Chapter 2: Written Exams (Part 2) & The Surprise Practical Exams

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The students of Class 1-A and Class 1-B can be seen still practising on how to improve on their quirks by challenging and practising on their individual IFs you have have summoned for them to challenge and train. While they can be seen training, you were also seen at the center of the P.E. Grounds, using your new ultra quirks and your usual kaiju quirks to train yourself to improve on your quirks, as well against a third IF duplicate that you summoned.

While you were training together with both classes, at the corner of your eye, you notice Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Vlad aka, Mr. Sekijiro making their way to see the progress of both classes' training, for you stop your training as you and your IF made your way towards them.

(A/N: Vlad King. Class 1-B's Homeroom Teacher.)

(Y/n): Mr. Aizawa. Mr. Sekijiro.

You greeted.

Mr. Aizawa: nods (Y/n), this is Vlad King. Class 1-B's Homeroom Teacher. You are to respect him as Mr. Vlad or Mr. Sekijiro... like... how you called us.

(Y/n): Nice to meet you, Mr. Sekijiro.

Mr. Sekijiro: Nice to meet you, too. So, you must be Cerebro I heard so much about? Nice to meet you in perswon.

(Y/n): Pleasure's all mine, Mr. Sekijiro.

Mr. Sekijiro: So, looks at the P.E. Grounds where the training is in-progress this must be your training Mr. Nezu was talking about?

(Y/n): Yes, sir. I wanted to improve on their tactical skills and their Quirks. That includes their combination of quirks in combat if you fellow teachers are going to cover any teams in the Practical so when they take their Practical Exams, they will be ready, no matter how superior their quirks are or not. That's why I had my kaijus, IF to be their challengers.

Mr. Aizawa: So what you're saying is that you're preparing for any surprises to come for the Practical Exams after the Written Exams, is that right?

(Y/n): Yes, sir.

You replied.

Both Homeroom Teachers nod for you to smile at their acceptance of you to have both classes to participate in this little practise you requested, for you to suggest to both Teachers if they could join them.

(Y/n): Well, since you're both here, wanna step up to the plate to train up? My IF you see before me is ready to go.

You said, for IF to be see readying itself.

Both Homeroom Teachers sees this as they declined your offer.

Mr. Aizawa: That won't be necessary, (Y/n).

Mr. Sekijiro: But we still appreciate the offer.

Mr. Aizawa: The reason why we're here is because to not only check on their training progress. It's to also inform you that it is pass the time of your agreement that you said to Mr. Nezu. 

(Y/n): Oh, it's about time already?!

You exclaimed, looking at your watch, for you to look at the time to see that Mr. Aizawa is correct.

(Y/n): Huh? You're right. looks at the Homeroom Teachers Then I shall rap this up now, then. If you.... excuse me?

The two teachers nod at you, for you to make your way to the Grounds as you clap your hands to stop the training.

(Y/n): Okay guys! Time's up! Our homeroom teachers are here to let us know that Training has ended!

You yelled.

Hearing this, both classes and the two IFs can be seen stopping as they stopped whatever their doing, listening to you.

(Y/n): Now, I saw some good coordination of your quirks combining with other quirks for a combo attack! I see some of your quirks improving, as well! Keep up the good work and I'm sure we'll pass the Practical in no time! But that doesn't mean we have to be cocky! The teachers expect us to keep working on improving our quirks, so we must do what we MUST, to improve on that on our own after today! Unfortunately I must apologize, this is the only Day I can arrange with the Principal to do this kind of hands-on Training so again in a different way to twist my words a bit, for the rest of the two days after the Written Exams, we're on our own to train ourselves to improve on our Quirks! So, let's pass this together so we can be home free for Training Camp!!!!!!!!!!!

Classes 1-A & 1-B: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both classes exclaimed.

From where they're standing, both Homeroom Teachers look in awe in their own facial expressions as they could see you giving both classes an encouragement to study and train hard, for them to have a brief talk about you.

Mr. Sekijiro: (Y/n) sure does know how to give people some encouragements eh, Aizawa?

Mr. Aizawa: Mmm. Probably he got it from his Captain.

Mr. Sekijiro: Eh, I hear ya. It must be hard for them to be separated. But for a missing crew member, he's strong.

Mr. Aizawa: Well.... most probably his so called "Space Pendragon" Crew must have taught him well... really well.

They said in brief.


Two Days Later,

2 Days went by for Class 1-A as they could be seen in class focusing attentively to answer all of the Questions in the Written Exams. As soon as the bell tolls for the entire school to hear, Mr. Aizawa spoke up to say that the Exams have ended and you all have to put our pens or pencils down.

And with that, just like that, you sighed in relief to know that the first half of the three-day hurdle is finally over and now, it is time for the second half of the hurdle to begin and that's, the Practical Exams.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright, put your pens and pencils down. Last person in each row bring the answer sheets to me.

Mr. Aizawa said.

As the last person of each row could be seen collecting the answer sheets, you, Kaminari and Mina approached Momo as they thanked her for her guidence and teachings.

Mina: Thanks so much for all your help~!

Kaminari: I didn't leave anything blank, at least!

(Y/n): I thank you for your guidence, Momo. You're a great help.

Momo: Oh, smiles you're welcome. If you need anymore help, come by anytime.

Mina & Kaminari: WE WILL!

(Y/n): nods

You three said.

Seeing this, Deku smiled, feeling relieved that the three days of the Written Exams are over. Looking on, you went up to Deku as you offered up a fist to him.

(Y/n): Let's do well in the Practical Exams today.

You said.

Deku nods at what you said as the both of you fist pumped while smiling at each other.

Deku: Yeah. Let's do well.

(Y/n): nods


At the Practical Exam Area - Central Plaza,

You and your classmates can be seen all geared up in your Hero Costumes outside the Exam Area's Central Plaza as you could all see the huge building and also your Teachers in front of all of you, to everyone's confusion except you. While looking at the Teachers confused, Mr. Aizawa began to state that they shall now begin the Practical Exams, for them to change their expressions to serious ones.

Mr. Aizawa: Now then. Let's begin the last test. Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you want to go to Camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes! 

Mr. Aizawa said.

Jiro: Um. Why are all the teachers here?

Jiro mentions, for her to be the only one to point that out.

Mr. Aizawa: I expect many of you have gathered information I'd believe you have some idea on what you'll be facing with today.

Mr. Aizawa said.


Mina: FIREWORKS! SMORES! Here we come~!

Both Kaminari and Mina said cheerfully.

As they were feeling happy that this Practical may be easy, someone can be seen making his way out from Mr. Aizawa's Scarf Support Item while stating that he and the teacher have changed things for this Practical Exams.

Mr. Nezu: Actually, this year's test... emerges out beside Eraserhead Will be completely different for various reasons.

He said.

Seeing the Principal here, Sero, Ojiro and Jiro can be seen looking at him in shock as they said his name in unison.

Sero, Ojiro & Jiro: Principal Nezu???

Momo: You're changing things?

Momo asks.

Seeing their expressions, you began to have a faint smile on your face. Then, Mr. Nezu can be seen using Mr. Aizawa's Support Item to make his way down onto solid ground as he begins to explain about what today's Practical Exam is going to offer.

Mr. Nezu: The tests now have a new focus. There will be Hero work, of course. But also Teamwork and combat between actual people. So what does that mean for you? You students will be working together in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed U.A. Teachers, isn't that fabulous?

Mr. Nezu explained. 

Hearing this, everyone began to grow nervous about this.

Uraraka: We're... fighting the teachers?

Uraraka questions.

Mr. Aizawa: Additionally, your partners and your opponents have already been chosen. They're determined by discretion based on various factors including fighting style, grades and personal relationships. First, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team,... against me. Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugo.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Hearing this, both Deku and Bakugo looked at each other in shock to discover that they're teaming up.

Mr. Aizawa: And their opponent is...

Just before he could finish, All Might can be seen doing a Superhero landing before Deku and Bakugo. Once he's landed, he stood up while declaring his fight against them.

All Might: I am here.... to Fight!

All Might said.

When the two heard this, Deku and Bakugo looked in shock as they see that they're being paired up to fight against the Number One Hero.

Deku & Bakugo: We're up against All Might?!

They said in unsion.

All Might: You're going to have to work together boys... if you want to win!

He said while smiling. 

While both students are looking at each other nervously, Mr. Nezu began to state the pairs and the teacher that they'll be pairing up with and going against with.

Mr. Nezu: And now, let's announce the Teams that the Teachers will be fighting in order. 

Mr. Nezu states.

1st MATCH - Cementoss -vs- Sato & Kirishima
2nd MATCH - Ectoplasm -vs- Tsu & Tokoyami
3rd MATCH - Power Loader -vs- Ida & Ojiro
4th MATCH - Eraserhead -vs- Momo & Todoroki
5th MATCH - Thirteen -vs- Aoyama & Uraraka
6th MATCH - Principal Nezu -vs- Mina & Kaminari
7th MATCH - Present Mic -vs- Koda & Jiro
8th MATCH - Snipe -vs- Toru & Shoji
9th MATCH - Midnight -vs- Sero & Mineta
10th MATCH - All Might -vs- Midoriya & Bakugo
11th MATCH - Eraserhead -vs- (Y/n) & Zeppan

Hearing the Match-Ups, Tsu wondered why Mr. Aizawa is going to fight again against you and Zeppan.

Tsu: Hmm... Mr. Aizawa? How are you fighting again in the next match up against (Y/n) and his kaiju, Zeppan?

Mr. Aizawa: Yeah, Nezu. What is the meaning of this?

They ask.

Mr. Nezu: Oh, that my student is something you need to ask (Y/n) yourself. As after all, he and I did share... "some" "Secrets" about the Practical, right, Young (Y/n)?

Mr. Nezu asks.

Hearing this, everyone began to look confused and nervous as they slowly look at you, causing you to giggle first, then burst to laughter for a moment. This scared them for a moment as you can be seen laughing your lungs off. After awhile, you stopped as you addressed the matter to the class.

(Y/n): sighs while smiling Sorry guys. Sometimes when I laugh, I knew it had to come to this at certain situaions. So, it's about time the cat is out of the bag, huh? Mr. Nezu?

Mr. Nezu: nods


Uraraka: That means after he spoke to you about your kaiju partnering up with you, he told you all about the plans being changed like that to what we heard?!

Deku: That's why he wanted to see you, too?!

Ida: (Y/n)!!! chopping my hands to point at (Y/n) Like Mr. Aizawa this is a breach of trust!! We're your friends so least you could do is tell us what you learnt from your meeting with Principal Nezu!

(Y/n): It's true I didn't say anything about it, but I did mention some parts of what Mr. Nezu informed me about the partnership and hero work and stuff.

Todoroki: He's not wrong. He did say something about that.

Todoroki mention.

(Y/n): Though, I apologize for the discretion. I was sworn secrecy of this info until Mr. Nezu gave me the signal to reveal it with him. Hearing what he said to ask me, I kinda knew it was my signal to reveal that I knew all of this. That's why I wanted to conduct that special quirk training on your personal quirks and other quirks compatible for combo moves.

Sero: So you mean to say you were preparing us this whole time as you knew this would happen?

(Y/n): That's right.

Mr. Nezu: And after hearing from both Homeroom Teachers about your progress of your training after your 1st Day of your Written Exam, I could assume to say and see that you're ready. Now, to continue where we left off, to complete the Exam, you'll have thirty minutes. In order to win, holds up a pair of cuffs your objective is to put these handcuffs on your Teacher, or you can win if one of you manages to escape from the combat stage. 

Mr. Nezu said and explained.

Kaminari: So, we either got to capture the teacher or run away? It's basically like the combat training.

Mina: Yeah, but is it really okay to just jet?

(Y/n): Long story short, yes. Anything's fine, Mina. It's just like a Game of Cops 'n' Robbers, Hero Course Style.

Mr. Nezu: Young (Y/n)'s correct. 

You and Mr. Nezu said.

Present Mic: It's gonna be much different from that Combat Training y'all went through earlier! After all, you're up against people WAAAAAAYY better than you!

Present Mic said, doing his usual D.J. poses before all of you.

Jiro: Better? Really? Wait, are you just the Announcer???

(Y/n): dramatically facepalms


Present Mic yelled, exclaiming his words to her, for Koda to end up being in between this for a mere moment.

Thirteen: This time, the Exam will be very similar to a real battle. As strange as it is, please think of us as villains.

Snipe: Assuming you come across your enemy, if you think you can win against them, then fine. However....

Thirteen and Snipe explained.

Mr. Aizawa: In instances when you're outmatched, it would be smarter to run away and find help. Todoroki, Ida, Midoriya, (Y/n), I'm sure the four of you understand.

Mr. Aizawa said and mentioned.

(Y/n): Fully, sir. We shall keep this in mind and redeem ourselves.

Todoroki: nods

Ida: I will not make that mistake again. I will pass this test and prove that I'm a Hero.

Deku: So we fight to win, or run to win.

You three said with Todoroki to nod.

All Might: That's right! It's a test of your decision-making skills. But with these Rules, you'll probably be thinking that your only real choice is to flee. That's why the Support Course made these Super Clever Accessories for us!

All Might said, fishing out those certain accessories from his pockets.

Finally fishing them out, it revealed to be braces with weights on them, to your surprise as they are well-made, well-conditioned and well-maintained, wondering to yourself as to who made these.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Ultra Compressed Weights.... wonder who made those...

You wondered in awe as you and your class began to see your teacher equipping themselves with those weight braces on them.

All Might: These babies will add about half our body weight to our physics. It's not much, they will eat up our stamina and make it harder for us to move around. feeling the weight on wearing two ugh! Oh shoot! These are heavier than I thought! We had a Contest to come up with these designs, and Young Hatsume ended up winning it.

All Might explained.

You and Deku looked in shock as you both realized Mei was the one who made these for them.

Deku: Wow! Good for Hatsume.

(Y/n): Yeah! Who would have thought her Genius Intellect would allow her to win this and supply us with these. Now I really want one for Rei when we train.

You both said with awe.

Bakugo: You think we need a Handicap to win against you? Well think again... 

Bakugo interjected, mocking those braces as he thinks that they're making this a handicap match so the class can win easily.

This made All Might laugh at what Bakugo said, causing him to have an evil smirk on his face.

All Might: This'll be fun~

All Might said.

Mr. Aizawa: Anyway, let's begin. The Teams will take the Practical Exam in the Order you were called. We have a Stage prepared for you. Sato. Kirishima. You're up.

Sato & Kirishima: Yes, sir!

Mr. Aizawa: Those waiting their turn to fight could either watch the Exams or try to Strategise together as a team. It's your choice. That's all.

Mr. Aizawa said as he turned around to join the teachers making their way into the building.

Watching them leave, you began to hear your classmates discussing individually with their pairs as they talked strategy with each other on how to defeat their individual teachers that they're going up against with. As you watch them making their way into the building as well, you notice Deku by himself for you to go up to him.

(Y/n): Wanna watch the match-ups?

Deku: Yeah sure. I don't think Kacchan wants to talk strategy with me...

(Y/n): I can tell....

Deku: What about you? Do you and Zeppan have something in mind?

(Y/n): Zeppan is currently training up in there. But don't worry, we have a plan in mind for Mr. Aizawa.

Deku: smiles I see. So, let's go to the Monitor Room to have a look, then.

(Y/n): Yeah, let's go.

And with that, you two made your way to the Monitor Room where they can see and watch all the matches happening in there.

To be Continued....

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