Prologue - the nightmare

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On the night of a crescent moon Sonic felt down as he laid on the hammock and sighed thinking what his friends were saying to him. So cruel and so harsh. He couldn't help but feel so numb and heart broken. He can hear his friends voices said in horrid words and couldn't never forget the way they told him they never wanted to see him again. After they said it they walked away from Sonic without saying a word. Sonic cried himself to sleep that night when no one was looking. Then the rain started to pour as Sonic fell asleep. But that's when it happened.

<the nightmare.>

Sonic was in total darkness. He walked around until a demonic voice suddenly said as a cackle appeared, hmhmhmhm..hehehe..I'm bbbbaaaacccckkkk.. Sonic gasped and said, w..who's there? The voice said, don't act like you don't remember Sonic...I was your evil self after all. Glitch-like memories and blood curdling screams started recalling Sonic as the blue hedgehog gasped in horror. Sonic said in fright, E..E...E..EXE? The voice said, correction the new and improved EXE! Sonic turn to gasped in horror to see himself covered in blood with a sickening grin before waking up.

<nightmare ends.>

Sonic sweats in fear as he gasped in fear and shock and woke up from the nightmare. He heavily breaths as he said shaking, o..oh no...h..he's coming..he's returning...I...I alone... EXE.'s voice said from behind, your not gonna be alone...things will get twisted... he grabbed the right part of his face and covered his eye as Sonic went motionless. EXE snarled and said with a sickening grin, now...time to begin what you started a long time ago as a teenager..when you created me from your first was a real thrill until your stupid angelic older brother ruined it for us...don't forget what I made you..actually your me but still...I made you notorious...I made you into a monster...I made you the killer you were meant to be...I made you the ultimate lifeform...I made you life..& death but..I...Am...GGGGOOOOODDDDDD!!! Sonic closed his eyes for a minute or two before his eyes opened instantly and turned red as EXE said, I will give you revenge and what you desire most..your mother. Sonic gasped at the mention of his mother. Sonic began to turn slowly into a killer as EXE's evil laughter was heard.

...but that's when the killings began.

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