1st Anniversary Episode 2: Training & Discussions

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(A/N: TAKE NOTE: There won't be any images here as I don't wish to drag this along. This chapter literally took my brains out for months so... yeah. Fret not, there will be images in the next chapter so, be ready for it. so for now, enjoy... AND PREPARED TO BE BLOWN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!)

Shadow: - it goes like this; People with Silver Eyes known as the Silver-Eyed Warriors are an ancient lineage of Legendary Warriors who possess special abilities through the usage of their eyes. Their power destroys specific monsters called; The Grimm and have originated from the FIRST Legendary Warrior who utilized those Silver Eyes, known as the God of Light.

Shadow explained.

Ullr & Wraith: Whoa......

Wraith: I never knew my Eye can do that.

Ullr: And I never knew our eyes are very significant throughout the ages.... throughout Dekuverse and the Multiverse, even.

Shadow: Well, that's because they were left dormant, yet to be awakened. So now, it's time we awaken those powers for this particular moment.

Shadow said.

Wraith: I see. Though, why aren't any people or heroes utilizing those eyes when you said that they are so strong?

Wraith wondered.

Shadow: Well, it's true that the Silver-Eyed Warriors are a lineage group whose origins predates the establishment of both Huntsmen and Kingdoms, and according to legend, those born with silver eyes are said to be destined to lead the life of a warrior. Silver eyes themselves are an extremely rare trait in the modern world. That's one reason as according to an ol' ally of mine, Maria Calavera who also has those Silver Eyes, suspected that the reason for this rarity was that Salem was actively hunting them to extinction, and that i'm afraid was a story with no happy ending.

Ullr: So, It's both rare... and hunted to extinction? Like our rare animals being hunted to extincition.

Shadow: Correct, Ullr.

Wraith: And what does that make us, then? Surely there is more to it than being Legendary Warrior, right?

Shadow: Indeed it's not just that. With most of the information on the Silver-Eyes largely rooted in myths and legends, true accounts or knowledge of their powers are rather difficult to find. The most consistent traits among these stories are that the eyes themselves are special and the people who possess them are fighters of unprecedented prowess. Maria postulated that the power originated from the God of Light, which is a true fact as his dragon form has silver eyes and he is able to emit a bright light that destroys Grimm almost identical to Silver-Eyed Warriors. And to support this with another source to a Fairy Tale Book called; The Two Brothers, he gave them this power because of his overprotective nature towards Humanity as a way to fight back against his brother's creations, also known as the Grimm.

Shadow further explained.

Wraith: I see. So, how does one.... unlock our Silver Eye Powers?

Shadow: According to Maria, Silver-Eyed Warriors have powers that are fueled by strong desires to preserve life. It's emotional, much like Semblances. Much like our Quirks.

Ullr: Wait. Quirks have feelings?

Ullr asks.

Shadow nods at Ullr's question.

Wraith: Wow.... never.... knew about that before.

Shadow: Well, why else would quirks be within you? Because they are alive. If a Quirk-Erasing Bullet were to hit you, it'll kill your quirk. Not unless you have Eri to rewind it back, of course.

He said.

Ullr and Wraith listened in shock when Shadow talked about the silver eyes and about quirks having feelings.

Shadow: Anyway, back to the real subject. How you activate those eyes are simple. It requires concentration on the thought of those you love you and how they make you feel.

Ullr: Huh? So.... those we love and how they make us feel such as.....

Shadow: Your friends, spouses, teachers, those who support you, and many other things that are positive.

Wraith: I might have to guess that nothing happens if there are some negativd thoughts, right?

Shadow: To my wife's experience from before, you are right.

Ullr: Oh!

Shadow: Hmm?

Ullr: What are the limitations to the silver eyes?

Shadow: Good question. This power is invulnerable.... unless interrupted or your eyes were sliced like Maria....

Wraith: Ouch....

Ullr: So... it's like Mr. Aizawa's quirk in a way, but different.

Shadow: squints eyes You can say that....

Ullr: whoa....

Shadow: Anyway, sorry Wraith. An answer is an answer considering what happened to your eye.

Wraith: No worries. At least we know we have to be more careful if there is someone behind us.

Ullr: Yeah.

They responded.

Shadow nods at their responses as he began to summon a horde of Grimm and Monsters to surround them.

Shadow: Now that you know what the power of the Silver Eyes can do, are you ready to partake on this task and responsibility?

Shadow ask.

Seeing the summoned monsters and grimm surrounding them and Shadow, Ullr and Wraith looked at each other as they exchanged smirks with each other while utilizing their weapons, donning their defense poses as they are about to begin theor training.

Ullr: Well, why stop there when there are more that we have yet to unlock in our quirks?

Wraith: Well... that's why we had our quirk training and our Ultimate Moves training. So, sure.... why not.

They said with a smile.

Shadow: Good. Now let your Silver Eyes and Quirk Training,.... BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow yelled.

Upon yelling, Shadow's conjured army began to advance towards Ullr and Wraith, for the both of them to do the same while they utilized their quirks to initiate their training.


Shadow began to summon elemental orbs around him as he is now currently and showing Anubis that every element is within and around them.

Shadow (Duplicate 1): Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice, Lightning, Light, Dark, Amber, Form, Fusion, Gravity, Heat, Metal, Mind, Nature, Poison, Shadow, Smoke, Sound, Speed, Technology, Time, Blood, Sludge and of course, Ink. Each and every element is around us, and within us. The only way to unlock them, is by awakening them.

Shadow said and explained.

Anubis: I... I see.

Shadow: What you have already mastered is what your quirk has. Now you must master what you have, within both you and your quirk.

Anubis: But.... how does that even work? How do I make my quirk into an element and an embodiment of my own element?

Shadow: It's simple, really. It requires great focus in your mind and body, as well as your quirk. Why else will your blood vessels, eyes and your body be covered in ink in the first place due to your limitations?

Anubis: Well, if I go beyond my limitations, I'll not only be spent but my body like last time will be covered in Ink like Kuro. Sometimes I also see ink spilling out from parts of m- ..... w-wait a minute... looks at Shadow You're trying to tell me that there was more to it than my limitations, aren't you?

Shadow: That's it.

Anubis: So.... the ink coming out of me was.... falls and slumps onto the ground in shock while sitting up straight THAT AWAKENING YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT????

Shadow: Exactly, Anubis. Sometimes, a person, power or a quirks' weaknesses can also be your important assets, your strengths. That is why the World has their unlimitations & limitations, pros & cons and advantages & disadvantages.

Shadow said while conjuring an ice sword while streaks of flames appear in front of his eyes.

Shadow: Now, En Garde. Go beyond your limit like what you did back then when you fought Overhaul, then I will show you what it means to be a TRUE, Master of Ink.

He said.

Seeing this, Anubis summoned forth his sword from his body as he began to prepare himself to fight against the Shadow duplicate. As soon as both combatants have their blades ready, they advanced towards each other as they clashed weapons with each other.


Another duplicate of Shadow can be seen summoning forth his own Gaia Library as the two began to walk through several isles, for Proteus to look in awe at the Bookshelves and those that were floating around him as well, filled to the brim with books.

Proteus: Whoa....I.... I've never seen a library like this before...

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Indeed it is not bad. My Gaia Library and Philip's Gaia Library hold all the secrets to the universe and powers beyond comprehension. Which leads to you and your quirk.

Proteus: R-Really??? How so?

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Your quirk allowing you to transform to any creature in your book, your book itself, and you, have INFINITE Potential and Abilities to rival Greeza. If anything, if you were to turn into Greeza by using your quirk, you can even tip the balance to yours and our favor, too.

Proteus: WAIT!!!! I CAN DO THAT?!

Shadow (Duplicate 2): With proper guidence, training and reading, you will.

Proteus: looks at my book whooooooaaaa....

Shadow (Duplicate 2): As people always say; "Knowledge is Power". That's when you come in, Proteus as your knowledge about creatures and monsters show no boundaries. Your limit, can also be, your strength. Tell me. How many creatures can you transform into?

Proteus: Well... just a few at the moment, after that, i'm spent...

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Not exactly.

Proteus: Huh?

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Do you know why your limit came up BUT, your book is still around at times?

Proteus: I.... I don't know???

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Then perhaps I should show you why.

Shadow said, pulling a book out as he flipped to a selected page.

After flipping to a page, Shadow looks at Proteus as you began to demonstrate.

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Let's say example. I'm at my limit, and you saw an opportunity to strike me down with your quirk.

Proteus: O-Okay???

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Now, come at me, Proteus.

Shadow requested.

Hearing this, Proteus listened as he began to run towards Shadow in the attempts to landing a punch right in his face while turning into one of his Beasts from his book when,-

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Iron Gotchard!!! PROTECT ME!!!!

He called.



- a warrior known as Iron Gotchard emerged from the selected page as he blocked Proteus's punch and pushes him backwards by using one of his Heavy Expressures, then kept his ground to protect Shadow, to Proteus's shock.

Proteus: W-Whoa....

Shadow (Duplicate 2): See what I mean?

Proteus: nods S-So... that means.... I can summon my creatures and command them???

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Exactly, Proteus my Monster Book Battlenizer friend. Your Book from your quirk not only turns you into the said creature, but you can also summon them, too.

Proteus: eyes widened wow.....

Shadow smiles at Proteus's amazement.

Then, Shadow scattered his Gaia Library till it disappeared from existance.

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Now that you know the secrets of your Quirk, shall we get training into summoning your creatures in your Book?

Proteus: Oh yes. This is something I want to try after what you displayed. So, let's do this!!

Shadow (Duplicate 2): Very good. Now, if you want to summon your creatures, you, your quirk and your book must be in sync, they must become ONE with each other.

Proteus: Then I take it this isn't going to be as straightforward as it looks?

Shadow (Duplicate 2): oh yes, it isn't. That's why we are here, to unlock your hidden potential, my Master Librarian.

Shadow said.


Enoch: So, sir? What will we be working on before our fight against that powerful thing?

Shadow (Duplicate 3): It's simple, really. We'll be working on our Daimon Fusion, your quirks and your powers of both Heaven and Hell.

Dante: That's going to be interesting.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): For quirks wise, seeing that you two both represent heaven and hell, I thought it would be plausible that you both to work on combining your quirks like how we did it when we fused into Daimon.

Shadow mentioned.

Saying this, Enoch and Dante began to look at each other as they thought about this, then looks back at Shadow.

Dante: So, you mean to say, combine our different abilities to make it even more powerful?

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Yes. The stronger the combo, the better.

Enoch: Right...! So instead of the three of us combining, we'll be combining with each other in terms of our quirks.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Exactly.

Dante: Well, seeing that you knew of our quirks during our first mission, I assume it will be simple enough f-for us?

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Yes.... and No.

Shadow answered.

Enoch & Dante: .... O-Oh....

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Fret not, my friends. Allow me to give you a runthrough. ENOCH!!

Enoch: Y-Yes sir?

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Your quirks are Fire Ring, Raptor, Eldritch & Omniview, correct?

Enoch: Yes?

Shadow (Duplicate 3): DANTE!!

Dante: Y-Yes sir?!

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Yours is Infernalis, Sinful Blessing, Shy Siren & Eye of Interference.

Dante: Yes.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Again, you both have decent quirks. But, what if I were to tell you that some quirks that you have, will make decent combinations?

Dante: Combinations like?

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Enoch, conjure up your Fire Ring and Dante, hand me your whip.... and ensure it is in flames by your infernalis quirk.

Shadow instructed.

So, Enoch conjured a fire ring and passes it to Shadow and Dante to use his quirk to engulf his whip in flames, then hands it over to Shadow. As soon as Shadow has a fire ring and a flaming whip in his hands, he smirked while swinging his arms to the front, colliding both weapons together in front of him, for both the Angellical and Hellish Heroes to bare witness of this.

After colliding both weapons together, both heroes look in shock to see that their weapons have become a Fire Ring Whip, for Enoch's Fire Ring to be duplicated and connected together to form a whip based on Dante's whip (A/N: It's like those magic rings in those magic shows. That's how they are connected together.), to their shock.

Enoch & Dante: whoa....

Shadow (Duplicate 3): And another example; Your Eldritch quirk and your Eye of Interference. If used together, it will make one powerful, scary and terrifying quirk that allows you to manipulate any devices while you freak the crap outta that person. Use it accurately, it'll be more terrifying. Omnivew, Fire Ring, Eye of Interference & Eldritch are a very good combo, too, another variation to your Eye of Interference and Eldritch combo.

Enoch & Dante: whooooaa....

Shadow (Duplicate 3): There are more we can explore in this training, my friends. You see? Each quirk has their perks. And each quirk has their "BEST MATCH", like yours. And when we discover them together, I'm sure we can counter what All for One Greeza can dish out on us.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, both heroes nod at what he said that they looked at each other, discussing what's in their minds, for him to take notice of it, smirking at the sight of them discussing something.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): I can tell you guys have something in mind.

Enoch: Oh yeah.

Dante: We have of a combo in mind.

Enoch and Dante mentioned.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Oh? Care to share and demonstrate?

Shadow requested.

Enoch & Dante: Of course!

They said.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Alrighty then. Let's say I'm the villain here, looking for you. Show me what you got.

Enoch: Alright! B-But note that this is a trial run.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Noted.

And so, both Enoch and Dante took their positions as Shadow noticed that Dante is on his knees, weeping with angel wings lowered the ground as an indication that Dante is weeping.

Seeing this, Shadow can fully see and understand where this is going with this, for him to play along with this.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): There you are, Hero. Now hands in th- eh?

Dante: weeping Please... p-please don't...

Shadow (Duplicate 3): What's with the tears, huh??? Turn around so I can take a look at you before you die!!

Shadow yelled (A/N: Remember folks, this is JUST a demonstration.).

Dante: slowly looks at Shadow with a feminine figure

Shadow (Duplicate 3): W-Whoa!! Damn, man! I never knew you were a lady! Well then, change of plans. Why not we got somewhere or stick around so we can have some fun, eh?

Shadow ask, slowly walking towards Dante with Parablade in hand.

Dante: I.... sniff I-I don't want to....

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Don't worry, lady~ I'll be gentle with ya.

He said.

Dante: Well~.... it's your choice.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): Eh?

Just before Shadow could do anything, Dante surprised him by flying mid air with the help of Enoch's wings as he can be seen on his back, surprising Shadow.

Seeing the opportunity, Dante used his tail to thrust it through Shadow's arm, only for him to dodge it while Enoch released Dante from holding onto him as the Hellish Hero began to lunge in towards him, scratching him while piercing him with his tail while trying to attracting him with his feminine figure, only for Shadow to dodge and block every scratch, and tail pierce while looking unfazed with his looks.

While dodging and blocking, Dante moved back for Enoch to take over as he began to use his fire rings and his wings to try landing a hit on Shadow, omly for the latter to dodge and block every attack. After awhile, Enoch and Dante began to rotate to take turns in trying to land a hit on Shadow, for the latter to do the same, for the three of them to block and dodge every attack.

To finalize the attack, Enoch and Dante began to stand in front of them as they reared their arms back, lunging their hands hard and forward towards Shadow with their Fire Ring and Claw at the ready. Just as their Ring and Claw were about to land onto your chest, you immediately grabbed Enoch's Fire Ring and Dante's wrist at ease, to both their shock.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): That's enough, my friends.

He said, smiling at them as an indication that they have impressed him.

Then, he gently releases them, for the two to be at ease so they could hear Shadow's opinion on their demonstration.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): I can tell you both are using your Infernalis and Raptor factor to overpower your opponent. Even with the.... Support Item and Shy Siren factor, too to bring your opponents to their lowest of guard.

Dante: It... was part of the demo, s-sir.

Shadow (Duplicate 3): I can tell that wasn't perfect. BUT, you both show great promise when you showed what you were made of whilst using your Infernal and Raptor factors to go against me. With all honesty, you were in the brink of defeating me during that demonstration. As such, I commend that effort. The more you work on that combo, i'm sure it'll be more perfect.

He said.

Smiles can be seen on both Enoch and Dante's face when they heard what he said, for them to bow at him.

Enoch & Dante: Thank you, sir!!

Shadow (Duplicate 3): No problem. Now, let's explore a bit more of your combined quirk abilities and what Daimon could do, eh?

Enoch & Dante: Yes sir!!!

They said with determination.


Shadow (Duplicate 4): Now, EX Machina, Raijin. I understood that you two are quite unique in terms of your quirks, support items and your.... sacred weapon.

Shadow said taking notes on what EX Machina and Raijin have in possession by look at them.

EX Machina: Y-Yeah.

Raijin: My weapon shows no boundaries.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Very good. looks at EX Machina EX Machina. A very unique train quirk based on a very strong train known as the Union Pacific Big Boy 4014. Am I right?

EX Machina: That's right.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): What is your goal? What's your pull?

EX Machina: To pull a 737.

Shadow (Duplicate 4) (Inner Thoughts): I can obiviously tell he wants to improve on whatever he can pull so next time he can pull many victims in time of a crucial rescue.... so, let's make things even more challenging so he can pull even more.
Shadow (Duplicate 4): I'll do you one better.

EX Machina: Hmm?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Slowly and steadily, work on that. Once you achieved that, increase it to two planes. After that, three. Then, pull an Airbus A380.... the "BIG" one, then pull two of them, then three. After that, a Space Shuttle, then so on so forth. Understood?

EX Machina: YES, sir.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): nods Now, I also understand you have some decent and powerful arsenals on you.

Shadow mentioned.

This had EX Machina to show him his arsenals.

EX Machina: Electric Glove Shields, these Train Wheel Boots for me to walk on walls, Twin Pack Batteries on my shoulders, Shin Protectors, Utility Belt, Jackhammer Gauntlet on my left, Shoulder Turret, Flamethrower on my right and A "Railgun" to shoot my shield on my right.

He said.

Shadow nods at this while chuckling.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): I love the pun right there when you said, "Railgun". Heheh. But still, good one when you need to blast your shields at your target. You got another one for your other shields?

EX Machina: Yeup.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Great. Now, your arsenals maybe a great asset in helping you fight against stronger enemies. But what you don't know is that, you are so much more than that, you know?

EX Machina: Eh? W-What do you mean?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Here. Lemme show you.

Shadow said, holding up what looks like a wrench.

EX Machina: u-umm..... takes a step back while flinching

Shadow (Duplicate 4): ??? W-what?

Raijin: Forgive him, Wraith. He's.... not into wrenches last we all saw it.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): wai... what wren- looks at what I'm holding OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH, you mean this?

Shadow asks.

EX Machina nods while being frightened by the tool you are holding.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Well.... it is a wrench, but it's not exactly an actual wrench, you see.

EX Machina: I- I'm sorry I- .... wait..... it's not?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): mm mm shakes head it's not.

Raijin: Then may I know what weapon you are holding in your hand, then?

EX Machina: Y-yeah... it looks like a w-wrench but.... from the looks of it, it's n-not.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Well, my compatriots. This here, is called a Faz-Wrench. In summary it can sort of activate and/or deactivate anything when you plug it into a mainframe. Here. Have a touch.

Shadow offered.

EX Machina was hesitant at first but after a while, he slowly grabbed the Faz-Wrench and have a look at it.

EX Machina: It's.... different.... as you said it may be a wrench but.... not exactly a wrench to torture people with.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Oh, no. If it were to be used for hitting people, it would've broke to millions of pieces. It's only use is to activate, deactivate, lock and unlock things.

Raijin: So,... it's like a key of some sorts?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): squints eyes You can say that.

Both: whoa.....

They said.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): So, EX Machina. I understand you have a fear of wrenches due to your.... past. BUT, as long as you think that wrenches are keys like this one you have in your hands, I'm sure you'll do fine.

Shadow said.

EX Machina nods at him then looks back at Shadow's Faz-Wrench.

EX Machina: sighs it's not gonna hurt you..... it's just a piece of metal.... and, it is like a key of some sorts.... looks at Shadow with determination GOT IT!!!

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Good. Now, your Jackhammer arm please?

Shadow said.

EX Machina reaches his left arm as Shadow held onto his arm, inserting some wires on them, to EX Machina's confusion.

EX Machina: uuuhh.... Shadow, sir?? .... what are you doing???

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Simple. Integrating and boosting the power on your Jackhammer. If anything, I can boost the other arsenals you have, too.

Raijin: How?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): That's when my Faz-Wrench comes in. Which is why I have these. pointing at something

Shadow said, pointing.

Raijin and EX Machina looks at where he is pointing, looking at a work station with a laptop on it and a conduit beside the table. Once the insertion is done on the Jackhammer Gauntlet, Shadow went up to his table, for the two heroes to follow him.

As soon as they arrive, Shadow began to type on his laptop to see and explore the Jackhammer's schematics while integrating and boosting its energy output, power boost and so much more, for the two to witness his work.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): typing Okay.... just need to integrate and increase the Jackhammer's power and energy output by this much....... Yusei's teachings on how to do these stuff so, Yusei my good elder brother of mine, thank you very much.....

EX Machina: Oh?

Raijin: Your brother?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): typing Yes. He's the Wiz-Kid when it comes to tech, considering he's the C.E.O. of a Company. And currently, he's working on your gear and yours, guys.....

EX Machina: R-Really?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Yeup.

EX Machina: Cool....

Raijin: Interesting... though it wouldn't do much for me.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Oh, it would. Trust me. And this gear, has something to do, with this. points at the spear

Raijin: Oh~?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): I'll explain soon enough once we are done.

Raijin: Very well.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): nods and keeps typing We'll add some final touch ups and........ taps on the Enter Button Done.

EX Machina: So, what happens now?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Now, takes my Faz-Wrench back for a brief moment Let's get these specifications onto your Jackhammer.

Shadow said.

So, he made his way to the Conduit as he inserts the Faz-Wrench into it, for the two to watch as Shadow began to turn the knob left and right a few times for the four meters on the Conduit to glow up towards the lines on each meter. After a while, the Conduit began to activate as the specifications from Shadow's laptop began to transfer to the Jackhammer, for EX Machina to watch this happen.

As soon as the transfer process was complete, Shadow began to remove the wires from the Jackhammer Gauntlet while he conjured ten layers of titanium wall before the three of them.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Now, these walls you see before you standing align like Dominos? I want you to destroy it.

EX Machina: shocked w-wait! Really?!

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Yes.

EX Machina: Those walls are made of titanium. I-... I'm not sure about this as this may-

Shadow (Duplicate 4): EX Machina? ...... trust me. The data I implemented inside your gear, it'll not break.

EX Machina: Y-You sure?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): of course.

Shadow said as he nods.

Seeing and hearing this, EX Machina looks at his Jackhammer Gauntlet for a brief moment. After a while, EX Machina deeply breathes in while donning his running stance. With his Jackhammer Gauntlet reared backwards at the ready, he soon ran towards the ten layers of wall innfront of him. As soon as he got close to it, EX Machina immediately lunged his arm in front of the first wall while activating the jackhammer, causing holes to be formed at the center of the walls, leaving a dent on the last wall, to EX Machina and Raijin's shock.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Not bad, eh?

EX Machina: H-How did you- usually it will explode if there is a miscalculation. H-how did y-

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Ask my brother when we meet again, my friend. But don't worry, I'll be sure to have him answer your question first.

EX Machina: Okay. But still,.... whoa.... my Jackhammer is now much more powerful than just now....

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Indeed. Now, let's get the rest of your gear sorted out, shall we?

EX Machina: S-Sure.

He replied.

And so, Shadow and EX Machina began to get started on the rest of Machina's gears and support items.


After sorting EX Machina's support item and gear, and testing them, Shadow began to focus on Raijin, but before that, he had EX Machina to train while giving his upgraded gear a whirl.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Give them a good spin while I help Raijin, alright?

EX Machina: Oh yeah!!! starts running while blasting some rounds with his turrets

EX Machina exclaim excitedly while he began to give his upgraded gear a spin by smashing some stone and titanium golems.

Seeing him enjoying himself while training, Shadow began to turn his attention to Raijin.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Now, Raijin. Records according to Monika says that you hold a Legendary and Sacred Weapon called; Ame no Nuhoko - The Heavenly Jeweled Spear.

Raijin: Yes. It is a gift after I passed the trials, with my mother, giving the weapon its name.

Raijin said in summary.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): .... did the trials and your mother say anything else?

Raijin: Well, to what I understand, as well and as what I mentioned to my Queen, this Spear was once used by the Gods Izanagi and Izanami. They stirred the sea with it and the salty drops at the tip formed the islands of Japan.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Aaaaaaaand, has the ability to control water-based disasters, control the ocean, control the weather, control the creatures of the ocean and the deep, and control time.

Shadow added.

Hearing this, Raijin looked at Shadow in shock as he never knew about this.

Raijin: Wait! T-There was more?! And you knew about this weapon, too?!?!

Shadow (Duplicate 4): From my father, yes.

Raijin: But.... to control the water, the creatures of the deep, the weather and time as a whole.... that sounds impossible.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Not when you have, the whole.... "Trident".

Raijin: T-Trident???

Shadow (Duplicate 4): nods in understanding that he doesn't know about its past Perhaps I should go back, before Lords Izanagi and Izanami's times.

Raijin: Um... Okay???

Raijin said, still confused.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Before the time of quirks, and.... well.... before the Multiverse began, in accordance to my father. There lived many multiversal gods. Eight utilizing a special talent. Element, Creation, Destruction, Weaponizer, Paradiso, Inferno, Humanity and Olympus. All, share the same Universe like as if it is their home, peacefully and with harmony. They agreed their powers are to create a peaceful union for a purpose, a purpose that brings peace to those that were created by the eight individual gods. However.... there was one that was against it, and he was against them, in secret.

Raijin: I would have to guess that the one who went against them was the God of Darkness.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Yes. He went against them because he thought their methods are not enough to stop the prolonging darkness that will be coming, where ever they lie throughout the cosmos. So, due to his hunger for power, it  blinded him to the extent, that he killed all of the gods, including the God of Inferno. Just as all the gods were about to be killed, One god managed to see through Darkness's schemes, for him to reach out to Weaponizer to forge a weapon that can utilize all of his Elements at once, in which he did. THAT, was before they perished in case you wonder. So, when it came to the last God, Element and Darkness began to have a devastating brawl that lit the universe and created different worlds and multiverses. After a long brawl, with Element to think that enough is enough that he had to stop him by utilizing the full power of all of the powers within trident, no matter how much it concerned him and Darkness's safety. He managed to defeat Darkness, alright.... but his life... also perished, along with his ultimate weapon when it shattered to pieces, scattering across the newly created multiverse the two created during their battles and through Darkness's destruction, never to be seen again..... points at the spear Until, Now.

Shadow said.

Raijin: ..... whoa.....

Shadow (Duplicate 4): nods

Raijin: I.... never expected my weapon to have a.... unpresidented history.... this is.... th- this is more shocking than ths time I just realized I was feeding Tokoyami some bread crumbs while he was meditating.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): . . . !!! Did you really just do that???

Raijin: i believe my Queen mentioned it to me the first time. When I did it again a second time, That was when I realized.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): ppfffffffffft... o-okay.... now that's the most hilarious thing I have ever heard.

Raijin: Uhh... why?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Tokoyami is not a bird. He's a person, too.

Raijin: uhhh... okay???

Shadow (Duplicate 4)(Inner Thoughts): I'm.... going nowhere with this. HAHAHA!!!! Okay. Let's get back on track.
Shadow (Duplicate 4): Anyway, back to the subject, what can your weapon do now?

Raijin: Well,... I can control it as it flies. I can control winds and much more with my spear.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): That's basically how the spear aka, the last piece works. Different fragments of the Trident have different uses, you see.

Raijin: remarkable and ingenius..... to think this spear came from one whole weapon.... with the rest of the others. looks at Shadow God Wraith, if it doesn't trouble you, I would like you to come with me to my shrine and to meet some friends. I must seek consultation about this weapon's secrets.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): It will be done. I'll pop in anytime when I'm available.

Raijin: nods I thank you.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): But for now,....-

Shadow said midway as he swiftly fished out his own Trident aka, the Relic of Unity, lunging it towards Raijin.

Seeing it from a mile away, Raijin made his spear levitate as he commanded the spear to defend him, for it to fly in front of Raijin while using its blade part of the spear to block Shadow's trident from stabbing the hero before him, for Shadow to smirk at the display.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): Very good, my Dragonic friend.

Raijin: I thank you, for your praise, Wraith.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): snickering Now, seeing that you can see through that,.... but can you see through this?!

Raijin: ???

Shadow raised released his grip on his left hand as he raised his left arm up high in the air.

With his hand raised in the air, Raijin witnessed a huge lightning bolt struck him. After the lightning bolt struck him, Raijin noticed that the trident wielder has disappeared, but not his trident that is still in a clash with Raijin's spear, to Raijin's confusion.

Looking around, all Raijin could see is a clear white void and EX Machina training in the distant. While searching for his trainer, someone  tapped his shoulder, causing him to look back to see Shadow behind him, to his shock.

Raijin: WHOA!!!!

Shadow (Duplicate 4): finger flicks Raijin's nose

Raijin: OW!! hold nose W-What was that???

Shadow (Duplicate 4): That.... is an ability that when you get struck by lightning, you can be invisible for a short time limit. If you want, you can increase the duration with enough training.

Raijin: Magic from Lightning... interesting.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): seeing you can utilize thunder and lightning, you can utilize that ability, too.

Raijin: Can I now?

Shadow (Duplicate 4): nods Now, shall we continue our training?

Raijin: Well, we are defeating a powerful foe that would probably rival many gods and protecters, aren't we? So, let's fight and train valiantly till our last breaths.

Shadow (Duplicate 4): That, we shall, and that's the Dragonic Spirit, my Dragonic Brother.

Shadow said.


Shadow (Duplicate 5): White Nova, your power allows you to burn hotter like Endeavor but, in a much more powerful scale in white cyan flames, yes?

White Nova: Yes sir! It can be as hot as the sun if I wanted to. Though..... I'm not sure whether there is a need to train me though.... considering I'm already.... strong enough. Nuthin' personal, Shadow sir.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): It's not a problem, White Nova. Which is why I want you to try something new with this.

Shadow mentioned.

White Nova: Oh?

White Nova wondered.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): But before we continue, holds out a scanner and scan White Nova I can tell in your mind you have fought a very powerful Nomu with a water and ice-based quirk.

White Nova: Yeah. That thing was a pain and literally made me almost lose my mobility and quirk activation on my arms.

(Y/n): That bad, huh?

White Nova: You know it.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): That's terrible really. But!! Not bad, at all.

Shadow mentioned.

Hearing this, you and White Nova looked at Shadow, confused.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): I've scanned you just now. The doctors said they defrost you and got the ice out, right?

White Nova: Yeah???

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Well, not all of it, which explains why you are stronger and your limitations are shortened by so much.

White Nova: .... wait.... what?!

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Did you notice that you didn't have yo hydrate yourself that much lately? Or.... perhaps you didn't have to eat any flames as of late?

White Nova: Umm.... well.... most of the time? I thought it was part of my training or something...

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Well, this'll show you why.

Shadow said.

He turns his scanner into a projector to show a skeletal system on screen.

(Y/n): I'd say this is Izuku's Skeletal System, right?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Yes. Now, you maybe wondering why it's slightly odd in terms of the focus, right?

White Nova: yeaaaaahh????

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Well, this is why.

He said, zooming in, for you to figure it out.

(Y/n): T-There's ice encasing around his skeleton???

Shadow (Duplicate 5): How observant you are, Cerebro.

White Nova: Whoa! And to think the Doctors, Melissa and everyone else say that I'm free from frostbites already...

Shadow (Duplicate 5): White Nova, to your world, it is not a normal thing. But to my world's perspective, it is normal to have an interior exo skeleton surrounding your skeleton. That means, chances of having a fast cooldown from your long period limitations are high.

White Nova: So.... by having that thin layer of ice in me without anyone or me knowing.... is a good thing???

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Yes.

White Nova: Explain, please?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): It'll be awhile but okay. Take like...... hmmm.... what would be a good example..... hmmmmmm..... oh yes! looks at Cerebro

(Y/n): Oh? W-Why are you looking at m- oooooooh~ that kaiju.

White Nova: What? What about what kaiju?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Well, you see. Cerebro here has fire-based and ice-based kaijus. Two of which; Lagoras and Grangon were heated rivals from both fire and ice. Last I remembered, Lagoras won the fight and devoured it inspite of the major injures it received from that magma-like kaiju. It took sometime before it became Lagoras EVO. No one know how that happened.... but I have a good theory that my brethren had agreed on, which links to what you have endured.

(Y/n): Oh???

White Nova: Do share.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): The theory is simple. Lagoras and Grangon were destined to fight each other due to their elemental territories and their rivalry. Same applies with you and the Nomu, destined to fight each other due to it targetting you and you knowing that it was made by the League.

White Nova: Yes???

Shadow (Duplicate 5): So, simply put, after you won and after your hospitalisation and therapy, the remainjng ice due to your fire quirk melted inside you while forming a small layer around your skeletal system, to act as an extra protection and cooling agent, likewise to Lagroas EVO having Grangon's firepower and DNA to act as an extra protection and heating agent so it can utilize both fire and its own ice. However, there is a difference cause' you can only use your white fire with that layer of ice to be your cooling agent from within if you are at your limit. Today's training is about using that cooling agent right while using your fire quirk and something else, too.

White Nova: Interesting.... I never knew that Nomu's ice have given me a..... well.... benefit.

(Y/n): And what is that something else?

You wondered.

Shadow fished out a box which contains a camera inside of it, for you and White Nova to look confuse by this.

(Y/n): A.... Camera?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Yes. A camera and a camera box.

White Nova: Don't mind me but.... how does a camera help with my quirk???

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Looks can be deceiving, yes. But when you utilize it, it'll be so much... more. holds out box containing a camera in it This camera, is made by a good ally of mine in the Kingdom of Atlas, my brother, and Monika. While I was picking some people, I spoke to Monika telepathically about some things and we exchanged some resources. And then, viola~ this is one of them.

(Y/n): Huh? What does it do? Take pictures only?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Oh, even better.

White Nova: Oh?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Considering you are a photographer,.... observe, White Nova. Cerebro. Use one of your strongest kaijus you have in your arsenal.

Shadow instructed.

As instructed, you conjured Destrudos's arm wings and posed while doing a Destrudo Reaper, for Shadow to snap a shot or two of what you did.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Perfect. Thanks, Cerebro.

(Y/n): No problem, Producer.

White Nova: So.... after taking those pictures, now what?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Now~ sinisterly giggles here comes the good part.

He said.

Watching on, you and White Nova observed closely as Shadow began to place the camera back in the box, placing it behind him. Once ready, he began to concentrate his fire powers through his arms as small streaks of flames, emerging like threads of string began to make a copy of your Destrudos's arm wings, to White Nova's surprise.

After conjuring Destrudos's arm wings by using the camera, you did your own variant of Destrudo Reaper, for you and White Nova to look in awe at this, clapping from watching that display.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Well? What do you think?

White Nova: That was.... wow..... that's nuts, dude.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Thanks. You may thank my brother later. He was the one who made this for you, with some of you blood component to be in the mix of it, courtesy of Monika.

Shadow said while holding out the camera to White Nova.

Seeing it before him, White Nova gladly accepts it as he gently took it off his hands, taking out the camera from inside the box.

White Nova: So.... what do I do now?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Now, start taking pictures. I'll send another clone to assist you. If you want, perhaps we can travel back to your world and snap some pictures.

White Nova: Huh? That sounds like a good idea. Will do that.

White Nova said.

So, Shadow cloned himself again for the other clone to open a portal for him and White Nova to be on their way, leaving the current clone and you behind.

(Y/n): So, Producer. What can I do?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Ah, you are a special case. You have received our gifts already for your battle against your former master.

(Y/n): That's true.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): And how is your Ultra Aspect of your quirk hanging on?

(Y/n): Oh! It.... needs getting used to like my kaiju aspect of my quirk.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): nods Very good. Now, for your quirks. Your ULTIMATE Belyudragon form is much like Greeza in its third form, but with more control. If anything, you can even defeat him in that form.... but for now, let us not take our chances if he gets even stronger.

(Y/n): Yes, sir.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): So, for now. For your case. I advice that you train more on your All for One quirks, Kaiju quirks and your Ultra quirks.

(Y/n): Sir.

You said as you were about to get started. However, before you began, you noticed Shadow feeling abit doubtful while he passed you, for you to walk to him as you spoke to him.

(Y/n): S-Sir?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Hmm? looks back at you

(Y/n): You look.... doubtful...

Shadow (Duplicate 5): smiles hmm... well, I am. About All for One Greeza, really.

(Y/n): Why?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): ..... shows a small smirk

(Y/n): .... realizes why .... you.... fought it, too.... didn't you?

You wondered.

Hearing your question, Shadow smirked more, knowing you are correct.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Nuthing gets by you, huh?

(Y/n): Well.... call that a hunch.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): chuckles I see. Well... yes, I fought Greeza once before. Well.... few times already.

(Y/n): Few times?! That's nuts!!!

Shadow (Duplicate 5): It wasn't easy, really. We lost a lot of resources to take this thing down. But we did it anyway. One time.... it absorbed my dearest, but evetually I got her out.

(Y/n): .... she.... really means a lot to you, huh?

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Indeed. Always has, always will. Ruby Rose.... Ruby Rose Wrath....

(Y/n): smiles Thanks. For sharing this with me.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): It's no problem.

(Y/n): nods ....... Welp, back to training, I guess.

Shadow (Duplicate 5): Heheh! Yeup. So, as you were.

After a brief talk, you immediately began to start training on your three quirks again, working on series of combinations while you are at it.


Shadow (Duplicate 6): Deku and Godfist, Two Multiversal users of One for All. You may have mastered your own capabilities and abilities that were in store within your quirk.

Godfist: My quirk is only a quotes "Super Enhanced" Version of One for All, still I can get the idea.

Deku: Yeah, I've been creating combinations with my Shoot Style to go with One for All's Gearshift, Fa Jin, Black Whip, Danger Sense, Smokescreen and Float.

They said.

Shadow nods at what they said.

Shadow (Duplicate 6): And your past users say that you maybe the last user, right? And your quirk can't manifest the said quirks from the past users? Right guys?

Both: Yes sir.

They answered.

Hearing this, you smiled at them, knowing that what they are about to hear, may blow their minds away.

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Well.... what if I were to tell you that there is a secret that you two, All Might and the past users never knew about.... how would you react?

Shadow asks.

Deku and Godfist looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Shadow.

Deku: Well..... if there is something that we all, don't know... we would be more shocked and surprised, not expected that there is a secret lying within One for All.

Godfist: I would be amazed on what's in store in my quirk. eating some french fries it would be even more surprising if I can manifest quirks like Izuku here.

Both: Why?

They said and ask.

Hearing them ask in unison, Shadow began to reveal what he wants to reveal.

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Deku, Godfist. I'm gonna say this in my own words so; LISTEN WELL!!!!

Both: listening attentively

Shadow (Duplicate 6): One for All as stated by your Former Users and All Might, is a very special stockpiling quirk that can utilize quirks from past users. It can be transferred from one person, to another. That's what they told you, right?

Both: Yes?

Shadow (Duplicate 6): That,.... is only half of the explanation.

Both: . . . . . !!!!!!!!! Wait..... WHAT?!?!?!?!

Godfist: What do you mean that's only half the explanation????

Deku: Yeah!

Shadow (Duplicate 6): According to my Mother who used to wield One for All, she explained to me that if All for One can carry a multitude of quirks by taking them and if he wants to he can give quirks to other people, then by all means One for All will work similarly like All for One, but their functionalities and their uses are different as One for All can stockpile quirks, transfer it to another person and utilize multiple quirks from past users without you even taking any of their quirks away.

Deku: So.... in other words....

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Yes. If you were to pass it on to another person, that person will not only utilize One for All's past users' quirks, but also your Shoot Styles. The gift of passing down One for All is NOT limited. It's endless.

Deku: I.... I.... I.... never knew that.... so that means.... the next generation of One For All User can use my quirks' combinations and powers, too. W-whoa....

Shadow (Duplicate 6): shocking, isn't it~?

Deku: I-It is, sir. However... ever since-

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Don't worry. I heard what happened between you and All for One Shigaraki. And I understand that you're doing Hero Work again by using that suit, courtesy of All Might, Mei, Melissa and the Class 1-A Alumni. We'll work on that, too. Furthermore, you've fought bravely. Your parents would be forever proud at where you stand now. smiles

Deku: Thank you, sir.

Godfist: So, Shadow sir. What about me?

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Ah! Yours is special. Your quirk is a special mutation-like fusion from One for All and your Cancer fusing together, right?

Godfist: To put that in detail, Yes, sir.

Shadow (Duplicate 6): nods Actually, if your quirk is mutated to become an advanced version of One for All, that means not only you will utilize an enhanced strength stronger than All Might's, but you should also utilize an enhanced version of Gearshift, Fa Jin, Danger Sense, Black Whip, Smokescreen and Float, as well.

Shadow said.

When Godfist heard this, his eyes widened while he took a few steps back from shock when Shadow mentioned about his quirk.

Godfist: T-Th-T-That's.... not possible. I thought my quirk couldn't...

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Oh, it's possible. I had a similar person who was in the same situation as you were, Godfist. And when she recovered, her semblance got enhanced thanks to her cancer cells until her powers evolved. Even her other powers were enhanced, too.

Shadow explained.

Godfist: Whoa.... so that means.... like Izuku here... my other quirks are like..... dormant for a very long time!!

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Yes. They're dormant due to your quirk still growing powerful while its still mutating even further as you progress, and it is still mutating at this moment, I can feel it. So in other words, the more you grow stronger, your quirk and cancer that you used to have will mutate even further, and in due time, your other quirks will manifest in due time. Which, a congradulations are in order for winning against your Cancer.

Godfist: Your welcome sir. Plus, did that happen to this person, too?

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Yes.

Godfist: whoa..... wait till Dad and Mel hears this, they're gonna go crazy and happy about it.

Godfist said.

Shadow giggled when he heard this.

Deku: Shadow? H-How do you know of One for All?

Godfist: Uh,.... Zuks? He just said his mom got it.

Deku: O-Oh.

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Actually, it's not just that.

Both: Oh?

Shadow (Duplicate 6): How I know One for All is simple......... I too, not just have One for All, but I also have All for One inside of me, through birth.

Shadow said.

There was a long silence due to Deku and Godfist processing what Shadow said until they started to speak again to exclaim before Shadow.


Deku: Wait! Also, All for One?!

Godfist: Y-Yeah.

Shadow (Duplicate 6): There is a reason for the All for One part.

Both: Oh?

Shadow (Duplicate 6): According to what my parents explained to me, they had a plan to try and take down All for One. And that's to use his quirk against him. So, since my mother had One for All, my Father decided to take in All for One. So, during a fight which was their last moments and battle, he took All for One's blood by using one of Recovery Girl's Injection Syringes to extract some of All for One's blood, in turn he'll inject his blood into him. At first it was working.... but eventually, they lost.

Shadow explained.

Godfist: I see.... I'm.... I'm sorry....

Shadow (Duplicate 6): It's alright. I'm already over it after I whooped their asses in my God Form combined with those two quirks.

Godfist: Awesome~!

Deku: wait. If they're dead. Then how....

Shadow (Duplicate 6): That, my friend, will be a story for another time. So for now, any other questions?

Shadow ask.

Deku and Godfist shot their hands up, for a sweat demeanor to be seen above Shadow's head.

Shadow (Duplicate 6)(Inner Thoughts): .... of course.... XD
Shadow (Duplicate 6): Okay, ask away.

Deku: Since you have One for All, how many quirks do you have inside you, including your mom's quirk?

Godfist: And how powerful are they?

They ask.

Hearing those questions, Shadow grinned widely while taking a few steps back to don his fighting stance.

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Oh~? Why don't we find out.

Shadow said.

Seeing this, Deku and Godfist smirked as they too began to don their fight stances, as well.

Shadow (Duplicate 6): But I must warn you two. I have One for All stockpile, different quirks in terms of their powers.

Godfist: You've been stockpiling? Well then. Let's see what you could dish out on us, then.

Deku: And we'll also dish out what we are capable off, too!

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Spirited as always. nods Welp, I warned ya.

Shadow said while smiling.

Hearing this, Deku and Godfist swiftly ran towards him. However, just as the two One for All users were about to land a hit on Shadow, the latter raised his hand for a purple green cyclone combined with a flurry of snow and tons of gold coins to be launched out, sending Deku and Godfist backwards, causing Godfist to land on his feet and for Deku to use Black Whip to land while looking in shock at what power Shadow dished out upon them.

Deku: Whoa!!!

Godfist: What powers are those?!?!

Deku: I know what you mean, Godfist! I never seen or felt that in One for All and in the Vestiges before!

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Those are new to you so I'll introduce them. The snow component belonged to my mother. The coins belonged to Drive when he used Dream Vegas Shift Car. Finally, the Cyclone component belonged to Double utilizing the power of Cyclone and Joker.

Shadow explained.

Deku: Drive... Double...?

Godfist: eats french fries Sho! Wbab yo ah shayin ish, Drov ish a Hewoh baseh on carsh? And thwe othea ish baseh oh uhulizih twh powahs???

Shadow (Duplicate 6): nods For a person who knows Kamen Rider the first time, you're catching on well, Godfist. I'll explain who they are on another time. For now, come! Let us train some more! I want you all to improve on your quirks. Your challenge is simple. Land a hit on me and you two win.

Deku: Just like Gran Torino

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Like that. But with a twist as you saw.

Godfist: Then very well!!! We shall show you how we have progressed so far, sir!!!

Deku: Right!!!

Shadow (Duplicate 6): Then DO NOT, dissappoint me. LET'S CARRY ON!!!!!

Shadow said while utilizing Faiz's finisher on his fist with Decade cards surrounding it combined with Fa Jin, Black Whip and Gearshift on his right arm, readying to resume his training with Deku and Godfist.

Seeing the three fully prepared, Deku and Godfist dashed towards Shadow while utilizing their quirks as they resumed their training to grow stronger for the upcoming fight against Greeza All for One.

To be Continued....

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