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A/N: Sorry for the delay. I was busy editing the BWMB. 

Anyway, I just have a little problem. I just want to know if you happens to know a wedding song that might reflect Natsu and Lucy's love story? I badly need one. I promise I'll listen to whatever you suggest. 

Thank you in advance ^_^




I can't move... I tried to move my body but it feels like my own mind doesn't listen to my mind. I wanted to open my eyes for him but I failed. I can hear him crying his pain as he whisper his love for me, his promise that our family will be complete.

I wanted to hold his hand too. I want to say to him that everything's gonna be alright but I can't. My mind is blocking me on what I want to do.

"I need you here with me, Lucy" Natsu sobs.

My heart clench in pain as I listened to him. I can feel his tears streaming down in my hand as he kiss my palm. It's breaking my heart to think that I'm implanting this kind of pain to him. I heard someone open a door followed by the voice of my friend, Kimberly.

I can't hear what she was saying but I felt Natsu's hand lightly squeezing my hand before kissing my temple as his whisper loves for me.

I wanted to call out his name but I can't... I felt slight movement at the edge of my bed followed by his/her gently touch, "I shouldn't put this medicine to you, Lucy. But according to Agent Strike it will help you" it was Kimmy.

I don't know what she did but suddenly I felt something inside me and then darkness embrace me once again.

I TRIED to move my body when I felt that someone carefully place me in the soft mattress – followed by a warm hand touches my hand, "No... no... no, Lucy" I can feel the rush action coming from him. His voice sounds he was about to broke down "Please, open your eyes" he beg.

"This is so unfair" he growls – I can't feel his pain making my heart clench too. I felt him trying to wake me up – his rush action showing that he's in panic "You're little unfair... no... you're unfair, Lucy. You can't leave us like that. How about Nashi? How about our wedding, Lucy?" I can't hear him properly as I felt my own heart clenching in pain.

It feels like this is the end for us. I tried to open my eyes for him, for our daughter. But I failed. I can hear them crying begging me to open my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lucy" he said as he planted a soft kiss on my lips. I could taste his tears on my mouth and the next thing I knew I felt his body collide on mine.

I breathed as the air came into my body. I opened my eyes and saw a rescuer around me as they quickly remove Natsu on my top. I'm confused as I look around my surroundings. Nashi on the other hand, was looking at me as if she can't believe what she is seeing. I smile and reached for my daughter.

"Little pumpkin" my throat is dry but still I thank God for helping me to speak, "Hi" I mumble but enough for my daughter to hear.

I gasped in pain when all of a sudden my daughter jump in me as she hug me tight. I can feel her tears cascading down her cheeks "Mama" she sobs.

"I'm sorry if I make you worried, little pumpkin" I mumble under my breath as I gently brush her hair, "Shhh!" I tried to make her calm down but I failed.

Everything happened was fast because I found myself being taken to the nearest hospital while Natsu and our daughter were being taken care of. Natsu still unconscious while our daughter's keeps on crying and they couldn't gave her a proper medication because Nashi doesn't want to leave my side.

I gently caressed our daughter's cheeks as I smile softly to hers, "I'll be here by your side, little pumpkin" I mumble.

She blink her tears away but her eyes never leave my face "Promise?"

I nodded and planted a soft kiss on her cheeks and forehead "I promise"

"Lucy?" I heard my cousin voice echoed on the entire place. I turned my head to see her face and there I saw her crying followed by our friends. I open my mouth to say something but I found myself being wrapped by my cousin's arms "Thank God" she mumble between her sobs.

I smile and buried my face to her chest "I'm sorry for making you worried" I mumble under my breath.

I felt my cousin shook her head as she hug me even tighter "It's okay as long as you return, Lucy. Thank God! I thought I lost you"

I was released from the hug of my cousin as our friends approached me asking me if I was okay. I told them that I'm feeling better though I still feel a little bit tiredness. Besides, I knew from myself that I need to rest but I just can't do it since I need to make sure that our daughter and Natsu are okay.

It will surely bring me at ease.

I sat on the edge of his bed as I watched his sleeping face. The doctor said he was tired and stressed so he lost his consciousness but I still can't imagine how difficult his situation that time. I was in coma and our daughter was kidnapped. I can't imagine how terrible in it. I can't imagine the pain he went through because of that.

Our daughter was sleeping next to his bed. The doctor's advice is to refer it to the psychiatrist because the child may be traumatized by the incident. Though, according to them, Nashi might forget it as she grew up but we can't be so sure about it. The incident might change Nashi's behaviour and I really don't want that to happen.

Natsu stir before, he finally open his eyes. For a moment he turned his gaze around the room before looking at me. I open my mouth to say something but I stop myself when I saw his tears streaming down his cheeks.

"No... No.... Oh fuck" he put his both hand on his head as keep on shouting. Natsu is being hysterical which instantly make my heart clench in pain "Why, Lucy? Why you're so unfair" he cried as the nurse finally inject the medicine on his arm.

When Natsu open his eyes after being sleep for couple of hours. He started to cried again when he saw my face. I curse under my breath. I think, I finally understand why he keeps on crying every time he saw me.

"I swear I'm not a ghost" I said rolling my eyes to him.

He open his mouth to say something but still his tears keeps on streaming down on his eyes. I push the wheelchair until I could reach his hand and I squeeze it but my eyes never leave his face. I saw different emotion flashes on his eyes as he look down at me, "You... you are alive" he cried "You are real? I'm not... you are not part of my imagination?"

"I'm not so dead. I'm still beautiful and kicking" My own tears started to fall down on my cheeks too as I slowly wipe his tears away.

Natsu held my hand and kiss my palm but his eyes never leave mine "Right."

I sobs "Is that supposedly sarcastic" I bit my lower lips but still manage to smile in front of him. I held his cheeks as I broke down into cry - the emotion I'm seeing on his eyes proof that he went too much pain because of me. I keep on wiping his tears with my hand, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you feel that way, for hurting you. I'm sorry—"

I couldn't finished my own words when I suddenly found myself in his arms while his lips are on mine.

I felt his tears joined mine but we didn't move away from each other. He kissed me more deeply and not minding our friends inside the room. I answered his kisses back.

MY EYES never leave the view in front of me. It was nice seeing my daughter having fun with her uncle Larcade, her grandfather and of course her father. Now, I thought, our daughter could make everyone as her follower because of her smile. I sigh, as I finally realize that I couldn't even resist my own child every time she asked me a favor. It is just a good thing that Nashi is not a spoiled brat because if she is. I think, Natsu and I will be in trouble.

I turned my head on my side when suddenly someone place a cake and a coffee on my table. I smile and she smile back as she sat down across my sit "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Mrs. Dragneel," I say truthfully "Though, I still need to attend my rehabilitation for a couple of week"

Her eyes soften as she stare on my face – I open my mouth to speak but I couldn't find my own words "I told my son that you are dead the moment they took off your life support," she says quietly "Don't get me wrong. I do like you for my son. But I just want to know if he will fight for you despite the fact that everything is crumpled. That he will still find a reason to fight for your love. And you know what, he did. He did find a reason to fight for you. To fight for the future with you."

She reach for my cheeks and gently caressed it "I really want to say this but it took me a week to finally say this," she said as she smile at me warmly "Thank you for coming back to my son. Thank you for giving Nashi to us. Thank you and welcome to Dragneel family, Lucy"

A tear escape my lips but still I smile to her "Thank you, Mrs. Dragneel"

"Mama" she said which makes me frown. She shook her head and pressed her lips on my forehead "Call me Mama, okay"

I nodded and grin "Yes, Mama"

Everything feels perfect.


I continue reading the document in front of me as I tried to ignore that unwanted and unease feeling that starting to enter my system. I need to finished reading these documents today – so I could start the visitation in each branches of my restaurant.

But, why it feels like it is hard to focus? I used to do this stuff since I've been managing my restaurant for I don't know how long. Why it feels like every time I look at the document I will pass out? Aside from that, the sale during those period when I was in the hospital is not good.

I felt the stare pointed at me got heavy as if more are joining to look at me. I lift my head to meet their gazes as my fingers halted from moving fast across my keyboard, "What?"

They instantly diverted their attention as soon as I met their gaze. I shoot my glare as I brush my fingers through my hair.

"Gray, as far as I remember there is no web at the ceiling. Because you are the one who clean that few minutes ago. Jellal, stop looking inside that vase. You won't see anything there. Cana you won't understand that magazine because as far as I remember you can't read Arabic letters. Erza, Mira, Juvia and Michelle you can check your phone outside my room. Stop doing that here. And you Natsu," I look at my left side when I saw how Natsu look at me. He looks so worried. "You know I love you but I also love my space. I feel like I'm being suffocated because you guys are here"

"You said it is okay for me to be here" Natsu mumble under his breath. I did say that earlier.

I pressed my lips together and glare at him "Because I thought you will be the one who will stay with me. You are always welcome inside my room but not them" I say as I pointed my fingers towards our friends.

"Wow, you really hurt our feelings, Lucy" Gray said as he pouted his lips towards me.

I roll my eyes with him, "No offense" I said sarcastically. I let out a deep sigh before I lean towards the headboard of my bed "I know that you guys miss my beautifulness but still I want to be alone while reading this stuff. I can't focus if you guys are here and watching me like I was delicate flower"

"And you shouldn't doing that," Natsu says "Three months is not enough for your recovery. You even bleed yourself three days ago"

"I know how long it's been, Natsu. I'm aware. But I'm still doing this"

"You should be resting."

I know where his worriedness comes from. Yesterday, I was finally discharge in the hospital after I'd learned about Kimmy. I was actually hysterical that my wounds started to bleed again. It's been exactly three days from that day – three days since I've working myself since if I didn't do anything my guilt will eat me.

Aside from that, what Agent Strike told me is really bothering me. I can't even open it with him because I'm afraid that he won't understand my situation. That I can't give him a child anymore.

Though I'm fine with one child but I know that Natsu wants a bigger family.

"Lucy?" Natsu cut off my own sentiment.

I frowned when I saw that my friends are not here in the room "Yes?"

"Are you okay? You suddenly space out. Is there something wrong that bothering you."

I pressed my lips together. I gasp when all of a sudden he get the laptop and put it on the nearest table after that he gently pushed me on the bed, rolling with me so his upper body is on top of me.

"W-What are you doing?" I asks nervously when he suddenly pull me closed. It was like he's trying to absorb me by hugging me so close.

"Distracting you."

"Natsu" I mumble.

"Tell me when you're ready. You know I'll always understand or try to"

I nodded. I felt his arms tighten around me as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead. I didn't tell him that it is working. I didn't tell him anything but instead I just let myself be enveloped by him.

It's like he's keeping me together. 

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