Exceeds Expectations (Part 3)

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There was a pounding in his head like he wouldn't believe.

He wanted to die.

Hiro groaned, and shifted in his bed - which felt, strangely, softer than the mattress he usually slept on. And a bit warmer. He furrowed his eyebrows, clutching tighter at the soft, irregularly shaped pillow in his arms... He really should buy another of these pillows. They it so perfectly in his arms. There was something amiss, though... He didn't remember any of his pillows smelling like lavender.

His eyes flew open, and he groaned again at the sudden light. His older  brother was a sadist; leaving the curtains open like that was bound to blind someone. And then his pillow made a little grunting noise, and Hiro  all but fell out of the bed, his head spinning, the pillow still in his arms.

"What. The... Freaking... Hell!" GoGo rubbed her eyes, her short black hair sticking up unnaturally, creating the most wondrous bed head. She suddenly became aware of a pair of arms around her, and, fearing the worst (or best?), she slowly, ever so slowly opened her eyes...

And saw Hiro's wide eyes looking back at her.

GoGo yelped, and scrambled away from him as she backed into the nearest wall. "You crossed the line!" she yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him. "I specifically told you-"

"What line?" he asked, the blood rushing to his head, wondering what on earth she was talking about. "What did I do? Why am I here?" A new thought dawned on him. "What did I do... To you?"

"Nothing! Nothing, nothing." GoGo ran her hands down her face. "This is not how I was supposed to wake up this morning," she groaned. "I told you this was going to happen, but you didn't listen to me!"

The realization dawned on him. "Was I drunk last night?"

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, glaring at him. "No sh*t, Sherlock." There was a pregnant silence as the two of them looked at each other; one obviously more panicked then the other.

"Please tell me you didn't find me on some road somewhere."

"Nope, you were brought to me."

He was silent. "Can you slowly tell me everything that happened last night?"

"We'll get through all that crap once I've had my cup of coffee," she muttered crossly.

He smiled faintly at her, despite the continuous, persistent feeling that GoGo's room was spinning. "Wow, someone's a ball of sunshine when she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed."

She glared at him even more, and Hiro  finally, finally understood the meaning of the words, 'If looks could kill'. The room swayed again, and he grimaced; GoGo's face softened a fraction, as if realizing he was hung over. "You can check the medicine cabinet if you need anything," she said, the accusatory tone fading from her voice. "Just look for the white container that reads 'Tablets for Inebriated Idiots'."

Hiro   couldn't help but smile at that. "Thanks, but all I need is a good cup of coffee. I've never been good with medicine, for some reason." He stood up slowly, trying to balance himself. "How much did I drink last night?"

At that comment, she smirked. "You told me something about 'losing count at one'."

Hiro turned a faint shade of pink. "You still keep your coffee stuff in that second drawer, right?"

She nodded, a smirk still present on her face. "I'm going to make myself presentable," she stretched, getting up on her own. "I like my coffee-"

"-With two sugars, no cream," Hiro  finished, as he sauntered out of her room.

GoGo blinked, and narrowed her eyes at him. "Since when did you know how I took my coffee?"

He shrugged. "I pay close attention to details." GoGo rolled her eyes, and didn't spare him another glance as she ducked into her bathroom.


The water ran down her face, leaving slick trails of moisture as she tried to absorb what had just happened.

She had fallen asleep in his arms. She didn't know why. She didn't know when, or how, but it had happened. And she remembered falling into the most peaceful slumber she had ever gotten. GoGo turned a bright red, and blamed it on the steam that was quickly rising in her shower.

She turned the temperature up.


Hiro  stared blankly at GoGo's coffee maker, trying to piece together the hazy bits and memories that he did have. There was something about... About an action film, a particularly bright yellow, and... Her laugh.

He paled. What had he said? What had he said? It must have been something completely embarrassing or mortifying for her to laugh like that. Not to mention the fact that he had to be beyond drunk to see that laugh that he so craved.

What did he do, and was it possible for him to do it again?


"Tadashi  just texted me," GoGo drawled, entering the kitchen. "He and the guys are picking you up in an hour, and they'll brief us on the lie they told Aunt Cass to get her out of their hair."

Hiro's mouth dropped open. "Tadashi  was with us while we were drinking?"

GoGo sighed, and dropped into a chair across from him. "You have the worst case of drunken amnesia I've ever known. Seriously, I'd at least expect you to remember what happened before you got so horribly drunk."

"Everything's hazy." Hiro handed her a dark, plum-colored mug, and she inhaled the steam rising from it like a drug, a content sigh rising to her lips. "Is it that good?" he asked, teasing her.

She smirked. "You make wonderful coffee, Hamada." She planted her hands flat on the table, her business mode on. "All right. So where should I start?"

Hiro groaned. "This seems like a long story."

And so she told him a tale that he wouldn't have believed could ever happened. He flushed with embarrassment as GoGo dryly told him why exactly she was going to re-watch Spectre, and winced as she showed him her brightly colored nails. (Although there was a part of him that was proud of his handiwork.) He noticed that there were times when she'd turn a light, pink color that looked unnatural on her - she was hiding something, he knew it, but whether it was for his sake or her own, he didn't know.

"... And then we woke up." The words 'in each other's arms' hung in the air, but no one dared to say it.

"That's it?" Hiro  asked.

She smiled wryly. "I forgot the part where I had to chase you down the street while you screamed to the world that you were a drunken mess who loved Ke$ha." She cut off his belligerent cries with a chuckle, one not unlike last night. "Chill, Hamada. I was joking."

Hiro  couldn't help it - how could he, when her laugh was easily the best thing he'd seen all morning? He smiled faintly, watching her try to stifle her laughter by covering half of her face with her mug.

GoGo eyed him over the top of the mug, and saw the same smile that he had on the previous night - All I ever wanted was to make you smile like that. She coughed; suddenly uncomfortable, and took a huge gulp of coffee, burning her tongue.

"Are you okay?" Hiro asked her, watching the myriad of expressions that appeared on her face after she grimaced in pain.

"Just peachy. Just peachy," she wheezed out. Before he could disprove her obvious lie, her phone lit up, and she read the message on the screen. "Hold that thought. The cavalry has come to bring you home."

As she left him, he couldn't help but be disappointed - he was going home already? He frowned, and looked into his coffee. For a while there, it had almost seemed natural. Waking up next to her (One could simply, conveniently, forget about all the yelling and confusion that followed.), enjoying a nice cup of coffee together while they talked about trivial matters.

Hiro  groaned. The only gray cloud in his otherwise sunny sky was the unspeakable - had he said anything, specifically about feelings, that could potentially mess up a relationship with the girl he so adored? He couldn't just ask her out of the blue, even though it was a legit concern. God knew he was a blabbermouth when he was sober - how much more if he was drunk? Who knew what else he told her?

If he had blurted out his feelings for her, and she had intentionally left it out of the story to save him a bit of dignity... Hiro  rested his forehead on the table. Maybe if he meditated, last night's conversation would come rushing back.

"Oh, dude, he's wrecked."

Hiro  stifled a groan at Fred's poorly hidden glee, and he looked up to find Tadashi, Fred, and Wasabi looking down at him - three different expressions on their face. Guilt, glee, and concern, respectively. "Tadashi, you are in so much trouble-" Hiro  groaned as his head started pounding again. "Forget it."

"Says the guy who can't even stand up!" Tadashi  piped up. "I'm not even hung over."

"That's 'cause you didn't get drunk, Tadashi," Wasabi explained. "Your brother on the other hand... Self-explanatory."

"All right all right, you got what you came here for," GoGo said dryly from the doorway. "My apartment has a maximum capacity of one, so if you please."

"Aaaah, GoGo! There's still the issue of discussing the lie we told!" Wasabi said, sounding more cheery than usual. Of course, GoGo was immediately suspicious.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing big, really-"

"It was just a small lie, actually-"

"And you can't blame us, especially when Aunt Cass is breathing down your neck-"

"I don't want to hear it. Cut to the chase."

Hiro, while he wasn't saying anything, was also a bit curious and apprehensive as to what his friends had told Aunt Cass.

"We might have given Aunt Cass the impression that you two hooked up last night." Tadashi, who was tasked with dealing the final blow  said it all in one breath, as nonchalantly as possible.

There was an unbearable silence.

"Get out before I rip off your heads," GoGo snarled, and the three of them practically ran over each other to get to the door. "And remember our deal? Make that a month!"

Hiro sheepishly stood up from his chair, and left his own mug in her sink. "This is going to be a very... Interesting week." He laughed nervously. "Aunt Cass is going to bug me about it all week, telling me to bring you home or something."

GoGo groaned. "Ugh."

"Well... We'll figure it out. Okay?" He smiled down at her, and she begrudgingly smiled back at him. And before he could lose his head, before he could chicken out. Since he was a bit taller now, he bent down, and wrapped his arms around her.

She stiffened at his embrace, quashing the instinct to push him away. But it felt so familiar, and he was so warm, and he smelled like coffee and his cologne... She froze in place, her arms rigid at her sides.

"Thank you for baby-sitting me," he said to her, and praying that she wouldn't get spooked, and suddenly run away. (Because it seemed like something she would do.) "And thank you for making sure I didn't run out into the streets to proclaim my love for pop." He chuckled, the vibrations of his chest slightly comforting.

"Well, we couldn't have that. Especially not when you are, in fact, a fan of jazz and RnB music."

Hiro's  eyebrows rose up on his forehead, and he removed his head from the top of her shoulder, if only to look at her face-to-face. "How did you know that?"

GoGo tried to ignore how close they were, as she tried to meet his glance without bending under the intensity of it all. "I pay close attention to details."

The two of them would look back on this day and say that it was an accident. That it was bound to happen anyway, what with the proximity of their faces, the fatigue after not getting a complete eight hours of sleep, and the high from caffeine. But it wasn't; not really. Their lips met and there was nothing accidental about it. The only thing that was certain was the fact that there was no telling who had initiated the kiss.

Neither of them cared, of course.

Her heart leapt into her brain, and sank down to her stomach, as she tried to grasp the situation without completely shutting down - he was kissing her. This was easily dangerous territory, and she should stop before it went too far. GoGo should, but she couldn't; she wasn't a risk taker for nothing, and to hell with it all. He was kissing her and she liked it.

Hiro  wanted to stop, but only because he was a gentleman. He didn't know if she reciprocated his feelings at all, and he had just dived in for it. It was completely unlike him, to kiss someone without asking permission, or at least checking to see if it was okay... But she was actually kissing him back and he liked it.

"Dude, what is taking you so long- Oh."

They broke apart at Fred's interruption, the blood rushing to their faces as they realized what they had been caught doing. "You know, I can just tell Wasabi that we can leave-"

"No!" GoGo and Hiro  exclaimed, and looked at the other in... Was it shock? Mortification?

"I'll be there in a minute! Just wait in the car!" Hiro  told Fred, trying to ignore the grin that was quickly spreading onto the mascot's face. "I mean it. I'm going, I'm going."

"All right mi amigo," Fred said, holding his hands up in the typical 'I surrender' gesture. "A minute."

The door closed behind him, and GoGo and Hiro  immediately scuttled backwards to a safer distance. GoGo stared at him evenly, her eyes narrowed, and Hiro  was… focusing on the coffee maker.


"I really have to go because Aunt Cass is already kind of in a bad mood but I'll text you when I get home and maybe we can go out for dinner tonight good-bye thank you for the hospitality!" Hiro  blurted out, edging towards the door before finally letting himself out and dashing outside.

GoGo was silent for a few moments as she tried to comprehend the words that seemed to have blended into one jumbled-up word. When finally got the gist of what he was saying, she blushed faintly, a dusting of light red on her cheeks, and she dragged her feet over to the couch. She sank into her suede couch, searching for the remote again, and finally found it wedged between two cushions. Ignoring the faint déjà vu alarms ringing in her head, she clicked on the television, and switched it to a random channel.

It finally sank in and GoGo stifled a dry laugh from behind her hand, an overwhelming feeling of warmness overcoming her as she kept her phone close to her.

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