Chapter 1: Written Exams (PART 1), The Encounter & The Favor

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The Next Day,
At Momo's Residence,

You, Kaminari, Mina, Jiro, Ojiro and Sero can be seen in front of the Gate of Momo's house, which turned out to be bigger than you expect it to be as it stretches all the way out from both sides to no end, to your surprise. What's more surprising is that you see a name right above the doorbell that says; 'Yaoyorozu', indicating the entire stretch you walked here, belongs to Momo and her family.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Okay.... it's official. Vice-Class Rep... IS RICH LOADED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You said, exclaiming in your thoughts.

Kaminari: Wow... I knew her family had cash... but I didn't know she was THIS rich...

Kaminari said to the five of you.

Looking at the five, you smirked at their reactions as you began to make your way to the bell, ringing it as soon as you arrived in front of it. After ringing the bell, a voice from the bell's P.A. System called out, for you to hear that it was Momo's voice.

Momo (By via the Audio System on the Bell): I've been waiting for you, everyone~! Please, come in.

Momo said excitedly, letting the six of you in as the two large gates began to open by themselves automatically.

Looking at each other, you began to usher them inside Momo's Residence.

(Y/n): Well, she offered so, after us.

You said.

Still in shock, the six of you made your way inside as they followed the path towards her house that is way inside her Residence.

Inside Momo's House aka, Mansion,

The six of you are now seated at a very long and large table with a huge chandelier illuminating the entire room you all are in, to everyone's surprise and shock.

Ojiro: I cannot feel anymore out of place, right now.

Sero: Yeah, me too.

(Y/n): whoa.... this is, amazing...

You three said.

Then, you heard someone coming in, for the six of you to turn to face the entrance where you all entered as you see Momo having a smile on her face while in her red outfit, pulling a wooden dining cart with cups of tea, plates and snacks on it.

Momo: Is something wrong~?

Momo asks cheekily.

(Y/n), Jiro, Mina, Kaminari, Ojiro & Sero: No, everything's perfect.

You all answered in unison.

Momo: Perfect. Then let's get started, shall we?

Momo said.

And with that, two weekends of studying super hard for the Final Exams began.

-Studying Montage Begins-

(A/N: Music Starts here. Music Title: Tony Stark's Concentration Mix. Starting from 0:00 to 3:18.)

The montage began as Momo began to teach the six of you on each subject and hero work that is expected to come out for the Written Exam. Then, the scene changes to night time at Deku's house as you and Deku can be seen studying over past midnight. While studying, you can see Deku holding an Exercise Hand Grip as he can be seen exercising his hands and grip while writing everything down, for you to smirk at this, knowing he's killing two birds in one stone. Scene changes to go to Uraraka's house as Uraraka can be seen inside her room, studying while she is beginning to doze off.

The Next day, the scene changes to see Ida exercising by running through the neighbourhood while looking at a small book of notes he has written, memorizing what he has studied so far. Scene changes to an eatery to see Bakugo smacking a rolled-up booklet many times on Kirishima's head while he's teaching Kirishima on what to expect in the Finals, with Kirishima to quickly write everything down that is being told to him through the yelling bakugo, for the waitress to have a sweat demeanor on her head as she watched on. Scene changes to show a summary on what everyone is doing to as they can be seen in their own homes, studying hard, training on their Quirks and both at the same time individually.

(A/N: Concentration Mix Ends here.)
-Studying Montage Ends-

In a Deep Dark Forest,

You can be seen standing at the center of the clearing deep inside the Dark Forest, looking and holding onto the Card Holder and Dimensionizer that were given to you by Shadow the day after the Hero Killer Incident. You looked at them as you made them levitate in the air in front of you.

(A/N: These Items.)

(Y/n): Okay.... if it works on the Giga-Battlenizer.... I'm sure it'll work on the Dimensionizer and the Card Holder, too.

You said.

Using your All for One quirk, you used the same black and red-cracked tendrils as they began to latch onto both the items, for you to begin to feel their powers and data flowing inside of you with its original data and power counterparts to remain inside the Dimensionizer, like so the same process that happened to the Giga-Battlenizer.

(Y/n): Okay... we're on the right track. It works, too. Perhaps Shadow could've told me there is an extra data file for me to absorb from them but.... aw well. Guess he wants me to find out about that myself. But still, Thank you Shadow Wrath.

You said as you kept extracting their extra additional powers from the holder and dimensionizer.

While you were busy doing the power transferring process, you sense someone was watching you from within the green, for you to hasten the transferring process, allowing whoever it was who is watching you to creep up on you. Whoever is watching you now is currently slowly making its way towards you while you felt the transfer process is just about done. 

Hearing the footsteps cease behind you while the transfer process is complete after a few seconds later, you immediately snatched back your Items that were given to you, sheathing them back onto your belt while transforming your right arm into Bazanga's Blaster Arm Blades, aiming its tip and organic barrels at whoever was creeping up on you, to see it was none other than, Alien Mefilas.

(A/N: Bazanga. Your right arm will have its arm.)

(A/N: Alien Mefilas/Mepfilas Seijin.)

(Y/n): Mefilas Seijin....

Mefilas: So, we meet again.... Other Human Reionics.

He spoke.

This confused you when he said again until something hit you.

(Y/n): Again? Now wait just a second. What do you mean b- wait... looks at Mefilas really carefully we've met before...

You said.

Then, a flashback struck your mind for you to thinkabout that unworldly place deep inside Hammer, where you and Rei fought against Armoured Mefilas and Armoured Darkness aka, Reiblood, for you to recognize this Mefilas as you noticed a few battle scars that belonged to Rei's Gomora and your Zeppan, as well.

(Y/n): You....! You're the same Mefilas from before! Back on Hammer! You used the sword to gain more power but in the end... it backfired.

Mefilas: The very same.

(Y/n): What do you want?

Mefilas: Nothing, really. 

(Y/n): Then why are you here? If you're here, that means you want to pick a fight at some poi-

Mefilas: If I wanted to kill you, I would've done so already. 

Mefilas interrupted.

You were shocked by his interruption, for you to take a step back from it.

Mefilas: I never had the chance to properly thank you both for freeing me from this gamble for a wretched sword. So, allow me to properly say my thanks to you.

Mefilas said as he bows.

(Y/n): Ummm... Well, your welcome... I guess?

Mefilas: The reason why I'm here is because I wanted to have a chance to talk to you. As I have made first.... "Physical" contact with your human friends and the Human Reionics who is with them, as well.

(Y/n): What did you do to them?

Mefilas: Nothing. I only gave them a tip that I'd find you and tell them where you are so they can pick you up. And that's about it.

(Y/n): How are they?

Mefilas: They're fine~ As after all, they didn't managed to get through the rift on their own without me, right?

When you heard this, you were surprised to hear that Mefilas was the one who helped the Pendragon to get through the Inter-Dimensional Rift and that, it was no coincidence that they managed to get through.

(Y/n): So you're the one who helped them get through so that they can help us against Reiblood?

Mefilas: Exactly.

Mefilas replied.

Hearing this, your right arm began to shake for a moment. After a long while of thought and listening to him, you soon revert your arm back to normal while lowering your arm.

Mefilas: Good, good. Now there's the trust.

(Y/n): The only reason i'm trusting you is because of what you said and did. You helped us because you knew, Armoured Darkness and Reiblood was controlling and brainwashing you, and yet you took the sword. Good thing Rei and I defeated you to break its hold on you. But the question remains.... Why?

You ask.

Mefilas can be seen lowering his head as he answered.

Mefilas: .... because for Power..... I was mocked! Insulted! Picked on by others! They even destroyed my own Battlenizer... one particularly.

(Y/n): And because of that, you had to go through extreme measures by using it?

Mefilas: I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE!!!! The sword.... it also... spoke to me. Yes. It wanted me to kill anyone who got in my way and who belittled me.... But when your Human Reionics came-

(Y/n): But that doesn't change the fact on what you're about to do. You tried to ki-

Mefilas: You mean 'he' tried to kill him. I didn't even wanted to kill him from the beginning but what have I got to lose!!! I purposely shoved him off the cliff... to spare him from that sword's killings! That was before its power took hold of me completely. I know that Human Reionics and you have nothing to do with my personal endeavors but it is because of the Sword...

(Y/n): .... temptation.... and greed...

Mefilas: .... now you understand...

Mefilas said, sitting down on a fallen tree.

Seeing him seated down, you soon went up as you sat down beside him, looking up at the beautiful moon in the sky.

(Y/n): Beautiful, isn't it?

You ask.

Mefilas looked up as he replied back.

Mefilas: yeah.... 

(Y/n): hmm. Whenever I look up, I always feel relaxed, knowing that.... I have a goal to uphold.

Mefilas: Oh? And what's that?

(Y/n): .... To protect this world. looks at Mefilas I'm sure you have your own goals, too.

Mefilas: .... yeah....

(Y/n): And what are they?

Mefilas: .... to find another World called home. And share our technology with them to help them battle against kaijus and aliens.

(Y/n): Is that really your goals you Mefilases have?

Mefilas: Re-Really! It is. Well, for most of us, of course. Some just wanted conquest, some just wanted to be famed, some are just... you know....

(Y/n): Adventurous.

Mefilas: Yeah, that's the word!

(Y/n): Wow. Never knew you guys would wanna do that.

Mefilas: Oh? And what be your human goals really, huh? Go to space and pierce the moon with your toothpicks and flags?

Hearing this, you both ended up laughing at what we said while the moon shined down on you two.

After awhile, the both of you stopped laughing as you two looked back up at the moon in the starry night sky again, for you to turn to look at Mefilas.

(Y/n): So, my Team from the Pendragon. How are they? What are they doing? And where are they now?

You ask.

Mefilas: They're alright. They're searching. Searching for you in many planets and galaxies. As far as I know.... they're far from here.... but I know they'll find you as soon as they get your signal. Your Human Reionics, 'Rei'. He's worried about you.

(Y/n): I know.... we're like brothers.... but different. But our goals, are still the same.

Mefilas: I can tell.

Mefilas said as you both had a brief moment of silence.

Then, you both stood up from the broken tree as you looked at your watch, to see that it's almost past bedtime.

(Y/n): I need to go, Mefilas.... but before that! If what you say is true about my Pendragon friends.... can you do something for me? I can't thank you enough after what I heard from you so the it's the least I can do to do this as a Thank You. I need your help.

Mefilas: And what would you make me do, Other Human Reionics?

(Y/n): Before I left for my Internship in this World, shows thumbdrive I did a small recording of myself to Pendragon, telling them where I am and how I'm doing and what I've been doing. I've also placed a file of my diary from the Day I was taken to now. I need your help to deliver this to the Pendragon for me.

Mefilas: I see. Well then, I'll keep it safe till I hand it over to them.

(Y/n): Thank you, Mefilas. And remember.... Trust is fragile. The only reason why I trust you now is because One: You spared Rei from being killed while you were taken over by the Armour, and Two: If it weren't for you helping out the Space Pendragon and my Team in the rift, Rei, Grande and myself would have gotten our souls handed over by Reiblood.

Mefilas: Deep~ Very Deep. But I'll keep that to account and remember that.

Mefilas said, taking the drive off my hands as he began to levitate slowly into the air.

Before disappearing to thin-air, Mefilas turned to you as he spoke for the last time.

Mefilas: You and your Crew owe me one from before. But seeing that you needed help to deliver this message, AND you made an alliance with me, I can consider this as an exception. So, consider us now, EVEN.

Mefilas said as he began to disappear in front of your very eyes.

Watching him leave this Earth, you nod at where he disappeared as you spoke.

(Y/n): Even it is, IF the message gets through to them. Mefilas.... my friend.

You said.

And with that, you soon left the forest, making your way back to Deku's house to get some rest.

The Next Day,
At U.A. Highschool,

It was the day and the very 1st Day of the Written Exams begin with Mr. Aizawa to be the Invigilator of the Written Exams as he can be seen holding a stack of papers on him. Once he's in, he had the students in the front row to pass the papers to the back before you all began. As soon as everyone have received their papers, Mr. Aizawa initiated the Written Exams for you and your classmates to start writing everything down that you have studied during those two days off.

In the class, everyone including you can be seen having nervous looks on all your faces despite feeling determined to answer them all and to pass the Written Exams as you all kept writing everything down in your papers like there was no tomorrow.


After the First Day of the Written Exams have ended, everyone including you handed all your papers to the last person as they collected the papers from the last person to the first, to everyone and your relief that the first hurdle was over. Once there are no papers left on the table, you raised your hand for Mr. Aizawa to look at you.

Mr. Aizawa: Hmm? What is it?

(Y/n): I believe I had an arrangement for me to leave first to get things prepped up at the P.E. Grounds. Is it alright if I take my leave first, sir?

Mr. Aizawa: Oh yeah. Principal Nezu mentioned about that to me and Vlad. Go ahead. Just make sure there aren't any damages to the grounds by the time you're done.

(Y/n): Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: Carry on.

And with that, you brisk walk your way out of class as you made your way to the P.E. Grounds, to your class's confusion.

Deku: Wonder what's that all about?

Mineta: Probably a private training routine?

Momo: Hmmm....

Mr. Aizawa: Anyway.... in case you have heard from just now during our brief conversation, (Y/n) has called in a favour to Principal Nezu that he wants both Class 1-A and Class 1-B to have a little training of your quirks to prepare you all for your Practical Exam. So, Nezu has informed me and Vlad King and we have accepted the offer. Just make sure, like what I mentioned to (Y/n), also implies to the enter class. understand?

Class 1-A: Yes, sir!

They said in unison.

As soon as they acknowledged, Mr. Aizawa nodded at them and soon left to let them have the class to themselves.


At the P.E. Grounds,

The entire Class 1-A can be seen making their way towards the P.E. Grounds as they can be seen discussing on how they'll be training their quirks and who will be training them, for them to wonder about Class 1-B, as well.

Uraraka: I wonder how we're gonna train our quirks?

Deku: Yeah. Knowing (Y/n), he has some ideas up his sleeves. 

Kirishima: Nah, I'm sure it'll be exercises and training so our quirks can improve through that kind of training.

Tokoyami: As long as this training helps, we must perservere to pass the practical Exams.

Bakugo: The training I want is to fight and kill someone...

Kaminari & Sero: typical Bakugo...

Bakugo: WHAT DO YOU SAY TO ME, HUH?!?!?!?!

As your class were discussing about what training they'll be doing today, you called out to them, also saying that Bakugo is correct.

(Y/n): Well Kaminari and Sero, Bakugo's correct. You'll be training on your quirks by fighting against your Challenger. And also, hey guys! Right over here! And ah!! Class 1-B!!! So glad you can make it!! Meet, your challengers for this training!!!

You called out.

Hearing this, your class looked to see Class 1-B looking at them, as well, for them to greet each other. Then, both classes looked at where you are on the Grounds to see who their so called Challengers are, for Deku to look in shock to see that their challengers are the Perfect Lifeforms, IF.

(A/N: IF - 4th Form (x2).)

Deku: I-IF?!?!? Two of them?!?!

Deku exclaimed.

Tsu: Midoriya, you know this kaiju?

Deku: (Y/n) filled me in. IF is a mysterious kaiju that (Y/n) doesn't know about! So it makes sense of him to bring them out here so he can see what they're made off....

Kendo: So all we have to do is to simply fight it while we survive whatever it launches at us?

Monoma: Easy to wipe the floor with Class 1-A, once a-

Kendo: Knock it off, Monoma.... knocks Monoma out

Tetsutetsu: If he wants us to take them down to improve our Quirks for the Practical, then BRING IT OOOOOOOOOOOONNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reiko: As long as it's not a waste of time, I'm happy to accept...

Mina: Then let's take them down!!!

Bakugo: I'll kill them both!

Both classes roared as they were pumped to get training started against the two IFs.

You smiled at both classes getting pumped up that you clapped your hands to settle them down.

(Y/n): Alright alright, settle down. There are rules to follow. I want the Grounds to have minimum damage. I assume Homeroom Teachers have told us that. Do your absolute best to do your BEST Beatdowns on those two IFs. And finally, to allocate both classes. looks at Class 1-A Class 1-A, you'll have the IF on my right. looks at Class 1-B Class 1-B, you'll have the IF on my left. Any questions?

You ask.

As you said that, there was a brief moment of silence till Deku and Tsuburaba can be seen raising their hands, only for you to initiate the Practise.

(Y/n): Good!!! Useful Quirks or Not, let's begin now GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!

You yelled as both IFs can be seen advancing to their allocated classes, for the two classes to do the same, for the Practise to begin.

As they all began, you fished out your Giga-battlenizer as you summoned another duplicated IF with the original to return back inside, for you to sheathe your Giga-Battlenizer back onto your back, as you look at the IF that is before you.

(Y/n): Now, I don't know why you wanted me and the two classes to do this but....
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Well.... I do know what they want so... for now, let's make it real.
(Y/n): ... but if it is a fight you want, it is a fight for Training you get!

You said to IF.

The third IF roared while advancing towards you for you to charge up an attack as you did an 'T' pose with your arms, for a beam to blast out from your arms while you called the name of the attack out.


To be Continued....

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