Chapter 1: Dorm Sweet Dorm

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Outside U.A. High,

You and your Team can be seen making your way back towards the Pendragon as the Team began to have a brief talk with you before they depart.

Hyuga: You have many strong and powerful friends, (Y/n). 

(Y/n): Yes... And I've never been able to make it through living here on this Planet if it weren't for them, Boss. They've... taught me a lot of things. And at times, well... as you noticed, I've also taught them things too like how you guys did for me when I'm with you guys.

Haruna: Don't forget, (Y/n). You will always have us and the Pendragon when you need help.

Rei: And we'll be there when you need us.

Oki: Aww! We're already leaving??

(Y/n): Don't worry, Oki. Remember, we have our little surprise under construction that we all will consider as our New Base, soon enough.

Kumano: I can't wait to put in some programming into it, too.

(Y/n): Heheh! Well, it's a team effort guys. So, let's be ready for the grand opening when we are done.

You said.

Everyone nods at this.

(Y/n): Boss. Let's make this opening a good one for the people.

Hyuga: nods Yeah. Let's make ZAP and Pendragon well known on this Planet you called your Second Home.

(Y/n): Yeah! Guys! Time for a Hands in a Middle!

Everyone: YEAH!!!

And so, the Pendragon Team and you did a hands in a middle which lasted for a while.

(Y/n): It's One for All...

Everyone: And All for One!!!

You all said.

Saying that, you all raised your hands in the air as you all began to cheer amongst themselves before you all went in for a hug to embrace each other.


After a moment of talk, a hands in the middle and a brief embrace, you immediately watched your team departing from U.A. with the Pen dragon as they made their way back to the build site where the surprise is located, for you to shed a small tear while you watch them leave, relieved that you are not just rescued but also got to have the opportunity to stay on this planet with your Team.

While watching them leave, you sensed Ida walking to you, for you to turn your attention towards Ida making his way to you.

Ida: Hey, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Class Rep.

Ida: Well, as you have heard, I'm here to pick you up so we can make our way to our Dormitory.

(Y/n): Please. Lead the way.

Ida: Right this way.

Ida said.

Hearing your class rep., you followed Ida as you both started to walk towards the Class 1-A's Dormitory. As the two of you walked, you began to converse with Ida again.

(Y/n): I'm.... sorry, Ida.

Ida: Huh? looks at (Y/n) What's wrong? Why apologize?

(Y/n): I.... left you guys. I.... knew that if I remain here, the people will question my co-existence on this planet. That's why I left.... that's why the letters....

You said, looking down.

Hearing this, Ida slowly placed his hand on your shoulder, for you to look at him with confusion.

Ida: You no need to apologize, (Y/n). Mr. Aizawa has briefly explained to us on what you and the faculty have spoken when you first came here. It wasn't much but, we could tell from the way Mr. Aizawa said that you have spoken to them including Mr. Nezu about when they will come to rescue and pick you up. So, we not only expected this, but we were also saddened when we heard that you had left.

(Y/n): nods

Ida: But! Now that you are back, I can tell that you'll be staying.

(Y/n): Along with my Team.

Ida: Huh? That's great. Where are they heading off to?

(Y/n): To the construction site. I did mention it is a surprise. So, I intend not to ruin it.

Ida: Ah. Then I shall respect that secrecy until then.

Ida said.

(Y/n): giggles You're too kind, Class Rep.

Ida: Of course! It is respectful to respect a person's privacy and a friend's secret!

Ida said, chopping his hands while walking, causing you to chuckle at the sight of him doing so.

Minutes went by as you and Ida have arrived at the Class 1-A Dormitory, for you to look and see how tall the place is.

(A/N: Class 1-A Dormitory.)

(Y/n): Whoa.... this place is huge.

Ida: And enough to go around for the entire class, too.

(Y/n): Wow....

You said in awe.

???: Each student dormitory holds one class. Girls are on the right, and Boys are on the left. They're separated by gender. The entire first floor is the Common Area. That's where you'll find your Kitchen, Baths and Laundry Rooms. Living Quarters start on the next floor, Four Boys and Four Girls on each level. Everyone gets their own room. You should be comfortable. You got your AC, toilets, fridges and closets.

Ida: Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa: Mm. nods

Ida: I've brought him like instructed.

Mr. Aizawa: Good.

(Y/n): Mr. Aizawa.... 

Mr. Aizawa: nods Again, welcome back. I can understand the circumstances but don't worry. You're not in trouble but-

(Y/n): SIR!

Mr. Aizawa: Hmm?

There was a long pause after you called Mr. Aizawa out before you spoke up.

(Y/n): I know I'm not in trouble due to the fact that I gave my reasonings when we first met with the entire faculty... But seeing the class getting punished and I'm not.... it isn't fair... SO.... Please sir,... permission to accept the punishment you gave to our fellow classmates, so I can learn more from this, so I can better myself... 

Mr. Aizawa: ?!?!

Ida: (Y/n)???

(Y/n): I acted on my own, too... but with reason back at the Faculty Meeting so I got out there at Kamino easily without any difficulty. It's true that I have been getting loads of positive treatment from the entire school faculty, but being the only one unpunished is just.... just... unfair.

Mr. Aizawa: So.... you want to learn from those mistakes inspite knowing you haven't done any wrong?

(Y/n): ... yes sir.... I'll still do whatever I please, but in the process, I'll still abide to the rules and the punishment that you gave them. So again, please,... permission to do just that,... SIR?!?!

You requested.

Hearing this, Mr. Aizawa placed two fingers on the bridge of his nose, thinking about this for a moment. 

After a long while, Mr. Aizawa looks up to face you.

Mr. Aizawa: .... this... this is a very difficult decision for me to make, considering your actions were because of your experience and because we already knew you were leaving. BUT! Since you requested this, permission granted. Just as long as you come back to the Dormitory unharmed and you always inform me of your whereabouts. Don't forget. One; We still trust you. Two; You asked for it. Three; You are apart of my Class, All Might and myself have complete trust in you. Last; I commend you on how you wanted things to be fair amongst your classmates.

Mr. Aizawa said.

Hearing this, you smiled at what you heard for you to bow your head before your Homeroom Teacher.

(Y/n): I thank you, sir.... and thank you... for still letting me be in your class... as your student.

Mr. Aizawa: nods It's no problem. Now, is there anything else?

Ida: Sir, there is one which he delcared to me and Yaoyorozu back at the Training Camp.

Mr. Aizawa: Oh?

Ida: See, (y/n) hasn't partaken the Physical Fitness Test like we had. So, on behalf of (Y/n), will it be possible to make a request for him to partake in this Test, sir.

Ida spoke up on your behalf.

Mr. Aizawa: Hmm. Right. Zona, Grey and (Y/n) haven't taken their Physicals, yest seeing that we've met them only back at the USJ and the Training Camp. I'll look into their requests and your request, (Y/n). So, standby for any announcement from either me or your Class Reps..

(Y/n): smiles Thank you, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: nods, then looks at Ida Ida, please leave us. I would like to have a word with (Y/n) alone.

Hearing this, Ida nods at he took his leave, not before placing his hand on your shoulder again while smiling.

Ida: It's good to have you back with us again, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Thanks, Ida.

You thanked.

After that, Ida can be seen releasing his hand as he walked into the dormitory, leaving you and Mr. Aizawa to be outside the Dormitory Building.

(Y/n): We're clear, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: nods Now, I noticed that you have new sets of quirks. 

(Y/n): Mr. Nezu told you that, sir?

Mr. Aizawa: Yes. Explain please?

(Y/n): I was doing it to get All for One's right hand man for a Doctor, closer to my trap.

Mr. Aizawa: Oh?

(Y/n): Yes, sir. If I were to gain his trust, I can simply scout even deeper inside his Nomu Factory at ease without any complications. Find any secret tunnels, routes, rooms so you Pros can-

Mr. Aizawa: So we can slip through without them knowing of our presence.

(Y/n): Exactly. Once I got all the locations, I'll report back to Mr. Nezu and Mr. Tsukauchi.

Mr. Aizawa: smart. I must admit. We almost thought you were a spy working for the League, but when Nezu mentioned your plan to me and after hearing this from you, this made me think otherwise. So, my apologies for thinking this.

(Y/n): It's understandable, sir. As after all, I was their soon-to-be successful science experiment.

Mr. Aizawa: right. Anyway, Your fight alongside with All Might against that villain that you called him Former Master. That honestly had me at the edge of my seat.

(Y/n): That was the same form I took back when we first met at the USJ, sir... but I simply improved it to make it more powerful by adding more kaijus into its mass. All Might mentioned that it can be my Ultimate Move, which I can agree, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: I can agree with that, too. However, when you activated it, I can tell you used your rage and your grudge against that villain to activate it, which we all can understand why.

(Y/n): Which is when All Might's idea came to mind. He recommended me to try using calmer means to activate it in this so called... "Quirk Training" in terms of our Ultimate Moves... i think I said that right?

Mr. Aizawa (Inner Thoughts): All Might.... you had to spoil it.... but aw well.... who cares. Since he was trusted to keep our plans for our Finals a secret by Nezu, I guess we can make him an exception.
Mr. Aizawa: .... Yes, when lessons resume back, we'll be training on your Ultimate Moves. And after seeing your Ultimate Move in action, I can tell that, can conjure many more Ultimate Moves when you discover them.

(Y/n): I'll see to discovering them.

Mr. Aizawa: nods Good. Now, we'll talk more later. Go join your class. And make yourself at home. Oh! And here. passes a small sheet of paper

Mr. Aizawa said, passing a small sheet of paper.

Shadow accepts it and takes a look at the contents.

(A/N: The contents on the paper.)

Mr. Aizawa: These are the Dorm assignments. The belongings they've sent ahead are already have been placed in their new rooms. So spend the day unpacking and getting settled. You already know what's going to happen tomorrow so I trust you keep this discreet until then.

(Y/n): Yes sir. Thank you, sir.

Mr. Aizawa: nods I trust you brought along your belongings?

(Y/n): Sir, I did.

Mr. Aizawa: Good. Then go ahead. I won't waste any of your time.

(Y/n): Thank you, sir.

You said.

After a long discussion with your Homeroom Teacher, you and Mr. Aizawa began to take your leave as you went into the dormitory and Mr. Aizawa made his way back to the Teacher's Office.

Inside the Dormitory,

At the Common Area,

You entered inside the Common Area to see that the place is bigger inside.

(Y/n): Whoa..... sweet gigs.

You said.

???: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): looks at someone who called you to notice two individuals carrying something for upstairs O-Oh! Zona! Toru!

Toru: (Y/n)! Welcome back.

(Y/n): Thanks, Toru. Zona? H-How are you feeling?

Zona: With a quirk? Well... honestly it is difficult to adjust but, I'll get used to it. After that fight with All for One, I.... think I can muster what it has in store with enough training.

(Y/n): I see. How's Grey?

Zona: Ma' babe's fine. We just finished some work with our Freelance group. Aile and the Guardians were pissed when they heard about my incident. But after convincing, I managed to have Aile have a talk with Principal Nezu.

(Y/n): I see. But at least all's well that ends well, with All for One behind bars.

Zona: Yeah.... I really hope he rots there after what he did...

(Y/n): Oh don't worry. He's got what's coming.

Zona, Toru & Uraraka: Oh???

(Y/n): Oh! Hey, Uraraka.

Uraraka: Hey! Welcome back, by the way.

(Y/n): Thanks.

Toru: So.... what do you mean when you said; "he's got what's coming"?

Toru wondered.

(Y/n): It's best... if you know later when everyone's here.

Zona: Oh....

(Y/n): But either way, you ladies and everyone else settling down in your own dorms and decorating and stuff?

Toru, Zona & Uraraka: YEAH~!

(Y/n): Heheh! Cool. Want me to help you with these?

Zona: That would be great.

(Y/n): Cool. So ummm.... where you ladies stationed?

Zona: Babe and I are on the Fourth Floor.

Toru: Third for me.

Uraraka: I'm at the same floor as Zona and Grey. Which floor are you at?

(Y/n): Me? I think I'm on the.... fifth floor. I believe I'm next to Sato. So, I can actually go up there while I help you ladies out.

Uraraka: Great. Thanks a bunch!

(Y/n): No problem. Now come on now, let's get unpacking and decorating.

You said.

Zona: By the way, where are your stuff?

(Y/n): Oh! Here. shows a canister filled with tiny boxes inside it Micronizer Device. Pretty useful when you want to carry heavy or gigantic stuff.

Toru: So, you can carry Mount lady in that device, too!

(Y/n): nods

Toru: Cool~

(Y/n): Thanks. Now, let's get to it.

You said.

And so, you four began to go up the the third floor and the fourth floor to help the girls unload their stuff and boxes to their specific rooms. WHile doing so, you were greeted by Welcome Backs from everyone, Grey and surprisingly, Bakugo.

3rd Floor,

As soon as the lift door opens, the four of you exit the elevator for Toru to lead you three to her room.

While following Toru, you were soon greeted by your classmates on the third floor.

Koda: (Y/n). Welcome back!

(Y/n): Huh? Oh, he-hey Koda.

Kaminari: (Y/n), you came back! Welcome back, man!

Ojiro: Welcome back.

Jirou: walks to (Y/n), smiling Hey. Good to have you back.

Ida: Hey, (Y/n).

Those from the third floor greeted you.

(Y/n): Hey guys. And thanks for the warm welcome back. I really appreciate them.

Kaminari: It's no problem, man. 

Koda: Hey (Y/n)? Are you okay? After that fight with All Might against that villain?

Ojiro: Yeah... now that he mentioned it, that villain was powerful.

Jirou: He even almost had All Might beat, if it weren't for your intervention.

(Y/n): It's true guys. All Might would have been defeated if I didn't interfered. As after all, this is payback for what he.... my Former Master... did to me. At least now... I managed to make up for lost time with my team, and decided to use this curse as my gift as I carry on to thread on this world with it with my other two quirks to keep it in check. Knowing that I won't be dealing with this alone. I have you guys, and my Team, as well.

Everyone: smiles

Ida: Well, (Y/n). We're glad that you know that you will always have your team and us to help you at every step of the way.

Kaminari: So, let us know if you need anything, kay'?

The rest of the group nods at you.

Hearing and seeing this, you did the signiture Dyna thumbs up to the group.

(A/N: This pose.)

(Y/n): does the Dyna thumbs up pose Roger!

You said.

Everyone smiled at your response for a moment before you lifted up a box again.

(Y/n): Sorry! Gotta help Toru with her stuff, then I'll help with Uraraka and Zona with theirs.

Kaminari: Hey. You've done a lot for all of us, the teachers and All Might so, let some of us help out.

Ojiro: Yeah.

Koda: nods

(Y/n): Well, alrighty then. More hands make light work, I guess.

And so, some of your classmates began to help you out in unpacking Toru's stuff into her designated room.

As soon as you all are done unpacking Toru's stuff, you all proceeded to the fourth floor to help out unpack Uraraka and Zona's stuff to their rooms.

4th Floor,

Once everyone exited out the elevator, you all began to go to the closest room first, then the farthest to unpack Uraraka and Zona's stuff, when Grey noticed you.

Grey: (Y/n)?

(Y/n): looks at Grey Heh! Hey, Grey.

Grey: (Y/N)!!!!!!

Grey yelled while brisk walking to you.

As he slowed down in front of you, he leaned forward for a big hug, for you to hug him back.

Grey: Bless you my good friend, I knew you come back!

(Y/n): Heheh! Good to see you, Grey. How have you been?

Grey: It's been good... apart from the Gaurdians and Aile being pissed off about All for One giving my Zona-babe a quirk.... apart from that, I'm good. Thanks.

(Y/n): Well, all it matters is that we came out from this fight alive, my friend.

Grey: nods

Kirishima: Hey! (Y/n)-bro! Welcome back!

(Y/n): Hey, Kirishima. Thanks.

Kirishima: Man.... what you did back at Kamino while helping All Might against that guy with your friends, that's manly to help All Might out.

(Y/n): Thanks, Kirishima.

Mina: (Y/N)~~~~~!!!!!!

Mina can be seen rushing over to you as she threw herself forward for a hug, for you to catch her.

(Y/n): Whoa!!!! Miss me much?!

Mina: I thought we will never see you again!

(Y/n): Well, you see me now, right?

Mina: nods

(Y/n): Well, you'll be seeing this face here for a long time.

Mina: jumps with delight YAY, FAM~!!!! whispers in (Y/n)'s ear while blushing Now that you're back, I wanna fuck you first~

(Y/n): 0_0 Wait, wha-

Mina: Nuthin~ Good to have you back, (Y/n)-Fam~!

Mina said as she went back to unpacking.

(Y/n): Well... that just happened.

Kirishima: Yyyyyyyeah...

Bakugo: Hey, Monster Wizard.

Bakugo said walking toward you.

Kirishima took a step back as he let him through, for you and Bakugo to stand before each other. He was expecting a fight to happen but instead, Bakugo reached his hand out, to his surprise.

Bakugo: All Might told me what you told him. So, I waited. So, welcome back. 

(Y/n): Thanks, Bakugo. accepts and shakes it

Bakugo: Honestly, I thought you chickened out for a moment there.

(Y/n): Heheh! You know I don't do that. In fact, I still can't wait to get started.

Bakugo: smirks Heh.... better be ready then, Monster Wizard.

(Y/n): smirks Mutual. I can't wait for our rematch.

Bakugo: I'm gonna murder you.

(Y/n): Not when I do that first.

Both: smirks

After a while, you both released as Bakugo went back to his room, leaving Kirishima shocked as to what transpired just now.

Kirishima: w-wow.

Grey: That was.... surprising.

(Y/n): Wow, indeed. 

Shoji: Hey, (Y/n). Welcome back.

(Y/n): Hey, Shoji. Thanks.

Shoji: Are you okay?

(Y/n): I am, thank you. I'm just here to help with the girls move in. Wanna come help?

Kirishima: Sure!

Shoji: I don't see why not.

Grey: Then let's do this. I'm also busy with her stuff that is also in my box, too. Maybe we can help each other with'em.

And so, everyone except Bakugo went to help Zona and Uraraka unpack their things in their specific dorms.

Once everything is done, you began to ride on the elevator again, alone this time as you made your way to the fifth floor where your room is being allocated.

5th Floor,

Once you arrived, you exited the elevator and notice your name beside your room that is closest to the elevator.

(Y/n): Huh. Now that's very convenient. My room's next to the elevator. looks to the left And to more convenience, my Vice Class Rep. is living opposite me.

Momo: Welcome back, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Oh! Hey, Vice Class Rep. Thanks.

Sato: Hey (Y/n), welcome back.

(Y/n): turns back Oh hey, Sato. Thanks.

Sato: I made this cake for you as a Welcome Back Treat. I hope you like it.

(Y/n): Wow. Thanks, Sato. This'll be a treat to remember. I'll come on down to share it with you guys once i'm done, okay? Other than that, again, thanks for this lovely cake.

Momo: That's a very nice cake you baked.

Sato: Aw, thanks.

Sero: Hey, (Y/n)! Welcome back, man.

Todoroki: Hey. Good to see you back.

(Y/n): Oh hey, Sero, Todoroki. Sup? Thanks for the welcome back greetings.

Sero: Hey, no problem. And boy... the way you fought that villain with All Might before that armour dude you fought, that was extremely hardcore.

Todoroki: That armour villain who is also that same villain must've been really tough to fight.

(Y/n): It sure was, guys. It sure was. At least I'm still around to tell the tale about it, thankfully.

Momo: True. But what matters is that you're back with us, as well.

Sato: Yeah.

You looked at everyone who is smiling at you on this floor, for you to smile back at them.

(Y/n): Thanks guys. You guys are seriously the best.

Sero: Aw it's no problem.

Momo: So, (Y/n). Your room is...

(Y/n): Right here. opposite to yours.

Momo: Huh. That's convenient.
Momo (Inner Thoughts): Convenient enough to sneak in his room and lay beside him~!!

(Y/n): So anyway, I'm gonna head inside and unpack. I'll come down to share this cake later, okay?

Everyone: Sure. Go ahead.

You smiled at their responses while you head inside your empty dorm room, to see it is a bit small but spacious with a balcony.

(A/N: This empty room. EXCLUDE the Subtitles though it is a summary to explain what it has in the room so, aw well.)

(Y/n): Sweet room. looks around the room Good enough space to house my kaijus. But, how to proceed with this in my Dorm Sweet Dorm?

You wondered, thinking about how to house you and your kaijus inside the Giga-Battlenizer.

After a while of looking around, you closely looked at the canister you have in your hand when you began to have an idea about the Micronizer Device.

(Y/n): Hmmmmm... I think I have a pretty good idea.

You said.

And so, the scene changes to the view outside the dorm room showing the outside view of the dormitory as lights began to flicker on and off repititively as you got started unpacking and decorating the entire room to house you and your kaijus with some whirring, electric and mechanical noises to be heard from within your room.

To be Continued....

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