Chapter 8 - Belinda's horrible encounter

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The villainous Belinda was at home watching the news as Soar said on tv, things have gone from bad to worse for the murderer has stroke again...Comity-Chimps most faithful partner has been found dead in the costume room...Comity-Chimp himself couldn't possibly forgive himself for his partner suffered his fate...this just in that during removing the body from the scene...a bloody message that was written nearby by on the wall near the spot where Wolfie was found saying "I am GOD" WAIT WHAT?!... Belinda turns off the tv rubbing her stomach and said as she sighed, well at least we're going to have a new villain in the family...*mumbles under her breath: unlike last time.* but I can't wait to tell Charlie the news...oh he will be so happy and thrilled. But the time passed and Charlie didn't return home which was unlikely cause he never was late coming home. Belinda said to herself, hmm...maybe Charlie must be running late. Belinda put a hand on her stomach as she looked at the clock it was 2:14 AM and Belinda was starting to get worried and said, I wonder if he's's so late..maybe I should gets some sleep... she stretches and went to bed as the night wind blew cold. The very next morning Belinda woke up to find Charlie not there in bed at all. She started to get more worried before she got up slowly and went outside to find her husband but as she tried to find him she was caught by a horrid smell. Belinda said, ugh...what's that horrid scent?...smells like rotting meat. She then turned to the side of the house before looking in horror and screamed to see Charlie laying on the floor dead, his blood was formed around him, his eyes were sewed shuthis tongue brutally thanked, his bones broken, and his head forcefully turning to his backside as his glasses were shattered. Belinda continue to scream as tears stream down her face looking at her late husband dead in front of her own eyes. She stopped screaming and wailed sadly as she yelled, IT GOT MY HUSBAND!!!..It got..Charrrrrrlllliiiees... Belinda cried so much before one of the villagers went to call the police on this scene while the other comforts Belinda sweetly and goodly. Belinda never knew that the Evil murderer got the person that Belinda that married. Belinda said, yeah...your right...*sniffs* I'm so sorry. The cops said, don't worry's okay. Things gone bad to worst for the village.

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