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A/N: I would like to express my greatest gratitude to this lady  KireiGodess thank you for those wonderful music you have chosen. 


"CAN you give me another reason why I shouldn't punch you, Natsu?" I mumble under my breath but my eyes are now glaring to this man besides me.

Natsu gave me an innocent look as he blink his eyes twice and smile before kissing me on my temple "Happy birthday, Baby" he says.

"It's not a fucking reason" I shot him my glare, "I don't need a grant celebration for my birthday, Natsu" I say as I look outside the car "It feels like you invite the whole citizen of Japan just for this"

He shrugged his shoulder "Well, I just want them to know that you are mine."

"I don't need too much exposure" I hissed "This is too much" I said pouting my lips.

Natsu just organized a big party for my birthday celebration and it was beyond on what I've expected. He even buy me a new gown. It almost feels like I have a fairy godmother that cast a spell on me to make me look like a prince ready for a ball. I'm wearing a deep blue tulle ball gown. The top is halter but there's a low neckline stopping just a few inches from the top of my navel. It's completely backless.

Don't get me wrong. I love the gown. I even fell in love with it at first sight. Is just that, I can't believe that I will wear this kind of gown on my 27th birthday. I felt Natsu's hand gently patted my head as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead, "I just want to give you what you deserve,"

"I deserve to have a birthday celebration where I have you and Nashi while having a dinner together or maybe watching a movie until we decided to fall asleep," I explain.

"I love you, baby"

I was taken a back on what he had said. My heart beat fast as I felt like I was lost on his eyes. Natsu gently brush his lips on mine – it wasn't long neither a short kiss but it is enough to melt the anger I felt towards him.

"I have a surprise for you inside," he mumble "And I'm not the one who organized this party" I open my mouth to say something when he continue "It was Kimmy. She is the one who chose this gown too for you."


"Let's get inside, shall we?" he said.

"What do you mean Kimmy organized this stuff?" I ask him as we made our way inside the hotel. And the moment I entered the event all I was mesmerized because of the decoration.

It's like we are in a winter wonderland.

"And now, let's welcome Miss Lucy Heartfilia together with his boyfriend Natsu Dragneel" I couldn't understand what the master of ceremony said. I was busy looking the entire place – it feels like I was inside a fairy tale.

"Baby, excuse me for a while" I look at him "I think I need to pee" he said shyly.

I pouted my lips "Fine, just make it fast. Where is Nashi by the way?" I asks. I really want to see my daughter since I haven't see her since this morning. Natsu's parents is really spoiling my daughter with clothes and everything.

"She's with Snow and Storm in the playground. Don"t worry, Larcade is there to make sure that our daughter is fine and safe"

"I want to see my daughter, Natsu" I mumble "Let's go there after you pee" I said which he instantly nod.

A gasp escaped my lips when suddenly the entire place covered by darkness. Fear started to eat my system as I remember that my daughter hate dark place, "Please don't panic. The lights off is part of the event. And now we are going to hear a speech of the person who organize this event for Miss Lucy Heartfilia"

My eyes clouded with tears when I saw that familiar woman in the video. Her face look at peace as she smile warmly in the camera – waving her both hand "Hi my name is Kimberly Joy Garcia, also known as Kimmy and welcome back to my youtube channel!" she says energetically, her mouth formed into a small 'o' as her eyes grew wider as if she realize something – covering her mouth dramatically "I forgot... I don't have a youtube channel!"

The crowd chuckle and I am too. Kimmy is really energetic on the video and I can't help but feel guilty because of what happened to her because of me.

"Anyway, I started to film this video just to tell you the story about one of the greatest fairy tale that I know. Or maybe I'm bias. Because I'm about to tell you a story of my good friend on how she achieve the greatest fairy tale that everyone dream off," she smile on the camera as she fend off her own hair behind her ear and continue "Once upon a time there's a blonde princess who fall in love with a frog prince. She knew from that moment that she will love that frog prince for the rest of her life. And so, she did everything for the frog prince. The princess gave everything to the frog prince but unfortunately the frog prince love a fake princess"

"The frog prince confessed his feelings towards that fake princess – hurting the blonde princess, in return. The blonde princess left, cursing and hating the word 'love'. Years after years, the blonde princess return – she became distant, she became cold and rude. The frog prince saw her again – he knew that he had hurt her before he was ready to apologize to the princess. But the princess hate him and completely ignore his presence."

My mouth parted when her face vanished on the LED and replace with our picture in the airport. It was the moment when I'd return in the country after years of being away. I don't know how Kimmy get those picture.

"The friends of the blonde princess and the frog prince came up with the idea," Kimmy chuckle "And the next morning the two woke up with a ring on their fingers. The blonde princess was furious, she was mad on how her life changes in an instant but what really make her mad is that the frog prince is calm like he doesn't mind being tied to the blonde princess" my mouth parted when I saw the picture. It was the picture when I saw the ring on my finger.

"The blonde princess left the castle of the frog prince. She went back to her own castle as she think about the possible way to get out of their marriage. But nothing came on her mind. The frog prince crashed into the castle where he knew the princess will be in. He found her. Looking so beautiful despite that fact that the princess was glaring him. He wanted to apologize to her for the pain he had cause to her life. But even before he utter the word 'sorry' the blonde princess told him that she wants a divorce. He doesn't like the idea of being divorce to the blonde princess and so he crossed the distance between them and claimed the princess lips as if it will change everything between them"

"The cousin of the blonde princess told them that they should consume their marriage and so they went to their honeymoon location. It was disaster for the princess. She doesn't like the idea of being alone to someone who had hurt her before. She actually planned to ignore the frog prince but it was failed. The frog prince was eager to get her attention. For the prince, he wants to use that moment to apologize to the princess. To get her forgiveness."

"However, the night when he finally decided to apologize to the princess under the light of lanterns. His heart beat and that's when he realize that he's a goner. He did fall in love to the blonde princess completely. That thinking how he had hurt her before makes his heart in tortured"

My eyes clouded in tears when I saw myself standing on the beach as I look at the lantern while Natsu was looking at me with pure love. I bit my lower lips – as if it will help me to control my emotion.

"The blonde princess forgive the frog prince. And so since that night, they started to create a memories that they will treasured for the rest of their lives. The prince make sure that he will make the blonde princess happy because that's how the princess deserve."

My eyes got widen when all of the sudden the video of Natsu and I dancing on the living room flashes on LED "He sang for her and danced with her that night and he doesn't think he can get happier aside from that moment. Having her in his arms, looking at her wide and bright smile, and the feeling her hand on his. That night he practically planned to say the three magical words to the princess, but he didn't do it. Because for him, the princess is not yet ready for that"

I remember that day too. I remember that I wanted to confessed my feelings for him but I was just coward. Because I don't want to get hurt.

"Unfortunately, the fake princess return. Telling lies to the blonde princess. And that's when the frog princess regret not telling her that night his feelings. He wants to return on that night when he have her on his arms. He regret not telling him the word 'I love you' to the princess"

My tears started to fall down in my cheeks as I saw the picture of me when I confessed my feeling towards him, "The frog prince divorce the blonde princess because he wants to make everything right. He wants to ask her properly. He wants to sing for her, dance with her and this time... finally tell her the words he meant to say before"

The picture of us replace by Kimmy's video. She smile in the camera despite the pain that crosses on her eyes, "I have lots of things to say... but I'll say the most important," she inhale sharply but still smile in front of the camera "Do it right this time frog prince and give the blonde princess her happily ever after"

"And happy birthday, my friend" – Kimmy.

I was nearly sobbing when the screen went black. It opened again after a few seconds, the picture of me and Natsu dancing display. To my surprise the people move to create a path for me at the same time that the floor lit up as if our step triggered a light that is now running along the entirely of the platform, up to the stairs of the stage with light showing my prince.

I inhale sharply as I tried to control my own emotion when I saw Natsu came in front of me as he held out his hand. I can't believe that Kimmy did all of this stuff for us. To have our take two and say the magic words so he can whisk me away and we can finally galloped back home into the arms of our family.

My lips quivered as I try to stop myself from crying more and I take his hand, his eyes shine with pure happiness as he pull me closer, "How do I get through one night without you. If I had to live without you. What kinda life would that be? Oh I need you in my arms, need you to hold. You are my world, my heart, my soul. If you ever leave. Baby you would take away. Everything good in my life. And tell me now"

I heard a lot of version of this song before. But I never knew that Natsu will sing this song for me. How do I live? Actually, I thought he will sing the song 'Perfect' because that's what he song before.

"How do I live without you? I want to know. How do I breathe without you? If you ever go. How do I ever, ever survive? How do I, how do I, oh how do I live? Without you. There would be no sun in my sky. There would be no love in my life. There'd be no world left for me"

His eyes shining like the way they shined before. And I know, it reflect mine too.

"And I, baby, I don't know what I would do. I'd be lost if I lost you..."

A gasp escaped my lips when he suddenly pull me into a hug. I don't know where he handed the microphone that he was holding – I open my mouth to speak but my own words vanish when Natsu kneel in front of me while on his hand is a box.


"Hearing that heart monitor... seeing the lines went straight, it killed me. I know you're alive... warm here beside me. But the memory will forever haunt me. This might be our second chance, Lucy because on the first one, I had died with you. I love you in that life. That is why in this second life that we have, I will love you always and I want to ask you to marry me"

He opened it and I saw the most beautiful engagement ring I ever see in my life, "Will you marry me, Lucy"

I bit my lower lips, "I can't give you a child anymore, Natsu" I heard a gasp from the crowd because of what I've said. I braced myself from the pain... and to what he might say but instead I felt a soft warm gently touches my hand, "N-Natsu..."

"I love you"

I felt a tear trickle down my cheeks because of what he said. He understand... he didn't judge me. He still love me.

"Being with you is enough for me. Ever since then you are more than enough. Even you didn't give me a wonderful daughter, you alone will still complete me. I have you and Nashi now. There's nothing I can ask for. Loving you thought me something. That is to be happy and be contented on what God gave me and to thank Him because the moment He gave me to you is the moment He gave the most valuable treasure to me"

"I just want to give you everything, Natsu"

"Can't you see, Baby? You already did" I bit my lower lips and nodded to him. His eyes shine with pure happiness as he stare on my face "Will you marry me, Lucy Heartfilia?"

I nodded. There's no one else in this world for me. No one except him. My own prince. My frog prince "Y-Yes. Yes, yes yes!"

"Perfect" he whispered.

I felt him slid the ring on my finger but I didn't get the chance to admire it when I suddenly found myself in his arms while his lips are on mine.

I felt his tears joined mine but we didn't move away from each other. He kissed me more deeply and not minding the crowd cheering for us, I answered his kisses back.

Natsu is right.




Everything is complete. 

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