Wrath's Journal 4

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Part of me wishes I could say that the prophecy Six spoke was the only one the group heard that week. I wish this because of the adverse effect the other had on mother's mental state for a time. The group met the advisor of Rendan. Rendan, being the kingdom of thieves, has very little along the lines of true monarchy. Who is Thief King is decided by who is in possession of the Thief King's Crown at the time. As can be expected from thieves, it is constantly being stolen, therefore the Thief King changes every few weeks. Because of this, the advisor of Rendan is essentially the true ruler. He oversees diplomacy where the Thief King generally does not.

International affairs aside, the advisor told the group about the prophecy of the Thief King. How this came up I do not know, but that is not important. The important part was what the prophecy stated. The prophecy of the Thief King stated that the one thousandth Thief King would be the last one ever crowned.

Given Six's prophecy, mother, along with all her companions, interpreted this to mean that when the one thousandth Thief King was crowned, the world would come to an end. The current Thief King was around the nine hundred eightieth, so if what they believed was true, the end was nigh.

It was then that mother thought she knew what Six meant by calling them heroes. They were the ones destined to halt the world's end. Believing this, mother grew melancholy since she knew that so many things could go wrong. If the world was to survive however, failure was out of the question. She felt the burden of the world on her shoulders. The entire world's hopes and dreams relied upon the group's success. This stress has never gone away, even at present. With that said, she has channeled it into something productive.

After a rather heartfelt conversation with Festus, mother decided what she needed to do. She would cling to what she fought for with her very soul. She fought for eternity. To spend eternity with her beloved. In order to do this, there had to be an eternity to live in. She was determined to stop the apocalypse no matter what it took.

An amount of time unknown to me passed. The group was staying at a tavern when they met a bard named Jags. Six the pixie pointed at Jags and said that he was a hero as well. After explaining some of what had happened, Jags agreed to join them on their quest. Perhaps he wished to travel. Perhaps he felt a sense of duty to the world. I do not know why he decided to join them, but the 'why' matters not.

While in that tavern, the group discussed finally what exactly they should do with the dragon egg. After discussing several possibilities, they decided that they should take the egg to mother's master, Estrella. Estrella would keep the egg safe, not to mention that the monastery of the Order of the Star Glider was a very remote and hard to reach location atop a mountain. So, they took the egg to the monastery, traversing the treacherous path up the mountain.

Estrella was understandably skeptical about the whole situation but agreed to keep the egg safe. Additionally, she told the group about a vision she had. It was vague as most visions tend to be, but she told them to go to a place a few mountains over. There, they might find some answers.

They traveled to the place in Estrella's vision, and indeed they got some answers, but more questions were raised. At this place, they met Silenus, a minor storm god. I do not know much about Silenus other than that he was a mortal who ascended to godhood and is known for being indirect in his explanations.

Indirect he was indeed for all he said was that there was more than one puzzle box. He would not say what they were, why they were important, or where to find them all. All he said was that it was important they find them. Oddly, when he spoke to mother, he told her she was queen in more ways than one, refusing to say what he meant. In one way she is the queen of nightmares, being the wife of the nightmare god, but that explained little.

There was more to the conversation, but I remember few of the details. As it turned out, Silenus was responsible for the two scholars knowing who the group were. He had disguised himself as the Academy gatekeeper who told them they were asked for by six specific people. He refused to say who these people were, however.

The final thing he said was where they needed to go next. On the coast, there was an issue with pirates that needed to be dealt with. Not knowing where else to go, the group went where they were told. It was around this time that mother acquired an actual journal to write in. As such, from now on my memories are slightly more detailed, but not by much. Don't worry, I will tell you when my memories become truly vivid. For now though, there are pirates that need dealing with.  

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