a justice on this book. Anyway, I forgot the last name of Jane so I just change it or maybe my guess was right. 

Reminder, because of the global - health pandemic. Please stay inside your home and stay healthy. We can survive this COVID - 19 in Jesus name. #WeHealAsOne

Signing Off,



THERE were smiles on our lips as we looked up at the sky. Where the stars show their beauty. I briefly turned to the woman with me - there were smiles on her lips as her eyes showed how amazed she was by what she saw.

It's our last day here in Ilocos, Norte and tomorrow we will back to our own country. To be honest, I just want to stay here with her. Less complication and I can have her with me here all alone. Lucy frowned before turning her head to me – confused is now written all over her face.

I gently fend off her hair behind her ear and smile "What?" I ask.

"You've been staring at me" she said "Is there something wrong?"

I shook my head and gently caressed her cheeks "There's nothing wrong. I'm just thinking if possible to stay here for another two weeks. I really want to be here because I have you all by myself" I murmurs.

Lucy chuckle "As if you can have me all by myself" I pouted but didn't say anything in return "Remember, Kimmy is here and she'll probably tour us tomorrow before we leave"

My lips twisted into an impish smile "I think you are wrong," I said which instantly make her frowned "Kimmy wants us to have a baby. She'll probably leave us alone"

"Natsu I'm still sore" she said.

I beam at her "Well, we can do it some other time" Lucy blush as she divert her attention back to the stars above us – I gently run my fingers through her hair and my eyes never leave her face. I wonder if she still thinking of our encounter with Jane, "Baby—" I couldn't finished my own words because she looks at me and smile

"Natsu" she says "What is your dream in life?"

I couldn't speak as I felt my heart throbbing like it was about to explode. Lucy smile at me before she turned her head back to the sky "Before we get married, my dream to have an Alice in wonderland theme for my wedding. My dream to walk down the aisle wearing a beautiful gown that was design for me. As I walked down the aisle, my groom will be there – waiting for me patiently."

I was dumbfounded when I learned about it. Right, because of our situation she never fulfill her own dream.

"After we got married, we are going to spend our honeymoon while our smile still flustered on our lips as our eyes show how much we love each other," she inhale before she look at me again "I'm not saying this because, I regret everything that happened to us. I'm so happy, Natsu."

"But... but the dream that you have—" I couldn't finished my own words because her lips presses into mine. It wasn't long neither short kiss but it was enough to make my heart beat fast.

Lucy beam at me when our lips parted – her eyes shine with pure happiness that mirrors mine "My also dream is to be with you, to have a happy life with you, to have a child or maybe children that we will love," she reaches my hand and squeeze it "Also, my dream is... we will stay together until we turn grey and old."

I didn't say anything to her instead I pull her until she was sitting on my lap and without a warning. I pressed my lips with her.

I CAN feel that my throbbing heart is reaching for my throat as soon as I reached the site. From here, I can hear the guns and lightly explosion coming from the mansion. I force myself to move but it feels like my own body betrays me. I heard a loud ambulance siren saying that it was approaching my destination but my attention was focused on the door where the familiar figure was being released.

I instantly approached them and help him to carry her. The woman on his back smile at me weakly "Natsu" she said like she took a lot of strength saying my name.

I tried to fight the tears that trying to escaped my lips as I smile on her "You will be fine, okay"

"I'm sorry" she murmurs. I bit my lower lips when I felt my own sob trying to surpass in my throat "For letting them to do get her"

I held her hand and squeeze it "I won't forgive you if you don't survive this, Kimmy!"

Her eyes clouded with her own tears as pain cross her eyes – she didn't say anything and despite everything – she still manage to smile in front of me. Rescuers immediately approached us and quickly put the girl on the stretcher and bring her inside the ambulance. I can see her gasping like her body slowly can't get an oxygen.

"You have to survive" the man besides her said. I remember this guy – he was the owner of that 'shooting' attraction in Ilocos, Norte "Don't do this to me"

"I'm sorry" Kimmy look at me and smile "Thank you for teaching me that love for a second time around is wonderful—" she gasp – I felt my tears started to fall down on my cheeks as I saw her coughing with her bloods but still she manage to smile. At that moment...



I know it's over.

I want to tell myself that everything will be okay. That we will get out of this damn place safe and sound. That everything will be back to normal. But now, I just realize that I'm being delusional.

"Natsu" she said as she held out her hand like she was trying to reach me "Go see them. I'm fine. Adonis is here with me. He won't let something happened to me"

I hold her hand tightly "Thank you for everything that you've than for us... for Lucy"

She smile as she slowly close her eyes and finally... finally...


Let go my hand.

Despite the fact that I just lose a very especial friend, I need to pull myself and find them. But as soon as I leave the ambulance I saw a familiar figure lying on the stretcher as they carefully put her on the next ambulance.

Her face and body is clean – I can't see any bloods coming out from her body but I can't see any sign of life.

I immediately went to her side as I grab her cold hand, "No... no... no, Lucy" I don't know what to do. My mind is blank for any possible solution, "Please, open your eyes" I beg.

I can't... I can't lose her... I can't imagine my life without her...

"This is so unfair" I growl as tears trickle down my cheeks. I kissed her hands. I want to see her eyes... her smile... not like this. Damn!

'Because of Lucy Heartfilia condition. Removing those machine... those machine are Miss Heartfilia's life support'

I don't believe what she had said to me that time because I know that Lucy will back at me... to us. I press my lips on her forehead as I tried to wake her up.

"You're little unfair... no... you're unfair, Lucy. You can't leave us like that. How about Nashi? How about our wedding, Lucy? How about the dreams that you have with me? You told me your dreams before... that you have an Alice in wonderland theme for our wedding, that you want me to wait you at the end of the aisle, that you we are going to spend our honeymoon with smile and love. You said that you want to be with me until we grow old. You said that you want to have a child. Lucy, we have a child... we have Nashi... and I'm here with you."

She's getting cold....despite the protest I heard from the nurse – I carried her so I could hug her. God... no... please.

I buried my face on her neck as I clutch her to my chest "Please, Lucy... I can fulfill your dreams... all your dreams but please fulfill my dreams too. All I want is to grow old with you. To be with you while we watch our child grow, to watch the sun goes up and down through the years that will passed, to hold your hand and kiss you even though we're both grey and old. To be with you until my very last breath."

The rush wet cascade down my cheeks as if it's never going to stop. I tried to swallow my sobs and even tried to fight my emotion but it feels so hard. They said that crying should help alleviate the pain but it's not. It's fucking fake news. Because every time my tears rush down my cheeks I can feel the pain of losing her will never erase from my heart.

I blinked the tears away when I felt someone staring at me – and when I look for my side. I saw an ash mauve eyes staring at me. I sobs and held out my hand "Princess" my voice lacks of life.

Our daughter's eyes clouded with her own tears "Papa" she sobs as she run towards us. My heart clench in pain as we both sobs. I raised my other hand and put it around our daughter's body. Trying my best to calm her even though I can't do it to myself.

I feel so beaten up... I feel like I'll give up any moment...

With my eyes steak with tears and my body heaving with sob, I looked at her face again

"I'm sorry, Lucy" I said before planting a soft kiss on her lips.


THE PLACE was quiet and only low murmurs can be heard. I can see some police officers are doing their works and some are patrolling inside. I immediately went to the desk "Good morning," I said in a voice that even to me, sounds dead, "I'm here for a meeting with Jane Smith"

The guy get a log book and asked me to write my name and my basic information before he called someone to guide me inside. The guy led me to a visitation room. There's nothing there instead of chairs and tables "Just wait here, Sir." He said and I nodded.

This was the first time and probably the last time I will go here. I just want to see her for the very last time. I just want to ask her and even though I knew the answer I still want to hear it coming from her mouth.

"Oh, you are here, Natsu" my head snapped up when I heard Jane Smith's voice. I can see anger on her eyes as she look at me "It was so nice to see you here in this place" she says as she sat down across the chair.

"How are you?" I say.

She chuckle "Awe, you are still concern about me, babe?"

"No, I just want to make sure that you are fine," I said "After all, you will stay here for the rest of your life" she open her mouth to say something but I just raise my hand to stop her "I want to know why you did that. I want to know, why you kill those innocent people. I want to know why you fucking messed your own life, Jane."

Her lips twisted into an impish smile before she lean on the table – her eyes never leave my face "Because I want too."

"Bullshit!" I growl.

"Babe, I lost everything. I lost you. I lost Nathalie. So what should I do with my life? Of course I need to make it lively. And so, I messed up with your life because it's fun"

I can feel the poison in my blood running through my system as I look at her. I clench my fist trying to control myself. I want to see the life goes out of her eyes. I want her to suffer more than anything.

According to Agent Strike, the reason why Kimmy got shot because she tried to get the gun from Jane's hand – she succeed actually. But because Jane has lots of goons beside her, they easily shot her before Kimmy pulled the trigger.

I inhale sharply "Then enjoy the consequence of your action, Jane"

She glare at me "I won't stay here for long, babe!"

I smile in triumph and leaned forward at her "Then I will do everything to make you stay here. I will make you suffer inside this place. I will let you experience the living hell" I stood up but my eyes never leave her face "I was thankful that Kimmy didn't put a bullet inside your brain. But I'm happy that you will spend the rest of your life hoping that she did"

She remain mute but her eyes was glaring at me. I smirk "When the fateful day comes that your lifeless body is being buried below the ground. I will be there, Jane Smith. I will be there to spit on your grave and smile knowing that you suffered."

After I said that I asked the police officer that they can bring her back to her cell. I walked away from the woman who messed my life. I can hear her calling out my name – begging me to come back.

This shouldn't be our ending. We should be happy for the paths that we chose – but instead she prefer to destroy my life like what happened to her life.

WHEN I arrive and I opened my door to exit the car, I was greeted by a cool breeze that instantly enveloped my body. I picked the flowers that I personally picked for her. The grass around me slowly swayed with the wind, each of them touching one another in a playful dance.

I stopped on the upper part of the wide field and crouch at the gravestone in front of me. I remove the dry leaves that covers her name. After that, I carefully place the flower and smile "I'm sorry if I didn't go here this past few days. I was kind of busy with Nashi... I consult a psychologist for her because she might suffer a trauma after that incident." Another breeze whip around me and I smile to myself because of it, "You're important to me... to us, do you know that?"

"It feels different now that you are gone," I murmurs "I can still hear your smart remarks and I can still remember the very first time I saw you," my voice crack that as I felt my own sobs trying to surpass in my throat. "You deserve everything but I want to thank you for everything"

"Papa" I heard someone called me from my behind. I turn my body and I saw my daughter running towards me. I crossed the distance between us and I immediately carry her – Nashi beam at me "I asked Uncle Larkid to go here because I know that you will be here, Papa" she explain as her hand move while she tell me the story.

I looked at my cousin and he shrugged his shoulder before he sigh "I can't say no"

Well, it's true. Sometime I'm having hard time to say no to my daughter – she looks so adorable every time she asked me to do something.

"You guys are spoiling little pumpkin too much" I heard a familiar voice said it behind Larcade. We looked together from the source of that voice and there I saw her standing.

"Nashi is not a spoiled brat" Larcade said.

Lucy roll her eyes before she crossed the distance between us. I never thought I could have this moment again. That I can have her with my arms, that I will see her frown, her smile and even hear her voice. I can't believe that I will be given a chance to have her with me.

Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night because I thought everything was just a dream. I often wake up crying because I thought that it's not real. And during those time she will wake up with me to remind me that I'm not dreaming.

I don't know what happened that day. But I remember that his heart stopped. And moving her to another hospital is impossible. She really died.

Nashi and I was crying. Grieving. The nurse told me to put her back to the bed and the moment I lay her down, that's the moment she decided to open her eyes.

Actually I fainted when I saw her eyes open, and when I open my eyes again I was in the hospital and she was still there looking at me

"I swear I'm not a ghost"

That was the first thing she had said to me. Her with her still pale face but alive nonetheless self, sitting on a wheelchair, and looking at me as if she's only been gone yesterday. "Natsu?" my sentiments was cut off short when I heard her say my name.

I beam at her "Yes?"

"I love you" she says

"As I love you"

She look at the gravestone and smile "Thank you for protecting us back then, Kimmy" the breeze whips on us and we both smile.

I held Lucy's hand before we decided to leave the place. I looked at the gravestone again before I walked away "Thank you for bring her back to me, my friend" my murmurs.

We would never forget her because without her... I can't have what I have right now... I will never forget...

Kimberly Joy Garcia.

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