Chapter 2 - the death of Sticks

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Sticks couldn't sleep due to the fact that she felt horrible about how she and the other three treated Sonic. She then decide to take some needed fresh air before spying a familiar figure in the shadows walking in the distance. Sticks knew right away it was Sonic. But something was off. Sticks looked at Sonic with a strange look on her face. At first she didn't think nothing of it but that's when something made her jump. She gasped as she heard the loud cracking sound of a bone. She turn to see Sonic with a pipe and something in front of his feet she said in a frightened voice as she recognized one of the gogovas that was lying down unconscious and bleeding, knocked out a gogova... Sonic didn't say anything he let out a low growl as Sticks said, S..S..Sonic?... Sonic didn't say anything before walking away dragging the gogova with him as Sticks said, HEY WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! That's when a familiar name voice said, are you okay man? Sticks turn to see Og and said,'s you...Og I need your help Sonic knocked out a gogova by hitting it hard with a pipe and left as he dragged it. Og said, whoa...why did he do that? Sticks said, I don't know b..b..but I'm starting to worry.. with that said Sticks and Og went out to search for him. But before they knew it they were separated as Sticks looked to see blood on the ground and said as she sees blood smears on the tree, *gasped* wh..what happened?...S..Sonic must've been here...*gasped as she sees the gogova lying on the ground in a pool of blood* o..oh my Gosh...*rushes to the gogova and checked it's pulse but there was none*'s dead...the gogova is dead... Sticks then ran deeper into the jungle before seeing Sonic standing there with his back facing her. Sticks said, S...S...Sonic?...wh..what happened? Sticks then sees Og dead with wide eyes. She began to have tears in her eyes looking at Og's corpse. He was pinned to a tree with knives and dissected like a frog in a biology class. Sticks cried and then looked at Sonic and said in a choked voice, wh..wh..why Sonic?...why did you do this? Sonic smirked evilly before turning to Sticks with his eyes black and his pupils red covered in blood as he made a loud cackle Sticks eyes widened in fear and shock. She screamed and ran as fast as she could but she tripped and to her horror and surprise Sonic was right in front of her. She forgot to grab her boomerang and tried to scoot away from him but needed up cornered to a tree. Sticks said begging Sonic not to kill her, p..p..p..please Sonic d..d..don't kill me I'm sorry...I'm..Sorry...please don't do this. Sonic said in a deep demonic voice said, too late... ya know something Sticksy?...since you were once my friend I tolerated you for a while but now I'm getting annoyed by your arrogance and your crazy talk...*grabs her by the neck and hoist her up still pinning her to the tree.* but now it is time for you to die.. Sonics gripped tighter and tighter as Sticks tried to claw out of his grasp but Sonics grip was so tight it made her neck bleed. Sticks mouth began to bleed as she said in a choked voice, I...I..I'm so...*crack* before Sticks can finish her last sentence a wet cracked sound was heard and Stick fell limp and emotionless. Sonic said as he forced her corpse onto a branch stabbed her through the chest, hehehehehe...well that's one way to end her life...all that stupid badger does is just give me a stupid headache. He then laughed evil as the two corpses bled and stared into the dark abyss.

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