Chanyeol - Fluff

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You slightly looked up from your notebook to see him. He sat opposite you, writing something on his notebook.
It was a Saturday, you wanted to get your school work done so you could relax for the rest of the weekend, and invited Chanyeol in to help you.
Chenyeol has been one of your closest friends, you'd rely on him on anything, and you had a secret crush on him.
It was quiet in the living room; he peacefully sat there with his pen in his hand dancing on the paper, and all you kept thinking while you secretly stared at him was omg he looks so handsome in that hoodie and omg his hair looks so soft I wish I could feel it with my hand and omg his skin looks so smooth he's so beautiful so awfully beautiful and-

"Y/n?" You slightly jumped as his deep, mesmerising voice broke through your little world, and saw him staring at you, his pen motionless in his hand.
Again, you got lost staring at his features with your mouth parted; Chanyeol extended his hand and pushed your chin up to close your mouth with his pen. "I know I'm handsome, but your face looks creepy like that," he smirked.

Gosh, stop smirking like that.

"Wrong word, replace 'handsome' with 'ugly'," you said, but he knew it was a lie.
You weren't sure whether he knew about your feelings for him, but you would be surprised if he didn't, since you knew you were easy to read like an open book. You couldn't help it.
He let out a small laugh and moved forward, placing his elbows on the table; his dark coloured eyes pierced through you and you instantly felt blood rush up to your cheeks, making you feel hot.

"I dare you to call me ugly," he huskily said, and you felt like going outside, let out a big scream and come back in.

"You're ugly," you spat. His smirk turned into a frown, and you turned into a laughing mess. "You expected me to melt easily in a snap, didn't you?" And you knew you just lied to yourself.

"Not funny," he huffed and got up from his seat. You could hear his footsteps trailing to the kitchen, and you released a huge sigh, palming your chest. That was close. You felt a cold sweat roll down from the side of your forehead, and you quickly wiped it off, still feeling lightheaded from earlier.

"I dare you to call me ugly."

Your brain kept repeating that sentence over and over again, not realising that you were gripping hard onto the side of the table.

"Thinking about me again?" This time, you practically jumped off the chair, but your grip onto the table saved you from falling. Your heart rate started racing again as you saw him standing in front of you with a glass of water in his hand, offering it to you.
You snatched the glass away from him and gulped down the water.

"I thought you wanted to finish off all your homework," he said tilting his head.

"And I thought you were here to help me," you glared at him. "All you did was write your own stuff when you came here-"

"But you don't know what I was writing about," he said taking the glass from your hand, not looking at you.


"I like you."



He turned around and marched to the kitchen.

What. What. What. What. What. What. The. Hell.
That was too sudden. What? What was that? Was it a joke? Did he mean it? SUCH A RANDOM TIME TO CONFESS WHAT THE WHAT IS LIFEEE

A million thoughts started to run in your head as you felt almost sick.
You started to think if it was just your imagination playing with you, but changed your mind as you saw him leave the kitchen looking like a big tomato.

"What?" You asked him again, feeling like an idiot as soon as the words left your lips.

"I said I like you," he murmured looking down at his feet.


"Say it back,"

What the hell?

"I know you like me too, so please say it back and make the atmosphere less awkward.."
As soon as he said that, you felt like screaming of happiness and punching him in the face at the same time. Not only did he like you back, but he also put you in an embarrassing spot where he knows about your feelings for him.
You let out a fake cough and gathered all the courage from every corner of your soul and mind, and said:

"I like you, too."

He looked up with big eyes and grinned from ear to ear, and stepped forward to give you a giant bear hug.

"Let's go on a date,"

Wow, this guy takes giant steps.

But I like it. :3

"Help me with my work first."

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