Chapter 7 - a late night death

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Knuckles looked at the evening sky before he looks at the two now orphan kids of Lady Walrus were wrapped around in orange blankets crying as they're mother what's left of her was being placed in a body bag. Knuckles mumbled, could this happened?...this has to be Sonic...I wanna believe it isn't but it couldn't be Sonic wouldn't do this...would he? A shadowy figure behind a tree said, oh no how could this have happen?...EXE must've returned...I gotta call Manic and Rika... the figure pulled out his cell phone as he dialed someone. Later that night Comity-Chimp was getting ready for the show but he notice something he was missing all day. He notice his partner Wolfie wasn't present all day. He then turn to his new manager (a chipmunk named Doris who started a week ago) before he asked, hey Doris have you seen Wolfie? Doris  replied as she shrugged, not since my coffee break from yesterday...though I heard him say he was going in the room where the costumes were... Comity-chimp then sighed and said, well why would he be in there for and how long as he in there? Doris said her face became worried, well he said he wanted to dress like a clown but that was this afternoon...he shoulda been out of the costume room about 6 hours ago. Comity-Chimp said as he crossed his arms, I'll much as I can admit it I may have to check on him to see if he got hurt. Doris asked, you sure you don't want me to C.C. Comity Chimp replied, no way Doris..that's a nice offer though but I may need to see if he's okay.. then her cousin Evan asked Doris, hey Doris have you see... before he can finish a scream of horror came from the costume room. Evan said, what was that? Comity-Chimp replied, I don't know but that came from the costume room. Doris and the two boys ran to the costume room before they see Erica as Evan said, ERICA!! Comity-Chimp said as he kneel down beside her, Miss Erica are you alright?..what happened? Erica shakily pointed at the room before Comity-Chimp, Doris, and Evan gasped in horror as Doris screamed at the bloody sight. It was Wolfie with a glass doves into his mouth, his stomach brutally cut open with the same glass that was shoved into his mouth, his leg was in a unusual angle as his eyes were wide but emotionless, half of his head was busted with a blunt object that was possibly a brick, and his right arm was yanked off. Soar the Eagle said as he walks to them, hey C.C. what's going o...*trails off as he sees Wolfies corpse* HOLY JUMPING GRASSHOPPERS!! Doris faints as Comity-Chimp catches her and said, DORIS!...SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE!! Evan and Erica were frozen in horror as Soar called the police.

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