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I always had this dream to write the most perfect screenplay. And I think, after eight years of schooling, I got it. A true and amazing love story. It's mostly based off my actual love life with my beautiful girlfriend, Lexi. We met in fifth grade and it was love at first sight. I wanted to ask her to the first dance of the year, I was way too nervous, I'm what you people like to call a nerd. I'm fascinated by space and do math just for fun. That's all that school taught me, I never learned anything about girls, how to talk to them, how to know if I've been staring for far too long, or if smelling her hair is good. Right around the corner was the dance and of course, I was going alone. It was a formal, so me in a professional, looking business suit, plus sixth, seventh and eighth graders, who seem to be angry about everything, don't really mix. In other words, I was made fun of and bullied. Bad enough I got it from my two older brothers, now I get it from these people. So, I was down in the dumps, my first dance of the year and I'm spending it, alone, in the cafe, next to the trashcan. It really sucked, until something weird happened. A girl sat across from me, I looked up and saw her bright smile and big blue eyes, amazing, wavy red hair. It was the amazing new girl. Otherwise known as my future girlfriend. In the small little town of Pennsylvania, I met my soul mate in fifth grade. I knew at that point, I was in love and no, it wasn't too early to think it. She has been with me through everything, the passing of my dad in seventh grade, when my eldest brother got cancer and survived, at my second oldest brother's wedding and our high school graduation. She was always so fond of me nerdyness and I was with her happiness. I never met someone as happy as her, she made everything worth. That's one of the reasons why I fell in love with her. She helped me write this story and by next week, we would be moving to New York.

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