Luhan - Horror/ Slight fluff

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You heared knocking on your main door. You looked up from the book you were reading and frowned.

Who could it be?

You got up from the sofa and walked to the door and opened it, finding yourself in front of a doll-faced person. Luhan, you've known him for about two years, and is one of your closest friends who live close to you.

"Y/N!!!!!!!!" He shouted your name showing his phone screen in front of your face. "Baekhyun and Jongdae went there THEY ALREADY WENT," he made sure you saw his chat with them on his phone.

"What..." Then you remembered. The stupid small haunted house that your neighbours built inside their house.

"Let's go," he grabbed your wrist and started to pull you out the house.

"Wait, wait, why do I have to come, too? Don't tell me you're-"

"Because I'm scared," he said with a pouty face and resumed pulling you. You gave up and sighed. You let him pull you and made sure the door was closed.
You remembered hearing something about a haunted house from your mum in the morning, but didn't give it much attention since you thought it wasn't a big deal.
It was around 7 in the evening, and the neighbourhood was very quiet; the dark sky made the street lights shine brighter like giant stars, and the chilly autumn night air gently caressing your skin. You saw smily pumpkins almost everywhere you looked, sitting in front of windows like owls guarding the houses.
You suddenly bumped onto Luhan, who had stopped walking and silently stared at what was ahead of him. From the face he was making, it seemed like he was looking at a dead man hanging from a window of the house, but all you saw was a normal looking house like any other. Except that it looked dark, as if no one lives in there, and you've noticed that the pumpkins in front of the door did not have smiles carved onto them, but scary, deathly faces.

Is that even a haunted house? If it is, I don't have high expectations from it.

You frowned and asked:

"Is this supposed to be the 'haunted house'?" He slightly jumped and turned to you as if he didn't realize you were still there with him.

"We're going to die," he bluntly said as if it was a fact.

"Then go die," you rolled your eyes and started walking away, when you felt two hands pulling your arm.

"NO DIE WITH ME PLEASE," he shouted sounding like a desperate idiot.

"Why do you want to go in there if you're scared?"

"A dare is a dare," he replied. "And I choose you to come with me."
You sighed, you forgot it was a dare from the other guys.

"Fine, didn't you say Baekhyun and Jongdae are here?" He snapped up as soon as you asked that.

"Oh yeah! Let's go in now then," he started pulling your arm and crossing the small road that separated you from the house. "Now I'm eager to go in."


The door was ajar, as if the house itself was waiting for you. Luhan slowly pushed the door open with his palm, revealing nothing but darkness ahead. You both gulped and entered the house.

It's just one of those shitty haunted houses, nothing to worry about.

You kept telling yourself, but you kept getting shivers down your spine.
As soon as you both took your first step in the house, something fell in front of you from the ceiling. A head of a doll. You screamed, and Luhan ended up stepping on it and slipped. And died.

"OMF JDJOCLJSHCUDHSHJ," he held onto your leg for dear life. "WHAT WAS THHAAAATTTT?!?!???!!"

"I DON'T KNOWWWWW NOW CAN YOU LET ME GO SO I CAN WALK????" You started wiggling your leg, but that made Luhan wiggle too, and it did not make the situation any better.


You kept shouting at each other for a while until he eventually let go of your leg and resumed walking through the death path.
The door slammed shut by itself behind you, making you both jump out of your skin, leaving you in complete darkness.

"OK wow, it would make sense if someone is just pranking us," you huffed. "Because there was no wind that made the door shut."
You felt blind, as you could not see what was around you at all, and all you could hear was silence.


"I CAN'T SEE!!!" He screamed out of nowhere, while you busied yourself by searching for the light switch.

"Ugh let's just use our phone torches," you gave up and pulled out your phone from your jacket pocket. You switched the torch on and started walking through the long dark corridor, with Luhan following behind you.

"It's too quiet, I bet something will happen right now," he said, coming closer to you. As soon as he said that, you heard a squeak above you.

"Wh--," a hanged woman fell from above you, dangling from the ceiling with her face inches away from yours. You and Luhan screamed till your throats hurt, jumping away from the woman as far as possible.

"OH MY GOD IS THIS EVEN A HAUNTED HOUSE?!!!??" He didn't like the place at all, and felt small tornadoes of sickness in his stomach. "Wait...I think it's one of those giant ragdolls," he squinted his eyes at the doll, slowly walking closer to it.

"Well, of course, why would anyone suicide right here?" You took a brief moment carefully looking at the doll, as if it would come alive any second. It had wide opened eyes and a creepy smile plastered on the round face. It had very long dark hair, almost reaching her ankles.
You shivered and walked past it, slightly squeezing your phone.

"........Did you hear that?" Luhan asked out of nowhere.


"A voice..."

"It's probably that huge doll behind you," you half-teased.

"Not funny..." He mumbled. "What's with dolls in this house, anyway?"
You reached a small room after a few steps. Then you heard it. A faint, distant voice. You looked around you, your heart beating faster from fear.

Where is it coming from?

Your phone torch then revealed stairs to your right.

"I think it's coming from upstairs," Luhan whispered.

"OK. Let's go upstairs," you bravely said; you turned to your right, but before you climbed the first stair, you saw something on the wall at the side from the corner of your eyes.

Weird design.....wait, no.......spiders. They're spiders. Hundreds of them.

Luhan screamed first. You both fell backwards, sliding away from the staircase.

"Wait, wait, they're fake," you panted. "They must be fake."

"I feel spiders all over my body now," he started scratching his arms. "I hate this place, :("


You looked at each other startled.

"What did you say?" Luhan asked.

"I didn't say anything," you replied. You both stayed still and listened quietly for more.



You slightly jumped and looked at Luhan.

"Baekhyun," you both said at the same time.

"Alright, let's go upstairs. Ignore the things on the wall," you said as you started climbing the stairs.

"I wonder how Baekhyun reacted to this," he implied. "Jeez, that high-pitched voice of his can even scare insects away."

"...He should be proud, ._." you commented.
You reached the top of the stairs, greeted by a small corridor, leading to a few rooms. You slowly walked over to the closest room and curled your fingers around the handle, hesitating.

"Y/n..." Luhan whispered, fear highlighting his voice. You pressed your lips together in a tight line and turned the handle with your shaking hand. You almost fainted when you were very close to bumping onto someone when you opened the door.

"KKAEBSONG!!!" Baekhyun screamed, hugging Jongdae's arm.

"............................." You and Luhan.

"I just wonder how you reacted to the hanged doll downstairs," Luhan said, relieved that there were more people around.

"Hello, let's go to the next room," Jongdae calmly suggested. You were not surprised to find out that a troll-guy like him wasn't scared of the house.
You all exited the room and walked to the door next to it.

"Wait, y/n, we didn't enter the other room," Luhan said stopping you.

"Baekhyun's face appearing out of no where was scary enough, we don't need anymore from there," you said, slightly glaring at Baekhyun.

"My face is a blessing," Baekhyun said, putting on an aegyo face. Jongdae snorted, opening the door. Everyone entered the room, your and Jongdae's torches clearing the view. A few seconds later, a dark fog started slowly surrounding you, making you panic, and move closer to each other.

"Kkaebsonggggg!!!!" Baekhyun started screaming.

"Why do you keep saying that???" You started complaining.

"Because the mood is not nice!!! I want to get out of here!! KKAEBSOOONGGG!!!!"
The fog started making its way closer and closer to you, like a predator slowly stepping towards its prey.



"RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!" Luhan grabbed your and Baekhyun's wrists with both of his hands and started running towards the door like a deer, Jongdae following behind you.
You were outside the house, all of you panting hard.

" to a haunted house...again," Luhan said breathlessly. Everyone nodded their heads and agreed, except Jongdae.

"I don't mind, I like haunted houses," he smiled creepily.

What if he was the one who made this?

"Whatever...let's all just go home now, I am tired and need to fix my head from that experience," you said turning away from them.

Never underestimate haunted houses. ( ̄へ ̄)

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