Chapter 6 - something is wrong with Sonic.

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Knuckles was alone looking at the empty burrow what was once Sticks home. He sat down and sighed sadly before noticing something. The footprints that Sticks left. Knuckles at first didn't think anything of it when he followed it but that's when he noticed something he looks at the blood on the tree that Sticks was pinned to. Knuckles thought, what the?... he then noticed the blood on the branch and on the tree that was from her neck. Knuckles mumbled, did Sticks witnessed something?..if so then what did she witness?...whatever it was got her killed. Knuckles then sees blue fur as he said, fur?... Knuckles took a moment to recognize it despite being too stupid...his eyes widened as he recognized image of Sonic relaxing on the beach quickly flashed into his mind. He gasped and whispered in fear, wouldn't even.. he trailed off as he recalled how cold and heartless Sonic was and felt his tears stream down his face. He realized something as whispered in fright, Sonic wouldn't dare say bad things about's Wrong with Sonic...I..I haft to know. Knuckles ran off as he arrived at Tails workshop and instantly knocked on the door as he yelled, TAILS?!..TAILS!!..TAILS! Tails opened the door and asked, what now Knuckles? Knuckles had a really pale and scared look on his face as he said, S..S..S..Something's Wrong. Tails said, Knuckles now isn't the time to have a panic attack...I love to hear your problems but I'm still grieving for Sticks. Tails slams the door as Knuckles yells, NO TAILS WAIT I THINK SONIC MAYBE THE CAUSE OF!!.. Tails yelled back as he opened the door, KNUCKLES I DO NOT KNOW IF YOUR GOING CRAZY BUT LISTEN SONIC WOULDN'T DO SUCH A THING!! Tails slams the door on his face as Knuckles mumbles, I guess I'm on my own...but what is wrong with Sonic?...*sighs stressfully as he looks around.* but before Knuckles can turn around and find out what in the world is going on his eyes widened in horror seeing Lady Walrus hung by a bloody guts and veins. She was cut down to her stomach wound and her blubber and intestines were hanging out of her body, her left eye was popped out and dangling, her face was covered in slashes and mangled, her arms were cut off by an ax and her legs were chopped off with a chainsaw, her dress was covered in blood and her jaw was forcefully yanked off. Knuckles lost all color as he felt like vomiting before Lady Walrus's oldest son carrying his brother and said as he walked to Knuckles, hey have you seen our mo... he trailed off seeing his mother dead in horror and sadness before he screamed at the top of his lungs. He said covering his brothers eyes trying to hold back the tears, d..d..d..don't look bro. Knuckles was too frightened at what he is seeing to react to what is happening.

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