Chapter 0.5: 1-A's Quirks & A Compromisable Arrangement

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While looking at Deku with concern, something hit you, causing you to gasp lightly, for Deku to turn and hear you.

Deku: You okay, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Oh! No no, it's fine... just that... It just dawned upon me on something.

Uraraka: Hmm? On what?

Uraraka wondered.

Hearing this, you began to answer Uraraka's question.

(Y/n): I... may have forgotten to ask you guys about your Quirks. Sorry. All these Tests and Exams have caused me to be sidetracked for just a moment.

Deku: Oh, it's not to worry. Seeing that some of our classmates have gone home, I can tell you what their Quirks are.

Mina: And we call you ours since we're here~!

Kirishima: Yeah, so don't worry, man. We're all here to tell you what you need to know. Well.... most of us.

(Y/n): Heheh, I can see that.

You said, giggling cheekily to see that there's only Ojiro, Shoji, Toru, Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Mineta, Sero, Momo, Jiro, Uraraka and Deku in class with you at this moment.

(Y/n): So ummm... how do we begin? Raise of hands or.... in chronological order by Midterm Ranking?

Kaminari: I think by Ranking should be a good idea.

Momo: Then let's go with that.

(Y/n): Alrighty then. Momo, let's start with you.

You said.

Momo nods, obliging to be the first person to explain about her quirk.

Momo: Thank you.

(Y/n): No problem, Momo. Now, let's begin.

You said.

Momo: Hmm. nods My Quirk is called Creation. I can create any non-living material or object from my body.

(Y/n): So, let's say you want to conjure out a cannon, you can do that by using your Quirk?

Momo: Yes. 

(Y/n): Well now, a very Resourceful Quirk and Hero you are, Creati.

Momo: Oh! blushing W-Why thank you...
Momo (Inner Thoughts): He said my Quirk and I resourceful?! Wow~~~.... I never thought I'd hear that from him~~

(Y/n): No problem. looks at Deku Alright, Deku. Onto the next one, please?

Deku: Right. Next one is Tenya Ida. His Quirk; Engine. As you saw in the Festival and in the Hero Killer Incident, he can run extremely fast thanks to his Engines on his legs. He has moves to make him go faster when he attacks.

(Y/n): Recipro Burst and Recipro Extend.

Deku: Right.

(Y/n): Well, Speed and Agility is on Ida's side.

Deku: Yeah. 

(Y/n): Then it is a privilage to have very strong Class Rep and Vice-Class Rep. 

You said.

Hearing this, Momo can be seen blushing, for Uraraka to notice this.

(Y/n): Okay now, onto the next one.

Deku: Next one is Kaachan. His Quirk; Explosion. As you have already seen and felt in the Sports Festival, he conjures Explosions from his bare hands. He can also control how big and small he wants the explosions to be.

(Y/n): Controls Explosions, huh? WELL For a classmate with a Big attitude, he sure has a Quirk who suits his attitude.

Deku: Y-Yeah, I know what you mean... Oh! I... may or may have forgotten to tell you this, Kacchan and I... we're Childhood Friends.

Hearing this, you looked at Deku in shock to hear that he is your childhood friend.

(Y/n): I see. Well, he does have a funny and gruesome way of showing it.

Deku: Yeah, I can tell that...

(Y/n): Anyway, enough of him. Who's next?

Deku: Oh yeah! I'm next but,... you already know on what it can do, already.

(Y/n): Ah, our training before the Sports Festival. So you may relax. You've already told me about your quirk in advance so, it's fine. Next one.

Todoroki: I'm next, I believe.

(Y/n): Ah, Todoroki. What's your quirk?

You ask.

Todoroki: Well... my Quirk is Half-Cold Half-Hot. I can control the flames on my left, and Ice on my right.

(Y/n): A mix of elements from your Father and Mother? Interesting. A gifted Quirk you have.

Todoroki: H-How did you-

(Y/n): Todoroki, I can tell. If you got your father's Fire Quirk, then it is quite obivious that you got your Ice from your mother, right?

Todoroki: realizing what he meant O-Oh. Right.

(Y/n): It's okay, man. No harm done.

Todoroki: Thanks. And, thanks for the compliment.

(Y/n): No problem. Next?

Tsu: Frog. I can do things what a Frog can do. ribbit

(Y/n): Which explains your Hero name to be Froppy? Nice ring to it with your Hero Name, Tsu

Tsu: Thanks.
Tsu (Inner Thoughts): Calm down... Calm down.... don't be in heat over him yet...

Jiro: My Quirk is Earphone Jack.

(Y/n): In other words you can create any forms of sound when you insert your earphone jacks onto anything. Right?

Jiro: Well, in way, yeah. I can also track where people are by using my earphone jacks, too.

(Y/n): Nice. We could use a Rockstar and a Tracker at your calibur.

Jiro: Oh really? Aw, thanks.
Jiro (Inner Thoughts): How does he know I do music~? Wow... for a person who comes from a different world, he does know a lot when he learns from us~

(Y/n): Alright. Next up is....

Deku: Ojiro.

Deku said.

Ojiro: Well... my quirk is called Tail. Basically, my Tail is like a third arm, you see. And it's strong enough to grab, break, carry, wrap and support anyone's body weight.

(Y/n): A third arm for a tail that does everything that an arm could do? Nice touch.

Ojiro: Thanks.

Mineta: My Quirk is basically called; Pop Off. I can pluck balls off my head and they grow back just as fast as they're plucked. They're incredibly sticky but when I touch them, they'll bounce off.

(Y/n): So it's sticky for your opponents but it won't be for you? Interesting. Could be a combat advantage for Robots if they want to give chase or blast anything at you.

Mineta: Really? How so?

(Y/n): Let's say if a Robot has a gun and it's aiming directly at you. You will tend to clog its barrel by using your balls on your head. When you do that and when the Robot is about to fire.... what do you think will happen?

You ask.

Mineta: Well, the robot explodes a- gasps When it explodes-

(Y/n): You're home free to pass.

Mineta (Inner Thoughts): I never thought my balls on my head can be this good when he says that!!!! I must have totally misjudegd him, big time!!!

(Y/n): Heheh. Your welcome~.

You said, for Mineta to give you a thumbs up.

Shoji: My quirk allows me to duplicate my arms to have more limbs. Let's say, an extra mouth, ears, eyes, hands, and much more.

(Y/n): Ah, I see. So that means in Hero Work, you can multi-task. Nicely done.

Shoji: nods

(Y/n): Nice nice. So next up is....

Deku: Koda. His quirk is called; Anivoice. It allows him to talk to or command animals.

(Y/n): Huh.... like Aquaman. Nice.

Uraraka: Aquaman?

Uraraka curiously ask.

(Y/n): It's... a different world movie kind of thing to where I come from. I'll fill you guys in later.

You said.

Deku: Sato's Quirk is called; Sugar Rush. Basically when he consumes enough of sugar, or sweet stuff, he gets stronger.

(Y/n): Huh? Kinda reminda me of Metsu Orga when it feeds on things, it grows even stronger until it evolves into Metsu Orochi.

Deku: Well, if you were to put it that way, it does have a resemblance, in a different way.

(Y/n): nods Now, next up.

Uraraka: Oh! I'm next. My Quirk is Zero Gravity. In basic, when I put my fingers together or touch something, I can make myself or any object float. When I put my fingers together again, it releases the quirk for me or the object to fall down to the ground.

(Y/n): You can control Gravity? Interesting. Now I see why you want to name yourself, Uravity. Uraraka and Gravity. It goes together well with your name and your Quirk. Unique.

Uraraka: Heheh. Thanks, (Y/n).

Tokoyami: My Quirk is Dark Shadow. The shadow you saw and spoke to when we first met, that's part of my quirk. He comes out to assist me in combat. However, it has its limits in the day.

(Y/n): Cool.

Kirishima: My Quirk is called; Hardening. Basically I can harden and sharpen up any or all parts of my body into stone that is super hard and sharp.

(Y/n): Wow. Then I assume Tetsutetsu is the same but different as he's steel.

Kirishima: Yeup.

(Y/n): Nice and Excellent! 

Kirishima: Heh! Thanks, my man!

Toru: My quirk is basically going invisible, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Ah! A Woman of Stealth. We can do recon missions and shit with you around, Toru. With stealth on our side, I'm sure we can accomplish a lot of things.

Toru: Wow~ You mean that?

(Y/n): Sure. Your stealth is a very important asset we need for this class.

Toru: wow~
Toru (Inner Thoughts): He meant it~~!!!!

Toru said, delightfully squealing in her mind.

Sero: Well, for me, my Quirk is Tapes. Basically I can shoot out tapes from my arms.

(Y/n): Nice nice! Like Mineta but different, you'll be able to immobile anything when you put enough tape to'em.

Sero: Enough tape?

(Y/n): The more tape you shoot out to immobilize an opponent, the more difficult your opponent will have a tough time to get out of it. It's how tapes work but in combat perspective.

Sero: Seriously?! Wow, never actually thought of that due to my limit. But still, thanks. You're a pal for telling me what I didn't know I could so.

(Y/n): Anytime, pal. looks at Deku Who's next and how many more?

Deku: Not far now. And next is Aoyama. His quirk is Navel Laser. He shoots lasers from his navel, basically.

(Y/n): Hmm, I can tell.

Mina: Me next~! My quirk is acid. Basically I can use my quirk to produce a corrosive liquid from my body to melt down anything.

Kaminari: And my quirk allows me to generate electricity to shock the living out of anybody and any villain!

Mina and Kaminari said.

You nod at this as you note what quirks each of them have within them, for you to look at Deku who's smiling at you, doing the same as you smiled back. After exchanging smiles, you look back at your classmates who remained inside the classroom.

(Y/n): I see. Acidity and Electricity. An interesting power. Wow, guys. I'm... really surprised about all your quirks. Some are unique, and some are useful in combat situations. However, we must work harder so we can unlock our full potential of our quirks. The more we train, I'm sure we'll pass our practical, so we can all go to that training camp in no time.

Mina & Kaminari: YEAH~!

Uraraka: Now that you know what our Quirks can do, what do you have in mind for the Practical?

Deku: Yeah. I'm sure you have a plan and strategy to pass it, right? As after all, since there's 21 of us, you might be the odd one out for this Practical.

(Y/n): Well, I--

Just as you were about to explain, the classroom door suddenly open, for your class to see Nezu coming in, to everyone's shock.

Mr. Nezu: Ah, I see some of you and (Y/n) are still here at class.

Class 1-A: Principal Nezu!/Mr. Nezu!

Mr. Nezu: nods then looks at (Y/n) Young (Y/n), may I have a quick word with you regarding the upcoming Practical Exam?

Mr. Nezu asks.

Hearing this, you began to feel nervous about this, for you to answer him immediately, wanting to find out what this is about.

(Y/n): Oh yeah sure, Mr. Nezu.

Mina: Ummmm.... What's going on?

Uraraka: yeah...

(Y/n): I'll go find out. After that I'll update you guys.

Mina & Uraraka: nods

And with that, you followed Nezu out, with your classmates watching on with worry.

At the same Lounge where you and Nezu first met,

You both can be seen sitting opposite each other as you both began to discuss about your Practical Exams coming up.

(Y/n): So, Mr. Nezu... you wanted to speak with me about, the Practical Exams?

Mr. Nezu: Correct. Now, since you've finally made yourself at home with Class 1-A and have bonded with most of 1-A's students, we now have 21 Students all together. However, this can be a bit of an issue to resolve as soon as possible.

(Y/n): And that is?

Mr. Nezu: You don't have a partner for the plans the teachers and myself have in mind for you all in the Practical.

Mr. Nezu said.

Hearing this, you began to feel that there is something going on in this Practical, for you to make a possible assumption.

(Y/n): Partners? So that means you want us to do certain hero works in this Practical while fighting Robots?

Mr. Nezu: Perhaps so. Though I appreciate that you don't tell anyone about it. It'll be a pleasant surprise for them.

(Y/n): Heheh, I see. Well, consdering you took me into your school, I suppose it is the least I could do to give you more thanks.

Mr. Nezu: And I appreciate it. Now, back to the task at hand.

(Y/n): Yeah, the lack of partners. So, you want me to pick anyone in my class to by my partner or...

Mr. Nezu: Oh no, silly. All of them have their designated partners selected already. But you're the only one out. Which is why I came up with a compromise.

(Y/n): Oh? 

You wondered.

Watching Mr. Nezu have a drink, you waited for him to respond.

Mr. Nezu: places my cup on the table (Y/n). If we heard his name right, I would like you to partner up with your kaiju named; Zeppan, for the Practical.

Mr. Nezu said.

Hearing this, my eyes widened with shock when you heard the principal wanting me to partner up with my kaiju in this practical exam.

(Y/n): I-I-I'm sorry bu- Am I hearing this right?

Mr. Nezu: Oh yes you are, dear boy. I want your monster to partner up with you in the Practical.

(Y/n): And why my kaiju?

Mr. Nezu: Simple, really. You and the monster have a mutual relationship to as far as I could tell from your voice and your body languages. And seeing that this is the Practical, I would like to see what you and Zeppan have in store when you both work together, plus considering that you're the odd one out as everyone in your class have already had their partners all sorted out by us.

(Y/n): I see...

Mr. Nezu: And if you must know,... ever since you introduced the monster named; Zeppan in the Sports Festival, it had me thinking of the relationship you have with it. So, like Midoriya and Bakugo as a pair, I decided to go with the relationship side of things. The rest of the pairings were simply based on their abilties and their classworks.

Mr. Nezu said.

Hearing this, you nod with understanding at where he's getting at, for you to fish out your NEO Battlenizer as you called out Zeppan.

-Battlenizer! Mons-Load!-

Once summoned out, Maga Zeppandon can be seen standing before Mr. Nezu and beside you as you went up to it as you rubbed its snout playfully.

(Y/n): Hey, Zeppan. Hey, bud.

You said.

Zeppan growls and snorts a bit, for you to giggle at this.

(Y/n): Okay bud, listen. We're gonna be training a lot for a week plus until this is over, okay? We'll need to train hard and study hard for this Practical Exam. And when you do, our efforts will be rewarding.

You said, talking to Zeppan.

Your kaiju nods as it listens to you. Seeing this, Mr. Nezu hopped off the couch as he made his way to you and your kaiju.

Mr. Nezu: Now I expect you to be on your best behaviour during the Practical. looks at (Y/n) Unfortunately, no one knows about this arrangement. Not even the teachers know about this, either. I don't mind you telling your classmates about it but, inform them not to leak the news until then.

(Y/n): So, I can't reveal it to anyone until I bring him out when we are about to fight in the Practical?

Mr. Nezu: Correct.

(Y/n): And I can tell my classmates about it but I have to caution them not to leak it until I reveal it in the Practical, right?

Mr. Nezu: That you are correct, again.

Mr. Nezu said.

You nod at what you heard throughout, thinking about the strategy you are about to hatch for those robots.

(Y/n): A very interesting compromise.... very interesting, indeed.

You said.

Then, Mr. Nezu began to point out something.

Mr. Nezu: Young (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yes, Mr. Nezu?

Mr. Nezu: Has your Support Item always been blinking a lot as of late? I fear it may cause a distraction to the class.

Mr. Nezu mentioned.

Hearing this, you looked back as you fish the Giga-Battlenizer out, once again, shocked that this is happening again.

(Y/n): What?! Again?!

Mr. Nezu: Hmm? You mean it has happened before?

(Y/n): Only during my Internship. This is the second time happening. The first time it happened is when Ace K- looks at Mr. Nezu Mr. Nezu... what I'm about to tell you... is extremely discreet. NO ONE, but Todoroki, Midoriya, Ida and myself, knows about this. So, I trust you that you'll keep this as a secret, too.

Mr. Nezu: You have my word. Our conversation, is between us and us only.

Mr. Nezu assured.

So, you began telling Mr. Nezu about the first time the Giga-Battlenizer was blinking at a particular slot which led you and Ace Killer directly to Stain, thus creating a new variation of Ace Killer. You even told him about what really happened at Hosu and the fabrication on Endeavor saving you and the three from Stain, in which Nezu nod in understanding.

Mr. Nezu: I see. So that's how you four got those injuries.

(Y/n): nods

Mr. Nezu: Very well. I shall overlook this case for now. But bare in mind, you are not licensed Heroes yet. As such, I don't want to hear any of this again from the four of you. We'll still treat that Endeavor has saved you, regardless in this School. Do tell the other three who were involved, too when you have the chance, understood?

(y/n): Understood with thanks, sir.

Mr. Nezu: Excellent. Now, back to the blinking slot on the Battlenizer at this moment.

(Y/n): Ah, yes. About that. This slot isn't Ace Killer, this time.

Mr. Nezu: Then whose slot does it belong to?

Mr. Nezu asks.

Hearing his question, you used your free hand to sense who is in that slot for a moment. When you found out which kaiju or alien it is that occupies that slot, you also found out why it was acting up, for you to open your eyes.

Mr. Nezu: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Mr. Nezu.... I will have the entire class of Class 1-A to come over on Monday. But can you call in a favor for the entire Class 1-B to meet me at the P.E. Grounds with their Teacher, whoever he or she is, please? I'll give you the timing on when I want them to come by.

Mr. Nezu: Of course. Why?

(Y/n): shows slot that is blinking on the Giga-Battlenizer to Mr. Nezu Because I believe I know why this particular kaiju's acting up.

You replied.


Back in Class,
After giving extra details and a detail about Partners in the Practical,


(Y/n): SSSSSSHHH!!!!!! Keep it down. This is between us according to Mr. Nezu so, keep this to yourselves, please.

Deku, Mina & Kaminari: covering our mouths Right, sorry....

Momo: Now that you have a kaiju by your side in the Practical, you have a combat advantage against those robots as you did mentioned back in the fesitval that you fought a battle like this before.

Uraraka: Wow, now that's going to be interesting. I never thought they'll compromise that much to the extent like that.

(Y/n): Well, there's 21 of us here so, I guess there wasn't a choice. And also.

Uraraka: Hmm???

(Y/n): Guys. Is it alright if you could ask the entire class on Monday, after our 1st Day of our Exams to meet me at the P.E. Grounds?

Kirishima: Huh?

Deku: (Y/n)? What's up?

Momo: Yeah.

They wondered.

You look at Deku upon hearing them wondering why they have to meet them at the P.E. Grounds.

(Y/n): Deku, remember the time with Ace Killer? About the Silent Signal?

Deku: Yeah?

(Y/n): raises up my Giga Battlenizer to show another slot blinking It's happening again but this time, with a different Kaiju.

Todoroki: What does it want?

(Y/n): I don't know. All it says it wants you guys.... to attack it by using your own quirks. Not sure why but that's all it says. But regardless, I'm sure it has a reason why it wants you guys to do that but, whatever the case is, I hope it will helps us get stronger in the long run.

You mention.

Momo: Then we'll work together as a class. To get through this.

Uraraka: Together.

Mina: Yeah~!

They said.

Looking at the smiles on their faces, you soon look at Deku, seeing him smile for you to smile, as well.

(Y/n): yeah. Together, as a class. As Class 1-A.

You said.

To be Continued....

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