Chapter 16

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Honoka Pov

I leaned against him on the couch, his finger drawing circles on my thigh.

"Is this right?" I mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

Neither of us paying any attention to the programme playing.

I shrugged "What would happen to us when the month ends?"

It was his turn to shrug "What do you want to happen?"

I stayed silent.

"Well, I want 'us' to continue. What do you say?"

I sat up with a bright smile and nodded.

He chuckled and I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

He laughed and wrapped his arms around my back and have me gentle pats.

Kotori pov

I smiled and nodded "I guess it was fun."

He scratched his neck and nodded "so this is the end of our play relationship."

"It was interesting to be with you even for a short while."

He nodded in agreement.

After the issue with Maki and Nico, Yokushi and I have decided to end our relationship as well. Itwasn't heartbreaking, since it couldn't be love. Maybe we were just curious and interested in what it would be like. Just to explore and have fun.

I blushed as one thought led to another.

"Ne, and Yokushi-kun..."

"What is it Kotori?"

"I was wondering could do one last thing for me?"

He crooked his head to the side slightly.

"C-could you...." I whispered the rest "do something lewd to me?"

He heard it and it took him moment time process. His face turned red.


"Ah sorry I said something weird." I looked away.

He shook his head and beamed at me.

"It's okay I wanted to experience it myself too."

Let your imagination run find my dear readers ;)

Eli Pov

"ELI!!!" There was a scream from outside the door. The four of us,naked, exchanged glances.

We both had one inside us.

"Eli something bad has happened!"

"Eli-cchi that sounds important."

I nodded "I should go check it out."

They nest nodded.

I removed myself and wrapped my self in a robe before I went to answer the door.

It was Hanayo, wearing a very worried expression.

"What is it Hanayo?"

She was taking deep breaths.

When she finally caught enough she threw out a whole string of words and I was surprised if was able to understand.

"You go to help Maki is being attacked by a group of guys from school!"

My eyes doubled their size and my mouth dropped "What?!" I exclaimed loudly.

She nodded "You got to stop it please!"

Maki pov

The school was deserted as I walked down to my temporary locker. I was doing some revision in my room when I realised I left one of my notebooks in school so I decided to come back and grab it.

I closed the metal door behind me after I obtained what I needed.

There was a soft muffled sound of footsteps and a few chuckles.

I found it strange. It was pass school hours what could others be doing here?

Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to go investigate.

What I saw were three boys vandalising school's property and laughing about it.


Where did that voice come from? Why are they all looking at me now? Then I realised that, it was my voice which has shouted. Why did I do that? I should have just minded my own things and got the heck out of there.

Since I already opened my mouth there're was no way this is going to end well, especially with the looks they are giving.

"Well, well if it isn't Nishikino Maki." The one in they center sneered. How did he know my name?

"The composer of the idol group U's." The other added the information.

"What are you doing here?"

Now my lips decided to seal shut, my hands were vibrating and I was hoping they didn't see. I want to get out of here but my legs are frozen to they spot.

"Huh? Did you suddenly become mute? Why aren't you replying?"

"I was just here to get my books." I finally managed to mutter out.

They started to close in on me, I shuffled back till I bumped into a wall and the three built a wall in from of me.

I was dripping with cold sweat as they started to close in.

"W-what do you want?"

"Nothing." One of them smirked "Nothing about all." He dragged a finger down my jawline and I jerked away from him.

"Come on don't be like this after all you saw what we did."

"It's only fair you pay us back now."

"S-stop." I cry out softly as there were hands all over my body.

My eyes squeeze tightly and my whole body shook as I tired to escape them.

"Stop it!" We were joined by yet another person.

Everyone turned and looked at the voice. It was Nico.

"Nico!" I couldn't stop the whole that broke out on my face.

"Aw and are you going to stop us you little thing?" One said which made the two other burst out in laughter.

They moved slightly towards her "Make us." All laughter ceased and now they were all sneering.

"Maki. Now!" She shouted and I did the first thing that come to mind which was to kick the nearest thing in my way. It was a knee that I kicked, the guys fell to the floor on all fours. I ran but I was held back by the other and the last one got Nico.

"You aren't getting away that easily." He got up to his feet and walked over to Nico, growling.

Nico spat on his face which made him stumble back and bit the arm which held her. Seeing her making the escape I swung my legs till it made contact with something and the guys released me.

Nico grabbed my hand and started to ran. The pack ran after us like we were their prey.

I was panting and so was she. We exited the school but they were still hot on our heels.

"STOPPPP!" Nico skidded to a stop making the both of us to lose our momentum and fall to the ground.

I looked up. It was Majiko up in front and an army of your friends backing him up.

Umi and Kotori helped us up, dusting us off.

"Prez, long time no see." The guys said with a relax and annoyed kind of smile.

"What did you do this time, Mahaku?"

"What? Me? What makes you think I did something?"

"Don't shit with me."

"He-he..." I dared to look into his challenging eyes "He was vandalising property."

"Thanks Maki." Majiko nodded with a small a mile which disappeared the moment he turned back to them.

The leader was snarling at me so I looked away.

"That's it. You guys will get it!" With the help of Murita, they pulled the three of them into the school, mentioning the principal.

"Maki-chan are you okay Nya~?" My feline friend jumped up to me.

I nodded and looked over to Nico, who was also looking at my direction. I walked over to her.


She nodded but she was as hostile.

" still mad?"

Her only reply was to warp her arms around my waist and I smiled, warping my arms around her as well.

"I love you, Nico."

She nodded in my chest "I love you to Maki!"

"NYA~!" Rin and the rest started to cheer and make snappy comments like "finally they are back together!" "They are just so cute!"

I chuckled and so did she.

We all returned to our dorms after a long day.

A/N: sry my muse was kinda low but it wasn't that long. Haha hope you have enjoyed this. Only a few more chapters left. I can't thank you guys enough!💕💕💕

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