Exceeds Expectations (Part 2)

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"Hiro Hamada, you are not sleeping in my bed." GoGo hissed, as she emerged from her closet, an armful of pillows and blankets nearly covering her face. Hiro  was lying down on her bed, his feet dangling over the edge, as he looked at her gleefully.

"But this is so much comfier than your couch. I mean, I know it's suede, but it's still stiff. This bed is soft." He then began to roll all over her bed, making GoGo want to slam her head into the wall repeatedly - couldn't he have just stayed in the blissful, silent-ish mode he had earlier while painting her nails? Why did he have to suddenly become a hyper-active toddler right when they were about to sleep?

"Ugh." GoGo had had enough dealings with drunk people to know that there was going to be no end to this. "Fine. Sleep on the bed. I'll get the couch." She continued her trek to the living room, but stopped when she felt a hand at her elbow. How the hell did he move that fast?

"I didn't mean that you should sleep on the couch," he insisted, a somewhat hurt expression on his face. "I'm not that mean."

"I know you aren't," she replied, wondering why she felt the need to placate him, "But you're just going to bug me about it in the morning, since you won't remember why you're asleep and in my bed in the first place."

"But even when I wake up, I'll be guilty about making you sleep on the couch!" he protested.

"So... You're guilty about making me sleep on the couch, but you're not guilty about forcing yourself into my bed just because it's comfy?"


GoGo rolled her eyes. "Typical." She finally marched back to her bed, and started creating a divider in the middle of her bed with her large pillows. "While we are sleeping, you do not cross this line," she said, pointing out the line. Hiro, like the good little boy he was, nodded obediently. "I don't care how tight it's gonna get, but you're not crossing the line and it's final."

"Not even if you have nightmares?"

"Not even if I -" She looked at him with narrowed eyes. "I do not get nightmares."

"Not even if I have nightmares?"

She rubbed her temples, and got up to turn off the lights. "Go to sleep." She sank into her side of the bed, lying down face up. Of course it was completely normal for her to share the bed with Hiro ; they were close friends, right? She was merely doing a good deed. Watching over him while he was drunk was a simple, usual, nothing-out-of-the-ordinary task. Right?


She sighed heavily before answering. "Yes, Hamada?"

"Are you happy?"

She frowned. "What... What do you mean?"

"I worry about you, you know." His voice came out soft, and hesitant. GoGo wondered if he was drunk, or if he was slowly becoming sober again. "You're never happy."

"I'm plenty happy, Hamada," she muttered,trying not to show how much his words hit her hard in the heart. "Really."

"Promise me?"

She hesitated. Would he remember this in the morning? Should she just take advantage of the fact that he was drunk and probably wouldn't be saying the things he would be now? "I promise. Weren't you the one who told me I was fun and happy a while ago?"

"Not happy enough."

GoGo sighed. "Why does it matter to you, anyway? You shouldn't care."

"But I do."

He's drunk he's drunk, he's wrecked and he's drunk, GoGo reminded herself. Abort mission, abort conversation! "Good night, Hamada."

He smiled up at the ceiling, yawned, and replied. "Good night, Leiko."


"Am I supposed to feel bad that we lied?" Tadashi  mused, as Wasabi and Fred got their futons ready.

"Yes!" Wasabi exclaimed. "We're horrible human beings, and we shouldn't have done that!" A thought occurred to him, and it was enough to make the grown man shudder. "What is GoGo going to do to us?"

"But think of this," Fred grinned, a smirk on his face. "What if they actually do get together?"

Tadashi  made a face. "Really? Those two?"

"Come on, don't tell me you haven't noticed it," the blond commented. "Take it from me. I am an expert in l'amour."

Wasabi rolled his eyes. "Right."

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