Chapter 13

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Kotori pov

"I wonder what happen to Kumaru-kun." I muttering my thoughts out loud.

Fukuri shrugged, "I can never tell what is going on in that guy's head."

"I doubt he will do anything stupid though." Yokushi said to comfort me, he looked at me and gave me a soft and warm smile.

"I hope so, I dont want anyone to get hurt."

"He will be fine, Kotori." Umi reassured and the rest agreed.

"Why would that bastard run off anyway?" Fukuri snarled.

Yokushi shrugged "It isn't like him to lose his cool like that..."

"Maybe Rosuke did something?" Umi casually added in.

"But he was the one who informed everyone else." I said, deep in thought.

Maki Pov

I woke up in the morning, still feeling weak bu much better than the day before. The nurse came in to check on m and passed me breakfast.

I forced it down my throat as requested by the nurse and checked my phone. Nico said she might come by before school today. I oned my phone and I saw a new message notification, flashed on my screen.

From:Nico <3

Sorry baby, Kumaru went missing everyone is searching for him now. Can't visit....

I stared at the screen, a mass of question stirred in my head. My stomach was churnning and it wasn't because I was sick. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't stand lying here doing nothing while the rest were searching so hard.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the dorr. I watched all the nurses and ran to the elalvator once the coast was clear.

I sighed, bending over at the pain in my stomach. I quickly recovered the best I could and started to walk.

I had no idea where I was but slowly I was about to smell a faint sea air. Without thinking, I just kepy walking towars the scent.

I arrived at a beach. I smiled to myself at the sight, then quickly brought myself back to my focus. I didn't even know if I was at the right place but it sure was peaceful here.

I slowly walked along the sea, my shoes in my hands as my feet walked through the water which clamly lapped over my ankles. I made me forget the pain momentarily.

I ciughed occasionally as I walked and ended up in a small cave. The air was moist and the sand was soft.

"Maki?" A voice echoed in the cave. A figure walked out from the darkness.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should be asking you that question, aren't you suppose to be in the hospital?"

"I heard *cough* you ran away. *cough*"

It was then I realised he wasn't looking at me directly. I wonder why that is.

"You don't look too good, you better take a seat." He held my arm and helped me sit, leaning agaisnt the cave wall. He then slid down beside me.

"How are you, Maki?"

"I'm fine..." I siad then muttered softer "Why did you run away?"

He looked to the other side, his arms warpped around his knees as he drew circles wih his finger in the sand.

"...Because of you.."

I was shocked and this cause me to choke a little.


He nodded a little saly.

"I don't get it."

His sighed echoed and ampilfied in the cave. It was obvious he ddin't want to talk about it.

"I went to visit you last night?"

I titled my head slightly becuase I don't remeber seeing him.

"I didn't enter.." He explained.

"Why not?" I manage to say.

"You were with Rosuke." He said softly.

My mouth was dry and my body felt cold, my stomach pain intensified.

"Kumaru...I' sor-"

"Please don't." He snapped.

I opened and closed my mouth. There wasn't anything to say.

I heard voices in a distance.

"That's probably them.." I muttered.

He nodded. Nither of us moved we just sat there.

"Maki-chan, what are you doing here?" It was Nico, she came rushing to me, plopping down to the floor to her knees to look at me. She puled a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I *cough* cae to lok for *cough* him."

"Kumaru!" Rosuke shouted and ran in. He squatted down in front of him and was about to touch him when Rosuke slapped his hand away.

"K..kumaru..?" Kimura shutteredas he and Hanayo entered.

Kumaru stood up and stromed out, pushing the two away as he walked out. Everyone else stared at that action quietly asI quickly got to my feet and walked out behind him. I grabbed his wrist to stop him from walking any further.

"What do you want?!" He screamed.

"Stop this nonsense, alright?!" I shouted back. "Stop being an idiot and talk it out. *coughs*" I could sense that the rest has joined us and were watching.

"What are you talking about, Maki-chan?" Hanayo was the first to voice out.

I coughed and let go of his hand warpping it over my stomch,wincing at the pain.

"It's nothing." Kumaru breathed.

"He saw me last night." I said through pants.

"You went to visit her last night?" Nico asked.

"I see..." Rosuke sighed. "Kumaru, can't we just talk this out?" The red head stepped forward.

"What are you talking about?" Nico asked, annoyed.

I begin to cough "I'm really sorry, Kumaru We shouln't have done it."

Kumaru looked at me, his face soften "Oi, are you sure you are okay?" I felt all eyes turned to me.

I was panting and cold sweat dripped down my forehead. My eyes were closed as I started to hack and my hand covered my mouth.

"M..maki?" Nico was at my side, holding on to me.

I stopped as my mouth was filled. My knees could hold up anymore, the bukle and I collpased to the ground. My body relaxed and my two hands supported my as my breakfast spilled out of my mout, digustingly.

Nico was patting my back gently and hodling my hair as I continued to gag.

I was emptied. My arms clenched onto my sides as I coughed. I panted and fell to the side into Nico's arms.

"Is she okay..?" Hanayo's whimpered.

"She needs to return to the hospital." Kumaru commanded.

I nodded and tired to get up shakily, Nico supported me as I did.

Rosuke looked at me with eyes filled with worry.

With the help of Nico, the group of us started to make our way back to the hospital.

Midway we were joined by the rest.

They were behind, buzzing in soft voices. Nico was holding me and the two boys walked in silence beside us.

"I'm really sorry." I muttered.

"It's okay we don't have to talk about it now." Kumaru sighed and ran his hand thrugh his hair.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?" Nico sighes, irritated as she had no clue.

"I saw Rosuke and Maki together, nearly kissing." He explained in a soft voice. I looked away and I could sense that Rosuke did the same.

"What?!" Nico's voice shook from mixed emotions. She was silent. I bit my lip.

"How could you?" She uttered in a small voice.

"Nico..I'm sorry.." I tired to apologise. I saw her grit er teeth "Forget it. Let's quickly get there."

The rest of the walk there was an deadly silent atomsphere. I was actually glad when the nurse chased all of them out. I sighed. I got told off by the nurse but honestly right now that is better than having to face the two.

A/N: Heyyy, okay so i was bored and my feels came back hhaahah I just started school again so I was pretty low on that XD I hope you enjoyed this yah! Such a long chap I'm proud heheh please forgive me if there is any typo

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