Chapter 5 - Sticks funeral

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Everyone who knew Sticks came to the funeral. Accept for one. Sonic didn't show up even though he heard the news he still didn't. Knuckles wondered why Sonic never showed up. Though during the way to the funeral he coulda sworn he saw Sonic going inside a store with black and gothic stuff with dark stuff like daggers, oujieboards, or any other thing that's real dark. Which was weird for Knuckles cause Sonic wasn't a goth.. Knuckles thought, why was Sonic so cold?...this isn't like him... the funeral was starting as Fang the weasel cried his eyes out. The priest said, we are gathered here today to honor the memory of Ms. Sticks the Badger who saved the village along side her friends numerous times despite being a loose canon and a knuckleheaded-nut-job. Everton then took turns about how much of a good friend Sticks was to all of us. Amy mumbles as the priest continued, wheres Sonic at? Knuckles mumbles, I don't know...he said he wasn't coming. Tails mumbles, he probably doesn't wanna come to the funeral cause we... he trailed off as Knuckles looked down as the funeral continues as Knuckles looks around for Sonic but no luck. He realized that Sonic wasn't coming at all. Then after everyone gave their speech about Sticks they had her burial at the village cemetery. Knuckles, Amy, and Tails watched their friend being lowered into the ground. Fang then said in tears with a gun pointed at his head, I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HER!!!...I WON'T LEAVE HER SIDE NO MATTER WHAT MATE!!!... then he shot himself in the head and falls in Sticks grave. The grave digger shrugged and then continued to dig up the grave with the two bodies. As soon as the burial was complete everyone went home. Knuckles was traumatized about what Fang the weasel did. But as he stood up he could hear a very faint but very eerie laugh. The laugh sounded familiar as he runs to the source of the laugh. But it suddenly stopped as Knuckles stopped. He sees Sonic cutting a tree covered in dry blood (Sticks blood) with a kitchen knife. Knuckles walked up being him but before he could say anything Sonic said coldly, not gonna hear it besides I didn't wanna do go to that lunatics funeral and besides I don't care about her. Knuckles said in shock, could you say that?...she was your friend. Sonic said without looking at him, ugh...even she was my actual friend I wouldn't care still...besides she was so annoying to the core with all her "oh look an alien this or omg it's a government agent that." Ugh she was always getting me annoyed by that stupid talk...she wouldn't know she's insane if a physicist showed her what the difference is between insane or normal! Sonic walked off as Knuckles thought in shock and horror, what is happening?...Sonic wouldn't even dare said those things about Sticks...what happened?..why is Sonic acting like this?..there has to be a connection...but what the heck is it?

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