1st Anniversary Episode 3: The Final Touch

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Major TIMESKIP inside the Shining Field:

It has been a very very very long time in the Field and a very very very short time outside as everyone can be seen training at different areas within the Shining Field with their designated Shadow clones.

Seeing that everyone is ready, Shadow nods as he called all of his clones back while teleporting everyone back at one area, for everyone to see each other again.

Shadow: I see all of you have prepped yourself.

Ullr: Yes, sir.

EX Machina: Lock 'n' Loaded.

Wraith: I'm all set.

Enoch & Dante: We're born ready.

Godfist: Ready to take the Big Bad down!!!

Proteus & Anubis: I'm all set.

White Nova: All set here, too.

Raijin: Let us proceed.

Deku: I'm ready!

(Y/n): I'm good to go, Producer.

You all said.

Shadow: Good. Because now, we're in the Final Touch of our training. I would like to see your progress so far.

Raijin: I see. What will our final trial be, my noble God of the Shadows?

Raijin ask.

Hearing this, Shadow smirked at the group, for him to answer you all immediately.

Shadow: Your last training and trial is simple. You will all be fighting,..... against me.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, everyone got confused when you all heard what he said.

Proteus: eh?

Ullr: Whu-

Shadow: Your training begins now!!

Shadow said, unleashing a pulse that caused everyone to be sent back flying. Prepared for this inspite being unprepared for that surprise attack, everyone used their quirks as they landed safely on their feet with Raijin to transform into a Dragon to land safely on all his feet.

Wraith: Okay.... I know villains won't play fair but still, uncalled for, sir!

Shadow: Villains won't give millions of crap whether you complain or not. And, Villains won't give you time to rest, either. Now, back to it!

Shadow said.

Back to the fight, Shadow transformed into his God form while dispersing into a flurry of golden snow as he flew towards Wraith first, only for an Ice Arrow to fly towards him, for Shadow to grab it whilst in his snow flurry form and threw it back at Ullr.

Seeing this, Enoch threw a fire ring at it, destroying the ice arrow while having it to fly towards Shadow who's now engaging in a fight against Wraith. Engaging in a fight with Wraith, Shadow can be seen utilizing Parablade to deliver chops and slashes, only for Wraith to block and delect them by using his chains. While hacking away, Wraith began to use his voice quirk in the attempts to immobilize Shadow. However,-

Shadow: DIVE BLEACH!!!

- Shadow had planned ahead as he transformed into his water form, splashing down onto the ground, disappearing on sight, to Wraith's confusion.

Looking around, Wraith couldn't find Shadow anywhere, not even his chains could do a thing to track him.

Shadow: Detroit.... Iron Gotchard....

Wraith: gasps and looks back METAL COFFIN!!!!!

Shadow: SMAAAAAAAAAASH!!!!!!!!!

Shadow yelled utilizing Detroit Smash combined with Iron Gotchard's finisher, only for Wraith to shield himself by using his Metal Coffin move on himself as protection, sending him back while he lands on his feet with his chains retunring into him after utilizing a move on himself for protection.

Looking at Wraith, Shadow smirked knowing Wraith has been training well. While looking at him, he sensed something coming towards him, for him to raise his hand forward, summoning Kamen Rider Gaim and Lazer Level 3 to fight against two Ink Samurais while you conjured a fire and ice sword, proceeding to fight Anubis next.

Seeing Shadow rushing towards him, Anubis used his quirk to summon forth an ink shield and an ink axe for protection as he began to block and deflect Shadow's swords. A fight between Shadow and Anubis was brief until Dante intervened by using his whip to coil around his ice sword-wielding hand, igniting his whip in flames in the attempts to burn and immobilize his arm, and melt his ice sword.

Proteus saw this opportunity, for him to signal Raijin something, for him to get the idea on what Proteus is planning, for both Proteus and Raijin to advance towards Shadow who is in combat against Anubis while being held back by Dante.

Flipping to a specific page, Proteus transformed into a new Monster while Raijin transformed into his dragon form as they advanced towards Shadow while blasting their beams at him. Blasted by their beams, Shadow smirked to himself knowing that this is only the beginning as he created a powerful shockwave combined with Air Cannon, causing Anubis, Dante, Proteus and Raijin to be sent back, to their shock.

Raijin: reverts back to human form Hahah!! Who would've thought our Leader from another World could be this Powerful.

Proteus: I know what you mean! And judging from his power and strength, he is by far more powerful than Architect, as well.

Raijin: I know what you mean. By the way, new monster?

Proteus: Yeah. Shadow introduced to me his so called Gaia Library, he lets me read and learn about a lot more monsters from other universes. The one you saw was a new one called; King Ghidorah.

(A/N: King Ghidorah.)

Raijin: Fasinating.... knowledge of the universe....

Proteus: I know right?

Raijin: nods Now, let's discuss this later. For now, our trial is still ongoing.

Proteus: Right!

And so, Raijin and Proteus began to advance while Proteus can be seen flipping pages.

Back at the battle scene, Shadow and Ullr can be seen clashing ice blades while Dante and Enoch can be seen doing their combo attack tactic against Shadow while he is dealing with Ullr, for him to somehow manage to parry with them by conjuring another two pairs of arms from his back utilizing Dragvisor Zwei, King Rouzer (Blade), Gashacon Sword and Gotchalibur. Seeing that Shadow has them where he wants them to be, he locked blades with their weapons, swirling them around while creating a tornado and tossing them away.

After dealing with the three, White Nova appeared out of nowhere as he blasted numerous attacks, only for Shadow to dodge them. Dodging every flaming projectile, White Nova began to use his claws as he began slashing Shadow with them, for Shadow to deflect them effortlessly. While deflecting them, White Nova noticed an opening as he began to use his atomic breath against him.

Seeing this happening, Shadow charged up his own variant of his atomic breath, for them to keep attacking each other and blasting their attacks at each other, causing a stalemate between two atomic breaths. After long, Shadow increased his attacks power for his beam to send White Nova flying back while overpowering his atomic breath.

Shadow: hmmmm.... they're getting stronger to what I can tell. But how much stronger to take on All for One Greeza, that is a mystery.

EX Machina: Jackhammer....

Deku: Triple....

Godfist: DETROIT....


Shadow: huh???

Shadow looks back to see EX Machina, Godfist, Deku and you with your arms being Belyudra's arm as you four can be seen landing a punch on Shadow with your fists making contact to his chest and stomach, only for Shadow to still be standing at the same spot as he held his ground, to the three and your surprise.

Seeing this, you used your free hand to blast Shadow away by utilizing Legionoid's Blaster, only for Shadow to grab your arm as he tossed you away. Then, Deku was next as he grabbed his shoulders and tossed him above and away from him, giving himself free access to deliver an uppercut by using his left fist, sending Godfist back. After that uppercut, Deku used Black Chain to bind Shadow, giving you the opprotunity to utilize Alien Sran's ability to surround him while delivering a flurry of EX Red King punches upon him.

This carried on for a few minutes until Shadow felt that enough is enough, for him to grab Black Chain by his mouth and strongly pulled for Deku to be pulled in, causing you to bump into Deku and EX Machina, for Shadow to swing the both of you around and toss you far away.

Seeing an opportunity in front of him, Godfist lunged in for a powerful punch, only for Shadow to block it as he tossed him up high in the sky. While being sent up high, Godfist thought it would be a good idea to use the momentum to deliver a punch, for him to try preparing himself. However, Shadow teleported above him, for Godfist to sense that as he look back to see him, to his shock.

Shadow: Trying to attack me from above while I'm not looking, huh? A good surprise attack. But not good enough for me to fall for it.

Shadow said as he delivered a downward kick, sending Godfist downward real fast, reaching the ground at great speed.

Seeing Godfist about to hit the ground, Shadow expected to hear a loud noise when someone hits the ground too hard, but he didn't, for him to figure out what this means, causing him to smirk.

Shadow: I see.... so his other quirks have awakened, starting with his Enhanced Danger Sense, then followed by his Enhanced Float.

Shadow said.

Godfist: I CAN FUCKING FLY!!!!!!

Godfist yelled from below.

Then, Shadow notice something zooming pass him faster than the speed of light and sound, for him to smirk at this to know who's flying. After awhile, Godfist can be seen stopping a few meters in front of him after flying up and down all over the place as he tried to balance himself before Shadow.

Godfist: Sir?!?! Did you see that?!?! I can fly!!!

Shadow: Excellent job, Godfist. Not only do you have Enhanced Float now, you also have Enhanced Danger Sense, too. I congradulate thee.

Godfist: Wait!!! I also manifested Danger Sense in its enhanced state?!?!

Shadow: Yes. I can tell after I teleported behind you, you sensed me right away.

Godfist: DAYUM!!!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!!!

Shadow: snickering Anyway, continuing on-

Just as Shadow finished, EX Machina can be seen flying towards him with the help of your quirk (A/N: You used Nurse's tail to swing and toss EX Machina towards Shadow.) as he blasted some metal pellets while blasting his flamethrower at him, only for Shadow to use his left hand to block them at ease. Getting closer and closer, EX Machina readies himself to unleash his Jackhammer, for him to use his right arm and fist, readying them for a huge punch. As soon as both Heroes are at close proximity with each other, Shadow and EX Machina lunged in for a punch, for both fist and Jackhammer to clash, only for Shadow to overpower the Train Hero in an instant as he sent EX Machina flying backwards. After that fight with EX Machina, Enoch can be seen swooping pass Shadow while grabbing him with his arms as he began to inflict a flurry of punches, for Shadow to shrink down in size to get away and revert back to his original size while launching a beam at Enoch. This made Enoch to summon his fire rings to circle in front of him to act as a shield, causing Shadow's beam to be blocked by his Angelic shield.

While blasting a beam at Enoch, Proteus can be seen transforming into a butterfly-based kaiju as he shot some webs, trapping Shadow in them, giving Enoch the opportunity to inflict damage upon him by using his Fire Rings while he falls down to the ground. Just as Shadow was about to hit the ground, Raijin can be seen in his dragon form as he blasted a powerful lightning blast at Shadow while EX Machina can be seen jumping off Raijin as he used his Jackhammer arm to deliver a powerful punch into the trapped Shadow, sending him down to the ground extremely hard, giving Ullr the opportunity to use his ice quirk to trap Shadow in a large pillar of ice.

After the fight, all of you gathered in front of the ice, wondering if the fight is over.

(Y/n): Dude. Nice punch to top it off.

EX Machina: Thanks. Shadow tinkered it like so it is powerful enough.

Proteus: But more importantly, is the last test over?

Wraith: Not sure... it's too quiet, excluding us talking.

Dante: I h-have a bad feeling about this.

Raijin: This fight is only the beginning.

Raijin mentioned.

Ullr: What makes you say that?

Godfist: Yeah, dragon boy.

(Y/n): He has a point. It's not over yet.

White Nova: And why not?

(Y/n): Knowing Producer.... he has tons of tricks in his sleeves.

Raijin: And one of them is currently in use right now.

Just as Raijin mentioned that, the ice can be shown glowing while cracks began to form all over it, for everyone of you to take many steps back.

As the ice continue to crack, a golden glow can be seen glowing from beneath the ice while bigger cracks began to form all over, to everyone's shock. Just as the glow continued to intensely blind everyone and cracks began to cover the entire ice, the mountain of ice suddenly shattered, to everyone's surprise. And the make things more shocking, after the ice completely shattered, a large elongated creature emerged from beneath the ice, revealing itself to be a dragon with horns and wings with a very large and longer wingspan, to everyone's (mostly Proteus and Raijin) shock.

(A/N: This is what Shadow's Dragon form will look like. Basically it is based on the God of Light's Dragon form with the God of Darkness's Dragon wings. The horns will be longer and a bit bigger with God of Darkness's dark essence from its dragon form to protrude out from its back together with Light's essence.)

Shadow (Dragon Form): The Game is not over yet, boys!!!! It is either you die fighting or surrender!!!

Shadow roared (A/N: He's playing in character in this final test. So, don't worry.).

Raijin: H-He's a Dragon, too?!?!?

Proteus: He's a mix of a Chinese Dragon and a different Dragon.... interesting...

Godfist: Now this.... not good.

Enoch: I knew Shadow by a lot of things....


Enoch: You and me both, Dante...

(Y/n): I have to agree on that.

Ullr: Guys??? Options?!

White Nova: I have this!! Plasma Spear!!!

White Nova compresses his flames on his fingers into condensed plasma and have them dash forward to Shadow's dragon form, for some to strike the dragon and for some that miss were somehow caught by its jaws clamping  into them.

White Nova: Hah! Bad move, sir! When you have them in your mouth, prepare to have a-

Just before he could finish, the dragon can be seen freezing while chewing on the condensed plasma, treating it like a snack as it devoured them with no issue, to White Nova's shock.

White Nova: I-Impossible!!!

He exclaimed.

After a brief meal, Shadow taunted everyone to come at him, for White Nova to unleash his Mirage Prison while Wraith summoned every chain he could muster to create a chain coffin to go with White Nova's Mirage Prison, surrounding Shadow in a large tall pillar of flames combined with chains to keep him there in position.

White Nova: This should make him confused then dizzy after awhile.

Wraith: And hopefully my chains will be enough to keep him where he now stands.

They said.

Watching the pillar of flames and chains, everyone thought you all had him, when-

Shadow (Dragon Form): Ultimate Blazing Dragon!!!!!

Shadow yelled, for all of you to notice a different-colored flames surrounding from within while a pair of wings emerged covered in its flames, for them to swiftly spread far and wide, causing the wall of flames and chains to be dissipated and scattered in pieces, to everyone's shock.

Proteus: Okay.... this is waaaaay beyond our comprehension.

EX Machina: Well, then let's try this!!!

EX Machina went full speed towards the Dragon. Seeing this, the dragon used its front claws in the attempts to pin him down, only for EX Machina to swiftly dodge his claws while launching some rounds from his turret, proving to be ineffective.

After dodging his claws, he began to swiftly run along his dragon arm by using his legs towards the dragon's face. Once close, he jumped towards his face, emitted hot steam all over to disorientate the dragon and landed a jackhammer punch, causing the dragon to stagger to one side. After that punch, he landed down safely while raising his hands up, happy.


He yelled in excitment.

Just as he said that, Shadow's dragon tail coiled around EX Machina's legs, for him to look down surprised.

EX Machina: Welp.... scores are all tied up.

He said.

Then, Shadow tail began to toss him away, for Proteus to transform into a Phoenix as he flew to EX Machina's location and caught him mid-air.

Raijin began to utilize his spear as he threw it towards Shadow, only for him to flick it away by using its fingers to flick it. Seeing this, Raijin began to manipulate the air currents to control his weapon, for his spear to fly around the dragon in the attempts to slice and pierce through its scales, for the dragon to effortlessly dodge it while using its tail and legs to swipe it away.

Ullr: Need some help?!

Raijin: Yes, Ice Boy. This dragon seems to be very agile to avoid my spear...

Ullr: Got it!

Ullr said, shooting some arrows.

Noticing some arrows, Shadow reverted to human form with his dragon form still showing on his arms, legs, back and head to grab Ullr's arrows and Raijin's spear, to their shock. After grabbing their projectiles, you melted the arrows while twirling Raijin's spear at ease, creating a vortex as he threw it back at them.

Seeing his weapon coming back, Raijin manipulated the air pressure around him even more in the attempts to stop his spear from landing a hit on him, for the attempt to succeed as his spear narrowly missed him by half an inch, for him to grab his spear back.

Proteus in his Phoenix form blasted a flame while flying around Shadow, with Enoch, Dante and Wraith to follow suit by using Eldritch, fire whip and chains to stop him in his tracks while binding him in the process as the Phoenix flames began to burn him. Seeing this combo attack to be very effective, Shadow smirked as he charged up his powers, causing the power of Evol and the God of Creation to resonate from within him as he sent a powerful pulse that caused everyone to be sent backwards, and for Proteus and be sent falling from the sky and down to the ground.

After that pulse, you and Deku emerged as you both used Black Whip to bind Shadow, giving Godfist the opprotunity to send a powerful punch on Shadow's face, only for Shadow not to move from that punch, to Godfist's shock.

Shocked, Shadow delivered a powerful headbutt, sending Godfist down hard to the ground while turning around in circles real fast, sending Deku away while you held on. Seeing this, Shadow pulled on your black whip, causing you to be pulled in, for you to wield Varalon's arm in the attempts to deliver a punch, which eventually failed when Shadow did a light chop, sending you down to the ground close to the others and Godfist.

Just before you can levitate down, Anubis can be seen with Ink Wings as he tried to land a hit with his swords, only for Shadow to use his claws to cleave them at ease before he tail whips Anubis down to the ground.

Seeing the fallen heroes, Shadow slowly levitate down towards them while noticing them slowly getting up from receiving a beating from him.

(Y/n): P-Producer??? This final test.... wha-what is the point of all this???

Ullr: Yeah. This is.... intense.

Shadow: shakes my head Before your training and test began, you were focused on your upcoming mission and your quirks only. After the test began, yes your focus is on the enemy however, you were focused on trying not to go beyond your limit of your quirks.... but Wraith, Anubis, Godfist, White Nova, Raijin, Proteus, Ullr, EX Machina, Enoch, Dante, Deku and Cerebro.... WHAT was The TEST????

Shadow said while questioning them.

Hearing this, everyone of you looked at each other and yourselves, realizing that something was truly missing, for them to slowly get up while utilizing their quirks and support items.

Shadow: LET'S GO, PEOPLE!!!!!!

Shadow yelled.

You all soon one by one stood up tall, for Shadow to grin at this.

Shadow: That's it... now come at get'im!!!

Shadow said, implying to everyone of you to get him with everything they had, for Ullr to shoot many arrows at Shadow, for him to catch them at ease, but that was part of Ullr's plan as a distraction for Ullr to turn into a flurry of snow, appearing before Shadow while conjuring swords made of ice as he began to send a flurry of slashes, only for Shadow to throw the arrows away as he conjured his ice swords to parry with Ullr's. While clashing blades, Shadow used his blades to lock Ullr's blades in place, for Ullr to see this as an opportunity as he began to mix his blades with Shadow's, combining them into a huge bow and arrow, for him to shoot an ice arrow at him, for Shadow to backflip to dodge it.

After dodging the first arrow, Shadow conjured his ice swords again to cleave Ullr's ice arrows, only for someone to send a powerful explosion (Bakugo's quirk) at him, for Shadow to dodge a sharp left while noticing White Nova utilizing Bakugo's grenade gauntlets to blast a powerful explosion from them, for Shadow to smirk at this. This continued when White Nova began to utilize Setsuna's quirk as he turned into small balls of flames as they all flew towards him, striking Shadow as they flew pass him, converging back together while White Nova used another ability to-

White Nova: fire....

-send a pebble to swiftly dart towards Shadow, only for Shadow to catch it at ease,.... when suddenly,-

Anubis: heheh, boom~.

Shadow: huh?

- the pebble exploded into ink, hitting Shadow's eyes, disorientating him, giving Anubis, Proteus and Raijin the opportunity to take care of Shadow as Anubis began to conjure ink swords as he began slashing away, for Shadow to use his arms to block them, protecting his face from each slash.

With Anubis continuing his slashes, Shadow soon grabbed his blades as he did a very hard headbutt into Anubis's face, causing him to stagger backwards while using his quirk to summon an axe while conjuring a layer of ink from his body to make use of his limit, for Shadow toctake notice of this.

Shadow: I see. You're using your quirk and your elemental powers to boost your summoned weapons from your quirk? Not a bad move to use your limit and your elemental power to your quirk's advantage.

Shadow said, conjuring a large axe, too for both of them to start clashing axes, causing sparks and ink to scatter all over with each clash.

During the clash, Proteus flipped a page to summon forth two powerful creatures while transforming into one as he commanded them to support Anubis, in which they both followed as they tried to land a hit on him, only for Shadow to conjure an ice shield to block their strikes, for Proteus to glide in the air as he rammed into his shield, giving the summoned creatures the opportunity to sink its teeth and toss him aside and for the other to grab him and swung him onto the ground, bashing his head in.

Outdone, Shadow transformed into a flurry of snow as he got away to safety, for Anubis to see this as he blasted a huge stream of ink at him, for Shadow to conjure a shield while in his snow flurry form to protect himself from being inked. Landing on top of Proteus's creature form, Shadow reverted back to his normal state to see that he is on top of a creature that Proteus transformed into, for him to see the opportunity to take him down, only for Raijin to appear out of nowhere with streaks of lightning to slowly disappear from doing something, for Shadow to smile at this.

Shadow (Inner Thoughts): So, Raijin has finally mustered the ability to cloak himself with the power of thunder and lightning like I taught him? Well done.

He said in thought.

Raijin: I must thank you, God Shadow. Not only did you teach me how to cloak myself by using the power of lightning that you demonstrated.... but that said powers had also taught me to do this, too.

Raijin said, pointing his spear at Shadow, for a lightning bolt to zoom towards him, only to be caught by Shadow when he grabbed the lightning bolt with his bare hands, to Raijin's surprise.

Shadow: Not bad. You're getting there.

Shadow said.

Then, he points at Raijin, for the lightning bolt to be shot back at him, for Raijin to change its trajectory to another direction, to his relief.

Seeing this, Shadow raised his hand for a lightning bolt to strike him, causing him to disappear. This had Raijin to do the same for a cloaked-up fight to take place invisibly in mid-air all over the Shining field. After both heroes disappeared, an invisible fight began to take place all over the Shining Field, to everyone's shock and confusion as everyone couldn't see where Shadow and Raijin went. 

The fight carried out for a good solid one and a half minutes until you thought of an idea.

(Y/n): H-Hey! I think I might know where to find them.

Proteus: You do?

Dante: How?

(Y/n): Dante, remember the time I mentioned one of my three quirks is Ultra, right?

Dante: Yeah?

(Y/n): That means I can utilize the attacks the Ultras use in battle. One of them can do this.

You said, for you to take a few steps forward with everyone to watch this.

Standing in front of everyone, you used your Ultra Quirk to transform your costume and yourself into Ultraman Taro while using Ultraman Taro's Eye Beam to reveal where Shadow and Raijin were.

(A/N: Ultraman Taro. Basically it's you but your Hero Costume is based on Ultraman Taro's body details, chest protector, and your head with have Taro's Head details, Beam Lamp and Ultra Horns.)

Using your eyes in mid-air, everyone soon  began to see Shadow and Raijin clashing their weapons against each other. There were also several occasions whereby they transformed into dragons to fight against each other.

(Y/n): They're above up, right now!

You said.

Wraith: Everyone! I need you to get down as what I'm about to do, will cause you guys to tremble.

Proteus: That Ghost Ecco quirk?

Wraith: YUP!

(Y/n): Hmmm... then tell you what!! Let them keep fighting till they reappear. I have a theory! If we can combine our voice-based quirks, our chances on getting Producer down will be high.... though it may cause Raijin to go down, too in the process. BUT IT'S BETTER THAN NOTHING!!!!!

Proteus: Then I'll catch him with a specific kaiju I have on page right now.

(Y/n): looks at Proteus's Book and smirks OKAY! Do that!

You said.

With everything settled, everyone except you and Wraith went onto the ground for you both to prepare themselves. As soon as you and Wraith were ready,--

Wraith: deeply inhales

(Y/n): Givas Scoop Claw Replication, Terraphaser Conduit, Sonic....

-- Shadow and Raijin reappeared in the sky while soaring through the air, readying to clash with each other's weapons again.

Wraith: exhales to unleash his voice quirk


Both you and Wraith unleashed both your quirks, causing your quirks to combine as its power immediately spread around the Shining Field, for everyone to feel their combined quirk, causing those on the ground to feel their legs began to shake while their down and for Shadow and Raijin to feel their legs and wings tremble, causing them to free fall towards the ground.

(Y/n): --OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looks at Proteus Proteus!!! Once you recovered from that, be quick about it!!!

You yelled.

Seeing both Heroes falling towards the ground, Proteus began to transform into a specific kaiju as he rushed in towards Raijin.

(A/N: This kaiju.)

Seeing the kaiju going towards the falling Raijin, Shadow was about land a hit by blasting an Elec Beam combined with OFA Shoot Style by using his fingers to flick, only for Ullr, White Nova and EX Machina to stop him by them utilizing their Ice Arrows (Ullr), Incinerator Replicated EX Machina's Flamethrower (White Nova + Camera), and Flamethrower combined with his shoulder Turret (EX Machina).

While dodging their attacks and watching Proteus making the save, Shadow smiled at he sees everyone figuring out what was the test, for him to keep pressing on as he began to shoot some energy blasts at you and some Izukus.

(Y/n): STRIUM KOSEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled as you blasted a beam while Godfist did an uppercut causing a gust of wind to dissipate a projectile that was coming at him, Deku to appear a few steps in front of you as he blasted a Sound Beam from his chest (Earphone Jack) to overpower an incoming projectile that you missed, Enoch to use his Chakrams and Dante to use his flaming whips to destroy the projectiles as their weapons combined with Dante's whip to destroy the projectiles at ease.

While everyone was busy, Proteus reverts while dropping Raijin off as he opened his book once again, calling forth some creatures, for him to command them to attack Shadow, for them to advance towards him.

(A/N: These creatures.)

Seeing the two creatures heading this way from the corner of his eye, Shadow turned his attention to the creatures as he began to utilize the same attack at them, only for them to dodge and withstand the attack while advancing towards him. Seeing the giant close to him, Shadow began blocking and deflecting numerous punches and swats from the giant's many hands while begin in a barrier to block out the phoenix's fiery attacks. 

Just as Shadow was about to block another punch, he noticed a powerful fireball heading this way, for Shadow to dodge the punch and for the giant's fist to be struck by the phoenix's fireball, for it to roar in pain, giving him the opportunity to defeat the giatn first, followed by the phoenix. Seeing this, Proteus began to call the pages back for him to summon few more creatures and kaijus while the rest of the other Izukus began to advance and for you to do the same.


Outside the Shining Field,

Inside the Amity Colosseum,

Daichi, Riku, Haruki and Monika can be seen waiting patiently while everyone is training, for Monika to worry about the current situation.

Monika: It has been sometime.... Are you sure Shadow knows what he's doing with them?

Monika asked, concern for the Izukus.

Daichi: Don't worry, Monika. We knew Shadow longer.

Ultraman X (X-Devizer): And he knows what he's doing. Daichi, Riku, haruki and many others have trained under him before. And thanks to him, we unlocked our TRUE Hidden Potential, just like how those eleven Izukus will do the same soon enough.

Monika: True... Hidden... Potential?

Riku: Yeah. Take like me, for example. Like Wraith, we have one thing in common, Wraith and I... have bad guys for Dads, but we embraced it, not run away from it. So, through training and embracing it, I managed to fuse my Ultimate Final and Royal Mega Master together.

Monika: I see.

Daichi: X and I have a goal for kaijus and humans to co-exist together. We're still keeping that ideal while protecting Earth and the universe. I too embraced on what I have and kept training. Thanks to that, I combined my Hybrid Armour and Beta Spark Armour together.

Haruki: Same goes for me, too. I lost my ideals before due to a little... "Incident" with Red King, but due to unforseen circumstances caused by Bullton, I... finally met my dad and.... it brought by hopes and ideals back and up again. 

Monika: Oh? And what are they?

Haruki: Well, to keep it short, For those who are within reach, you'll protect those you've sworn to with all your might. For those who you couldn't protect them, you'll never forget them.

Monika: Those are very good Ideals. Those were...

Haruki: Yeah. Those were my dad's words. Thanks to that, training and us working together, Z and I managed to conjure up a new form based on Deathcium Rise Claw.

The three said, sharing their experiences in their own way.

Monika: You all went through so much, and gotten something greater out of your battles. Just like the Dekuverses that are still out there. I'm thankful that they're in good hands.

Monika said as she smiles.

This earned a smile from Daichi, Riku and Haruki, as well. However, good times of rethinking back about their past has been shortlived when the Colosseum Alarm System began to sound off, for the four to tense up.

Monika: What's happening?!

Daichi: I'll go check!

Daichi said, linking the X-Devizer to the Colosseum's Surveillance System.

Fully linked, Daichi and X began to find out what was going on until they found it, causing their eyes to widen in shock and worry.

Ultraman X (Colosseum Systems): Not good!

Daichi: Yeah. Totally, not good.

Monika: What's wrong???

Ultraman X (Colosseum Systems): This Planet's satellites are detecting All for One Greeza about to pass this Planet. If he finds out that the Izukus are here, he will change its trajectory, heading its way to us.

Monika: no... no No No! What are we go-

Riku interrupts by placing a hand on her shoulder.

Riku: If he wants to do this, then we'll just have to do this the hard way, Monika.

Haruki: Okay!!!!! Let's do this!!!

Daichi: Before we leave, I'm going to activate the Planet's Anti-Greeza Shields so that, and HOPEFULLY this Greeza won't sense any life on this World. tapping on a holographic keyboard As soon as it is up, the three of us will have to engage him, as soon as we step out before the Shields close up.

Monika: What can I do?

Daichi: You will have to inform Shadow about the developments and tell him where we are. Thanks to him, I managed to tap into Ultimate Zero's powers fully, for me to transport us to different dimensions, worlds, as well as different Fields. Since we are dealing with a powerful version of Greeza, I know which field we'll take him to.

Monika: Okay. Be careful. Three of you.

Monika said with concern.

The three nod at her. As soon as the Shields are up and about to engulf the World of Remnant,--

Daichi: Let's go, X.

Ultraman X (X-Devizer): Yosh! Let's go!

Riku: Sitting around doing nothing won't get us anywhere!

Haruki: KAY!!!!!!

They all yelled while activating their transformation items, turning them into Ultras as they took to the skies to engage All for One Greeza.

Just as they are in space, the shields close up behind them, blinding All for One greeza from detecting them and only for him to detect the three Ultras before him. Seeing them, Ultraman X utilizes Ultimate Zero Armour as he opened up a portal behind the kaiju, for the three Ultras began to push the kaiju into the portal. It was a struggle to do so, but eventually, they managed to push him into the portal together with themselves, transporting themselves into a different parallel plain-like universe.

Watching the them leave via portal, Monika prayed for their safety while waiting for the others to emerge out from the SHining Field.

Monika: I'm not like Ibara but.... I still pray for their safety.... clasping hands together hurry, Shadow.... Izukus.... Cerebro.... they need you and the Izukus now.

Monika prayed.

Back in the Shining Field,

Shadow stopped staggering as he charged forward while utilizing Ohma Zi-O's finisher in its punch variant while you utilized Ultraman Reiga's full body and Reiga Photon Blow and Deku to utilize Uravity, Ida and Overdrive as the both of you charged at Shadow. As soon as the three of you were in front of each other by merely a split second, you three delivered a powerful punch while rushing pass each other.

There was a long ominous silence that filled the Field, for the others to watch on while donning their defense stances, wondering whether they passed or failed when a sound of clapping can be heard, for everyone to stand down while the Shadow before you and Deku began to crumble and shatter like glass, to everyone's surprise while someone kept applauding.

Wraith: We were.... fighting a clone?

Godfist: A clone made of glass....

White Nova: Whoa....

???: I'm glad you saw through my clone, to those who have. For those who haven't, at least you saw it now, my friends.

Everyone heard a voice call out, for them to look at the direction to see a ball of light forming into their Leader, Shadow himself.

White Nova: I knew those cracks were a bit suspicious.

Raijin: Yes...

Shadow: nods Either way... All of you, I congradulate thee. After questioning you on what your test is, I could see that all of you, have finally figured it out. Wraith! You have finally embraced your bad side and what remains of your real eye. Due to your training and the embrace, you can now freely manipulate your chains on your body, not just your back, your hands and your mouth, and you can now utilize the power of the Silver Eyes.

Wraith: Yes, sir!!

Shadow: places a hand on Wraith's shoulder I know it is difficult for you due to your.... father, but you must remember that sometimes, if you want to keep your friends close, you must also keep, your enemies closer, in order for this to work. And you did it. You may have raged a bit, but just for a moment, but again you did it. 

Wraith: nods It is difficult to accept it after what he did.... but it is like what you said. Shit happens for a reason. 

Shadow: nods I'm glad your mind is clear from the rage that is still inside of you.

Wraith: nods

Shadow: Now, Raijin! You finally unlocked your dragonic secrets and embraced the elemental power of the storm that will eventually commands the land, sea, the creatures on both land and sea and air.

Raijin: I wouldn't have been able to discover myself, if it weren't for your teachings, God of Remnant and to me, my Dragonic Brother.

Shadow: nods I thank you. And you too read my mind. I too treat my Young Heroes and Pros like my own Brothers and Sisters. So, when we are together, we too must treat each other as our own Brothers-in-Dekuverses, given Raijin as an example. Understood?

Everyone: YES SIR!!!!

Shadow: Good. Now, back in topic. Now that the results are already in order, I dub you, Raijin; Elemental Master of Storm.

Raijin: bows

Shadow: Godfist! I see greater potential within you and many more quirks to be unlocked in OFA through training. Because you saw it through in your training and passed the test, you have finally unlocked several enhanced quirks in Enhanced OFA.

Godfist: Thank you, Shadow. I have yet to unlock Enhanced Gearshift. I know it takes time but... I'll figure a way through our fight against All for One Greeza like how I figured some of them out through fighting you. eats a fry

Shadow: That's the spirit, Godfist.

Godfist: Mm! Hmm! offers some french fries Fwench fwy?

Shadow: Thanks. accepts one and eats it Now, moving on. Anubis! Like Raijin, you have finally unlocked your full potential, not just your quirk, but your inner potential, your element's potential. As such, I dub you Anubis; Elemental Master of Ink.

Anubis: Thank you. And never thought I'd be like Bakugo, Shoto and Mina, blasting Ink out from my hands and all.

Shadow: Yes. And maybe next time, you, Raijin and a few specific others that I'm about to address, may also master the power of Spinjitzu with your Elemental Powers.

Anubis: And what's that?

Shadow: It is a martial art technique that involves the user tapping into their inner balance while spinning rapidly, creating a tornado-like vortex of energy around themselves. Just a simple Jump Up, Kick Back, Whip Around and Spin, and viola. It's not easy but, through training, I'm sure you'll get there.

Anubis: I wanna try it.

Shadow: Patience, Master of Ink. In due time, you'll be taught how to do so. But for now, you've already did the basics of it already. You just need to discover it.

Anubis: I see. Patience and Discover. Got it.

Shadow: nods Now, White Nova! Like Raijin and Anubis, you have finally unlocked your full potential, not just your quirk, but your inner potential, your element's potential. As such, I dub you White Nova; Elemental Master of White Fire. And i see you also mastered the Camera's power, as well. You have utilized most of your classmates and some pro heroes' quirks through your white fire, and those who are here, too.

White Nova: Well, can't let the strongest fire to end there, now can we?

Shadow: chuckles I suppose not. Now, continue on your progress, Master of White Fire, and I'm sure like the two before you now, you'll be able to master your own spinjitzu, too.

White Nova: Yes, sir!

Shadow: nods Proteus! You mastered the power to not only become the monsters from your book, but also to summon them when your quirk usage has been spent. I am proud that you have finally discovered the means to protect yourself.

Proteus: Thank you, sir. And... also, since I can become them and summon them, is it possible if I could utilize their powers, like Cerebro does?

Shadow: Well, we shall see. With enough training, perhaps. I know you can do it.

Proteus: nods O-OH! There is another thing.

Shadow: Oh?

Proteus: My sister, Yua. She has OFA, too. She's already at her strongest but.... she doesn't know how to become stronger with her Collapsible Staff

Shadow: Ah! That means she has already have the means to fight with her quirk, but not with her weapon combined with her quirk, yet. Fret not, Proteus. One day when the time is right, I shall bring her to her journey to master her weapon with her quirk. places a hand on Proteus's shoulder You are very wise to seek help when it is needed, my friend. Even if you and Yua are not biologically siblings, but you still treat each other as your own family. Keep at it.

Proteus: Thank you, and I will, sir.

Shadow: nods Ah! Now for my Inferno and Paradiso Duet! (A/N: It's a Compliment he's saying to Enoch and Dante.), Slayer of Valak, the Crooked Man and the Blasphamous Ones. Due to your efforts, training and passing the test, you finally unlocked your true potential from your angellic and demonic sides, while in the process combined different moves and quirks, well done.

Enoch: We got those from our experience from our encounter with "her"

Dante: So we thought implementing some here and, I guess it worked out okay.

Shadow: Good. Exceeded my expectations, both of you. But can you keep it up like the others till the actual fight coming up. I'll see to it when we fight All for One Greeza.

Enoch & Dante: nods

Shadow: smiles and nods Now, Ullr! Like Raijin, White Nova and Anubis, you have not just understand tha mastered the powers of both the Silver Eyed Powers and Winter Maiden Powers through your own means, you also unlocked your full potential, not just your quirk, but your inner potential, your element's potential. As such, I dub you Ullr; Elemental Master of Ice.

Ullr: Hmm.

Shadow: Mmm nods

Ullr: Mmhmm?

Shadow: Hmmm. thumbs up

Ullr: Mm bows

Shadow: Now, EX Machina! Through your hardwork and training and passing the test, you managed to get your support items through a little endurance test. It was impressive when you came up to me after climbing on my arm to land a hit when I'm in my dragon form. Impressive indeed.

EX Machina: I don't know how you did it, but as agreed, I'll ask your brother when we see each other again. But man, my turret, jackhammer and shields hit harder now.

Shadow: Heheh! Thanks. If anything I can request my brother to have Mei do a little Course with him being her teacher. Maybe Mei'll learn something form my brother.

EX Machina: That would help to minimize the explosions and her falling on me and planting her.... well... blushing 

Dante: oooooooooooooooh~~~ How did that felt having a pair of large tits to fall on your face~?

EX Machina: blushing madly SHHHHHSSSSHHHSSHSSHSHSHSHSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow: Enough! Well, if you like, you may offer her. I'll await your answer in due time.

EX Machina: C-Cool. Thanks, sir.

Shadow: Cerebro! Well, I shall  spare the details as I already addressed that previously. Other than that, a job well done in mastering your Ultra Quirk.

(Y/n): Thank you, sir.

Shadow: I also sensed you combined some of your quirks in your ultra quirk when you were in Taro mode. impressive.

(Y/n): It was a strategy to pin you down with Wraith's Ghost Ecco quirk.

Shadow: Ah, I see. Job well done, cooperating with your allies. Keep this up and keep up with the combinations, and I'm sure we'll defeat All for One greeza in no time.

(Y/n): nods

Shadow: And finally, Deku. Like Cerebro, a job well done in using different combinations of your quirks from your suit. It is impressive that without a quirk, you still keep on fighting. You and Cerebro are pretty much alike.

Deku: It's nothing really. I only want to improve myself when I fight against villains, with or without a quirk. I know it was a sacrifice to give up One for All to defeat All for One back then... but... as you did said, looks at his mechanized hands I got something out of it in return. I'm now a Teacher in U.A., and I'm a Hero in a line of Duty with this which were made by Hatsume, Melissa, my friends, Kacchan, and All Might.

Shadow: Heheh! Just like Cerebro. Holding on to your friends to the end. i like that. Treasure this moment.

Deku: I will, Sir.

Shadow nods as he concluded his brief discussion with each and everyone of you before him.

Shadow: Now, for passing the test, allow me to give you, your gifts. You may use it in your own Dekuverse to your liking, they are all yours.

Shadow said while opening a portal.

In the portal, numerous cases and a two-forked spear can be seen levitating towards each of the Izukus, to your surprise.

(Y/n): Whoa.... they also get awesome new gears like I do?

Shadow: Yes. They do.

(Y/n): Cool!!!!

Shadow: Open them. They're yours.

Shadow said.

And so, the Izukus opened their cases to reveal their new Support Items inside each of them.

Enoch: Oh ho ho! holds out armour I recognize that Legacy Armour aka, the Angellical Armour from anywhere!

Dante: You got it, too? 

Enoch: Yeah! 

Dante: YES!!! holds out armour Same here with the Fantasy Armour aka, the Hellish Armour.

Shadow: Indeed you would recognize them. And as promised from last time, I had my brother and a few of my comrades to put a few tweeks in them.

Enoch & Dante: NICE!!!!

Wraith: This is interesting. holds out a bunch of chains and a device Chains and a Device. Huh? Wonder what it does.

Shadow: Those are Adamantium Chains. We places certain metals so to make them lighter, sturdier and more to your liking. Even better, we made it like so it is like Eraserhead's Support Item. Oh, and better yet, holds out a pair of knuckles made of chains Chain Knuckles.
(A/N: I don't have the exact images on Adamantium Chains and Chain Knuckles but, I can safely assume you will all know what I am talking about when I described them above.)

Wraith: Wow, cool. And what's this device do?

Shadow: This device? takes the device from Wraith's hands for a moment Allow me. presses a button for me to disappear out of thin air

Wraith: Whoa! looks around Okay! Where'd you go?!

Shadow: appears behind Wraith and pats his back

Wraith: GAH!!! swiftly turns back out of fright HOKAY!!! Cloaking Module. But I wa-

Shadow: Gonna get a better one soon? Oh you don't have to already. Cause' this one is better than the one you are about to get.

Wraith: How so?

Shadow: Think of it like.... when you are invisible, no one can see you, smell you or touch you. Only you can. 

Wraith: Whoa.... nice. Then I guess that's out of my To-Do-List, then. Thanks for saving the trouble of getting one.

Shadow: Oh, it's no problem. Courtesy of one of my allies from Off World known as the Covenant combined with some tech that my brother and my friends have. 

Wraith: Cool. Thanks. 

Wraith said as he places the Cloaking Module on the right side of his belt.

Seeing this, Shadow proceeded to the next Izuku.

Godfist: Whoa.... Gauntlets for my arms and legs! Wicked!!!

(A/N: This is what he was talking about. All his Support Items will be yellow with some white and red outlines and details. And the cartridges will not only be for shooting, but for something else I have in store. Top Image is for his arms, the lower image will be for his legs.)

Shadow: Yes. Indeed they are wicked. And these cartridges you see on your support items, they're empty because of your electric charge when utilizing OFA at its specific percentages.

Godfist: Oh! So that means I can shoot electric blasts out of them. Good thinking.

Shadow: That is right. And thanks to some resources, they can withstand OFA at 100% and above. So, you may use them as you see fit.

Godfist: Cool.

Shadow: And that's not all. Notice that there are five barrels specifically at your knuckles?

Godfist: Yeah? Why?

Shadow: Black Chain logic.

Godfist: SHUT UP!!!!! That's LIT!!!!!

Shadow: And I'm glad that you are impressed.

Raijin: So, this is the Weapon that you speak of?

Hearing Raijin's question, Shadow immediately made his way to him.

Shadow: Yes. This is the very trident I was talking about that lived throughout the ancients, before the Multiverse and the Dekuverse was even born.

Shadow said.

(A/N: This Trident. The center blade is missing in this case due to Raijin having the last piece. Do combine the two images together while you doc out the attachment below the second image.)

Looking at the weapon, Raijin slowly looks at the Trident's details and sense its history and sharpness while noticing there is a piece missing at the center.

Raijin: Hmmm... it would appear that my New Support Item can also become a Sword.

Shadow: Yes, it does.

Raijin: And I can safely assume that my Spear would go well, at that broken area there. points at the broken spot

Shadow: nods

Receiving the confirmation, Raijin fished out his spear, for both weapons to glow when they are in close proximity.

Seeing this, Raijin slowly place them close together until a bright light slowly engulfed the two weapons for a brief moment until the blinding light slowly dims to reveal that the Trident is already been fixed, returning to its former 100% state while a surge of power surges through his body, to Raijin's shock and amazement.

Raijin: Fascinating.... Like my Gold Shower but... even better.

Shadow: Indeed. Which leads me to this Support Item.

Shadow said, picking the Item out from the case.

Raijin: I was wondering what that does. (A/N: That is when the Durandal-like Attachment comes in play. Yes, the Trident is like Durandal's Weapon but different.)

Shadow: This goes together with your weapon. You can use it in its Sword Mode and use it freely in Trident Mode.

Raijin: Huh? Then allow me.

Raijin said, grabbing the attachment as he inserts it together with his weapon via the Trident's end, the the long handle to turn into a blade, to his surprise.

Raijin: Wow!

Shadow: When you insert it at the other end, Trident.

Raijin: Huh. Got it. And very unique, too. does so and uses his powers to control it by letting it levitate in mid-air as usual Good, still got it. At least that is one of the Tasks done.

Shadow: nods

Anubis: Whoa. Now these... are something.

Shadow: looks at Anubis's direction and makes his way to him

Anubis: I've seen my equipment, yes. But I never seen anything like this, before. Intriguing.

(A/N: The thing he sees in his case. Combine the two images together to form a Tattoo Spear. Plus, it's retractable, with a Tattoo Pen at the End with the tip being a blade which is also retractable into a blunt point instead of a spear point. In other words, Tattoo Pen for Tattoo Art, and the Tattoo Spear for combat.)

Shadow: The Tattoo Spear. Retractable. It can be used for Art purposes, and it can be used for Combat. Meaning in combat, you can create anything to fight with or protect yourself with.

Anubis: Whoa! GET OUT OF HERE!!!! How do you make this work???

Shadow: It's like your usual Tattoo Pen, but this time, you have an extra button for Battle Mode. And there are some stuff in it for charging. Time Duration is just 30 minutes.

Anubis: Cool.... looks at Shadow I would like to meet the person who made this!

Shadow: All in good time, my friend. All in good time, as of this moment, my brother is busy with his Company and the other is busy in Atlas. I'm sure they would love to answer your questions.

Anubis: Great! Cause' I have planty! But which to ask first.

Shadow: You may think of the questions. I shall prepare them on what is to come when they agree in meeting you guys when the day comes.

Shadow said, calming Anubis's eagerness to ask questions to Shadow's friends and allies.

White Nova: Ah! So that means I got this early, then.

White Nova wondered.

This made Shadow smiled as he made his way to White Nova.

White Nova: Heh! Interesting Camera. To think it can take not just pictures, but form holographic replicas out of it by using my quirk. Sweet. notices Shadow coming towards him Oh! Hello.

Shadow: I see you have figured out that you got your gift early due to reasons?

White Nova: Yeah. I can tell there is more to this but still, thank you for doing this for us.

Shadow: Heheh! Likewise. Now, lifts a sleeve up from within the case you may want to put this on, too.

White Nova: Huh? I didn't notice that. WHat does that do?

Shadow: Well, this suit allows you to utilize people's armour better through replication. Like for example, Deku's suit. Take a picture of that and you'll have a white flaming replica of it on your using your quirk.

White Nova: Sweeeeeeeet. In other words I will have Teka's hair, too. hmmmmmmmm wondering about the heat difference

Shadow: You can think of it that way, yes.

While you are discussing things with the Izukus one by one, something struck his mind which had him to sort this out immediately.

Shadow: Oh, right!

White Nova: Hmm? Something wrong?

Shadow: No no. I just remembered that I needed to sort things out with Wraith and Ullr. l'll be off to sort it out.

White Nova: Sure, let me. HEY, WRAITH!!! Shadow needs you for something!! I think it is something important!!!

Wraith: wearing a pair of chain knuckles on after donning on scarf-like chains around my neck Hmm, comfy on the neck, and on my knuckles. Sweet. hears White Nova and looks at him to hear that I am needed OKAY!!! I'm just done gearing up!

Shadow: Thanks. I'll be going to Ullr now so, I think he'll meet me there.

White Nova: Okay.

And so, Shadow made his way to Ullr with Wraith to catch up from behind.

Ullr: Hmm. Interesting weapon made of ice....

Shadow: Yes, indeed that they are interesting. The Bow Blade of Ice is what I call it.

(A/N: Bow Blade. Ensure that the weapon is entirely made of ice.)

Ullr: Hmm?

Shadow: Yes. A Bow Blade. holds it up while ripping it in two You can also rip it into two blades. combines them back into a bow And you can merge it back into a bow. And you no need to worry about ammunition as it will be "Magically" be supplied to you.

Ullr: Oh? How so?

Shadow: Which is when Wraith and you come in turns to see Wraith behind me Ah! Wraith. Good good, you're here.

Wraith: Yeah. You said you needed me and Ullr for something, right?

Shadow: Yes, I have. Remember I told you about the Maidens and the Silver-Eyed Warriors?

Ullr: Mmm?

Shadow: Well, It has been decided. I will open up your powers of the Silver Eyes and pass the Power of the Winter Maiden to you. Take it as umm.... rewards of your training. 

Wraith: I see. But we'll be the same, right?

Shadow: You still will be yourselves, yes. But just boosted by a bit. So, Silver Eye Powers for Wraith, and Winter and Silver Eye Powers for Ullr.

Ullr: Hmm?

Shadow: Ah, that's a good question. Who gave me the Greenlight on this. Well, some souls in my head have given me the greenlight for you to be chosen to wield this kind of power because they see true potential in you two. I know it is a lot to take in but, I know you'll understand. 

Wraith: I see. That sounds interesting that were...

Ullr: Chosen through you by people in your mind.

Shadow: Yes. So, what do you say?

Wraith: Well, it is an honour but, what happens if someone hunts us for this.

Ullr: Hmm?

Shadow: Well, not necessarily.

Wraith & Ullr: Huh?

Shadow: What I told you is just what happened in my world. The events in my World which you think will happen to your own Dekuverses, will not happen. Unless you count Monoma when he copies your power.

Wraith & Ullr: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sense.

Ullr: In that case, then...

Wraith: We will allow it.

Shadow: Well, since everything is settled, kneel, Wraith and Ullr.

Shadow's POV:

And with that, I watched Wraith and Ullr kneeling down before me as they don their one-leg kneeling stance as they bowed their heads. Seeing this, I began to wield Gashacon Key-Slasher.

I took out two dust crystals as I placed a blue one into the Key-Slasher.


The weapon announced as I raised my sword above Ullr.

Me: Ullr, from this day forth, you will be and always will be the Guardian, of the Winter Maiden and her powers.

I stated as I place the blade of my sword at Ullr's left shoulder, followed by his right shoulder, then gently placed it onto his head as Ullr felt the Power of the Winter Maiden flowing into him.

Once the Winter Maiden's powers are completely inside of Ullr, I lifted the blade away from him as he is now a Winter Maiden. After seeing to Ullr, I looked at Wraith, followed by Ullr once again while inserting a Silver Crystal into my weapon.


Me: Wraith and Ullr, from this day forth, you both will be and always will be the Guardians of this gifted power, of the Power of the Silver Eyes and the warriors before you.

I stated as I place the blade of my sword at Wraith's left shoulder, followed by his right shoulder, then gently placed it onto his head as Wraith felt the Power of the Silver Eyes flowing into him.

Once the Silver Eyes powers are completely inside of Wraith, I did the same process to Ullr, then lifted the blade away from them as both are now a Silver Eyed Warriors. After seeing to Wraith and Ullr, I said;

Me: Now that you have the Winter Maiden Power and Silver Eyed Warriors' powers, please rise and raise your right hand.

I said as I raised mine, while watching the the two stood up as they raised their right hands up to commence the oath.

Me: I.

Wraith & Ullr: I.

Me: Hereby swear.

Wraith & Ullr: Hereby swear.

Me: To Protect these powers.

Wraith & Ullr: To Protect these powers.

Me: From Evil forces.

Wraith & Ullr: From Evil forces.

Me: With my LIFE!!!!!

Wraith & Ullr: WITH MY LIFE!!!!!!

Me: Wraith, Ullr, from this day forth, you are officially, a Full-Pledged Maiden and Silver-Eyed Warriors. Congradulations.

I said.

Wraith: The both of us won't let you down.

Ullr: For our Dekuverse. For our families and friends-

Ullr stopped halfway as he decided to test out his new powers, conjuring a feminine figure beside him as he always think of her, impressing Wraith and me, for me to understand what Ullr did what he did.

Ullr: For my dear Hina, who's still watching over me...

Ullr said with a smile.

3rd Person's POV:

Seeing this, Shadow placed a hand on Ullr's shoulder.

Shadow: She will always be watching you and will always be in your heart, Ullr. I know so.

Ullr: Mmm.

Shadow: It's no problem. In fact, not bad, for a beginner. You made a sculpture of your first love out of ice. Well done. Which forgive me that I must ask, that is Hina, right?

Ullr: Mhm.

Shadow: Hmm. Treasure her always.

Ullr: places a hand on Shadow's shoulder and smiles I will.

Wraith: So, now that this is out of the way, look at me! I look good.

Shadow: And I can tell you look scary now with those chains around your neck and on your knuckles.

Wraith: Let's see how All for One Greeza likes me now when I whoop his ass.

Wraith said.

Ullr and Shadow chuckled for a moment before leaving them be to see EX Machina.

EX Machina: Huh.... these Support Items are.... interesting.

Shadow: That is because it is, EX Machina. My friend, what you see here in this case is called the Gotchardriver, the Belt itself, the Card Holder, EX Machina Module and Ingenium Module to go with the latter. Last but not least, a deck of Ride Chemy Cards based on your Dekuverse.

EX Machina: Whoa.... A Train that is like me... well, difference is that the head part is different, and mini Ida with some gold outlines.

Shadow: Yes.

EX Machina: Whoa... and wait. Did you say cards? looks at the deck as he picked it up WHOA!!!!!!! That's me on the first Card! looks at the rest That's Ida, Momo, everyone is here! Including dad!

Shadow: We managed to upload their abilities through data and alchamy in our systems and created these cards for you. Courtesy of my brother and friends from the Alchemist Academy. So now, you can use these cards to make your own abilities and use the EX Machina and Ida Ingenium Cards to transform. 

EX Machina: Cool... But I have to assume that the attachments have to go on first, right?

Shadow: fishes out an instruction manual Correct. Easy steps in the manual, have fun.

EX Machina: Huh, thanks. smiles

Shadow nods while making his way to Proteus.

Shadow: How is it going, Proteus?

Proteus: It's good. But I have a question.

Shadow: Ask away.

Proteus: Why give me an empty book? shows an empty book

(A/N: This empty book.)

Shadow: Ah, looks can be deceiving. But did you remember the Gaia Memory that you were in?

Proteus: Yeah?

Shadow: Well, this book is an Access Key to bring you into your own Gaia Memory. In case you ask, I implemented some of my knowledgable friends of mine, my own grey matter and blood to build this. Now, you have the knowledge of the Universe at your fingertips.

Proteus: W-Wait.... y-you're serious?!

Shadow: Yes. This book you hold now is your Access Key. Only you can go in and out of it, unless you want to bring your friends into it, that's fine, too. ONLY as long as you are the one who is going to bring them in and out of your very own Gaia Memory. You can write anything on it if you like, by the way. I don't mind it at all.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, Proteus looked in awe and surprise about the new book he has now which he has access to his own Gaia Library to read and gain knowledge about more creatures from different worlds and multiverses.

Proteus: The power of the Multiverse, at the palm of my hand....

Proteus said in awe.

Shadow: How right, indeed.

Shadow said.

Proteus: May I try it?

Shadow: Of course. It's yours.

Proteus: Well in that case..... opens the book

Upon opening the book, many empty pages began to fly out from the book as they fly around Proteus, for some of the izukus, you and Shadow to notice he is disappearing.

Proteus: And Aawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy we gooo~!

Proteus said as he disappeared into his Gaia Memory with the books still in hand.

(Y/n): he's enjoying himself, isn't he?

Shadow: Yes he is. I can tell he is enjoying the library right now.

Godfist: Is he going to be okay?

Shadow: He is. I told him the tweek in getting in and out.

Shadow said.

Godfist: Ah! I see.

Deku: Huh. Another case.

Shadow: smirks upon hearing this while making my way to Deku

Deku: Hmm... looks at it while holding it up wonder what it does.

Shadow: I see the case caught your interest.

Deku: Yeah. It has. And I can tell it is the same Case that All Might gave me but,.... it seems different, and lighter....

Deku said, wondering.

Shadow: Want to know why?

Deku: Yeah.

Shadow: Well, it is lighter because Class 1-A, All Might, Melissa and Mei weren't the only ones who built this one.

Deku: shocked R-Really?

Shadow: Yes.

Deku: Who else did?

Shadow: Well Deku, you know know very well that I came from a different World and my Dekuverse Birthright is restored. Which means not only you have this suit of armour, another Deku from my Dekuverse does, too. To answer my question in all, my Teammate, Tenka, my brother and many other Members from my brother's Company came in the pitch in, in making this suit.

Deku: T-They did?

Shadow: Yes. Tenka did most of the work and tweeking, and thanks to him, he has made and replicated models of this work of marvel for not just himself, but for my Deku, and for this situation, for you as well.

Deku: W-Wow.... I don't.... know what to say.

Shadow: it's no problem. All we need to know is that we got your back.

Deku: Thanks. So umm.... what quirks does this one have?

Shadow: I'm glad you asked. Considering Tokoyami's Quirk, I have an A.I. System implemented into this suit.

Deku: Wow, really?

Shadow: Yes. looks at the case June?

June (Case A.I.): Yes, Boss?

Shadow: From this day forward, Izuku Midoriya Codename: Deku, is your Boss now.

June (Case A.I.): Yes, Boss. Initializing Facial Recognition.

The A.I. in the case said as it scanned Deku's face to register his data in.

After awhile.

June (Case A.I.): Facial Recognition and Scan complete. Hello, Boss.

Shadow: She's talking to you, Deku.

Deku: U-OH!!!! Uuuuuuhh, hi. 

June (Case A.I.): What will my first instruction be?

Deku: Ummm, I would like to see the list of Quirks that are in my Suit.

June (Case A.I.): Yes, Boss. activates a holographic screen to show the list In this Suit, you will have One For All's Six Quirks, Class 1-A's Quirks and 1-B's Quirks.

Deku: looks at Shadow Huh. So, it is the same as the suit I am wearing now, huh?

Shadow: Yes.

Deku: Well, at least nothing has cha- . . . . . . . !!! did I just hear her right...?

Shadow: Whut?

Deku: That I have 1-B's Quirks in that suit?

Shadow: Did she stutter?

There was a brief moment of silence before Deku quickly looked back at the case.

Deku: What 1-B Quirks????

Shadow: whoa... eager much? Heheh.

June (Case A.I.): Yes, Boss. You have Class 1-B's Quirks, as well. Allow me to give you a runthrough of your Quirks in this Suit and System. 

June said as she shows the list.

Seeing the list of Quirks on what this new suit has to offer, Deku's eyes widened while he began to mutter and mutter and mutter about the number of combinations and possibilities he can make with them, for Shadow to stop him.

Shadow: Okay okay! You may stop now. I get that you are excited. But let's not forget why we're in here for.

Deku: Oh! Right! Sorry.

Shadow: Don't be. Again, you earned this. So, you can knock yourself out with it. And, furthermore, since you defeated Shigaraki aka, All for One years ago back in your own Dekuverse, I did it for my Deku, as well. I have this awesome All Might thing I have here but, if you don't want it, it's cool, I can give them to someone else.

Shadow said to intentionally tease him.

As soon as Shadow said that, this caught Deku's attention and Godfist's attention as Deku slowly turned his head to face Shadow and for Godfist to arrive in a flash beside Deku.

Deku & Godfist: What All Might thing?/What Dad thing?

They both wondered.

Shadow: Oh, it's nothing. It's just y'know, a face of the Mint-Conditioned All Might Decal First Edition.

Shadow said, showing a pair of the same decals.

(A/N: These decals (x2). Ensure they are Mint-Conditioned.)

This caused Deku and Godfist's eyes to widen so wide out of shock.

Deku & Godfist: . . . !!!!! whut?

Shadow: Again, if you don't want it, I can just throw it away-

Deku: NONONONO WAIT! DON'T!!!!!! T-Th-That's not funny, lemme see'em!

Godfist: Yeah, I want in on this, too!

The two tried to grab it, only for Shadow to reel it back while using his free hand to hold them back.

Shadow: Whoa whoa whoa wait wait, don't grab. You're gonna crease it.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, they stopped as they see him walk towards the case as he places one on the case, and the other onto the right gauntlet of Godfist's Support Item. After the decals are on, he casted some kind of power that coats the weapon with a protective layer on the two Support Items, for Deku and Godfist to watch this happening.

Once that is done. he pats the case and Godfist's shoulder gently, telling them that it's done.

Shadow: Okay, we're done. 

Deku: Where did you even get those? They're hard to come by.

Godfist: I don't even have a chance with my speed, either.

Shadow: Well, if you're a Genius Gamer, anything is possible.

Deku: So that means you got lucky in your Dekuverse?

Shadow: Yup.

Deku & Godfist: Whoa....

Shadow: nods Looks really good on you both.

Godfist: Oh yeah. Wait till Mel, my little girls, Mom and Dad sees this.

Deku: This is really cool. Wait till All Might and the other Teachers and my students see this.

Shadow: Heheheh! Now, there's-

Just before Shadow can continued, Proteus can be seen reappearing before everyone in a rush after exiting out from his Library via his new book.


Proteus exclaimed in a rush, only to see everyone still here.

Proteus: Huh. I'm still on time.

He said.

Shadow: Well, you are just on time, cause' we're just about to head out.

Proteus: Ah! Okay. Then let's do this!


The Izukus gathered in front of you and Shadow as the Leader is about to begin his speech before you all leave to fight the biggest threat ever.

Shadow: To the Izukus who are here now including our honoured guest, Cerebro. Today, Monika and I have called upon you, the good Heroes from different Dekuverses. It is you, who works tirelessly, 8, 12, 14, 16 Hours a day, giving pints and pints of your blood and giving everything you have with your quirks and your powers for our great City. Yes, some might say it is just to be famous and for the entertainment. But we know better. Our jobs, our duties, are where the hopes and dreams of this great Country of Japan are born. Everyone, I'm shrin to say that today may or may not be our last fight.... but I beseech you, please think another way. Today, is our opening day. Today is the day that we save the World and the Dekuverse, our homes, our families, our friends.... that we believe in a tomorrow, a tomorrow where we have our freedom, my fellow freedom fighters!

Godfist: What about a Fries Party after this?

Shadow: Yes, a Fries Party, too it shall be. A tomorrow, where Creatures can roam freely without fear!

Raijin: What about Dragons?

Shadow: Yes, dragons, too. And a tomorrow, where we can express ourselves with any means, through art point at Anubis through reading points at Proteus and many other means. My Faithful, today, I ask you to unify as a Team, above the line, below the line, today we draw the line! This is your Dekuverse, this is my Universe, my World, my Dekuverse. I was born in this Planet, and I'm gonna die as a God in this Planet. But not TODAY!!!!!! FOR TODAY, We are not just one Team!!!!! TODAY!!!!! WE ARE "THE" TEAM!!!!!!!! THE DEKU SQUAD!!!!!!!! raises Key-Slasher in the air DEKU SQUAD, RISE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow yelled.

This earned everyone to raise their fist in the air as they are now pumped and ready to fight against All for One Greeza.

To be Continued....

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