Wrath's Journal 5

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Mother and her companions arrived at a port town and were quick to discover that there had been pirates roaming the bay. They concocted a plan to board the pirates' ship. They would borrow a ship from a merchant in town and sail out into the bay. When the pirates captured them, Jags would offer all of his cargo in exchange for him being taken safely to shore. Unbeknownst to the pirates, the others would be hidden within the crates to ambush the pirates when the crates were opened.

Much to my surprise, the plan worked just as expected. The ambush was successful, and they killed all the pirates before they knew what was happening. Well, before all but one knew what was happening. One of the pirates, probably smarter than the rest, managed to fire off a signal before his death.

Soon, three more pirate ships appeared on the horizon. It was then that Jags had an idea. When the other three ships were close enough, they fired the heads of the freshly slain pirates out of the cannons and threatened the same fate to anyone who did not surrender. Once again to my surprise, the plan worked. The other three pirate ships sailed off into the distance. Mother thought making them run instead of killing them was a bad idea. For all they knew, the fleeing pirates may return. Jags said that he had wanted to avoid another fight if he could. Fair enough I suppose.

So, with the pirates gone for now, the group decided that they wanted to keep their commandeered ship and christened it the Seven Completed. They sailed back to shore to tell the town of their success. To their surprise, they met again with the advisor of Rendan and had an amicable conversation. He offered to make the group the official owners of the ship, to which they were most grateful.

I am drawing a blank as to how the next events transpired unfortunately. The next thing I remember is the group being on the road when the earth goddess Geonae appeared before them with a message. An unknown god was gaining a significant amount of power from forcing people to sleep. The group suspected my father at first, but mother was quick to tell them otherwise. Geonae wished for the group to investigate a cavern where the magic was particularly strong.

The group agreed to do the task in exchange for information. So, they asked their questions and received an answer. Each person in the group had been chosen by the Six to do a task that she was not allowed to tell.

Perhaps here is where I should tell you about the Six if your knowledge of Druash religion is limited. The Six are the six supreme gods of Druash who were said to have created the world. Luxane goddess of life, Silnox god of death, Geonae goddess of earth, Magnor goddess of fire, Azulia god of water, and Galynn god of wind. While there are many minor gods in the world such as my father and Silenus, the Six rule over all. There is more to the story, but that is a tale for later.

Religion lessons aside, Geonae was able to tell us for sure that mother was the chosen of Silnox, and her own chosen was Redkap, but she either did not know or did not say for the others. Mother did not understand why the death god would have chosen her of all people, but felt it best that she not question the will of the Six.

Anyway, with their questions answered for now, Geonae directed them to a cavern that appeared to be the source of whatever magic was making people sleep. Within the cavern was an altar teeming with divine magic. Festus and Redkap smashed the altar, believing that if they did it would solve the problem. From the broken altar came a strange mist that surrounded them and put them all into a deep sleep. Mother psychically called out to whatever entity was doing this and asked who they were. The entity responded by saying she was her worst enemy: Mirren the goddess of dreams. That was the last thing mother remembered before falling into a deep, magical sleep.  

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