Chapter 13 - Sonics dark past

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Knuckles follows Silver in fright and confusion at the same time before he asked, I..I..I don't understand what do you mean that's not Sonic? Silver said as they continued to walk, I mean it's not Sonic...not anymore... Knuckles said, b..but if that's not Sonic who is it? Silver said with a sigh, a dark matter has taken over your friends body and mind...but it's not the first time he's done this... a voice Knuckles didnt recognized said as a green hedgehog who resembled Sonic emerged from the shadows, yes...and I think EXE returned and offered him something we already lost. Knuckles asked, who are you? The hedgehog said, names Manic the hedgehog Sonics older twin brother. Knuckles was dumbstruck before shaking his head rapidly and said, what?..what's Sonics past?..he never talks about it. Manic said, it's because he never talks bout it with anyone but me he has a really dark past...years ago when he was a teenager he and I lost our mother due to a horrible disease and he tried so hard to bring her back but that's when the worst happened..Sonic used black magic to bring mom back but that instead worked on Sonic...that was when EXE Sonics evil counter part was created...he killed 18 people that we knew of until I sealed him off but it didn't completely from today...he somehow was broken out of his prison to kill more to be extremely powerful...after Sonic was freed I told him everything and he promise me never to talk about that horrid incident again...he didn't remember most of it despite what happened.. Knuckles was shocked, understanding, surprised, and scared at the same time. He didn't know what to say before he asked, isn't there a way to break him free without killing him? Manic said, yeah dude there is...but listen whatever you do no matter what happens do not go anywhere near him he will kill you. Knuckles hesitated before he nodded though he wanted to help Sonic cause he knows deep down Sonic is still inside behind that demonic look and sharp teeth Knuckles knew that he is crying for help and scared. He thought, I know Sonic is still in there but I haft to find a way to free him from that evil spirit.

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