Chapter 3 - a bad fight/grusome sight

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Vectors friend Charmy the bumble bee was buzzing around as he hummed happily through the jungle but as he looked at the jungle his eyes widened in horror before he screamed at the horrible sight. Later The village was having a meeting as the mayor said, now now people just calm down. Lady walrus said in a panicked voice, CALM DOWN?!...SOMEONE MURDERED ONE OF THE GOGOVA'S LAST NIGHT!! B.W. Barker and his son Shawn were there as well as everyone else. The mayor continued, alright so we have a notorious murderer on our hands but what should we do?!...this is just probably one of the villains evil schemes. Dave the inter said as he raises his hand, we villains are many things but murdering isn't one of them... Mayor fink rolled his eyes and said, right...but anyway we don't know what to do besides lock our doors and never go out at night. Lady Walrus said, the last thing I wanted was for my kids to be slaughtered by some mad man. Mayor fink said, well we haft to find out...*sees Shawn not paying attention to this* HEY YOU PAY ATTENTION THIS IS SERIOUS!! Shawn said, you don't even know who the killer is!...we know they're a a killer on the loose!...and you call yourself a mayor! Mayor fink said, you watch your tone boy or I will throw you out! B.W. butted in, HEY YOU CAN'T SPEAK TO HIM THAT WAY!!...back off he's right we both know about this ever since the docs lair was destroyed is doesn't make sense that he planted those dynamite on his lair by accident. Shawn nodded in agreement. One of the villagers said, well you wouldn't be worried if someone made you look the other way Barker! Shawn said, will you just leave him out of it! That's when one of the gogovas got angry and said as he picked up a chair, WELL EXCUSE ME BUT ONE OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS GOT MURDERED AND YOUR NOT EVEN CONCERNED ABOUT IT?! Then he accidentally threw a chair at Shawn causing him to get hit and sit down and lean on the wall bleeding. The crowd gasped as the gogova realized what he did. Mayor fink said, it serves him ri... Barker snapped, WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!!..HE WAS ONLY TRYING TO STAND UP FOR HIS OLD MAN!!..I MAYBE A CON-MAN AND AN ACUTAL RING-MASTER OF THE CIRCUS OF WONDERS BUT I'M ALSO A FREAKING PARENT!!... Barker then rushed to help his son before he said, WHAT DID MY ONLY SON DO TO YOU?!..WHAT DID ANY OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS EVER DO TO ALL OF YOU!?...FIRST MY WIFE HAD TO SUFFER AND DIE IN FRONT OF HIS EYES CAUSE NO ON BOTHER TO HELP HER BUT NOW THAT SHES GONE ITS MY SONS TURN?!...WHAT DID WE EVEN DO TO DESERVE THIS!?...OR ARE YOU JUST TREATING US LIKE WE REALLY ARE GARBAGE!? listen here like we said before we knew there was a killer on the loose..we maybe cut out to hide but me and my kid are not ready for this...and as long as me and Shawn are no help we're going to leave...we're rounding up the stunt bears and getting out of this village. Barker then helped Shawn up as he groans before glaring at the villagers and the leaving with Shawn. The father of the gogova said, why did you do that?..we're guilt trippers not angry...trippers?...I don't care!...I know you were upset you cause one of our own died!..but we don't hurt people...they may hate us. One of the gogova's said in guilt, I...I didn't mean to hurt him...


Barker mumbled under his breath while bandaging Shawn's Head. Shawn said, dad I'll be fine it's just a blow to the head. Barker said as he sighed, I know but your head is bleeding son...I don't wanna loose you like I lost your mother...we need to find the stunt bears and get out of here. Shawn nodded in agreement but before they got up they're was a really bad smell coming their way. Shawn said almost on the urge to vomit, ugh...what is that horrid smell? Barker said as he pointed at the ally way, I don't know but it's coming from that way. Barker and Shawn took a quick peak at the ally way and to their horror they see the heads of the two stunt bears on one stick each, their eyes were yanked off, blood trailing down their mouths and neck, and flies were already starting to lay their eggs in the heads. Shawn and Barker were petrified at the sight before they screamed in horror.

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