Chapter 4: Team 3 & Team 4 Practical Exam Match-Ups

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A few minutes later,

Third Match
Power Loader -vs- Ida & Ojiro
Fake City Type: Construction Site

It has been a few minutes since the first and second matches as you, Deku, Uraraka and Recovery Girl are now currently watching the third match that is still progressing on with Team Ida and Ojiro fighting against Power Loader. Watching on, you, Deku and Uraraka discovered that Power Loader is using the underground against the Team as he can be seen digging deeper underground while creating explosive traps, blocking their path that leads them to the Escape Gate by using his traps he's creating and making it hard for the Team to fight against him since he is underground digging.

You can even see Ojiro throwing a rock onto the ground in front of them for you to watch the ground erupt with sand and dust soon after, testing that there are traps for them to decide that they should run instead of fight against Power Loader. Decided on that, your eyes widened with surprise when you saw Ojiro hopping onto Ida's back as they can be seen doing some kind of fusion.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Huh.... they're trying to mimick what I do? Well.... that's using their heads.

You thought.

Watching on while the Exams for Ida and Ojiro are progressing on, Ida can be seen running extremely fast that not even the traps can catch up to him and Ojiro who's riding on Ida. Knowing what Ida and Ojiro are up to, the trap explosions began to go off in front of them for Power Loader to set off more of them, causing a crator and a very steep cliff to be formed, making Ojiro to worry that they might fall at this rate and fail this Exam. Deku and Uraraka watched with worry, as well but you on the other hand smirked.

Uraraka: Oh no!

Deku: Not good!

(Y/n): smirks It's not over yet, boys and girls!

Uraraka & Deku: Huh?

(Y/n): Have a look.

You said, for Deku and Uraraka to look back on screen.

Watching the screen, Ida thought even further ahead as he used his quirk and leaped high up in the air. As soon as he is up in the air, Ojiro can be seen wrapping his tail around his leg as Ida can be seen spinning around real fast, taking Ojiro with him, ending the spin with a powerful kick, for Ojiro to let go of Ida's feet for him to be seen zooming fast towards the Escape Gate.

Emerging from the ground, Power Loader emerged from the ground as he tried grabbing Ojiro with his mech suit, only for his mech suit's left arm to be swatted away by Ojiro's use of his tail and tail quirk, giving Ojiro the opportunity to land gracefully pass the Escape Gate, earning both him and Ida a pass for their Practical Exams, to you, Deku and Uraraka's relief as the third match was so nerve-wracking with Power Loader's unpredictable quirk when he goes underground.

Then, the Announcer spoke up while the horns blare, indicating that the match has ended and they have passed.

Announcer (via P.A. System): Team Ida and Ojiro have passed the Finals! 

The Announcer announced.

Seeing this, you, Deku and Uraraka smiled as you all are happy to hear and see that Ida and Ojiro have passed.

Uraraka: They're both amazing!

(Y/n): Tail and Engine aka, Speed... what a very good match-up, too when it comes to an underground assault!

Deku: Yeah!

The three of you said.

Deku (Inner Thoughts): Ida.... you're so cool....

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Class Rep, my friend. In this Practical Exam, I'd say that you have redeemed yourself just fine.

You and Deku said in thought while smiling.

While smiling at both their accomplishments, you three see one particular screen zooming in to see Ida to be stuck underground with his head sticking out.

Deku (Inner Thoughts): Well... sometimes, at least.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Well now.... a victory with a minor cost.... guess Class Rep must or must not have thought of that.... perhaps???

You both said in thought, still smiling knowing that they still passed in the long run.

A few minutes later,

Fourth Match
Eraserhead -vs- Momo & Todoroki
Fake City Type: Neighbourhood District

The three of you waited as the Fourth Match is about to begin at Practical Exam Location 4 with its fake city set-up to be based on a Neighbourhood set-up, for you three to observe and watch really closely on how Team Todoroki and Momo are going to go up against their homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa who can cancel out quirks so easily unless he blinks.

Watching them, you three could see Momo and Todoroki walking through the fake neighbourhood, probably discussing on a plan to take out their opponent (Teacher) and pass the Exams when the horn blares and the Announcer to announce that the Match is about to start on the Announcer's command.

Announcer (via P.A. System): Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. Practical Exam. Ready! GO!

The Announcer announced.

As soon as the Exam began, you three watched as the fourth Exam is in progress when your NEO-Battlenizer began to blink continuously, for you to sense it as you fish it out. Seeing your Battlenizer blinking, you held it out for Zeppan to emerge from your Battlenizer.

-Battlenizer! Monsload!-

Emerging from your NEO-Battlenizer, Zeppan then walked beside you as it too, watched the match, as well to everyone's surprise, causing you to smile at the scene.

(Y/n): Wanna have a look at what Mr. Aizawa has to offer so you may be more prepared huh, Zeppan?

You ask.

Zeppan looks at you as it nods it head.

(Y/n): Well I won't stop you. Enjoy the show and observe really carefully, Zeppan. You may learn something from these Battles.

You said.

And so, you, Deku, Uraraka and Zeppan looked at the screen as the fourth match began to play out.

Watching the Exam Battle, you notice Momo creating tons of nesting dolls for you to understand where Momo is going with this, realizing that she's doing this as an indication on whether Mr. Aizawa is closeby or not. So far, you thought that this is a wise idea but actually, there is more to it as you also felt a sense of doubt and a sense of lack of confidence within her, to your confusion.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Hmmm.... I wonder what's wrong with Momo.... hope she's okay tagging with Todoroki while fighting against Mr. Aizawa...

You said in thought.

Watching on, you realized what was going on for you to ponder about this in your head.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Now I see why Todoroki and Momo are being paired up. It's neither just of the three options I heard from the teachers and Mr. Nezu.... it is about their confidence and their superiority.... Todoroki is fine but.... Vice Class Rep. Momo isn't.... seeing Todoroki trapped and ever since the U.A. Sports Festival, she sees Todoroki as a Superior Being while seeing herself as a non-superior being just because she didn't last long against Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.... well this won't do.... she needs to regain her confidence. Unfortunately I can't do that.... BUT.... I know someone who can....

You said in thought, for you to fish out your phone as you called someone, to Deku and Uraraka's confusion.

Deku: (Y/n)?

Uraraka: You okay?

(Y/n): Oh! I'm fine. Just on the phone with someone. Please excuse me. going to a corner

Deku & Uraraka: Okay.

At the corner,

(Y/n): whispering You there?

???: Why would I not be? What's up?

Someone on the phone asks.

(Y/n): whispering I need you to do something for me.... in discreet without anyone spotting you.


At the Neighbourhood-like Fake City,

Momo Yaoyorozu can be still running while feeling both worried and panicky after escaping from Eraserhead's scarf binding her arm for just a brief moment. While running, she turned into an alleyway when she bumped into someone, causing her to fall on her bum.

Momo: I-I'm sorry...!!

Momo said apologetically.

Then, an arm came out, offering to help her up. Momo saw this and hesitantly accepted its help, for her to grab its hand, making the someone to pull her back on her feet.

???: No problem.

Momo: Thank you....

???: Heh! No biggie.

Momo: Anyway.... who are you an- why are you-

???: Giving up so soon?

The someone asked.

Hearing this, Momo was taken aback by this. Then, she spoke.

Momo: looks down N-No.... it's just.... ever since the U.A. Sports Festival, I... I neve-

Just before Momo could finish, a katana can be seen pointing at her, an inch away from her face, to her shock.

???: Don't sulk over a loss, girl! You think you can run just because their quirks are superior and yours' isn't? Well, think again! If anything, I'd say your Quirk is as superior as the rest of them but, you just don't know of it yet. Your quirk can conjure infinite number of items when you think of something from your head. So, the way I see it, I'd suggest that you use your head.... Rise above from your sorry state where you are now and overcome your doubts.

It said, turning its back while lowering its katana.

Momo: H-How?

???: How? Well that's simple, really as it is so obivious.

Momo: ....

???: So, come on, Momo Yaoyorozu. Get up! turns head to look at her with the corner of its eyes Pull yourself together, and FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!

It said.


Back in the Room, You, Zeppan, Deku and Uraraka can be seen watching the match still ongoing when you four began to see Momo running back towards Todoroki, for you to smirk at this.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): She's heading back towards her teammate.... smirks widely Well what do you know... your words have gotten through to her, Jugglus Jugglur.

You said in thought.

Smirking to yourself, the four of you watched as Todoroki and Momo fought back against Eraserhead by using their quirks with Eraserhead to fight back by using his scarf and quirk, as well. Then, out of nowhere, a huge blast of ice erupted, preventing Eraserhead from advancing, giving the two the opportunity to strategize which lead them to fool eraserhead to think that he had caught them, but actually, he ended up capturing a pair of mannequins wrapped up in a black cloth.

After the diversion was flawed, Momo was revealed manning a catapult while Todoroki used his flames to prevent Eraserhead from using his quirk, giving Momo the opportunity to activate the catapult which lead to a ball of long wrapping material which looked like Eraserhead's scarf to bind him and immobilize him, earning a victory and a pass for the two, to the four's relief, watching this.

Recovery Girl: My my~ Turns out that man's a big softie, after all. hmm~

(Y/n): Indeed he is, Recovery Girl. Indeed he is.

You both said.

Then, the Announcer spoke up while the horns blare, indicating that the match has ended and they have passed.

Announcer (via P.A. System): Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have passed the Finals!

The Announcer announced.

Hearing this, a call came for you as you picked it up.

(Y/n): Hello?

??? (By via the Phone): You owe me one. Thanks to my words, she has regained her confidence, my friend.

(Y/n): Don't worry, I'll pay you in full when we meet, Jugglus Jugglur.

Jugglus Jugglur (By via the Phone): chuckling I look forward to our next meet.

Jugglur said as he hung up.

As soon as he hung up, you looked back on screen as you smiled.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Todoroki.... Momo.... Well done.

You said.

To be Continued....

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