Chapter 3: Team 1 & Team 2 Practical Exam Match-Ups

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At the Monitor Room,

You and Deku can be seen inside the Monitor Room where you can see every single match happening on a huge gigantic screen in front of you, starting with the first match. As you both watched, you two are accompanied by Recovery Girl who is also in the Monitor Room to watch the matches, just in case if anyone is injured, she can leave her post to her temporary office located on the right so she can work her quirk on those who are injured.

Recovery Girl: Well, looks like I have my work cut out for me today. 

Recovery Girl said.

(Y/n): Indeed.

You replied.

As the three of you watched as the first match is about to begin, you and Deku can hear the doors of the Monitor Room opening as someone who turned out to be Uraraka, can be heard calling out for the two of you.

Uraraka: Oh, Deku, (Y/n). You're watching, too? Hi.

Uraraka said while calling out.

Both you and Deku turned around to see Uraraka for the three of you to begin talking with each other.

Deku: Yeah. It's not like we get many chances to watch students in combat with teachers, right? looks away for a moment And besides.... I don't think Kaachan really wants to talk strategy with me.... 

Deku said.

Uraraka: I can see that. And uhh.... my partner.... points my right finger to the left is a little pre-occupied with himself....

Uraraka said.

(Y/n) & Deku (Inner Thoughts): You don't say....

You both say in unison and in thought.

Uraraka: That's why I'm getting inspiration from everyone else's battles.

Deku: Smart.

(Y/n): Good thinking.

Uraraka: looks at (Y/n) So, what about you, (Y/n)? What's your partner doing?

(Y/n): Oh, Zeppan? I can feel him inside my Battlenizer that he's currently training in there. Training to fight in the finals.

Uraraka: I see. Cool.

Uraraka said as the three of you now face the huge screen as you both watch the first Practical Exams.

Watching on, another screen appeared to show a fake city, where the first Exams are being held as the Announcer can be heard initiating the first Match-up to begin the test.

Announcer (Via P.A. System): Team Sato & Kirishima. Practical Exam. Ready! GO!

It announced, beginning the Exam.

As the Match began you, Deku and Uraraka can see Sato, and Kirishima on screen running to look for their teacher for their opponent through the fake city for a moment there, when a vertical slab can be seen towering over the two from the ground, for your two classmates to back off for a moment, knowing that they've found their opponent (teacher). Seeing him right before them, they began to advance towards him, only for Cementoss to create more vertical slabs to avoid Sato and Kirishima, only for them to use their fist to punch their way through to cementoss as they destroyed every slab that got in their way by using their strength and hardening quirks.

Seeing this, Uraraka was glad that their almost there, but Deku's face says otherwise.

Uraraka: Come on, you guys. You totally got him!

Uraraka said, encouraging the first Team while watching on.

Deku: they're not gonna win it like this... 

Uraraka: Huh?

Deku: Their Quirks are amazing, but there's a limit to how long they can use it. It won't last forever. I don't think Mr. Cementoss has that kind of limit, though. The more time that passes by,-

(Y/n): They'll be at a disadvantage. Like Deku said. True their Quirks are amazing but there's a difference between those three. Sato and Kirishima have their own limits.... but Mr. Cementoss does not. 

Uraraka: That's not good....

(Y/n): That's why I arranged that quirk training earlier on, so that you all including myself can improve on your quirks and overcome your limits. Mr. Nezu told me.... you all are paired with teachers by specific categories. So, Train up! Practise up! And Be ready for what's coming at you.

You said.

Deku: Right. As after all, it's no coincidence that they're matched up. Mr. Aizawa's picking students against teachers who will have a hard time against. To pass, we'll have to recognize our weaknesses.... and overcome them.

(Y/n): How right you are, Deku.

Recovery Girl: Exactly right, you two. So before it's time for your own Final, looks at the three of them you should think carefully about your compatibility with the teacher you're fighting. I assure that Principal Nezu has told you all about it right, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yes, he has, ma'am.

You replied.

After talking for a moment, the four of you then looked back up on the huge screen in front of you all to watch all three panel-like screens that appeared inside, for you all to see Cementoss creating more vertical slabs, and for you all to see different angles of your classmates punching their way through the slabs until you all notice Sato stopping as he can be seen standing still, exhausted and Kirishima to run out of steam.

Seeing that they both stopped punching due to their quirks' limitations, Cementoss took this as an opportunity to use his quirk to overpower them both, taking them both down in the process while you all see him speak to them to advice them. 

And with that, with Sato and Kirishima down, the first Match-up for the first exams have ended with a blare of a horn.

Announcer (via P.A. System): Sato and Kirishima have been knocked out! Exam OVER!

The Announcer announced.

Seeing this, the four of you in the Monitor Room looked in shock at this and how strong Cementoss really is until Recovery Girl can be seen and heard leaving her post to her Recovery post on her right.

Recovery Girl: It's only the first match and I'm already needed~.

She said, making her way to attend to Sato and Kirishima.

Uraraka: No way.... it was that one-sided...

Uraraka said worriedly.

Deku: Their quirks were too ineffective against his...

(Y/n): Yeah, I know what you mean, Deku.... Uraraka.... These Exams are gonna be a lot harder than I thought, looks at Deku you and Bakugo are about to get it bad when you fight against the Number One Hero...

Deku: Yeah, I know what you mean....

You three said as you all discussed about the first match that ended and Deku's upcoming match for a brief moment.

A few minutes later,

The three of you watched on three panel-like screens on the huge observation screen as the Second Match is about to begin at a different Location aka, Practical Exam Location 2, for you to figure that Tsu and Tokoyami are next to go up against your class's Math Teacher, Ectoplasm.

Watching them, you three could see Tsu and Tokoyami discussing a plan before the Match began when the horn blares and the Announcer to announce that the Match is about to start on the Announcer's command.

Announcer (via P.A. System): Team Asui and Tokoyami. Practical Exam. Ready! GO!

The Announcer announced, starting the Exams.

As the match began, you three watched in the Monitor Room as the clones of Ectoplasm can be seen emerging from the ground from fogs of smoke, surrounding Tsu and Tokoyami all over and at all sides, preventing them from getting out from their soon-to-be grasp, for the team to figure a way out of their predicament with worry. Suddenly the clones began to advance towards them, for you to watch them nervously, causing you to stammer a bit.

(Y/n): stammering Come on, Tsu... Tokoyami... I didn't arrange that quirk training for you just to be worried.... Stand up as a team and for yourselves and FIGHT!!!

You said.

Then, just as the clones were closing in, you all watched as they both got themselves out of there by Tokoyami having Dark Shadow to grab Tsu and toss her in the air and for Tsu to use her tongue to grab Tokoyami, bringing him to the upper floors of the building to safety and her safety, as well.

Seeing this, you three smiled as they managed to escape from that all-surrounding attack by Ectoplasm's clones.

Uraraka: NICE!!!

Deku: An escape only the two of them can pull off!

(Y/n): Excellent work, Tsu and Tokoyami. Great thinking to use your quirks to escape them!
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): I knew when I first saw you using their quirks combined against IF, you two can accomplish great things together, like in these Exams.

You three said and exclaimed.

As you three commend Tsu and Tokoyami on their escape strategy, Recovery Girl can be heard speaking to the three of you while making her way back to her post.

Recovery Girl: That's good communication. They're talking to each other. It may not seem like much but it is important. I don't just mean having a sidekick or teammate that you know you match well with, real heroes need to be able to communicate with anyone.

Recovery explained.

(Y/n): Communication is Key when it comes to real Hero work, huh? I like the sound of that.

You said, earning a nod from Recovery Girl.

Deku: So uh, we were talking about these finals, and how each student is supposed to be facing their weaknesses?

Recovery Girl: That's right. 

Deku: Okay so, what are Tokoyami and Asui have to work on? I'm having trouble seeing how Mr. Ectoplasm's quirk is a bad match-up against theirs.

Uraraka: nods

Deku asks.

Recovery Girl: Oh well, it's not good. For Tokoyami, at least.

Recovery Girl said.

This confused Deku and Uraraka as they tried to figure out why.

Uraraka: Why would you say that?

Uraraka wondered.

Recovery Girl: Keep watching, you'll see.

Recovery Girl suggests.

Listening to what she said, Deku and Uraraka turned to face the screens while you can be seen looking at the screen real hard as you immediately found out what Recovery Girl meant.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): I knew it....

You said in thought, discovering Tokoyami's quirk disadvantage against Ectoplasm's quirk.

Watching on, you three see Tokoyami and Tsu escaping while fighting against Ectoplasm's clones by using their quirks. With the tongue techniques of Tsu's tongue and Dark Shadow's attacks of Tokoyami's quirk, one by one, Ectoplasm's clones began to decrease in number with the defeated clones to dissipate in a fogs of ectoplasm. Reaching the top floor, Tokoyami and Tsu can see a blue pathway leading to another building further up, only to be blocked by another wave of Ectoplasm's clones as they began to fight against them while they made their escape, for the four of you to watch this on screens.

Recovery Girl: Tokoyami is quick and can attack from afar, allowing him to keep his distance. Those are all strengths. But, looking at that in another way,....

(Y/n): Tokoyami's quirk is weak when it comes to close range.

Recovery Girl: Exactly.

Uraraka: Wow, I never thought about his powers like that...

Deku: Then Mr. Ectoplasm's clones can appear anywhere unexpectedly.

(Y/n): Precisely.

Recovery Girl: On the other hand, there's Asui. A stellar student with no clear weaknesses. She can provide support to her ally as powerful as he may be. But she's important in another way, too. Her level headedness and the ability to provide him emotional support are the key to them passing.

(Y/n): So, it is both quirk and relation of their quirk that they're categorized under.

Recovery Girl: In a way you say it, yes. 

You four discussed.

Hearing this, Deku looked back at the screen as he thought hard about back then.

Deku: Emotional support, huh?
Deku (Inner Thoughts): Now that I think about it... Having her around during the U.S.J. Attack really helped us stay focused.... that was before we met (Y/n).... I'm routing for you, Asui and Tokoyami. Beat'im!

Deku wonders and said in throught.

Watching the match progressing together, you four see that Tsu and Tokoyami are getting really close to the Escape Gate where the real Ectoplasm can be seen waiting for them. Suddenly, Ectoplasm protruded out a huge fog of ectoplasm out of his mouth, for you, Deku and Uraraka to look in shock at the giant clone of Ectoplasm, towering over Tsu and Tokoyami as it lunged int to take a bite out of them, trapping them behind the behemoth in the process as its cloak is now their prison.


You exclaimed in your thoughts.

Then, you notice Dark Shadow perking out from Tokoyami as he began to fight against Ectoplasm all on its own, for you to watch Dark Shadow being inflicted with kick after kick by Ectoplasm's legs. As Dark Shadow was trying to reach the Escape Gate but was halted by many kicks delivered by Ectoplasm, you notice Dark Shadow flying back to Tokoyami and Tsu, also noticing that Tsu gave Dark Shadow something for it to fly back down towards Ectoplasm to attack him this time.

Watching the battle unfolding, Dark Shadow delivered a claw strike and Ectoplasm delivered his strongest kick he could muster, only for Ectoplasm to rise above Dark Shadow as the shadow creature can be seen falling onto the ground, for Deku and Uraraka to look at the team with worry, for you to speak your mind.

(Y/n): smiles This battle is done.

Deku & Uraraka: Huh?

(Y/n): Ectoplasm underestimated Tsu and Tokoyami.

Deku: Wait, what?!

(Y/n): Have a look.

You said, pointing at Ectoplasm's leg that he used to kick Dark Shadow vulnerable.

Looking at his leg real carefully, Deku and Uraraka looked in great shock to see a pair of cuffs being cuffed onto Ectoplasm's leg.

Uraraka: WHOA! They Legcuffed him!

Deku: And they passed! They figured out a way to do it! Dark Shadow and Frog together, what a great team!

Uraraka: They're so smart.

They said.

(Y/n): Indeed they are, guys. Indeed they are. 
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Well done, Tsu and Tokoyami. I knew you would come around.

You said, smiling as you nod.

Announcer (by P.A. System): Team Asui and Tokoyami have passed the Final! 

The Announcer announced.

Hearing this, you three smiled at each other as now, we have one Team who have passed the Exams, and hopefully a few others will follow as you three thought about the other teams.

To be Continued....

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