Chapter 12 - Amys last breath.

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Amy Rose was at her house and huffing to herself why this is blood rain. She was watching tv and said, another death?...this is terrible who would run the village now?.. she sighed as she looked at the blood rain covering her house and the blood rain landing in the water drip by drip. Amy then felt like someone was watching her as her spine was having very cold chills. Amy looked around to see no one around. She then walked to the kitchen she looked at the picture of her friends and said, why did we get mad at him over something he couldn't help?...stupid stupid us why did this had to happen?.. she began watching dishes before catching a glimpse of a shadowy figure before she gasped and looked where the figure was as she dropped the plate and broke with a loud shattering noise. Amy looked to see no one there as she looked at the broke dish before her. She then cleaned it up as she sighed and said, that was weird I coulda sworn I saw someone behind me on the reflection of the dish. She put the broken glass in the garbage before she looked out the window seeing a frightening face as the thunder loudly banged and the lighting shined as it flashed. Amy screamed in fright as she heavily breathed before seeing no one there and said, huh?...nobody there...*heavily breaths as she begins to tear up* o..o..okay got me...I..I learned my lesson I know it's you... Amy felt her heart beat in fear and very loud. She said as she looks around, p..p..please Sonic this isn't funny I'm not laughing I'm really scared please stop... she attempted to find her hammer before realizing it was gone and said, wh..why are you doing this?...where are you?...please  stop. A figure emerged from the shadows as he dragged Amy's hammer covered in blood. The figure grinned underneath its hood as Amy turned away she got hit by her own hammer as she sees Sonic and said in tears, wh..wh..why are you doing this?...what are you doing? Sonic cackled and said, why?'s for someone I care about and it's not you...I never liked you and I never had Any Rose!...your too lecturing for me and not to mention disgusting and ugly and weak. Amy attempted to get up and attack Sonic but Sonic used his clawed hands and slashed her eye. Blood covered the floor as what's left of Amy's eye started to bleed. Amy couldn't believe what was happening. Her friend was killing Everyone. Sonic said as he raised the hammer, ya know Amy I always thought you were nothing but clearly I was right...say hello to Sticks for me. That's when Sonic began to beat Amy with her own hammer covered in blood. Amy's screams so loud and violently as he whacked her over and over before her screams were cut off and she stopped moving. Sonic heavily breathed before slowly beginning to laugh and before he knew it he began to laugh as hard as a demonic demon would laugh. The bloody rain continued to pour as Sonic said, I WILL BRING YOU BACK MOM I WILL PROMISE YOU THAT!!!...*looks at Amy's corpse* that pink idiot is such a waste of space...I hope she find someone else in the after life. He then walked out of the house and into the red and spooky rain. Leaving Amy's corpse to bleed more.

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