Chapter 18

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Nico pov

"Of course, I'm Nico Ni after all!" I flipped one of my tied up twin tails with a proud smile, which got me nothing but judging faces. I would normally sigh and scold them but today the smile on my face has no one of disappearing.

Soft classical music playing I the background, all 17 of us seated at a large round table covered with a beautiful white cloth. The boys looked good in their suit and tie, I had to admit. The girls looked stunning in their dress (but I look the best as always). Everyone returned to their chats, taking sips of their drinks while waiting for the food to arrive.

My eyes ran around the place in search for her.

We were in a five star restaurant, courtesy to Maki's parents. It is three days before the grand performance of both groups and her parents decided to treat us all to a meal as a sort of encouragement.

They cleared the whole restaurant for the night just for us and ordered the best food on the meal. We all tried to decline saying how we felt bad but they wouldn't hear a word of it. I wasn't use to all this hight class, rich people thing but I guess it was quite fun and it was something I could get use to.

The seat beside me was empty.

"Ma, Nico. Why are you smiling time yourself like that?" I heard a beautiful voice sang out from behind me.

"Maki! You are finally here!" The smile in my face just grew bigger and wider. She chuckled and gracefully took her seat. Everyone paused to greet her.

"Sorry, I just had some things to settle." She smiled, a very odd smile...

"Maki this place is sugoi-nya~!" Rin exclaimed. She looked very pretty today with her hair done up and a dress being worn.

"Yah, we can't thank.your parents enough." Hanayo added.

"Where are they?" Eli questioned with a smile.

Maki shrugged "they had some things to take care of and left."

"That's a pity." Nozomi commented.

"But this place is really amazing!" Honoka gushed and Maki reviled with and chuckle.

"I can't wait to taste the food pu~" Haji said making everyone chuckle.

"Oh and look here it comes!" Majiko announced.

The waiter started time emerge from the kitchen behind us and circle aprujd the table, placing one dishes down at a time.

He bowed once the last plate was set and left to return into the kitchen.

All our eyes sparkles as they gaze upon the food placed in front of us, will all.expect maki. She is probably use to this kind of food already.

"My, my what a spread!" Murita commented, glee heavy in his voice.

"Well don't just stare at it! Go ahead and dig in!" The red head beside me said.

All chopsticks were picked up and our voices joined together so we greeted "Itadskimasu!" Hands stretched out to pick up dishes from the pate and stacked them on the rice in front of us.

Maki stared at us in horror, I turned to see.

"Maki what's wrong?"

She blushed red and we turned to see that there were waiters standing behind us.

She sighed with an embarrassed chuckle "..we will be served."

Everyone blushed a deep shade of red and look down at their plates.

"Ah, our apologies." Eli spoke up and mentioned for all the members.

"It's alright, we will settle it ourselves. Thank you." The waiters nodded to Maki and left once more.

"Sorry Maki-chan, we didn't know." Kotori said.

"No its okay don't worry about it. Let's eat!" She had a convincing smile on and everyone nodded, going back to their food.

I grabbed some vegetables and placed then nicely on my girlfriend's empty bowl of rice. "here you go!"

"Thank you Nico." Our eyes connected and sparks shot through my body, making my heart pound fast.

"Get a room you two!" Kumaru shouted teasingly and we ripped our eyes apart.

"We will! Won't we Maki?"

"Huh? Ninisore? Immiwakannai?" She replied twirling her hair beside her face of the same shade. (Her catch phrase meaning : What? I sent understand.)

The table burst into laughter. The night was beautiful and sped pass way too fast. Dinner ended, everyone stood up ready to head back.

"Actually, we got hotel reservations." Maki stated.

Kimura blushed and stammered "H-hotel?"

She nodded "we got 9 rooms, a pair per room."

"I have Kayo-chin, nya~!" The orange cat jumped and wrapped her arms around her friend happily.

"Mou, Rin-chan!" She giggled.

For some reason everyone separated into their pairs.

Maki led us to the nearby hotel, it was four star and I was jaw-dropping. The exterior design was something but once you step in, it's as if I've been telaported into somewhere that only exist in my wildest dream.

But the rooms are what really mattered.

She left us up to the top floor and as you would have guess that where the best rooms are usually located. We were not disappointed a bit. We bid our good byes and good nights as we enter the rooms in pairs.
From the furthest

Honoka and Ganashi

Haji and kimura

Umi and Kotori

Eli and Nozomi

Rin and Hanayo

Murita and Majiko

Rosuke and kumaru

Then me and Maki at the other end.

I held her hand was we entered, my fingers found the light switch at the side on the wall.

I turned, smiling and pulling her towards me.

The room was huge with white walls surround us. The bed was in a golden frame and was as soft as clouds.

"So, what do you want to do?" She asked, sitting down beside me. I smirked and wrapped my arms around her neck and pushed her down.

"You know what I want."

A/N I think we all know where this is going....see you next chap if you like if not please wait a while more for the next update!!! Thank you!!!

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