Chapter 1 - the unexplainable accident...or was it?

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When 3 weeks had passed things were quiet in the village..almost too quiet..Knuckles, Tails, Amy, And Sticks were having a quiet afternoon like they did 3 weeks ago but it felt depressing and too quiet without Sonic around. Tails said, *sighs* things sure aren't the same without Sonic around. Knuckles said sadly, think we went too far? Sticks nodded as Amy said, yeah...I think we did...we can't stay mad at Sonic forever I mean...he's just couldn't help himself. Knuckles said, yeah...that's just Sonic being Sonic...*sighs* Knuckles was the first of being guilty but didn't wanna say anything but something give him a chill as he had a flashback about when he encountered Sonic alone.


Knuckles started to feel guilty and wanted Sonic to know he wasn't mad anymore. He arrived at his house but notice he wasn't there. The red echidna said in confusion, hmm...weird I wonder if Sonic is o...huh? He trailed off as he sees Sonic walking passed the beach shack with an unusual cold look. Knuckles said, HEY SO..! He trailed as he noticed something on Sonics hand and on his shoes. It looked like oil, dirt, bruises, tiny cuts, and fresh ashes. Knuckles rushed to him as Sonic gave him a cold glare. Knuckles asked, Sonic are you okay? Sonic replied coldly, why do you care? never wanna see my face again. Knuckles ignored his cold talk and said, Sonic I mean are you really okay? what happened to you? Sonic looked at himself and said, it's just a scratch I was just doing some runs is all. Knuckles said, a scratch?...your covered in bruises does that even look like a scratch. Sonic didn't say anything before walking off.

<flashback ends.>

Knuckles thought as Tails and Sticks were looking at each other, he was covered in ashes and oil...he looked like he was in a fire accident or something...but there wasn't a burn mark on him...just those bruises and those tiny cuts...*recalls the bruises and tiny cuts.* how could Sonic possibly have those cuts?...there was no way Sonic could run without hurting fact Sonic was careful of running even with his speed he never got hurt like that...but I never seen him cold. Amy was quiet as Tails said, hey Knuckles?..are you okay? Knuckles said, uhhh...yeah I am I was just... he got cut off as the anchor bird said as the news was aired on the tv, this is Sore the eagle reporting live in a very horrible sight...the evil lair of Dr. E. has been blown into an explosion and this here of what remains of the evil lair...*camera pans out to the evil lair or rather what's left of it that was destroyed and beyond repair.* this just in Dr. E. was found dead in what's left of the evil lair along with Morpho and his other robots...cause of death was possibly due to the horrifying explosion of his evil lair time of death was 12:00 AM midnight and 2 in the morning 3 weeks ago...caught in the wild blaze of the explosion...what the police found were 700,000 pounds of dynamite or what's left of it anyway...but that's not all..Orbot and Cubot were surprisingly destroyed...they were flung out of the lair and sadly their heads were stomped multiple times but we have no further information regarding the terrible accident...was it an accident or possible murder?..stay tune for more action we go to local weather woman MerryWeather the panda for some weather report. MerryWeather the panda appeared on tv and said, thank you Sore...And now for the forecast...this week will have a chance of rainstorms and cloudy skies...but one rainstorm in particular has unsolvable yet unusual details...this rainstorm is possibly a red cloud so this may mean we're in for a bloody rain this week...back to you Sore. As the four friends were horrified at the news...Knuckles thought, dead?...but...*recalls Sonic again* can't be true...*shakes his head no* GET A GRIP!!...SONIC WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!..I..I..IT MUST BE A COINCIDENCE!!..on the bright side the battle against that bald-headed windbag is over...but...what in the world is going on with Sonic?...

<earlier (just after the explosion happened)>

Sonic looked at the blaze of the evil lair in the dark night. He grinned before Orbot and Cubot were crawling out of the fire painfully and in agony. Sonic walked to them and looked down at them as Cubot mumbled, Sonic growled and whispered, I'm sick of yours and that fat-heads crap..battle after battle and he never learns...this will be your demise...*smirks* I gotta say...this actually feels good killing people...I am God. Then Sonic smashed Cubots Head with one stomp and his head went into thousands of pieces which got him ended up being bruised and cut from the tiny metal pieces. Sonic the looked at Orbot and whispered in a dark voice, I've been waiting to do this for a long time. That's when Sonic stomped on Orbots head and his shattered loudly and violently. Sonic then looked at the blaze and said as he grinned, I got some souls to collect and so little time...but this is only the beginning...RIGHT?!..I AM GOD!! Sonic then cackled and laughed in a demonically deep voice as the blazes rose higher into the sky.


Knuckles had a spine chill as he felt like he was gonna be sick as he said, I don't understand what happened?...why is Sonic this way...&...what...what is going on here? Tail shrugged as Amy and sticks shrugged as well. But things don't go well when the night falls

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